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- @echo off
- cls
- REM I put up Batchopolis 2.0.0 as a indivisual paste so you can get a look
- REM on how much things have changed in the previous versions. :)
- goto misc
- :misc
- set /a cash+=100000
- set currentcar=None
- set rpurc=
- set news=The newest version of Batchopolis is here!
- :: Furto - parts. The parts will be needed in order to view them in the garage.
- set furto-1= ________________
- set furto-2= _ / ^|_________I ]
- set furto-3= [ ___I - I___ ]
- set furto-4= [__IOI________IOI__]
- set is-furto-owned=false
- set furto-desc-1=BOP FURTO '14
- set furto-desc-2=The Furto is a simple van with a few seats and doors.
- :: Modestro - parts. The parts will be needed in order to view them in the garage.
- set modestro-1= _______ __
- set modestro-2= __/_______\___/
- set modestro-3= [ - I I - ]
- set modestro-4= [=IOI=====IOI==]
- set is-modestro-owned=false
- set modestro-desc-1=GTX MODESTRO '13
- set modestro-desc-2=The Modestro is a sports car designed for racing.
- :: Indegro - parts. The parts will be needed in order to view them in the garage.
- set indegro-1= ________
- set indegro-2= __/ I_____I \___-=
- set indegro-3= /O] I I () \=
- set indegro-4= --IOI--------IOI----
- set is-indegro-owned=false
- set indegro-desc-1=IO INDEGRO '11
- set indegro-desc-2=The Indegro is a luxury sports car that has a high cost and speed.
- :: Garage slots
- set garageslot1=
- set garageslot2=
- set garageslot3=
- set garageslot4=
- set garageslot5=
- set /a slots+=0
- goto ot
- :ot
- cls
- echo ===============
- echo = BATCHOPOLIS =
- echo ===============
- echo Play
- echo Exit
- echo ===============
- echo Use W and S to navigate
- echo Use C to select
- echo ===============
- echo Version 2.0.0 beta 1
- choice /c SC /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto ot2
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto city
- :ot2
- cls
- echo ===============
- echo = BATCHOPOLIS =
- echo ===============
- echo Play
- echo Exit
- echo ===============
- echo Use W and S to navigate
- echo Use C to select
- echo ==============
- echo Version 2.0.0 beta 1
- choice /c WC /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto ot
- if %errorlevel%==2 exit
- :city
- cls
- echo ===[:: OPTIONS ::]===
- echo [1] What's New
- echo [2] Exit
- echo [3] Buy Cars
- echo [4] Garage
- echo ===[:: PLAYER ::]===
- echo Cash: $%cash%
- echo Vehicle: %currentcar%
- echo ---------------------
- echo %date%
- echo News: %news%
- echo =====================
- choice /c 1234 /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto whatsnew
- if %errorlevel%==2 exit
- if %errorlevel%==3 goto cars
- if %errorlevel%==4 goto car-garage
- :whatsnew
- cls
- echo ===[:: WHAT'S NEW ::]===
- echo - Redesigned game
- echo - Added menu
- echo - Removed name input
- echo - Fixed cash system
- echo - Reduced the source code in length and size
- echo - Added car art
- echo - Added garage
- echo.
- echo Take note that save files from previous versions of Batchopolis
- echo are not compatible with this version!
- pause
- goto city
- :cars
- cls
- echo ====================
- echo [1. Furto]
- echo ________________
- echo _ / ^|_________I ]
- echo [ ___I - I___ ]
- echo [__IOI________IOI__]
- echo ====================
- echo [2. Modestro]
- echo _______ __
- echo __/_______\___/
- echo [ - I I - ]
- echo [=IOI=====IOI==]
- echo ====================
- echo [3. Indegro]
- echo ________
- echo __/ I_____I \___-=
- echo /O] I I () \=
- echo --IOI--------IOI----
- echo ====================
- echo Enter a car number or press X to go back:
- choice /c 123X /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto cp-1
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto cp-2
- if %errorlevel%==3 goto cp-3
- if %errorlevel%==4 goto city
- :cp-1
- cls
- echo =============
- echo BOP FURTO '14
- echo =============
- echo Purchase? (Y/N)
- echo =============
- echo Cost: $5500
- echo =============
- choice /c YN /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto chkbalance1
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto cars
- :cp-2
- cls
- echo ================
- echo GTX MODESTRO '13
- echo ================
- echo Purchase? (Y/N)
- echo ================
- echo Cost: $10000
- echo ================
- choice /c YN /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto chkbalance2
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto cars
- :cp-3
- cls
- echo ==============
- echo IO INDEGRO '11
- echo ==============
- echo Purchase? (Y/N)
- echo ==============
- echo Cost: $15000
- echo ==============
- choice /c YN /n
- if %errorlevel%==1 goto chkbalance3
- if %errorlevel%==2 goto cars
- :csure1
- cls
- set /a slots+=1
- set /a cash-=5500
- echo Purchased BOP FURTO '14
- set currentcar=BOP FURTO '14
- set is-furto-owned=true
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto chkslots
- :csure2
- cls
- set /a slots+=1
- set /a cash-=10000
- echo Purchased GTX MODESTRO '13
- set currentcar=GTX MODESTRO '13
- set is-modestro-owned=true
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto chkslots
- :csure3
- cls
- set /a cash-=15000
- echo Purchased IO INDEGRO '11
- set currentcar=IO INDEGRO '11
- set is-indegro-owned=true
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto chkslots
- :car-garage
- cls
- echo ===[:: GARAGE ::]===
- echo 1. %garageslot1%
- echo 2. %garageslot2%
- echo 3. %garageslot3%
- echo 4. %garageslot4%
- echo 5. %garageslot5%
- echo 6. %garageslot6%
- pause
- goto city
- :chkslots
- set /a slots+=1
- if %slots% GTR 6 set slots=6
- if %slots% LSS 0 set slots=0
- if %slots%==6 set slots=6
- set slots=%slots%
- set garageslot%slots%=%currentcar%
- goto city
- :chkbalance1
- if %cash% GEQ 5500 set currentcar=BOP FURTO '14 & goto csure1
- if %cash% LSS 5500 goto insufficent
- :chkbalance2
- if %cash% GEQ 10000 set currentcar=GTX MODESTRO '13 & goto csure2
- if %cash% LSS 10000 goto insufficent
- :chkbalance3
- if %cash% GEQ 15000 set currentcar=IO INDEGRO '11 & goto csure3
- if %cash% LSS 15000 goto insufficent
- :insufficent
- cls
- echo Insufficent funds
- timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
- goto city
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