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- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Chess</title>
- <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
- </head>
- <body>
- <?php
- function is_black($c) {
- return ($c==='B'||$c==='Black');
- }
- function is_white($c) {
- return ($c==='W'||$c==='White');
- }
- abstract class Piece {
- public $x;
- public $y;
- public $color;
- public $parent;
- public function __construct(&$parent=NULL) {
- $this->parent=$parent;
- }
- public function can_move($diff_x, $diff_y) { return false; }
- public function can_eat($diff_x, $diff_y) { return $this->can_move($diff_x, $diff_y); }
- }
- class Pawn extends Piece {
- public function can_move($diff_x, $diff_y) {
- if($this->y===6) return ($diff_y<=-1 && $diff_y>=-2);
- else return ($diff_y==-1);
- }
- public function can_eat($diff_x, $diff_y) {
- return (abs($diff_x)==1 && $diff_y==-1);
- }
- public function __toString() {
- return 'Pawn';
- }
- }
- class Rook extends Piece {
- public function can_move($diff_x, $diff_y) {
- return (
- ( ($diff_x==0 && abs($diff_y)>0) || ($diff_y==0 && abs($diff_x)>0) ) &&
- $this->parent->is_free($this->x, $this->y, $this->x+$diff_x, $this->y+$diff_y)
- );
- //return ($diff_x^$diff_y>0);
- }
- public function __toString() {
- return 'Rook';
- }
- }
- class Knight extends Piece {
- public function can_move($diff_x, $diff_y) {
- return ( ( abs($diff_x)>=1 && abs($diff_x)<=2 ) && ( abs($diff_y)>=1 && abs($diff_y)<=2) && ( abs($diff_x)+abs($diff_y)==3 ) );
- }
- public function __toString() {
- return 'Knight';
- }
- }
- class Bishop extends Piece {
- public function can_move($diff_x, $diff_y) {
- return (
- ( abs($diff_x)==abs($diff_y) ) && abs($diff_x)>0 &&
- $this->parent->is_free($this->x, $this->y, $this->x+$diff_x, $this->y+$diff_y)
- );
- }
- public function __toString() {
- return 'Bishop';
- }
- }
- class King extends Piece {
- public function can_move($diff_x, $diff_y) {
- return ( abs($diff_x)<=1 && abs($diff_y)<=1 && (abs($diff_x)+abs($diff_y)>=1) );
- }
- public function __toString() {
- return 'King';
- }
- }
- class Queen extends Piece {
- public function can_move($diff_x, $diff_y) {
- return (
- (abs($diff_x)==abs(diff_y)) || ($diff_x==0 && abs($diff_y)>0) || ($diff_y==0 && abs($diff_x)>0) &&
- $this->parent->is_free($this->x, $this->y, $this->x+$diff_x, $this->y+$diff_y)
- );
- }
- public function __toString() {
- return 'Queen';
- }
- }
- //black up (y=0), white down (y=7)
- class board {
- public $grid;
- public $width;
- public $height;
- public $cur_color;
- public function __construct() {
- $this->grid=array();
- $this->width=8;
- $this->height=8;
- for($i=0;$i<$this->height;++$i) {
- $this->grid[$i]=array();
- for($j=0;$j<$this->width;++$j) {
- $this->grid[$i][$j]=' ';
- }
- }
- }
- public function is_empty($x, $y) {
- return ( ! ($grid[$y][$x] instanceof Piece) );
- }
- public function is_free($src_x, $src_y, $dst_x, $dst_y) {
- assert( $src_x==$dst_x || $src_y==$dst_y || (($src_x-$dst_x)==($src_y-$dst_y)) );
- $diff_x=$dst_x-$src_x;
- $diff_y=$dst_y-$src_y;
- $px=$diff_x/abs($diff_x);
- $py=$diff_y/abs($diff_y);
- for($i=1; $i<max(abs($diff_x),abs($diff_y)); ++$i) {
- if($this->is_empty($src_x+$px*$i, $src_y+$py*$i)) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public function pos_exists($x, $y) {
- return ($x>=0 && $x<$this->width && $y>=0 && $y<=$this->height);
- }
- public function get_piece($x, $y) {
- return $this->grid[$y][$x];
- }
- public function add_piece($x, $y, $piece) {
- $p=new $piece($this);
- $p->x=$x;
- $p->y=$y;
- $p->color=$this->cur_color;
- $this->grid[$y][$x]=$p;
- }
- };
- $board=new board();
- //var_dump($board->grid);
- $board->cur_color='W';
- $h=7;
- $board->add_piece(0, $h, 'Rook');
- $board->add_piece(1, $h, 'Knight');
- $board->add_piece(2, $h, 'Bishop');
- $board->add_piece(3, $h, 'Queen');
- $board->add_piece(4, $h, 'King');
- $board->add_piece(5, $h, 'Bishop');
- $board->add_piece(6, $h, 'Knight');
- $board->add_piece(7, $h, 'Rook');
- --$h;
- for($i=0;$i<8;++$i) {
- $board->add_piece($i, $h, 'Pawn');
- }
- $board->cur_color='B';
- $h=0;
- $board->add_piece(0, $h, 'Rook');
- $board->add_piece(1, $h, 'Knight');
- $board->add_piece(2, $h, 'Bishop');
- $board->add_piece(3, $h, 'Queen');
- $board->add_piece(4, $h, 'King');
- $board->add_piece(5, $h, 'Bishop');
- $board->add_piece(6, $h, 'Knight');
- $board->add_piece(7, $h, 'Rook');
- ++$h;
- for($i=0;$i<8;++$i) {
- $board->add_piece($i, $h, 'Pawn');
- }
- ?><table border="1"><?php
- for($y=0;$y<8;++$y) {
- ?>
- <tr>
- <?php
- for($x=0;$x<8;++$x) {
- ?> <td><?php echo $board->get_piece($x, $y); ?></td>
- <?php
- }
- ?> </tr><?php
- }
- ?>
- </table>
- </body>
- </html>
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