
ifort compile header

Oct 6th, 2017
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Python 4.48 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ##  7,120 results For b409cd21b8014ccd21
  2. ##  0 results For b407cd21b8014ccd21
  3. ##  1,780 results For b407cd21
  5. dd if=verifylicense.exe bs=96 count=1 of=fortranheader.txt
  6. 1+0 records in
  7. 1+0 records out
  8. 96 bytes copied, 0.00874185 s, 11.0 kB/s
  10. Python 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:08:48) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
  11. Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  12. >>> import binascii
  13. >>> file = open("fortranheader.txt", "rb")
  14. >>> with file:
  15. ...   while 1:
  16. ...     byte =
  17. ...     h = binascii.hexlify(byte)
  18. ...     d = int(h, 16)
  19. ...     b = bin(d)[2:].zfill(8)
  20. ...     print("hex: %s, decimal: %s, binary: %s" % (h, d, b))
  21. ...
  22. hex: 4d, decimal: 77, binary: 01001101
  23. hex: 5a, decimal: 90, binary: 01011010
  24. hex: 90, decimal: 144, binary: 10010000
  25. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  26. hex: 03, decimal: 3, binary: 00000011
  27. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  28. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  29. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  30. hex: 04, decimal: 4, binary: 00000100
  31. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  32. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  33. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  34. hex: ff, decimal: 255, binary: 11111111
  35. hex: ff, decimal: 255, binary: 11111111
  36. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  37. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  38. hex: b8, decimal: 184, binary: 10111000
  39. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  40. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  41. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  42. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  43. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  44. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  45. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  46. hex: 40, decimal: 64, binary: 01000000
  47. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  48. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  49. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  50. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  51. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  52. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  53. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  54. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  55. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  56. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  57. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  58. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  59. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  60. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  61. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  62. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  63. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  64. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  65. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  66. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  67. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  68. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  69. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  70. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  71. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  72. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  73. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  74. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  75. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  76. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  77. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  78. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  79. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  80. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  81. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  82. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  83. hex: 01, decimal: 1, binary: 00000001
  84. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  85. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  86. hex: 0e, decimal: 14, binary: 00001110
  87. hex: 1f, decimal: 31, binary: 00011111
  88. hex: ba, decimal: 186, binary: 10111010
  89. hex: 0e, decimal: 14, binary: 00001110
  90. hex: 00, decimal: 0, binary: 00000000
  91. hex: b4, decimal: 180, binary: 10110100
  92. hex: 09, decimal: 9, binary: 00001001      // Why Not 07?
  93. hex: cd, decimal: 205, binary: 11001101
  94. hex: 21, decimal: 33, binary: 00100001
  95. hex: b8, decimal: 184, binary: 10111000
  96. hex: 01, decimal: 1, binary: 00000001
  97. hex: 4c, decimal: 76, binary: 01001100
  98. hex: cd, decimal: 205, binary: 11001101
  99. hex: 21, decimal: 33, binary: 00100001
  100. hex: 54, decimal: 84, binary: 01010100
  101. hex: 68, decimal: 104, binary: 01101000 // Iridium Joke Stops Here
  102. hex: 69, decimal: 105, binary: 01101001 // Bolzano-Weierstrass Convergence (BAD DOG)
  103. hex: 73, decimal: 115, binary: 01110011
  104. hex: 20, decimal: 32, binary: 00100000
  105. hex: 70, decimal: 112, binary: 01110000
  106. hex: 72, decimal: 114, binary: 01110010
  107. hex: 6f, decimal: 111, binary: 01101111
  108. hex: 67, decimal: 103, binary: 01100111
  109. hex: 72, decimal: 114, binary: 01110010
  110. hex: 61, decimal: 97, binary: 01100001
  111. hex: 6d, decimal: 109, binary: 01101101
  112. hex: 20, decimal: 32, binary: 00100000
  113. hex: 63, decimal: 99, binary: 01100011
  114. hex: 61, decimal: 97, binary: 01100001
  115. hex: 6e, decimal: 110, binary: 01101110
  116. hex: 6e, decimal: 110, binary: 01101110
  117. hex: 6f, decimal: 111, binary: 01101111
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