
gunfire veil

Sep 14th, 2022
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  1. I took off at a sprint and felt Butters on my heels. The little guy could really move. The training he’d been doing with the Carpenters was serving him well tonight.
  2. I whipped up as much of a veil as I could around us as we ran. It wasn’t going to keep anyone from seeing that something was moving, but as long as we kept moving, it should make it a lot harder to shoot us.
  3. We dashed out of the pavilion as the mortar shells began to fall among the fortifications, and my people began to scream and die behind us.
  5. Battle Ground Chapter 26, Page 243
  8. The svartalves had built the earthworks around the pavilion proper, the auditorium and concert hall. The Great Lawn had been stripped down to bare earth and Styrofoam packing in the process. Running across the broken earth was easy enough, except for all the bullets, and since the sidewalks around it had been made to be even with the lawn at its usual level, it meant that we had to hop up about three and a half feet onto the sidewalks to get back up to the park’s “ground level.”
  9. We got lucky with the bullets, or at least we didn’t get unlucky. The shimmering field of the veil around us made us look like blurs in the air, maybe a little bit more obvious than a Predator. Between the veil and the pall of smoke and dust, trying to actually aim at any specific point on our bodies was hopeless, and the dimly seen enemy was mainly focused on dropping mortar shells on the earthworks. They couldn’t get enough guns pointed at us to simply fill the air with lead, not in the few seconds we were in the open and running, though the weight of enemy fire increased with every step.
  11. Battle Ground Chapter 27, Page 244
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