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- % *************************************************************************
- % *************************************************************************
- % Data - Generate random 2-D points
- % Define N, K, epsilon_thr
- N = 300;
- K = 4;
- epsilon_thr = 0.005;
- % Ns = [2, 3, 5] * 10;
- % means = [0.5, 1, 1.5];
- % stds = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5];
- % N = sum(Ns);
- % LEN = length(Ns);
- % [x, y] = generatePoints(Ns, means, stds);
- x = rand(1, N);
- y = rand(1, N);
- points = [x; y];
- colors1 = ["green", "blue", "yellow", "magenta", "cyan", "black"];
- colors2 = zeros(K, 3);
- for k = 1 : K
- colors2(k, :) = [rand, rand, rand];
- end
- colors = [];
- if K <= length(colors1)
- colors = colors1;
- else
- colors = colors2;
- end
- % *************************************************************************
- % *************************************************************************
- % Algorithm's Initialization
- min_x = min(x);
- max_x = max(x);
- min_y = min(y);
- max_y = max(y);
- % Initialize the centroids as some points of the dataset
- z = floor(linspace(1, N, K));
- centroids = zeros(2, K);
- for k = 1 : K
- centroids(1, k) = points(1, z(k));
- centroids(2, k) = points(2, z(k));
- end
- figure();
- plot(x, y, 'bo');
- title("Iteration 0 - Random centroids");
- xlabel("x");
- ylabel("y");
- hold on
- plot(centroids(1, :), centroids(2, :), 'r+', 'MarkerSize', 10);
- % *************************************************************************
- % *************************************************************************
- % Generate 2 useful matrices: 'distances' = K x N, where K = # of centroids
- % and N = # of points, so each column 'j' contains the distance of j-th
- % point with each of the k centroids
- distances = zeros(K, N);
- % And 'groups' = 1 x N, where each element is 1, 2, ..., or 'K' and shows
- % to which group-centroid the element belongs
- groups = zeros(1, N);
- % First, I have to calculate the distances matrix between the existing
- % centroids and the given random points
- for n = 1 : N
- point = points(:, n);
- for k = 1 : K
- centroid = centroids(:, k);
- distances(k, n) = distance(centroid, point);
- end
- % After the completion of n-th column, I can determine the index of
- % centroid this item belongs to
- column = distances(:, n);
- [MIN, index] = min(column);
- groups(n) = index;
- end
- display('***********************************************************');
- round = 0;
- disp(" Iteration " + num2str(round));
- centroids
- size(centroids);
- % disp("Centroids = " + mat2str(centroids));
- display(' ');
- display(' ');
- groups;
- % *************************************************************************
- % *************************************************************************
- % Iterations with for-loop
- MAX_ROUND = 30;
- initial_centroids = centroids;
- epsilon = Inf;
- round = 1;
- while round <= MAX_ROUND && epsilon > epsilon_thr
- initial_centroids = centroids;
- centroids = zeros(2, K);
- display('***********************************************************');
- disp(" Iteration " + num2str(round));
- round;
- points_around_centroid = zeros(1, K);
- coord_around_centroid = zeros(2, K);
- % This vector will contain the indeces of points that belong to centroid 'k'
- % I have to find out the new centroids based on the 'groups' vector
- for n = 1 : N
- points_around_centroid(groups(n)) = points_around_centroid(groups(n)) + 1;
- coord_around_centroid(1, groups(n)) = coord_around_centroid(1, groups(n)) + points(1, n);
- coord_around_centroid(2, groups(n)) = coord_around_centroid(2, groups(n)) + points(2, n);
- end
- points_around_centroid;
- coord_around_centroid;
- % Now, my 2 vectors contain for each 'k': the sum of coordinates of the
- % points around this k-th centroid and the number of these points
- for k = 1 : K
- centroids(1, k) = coord_around_centroid(1, k) / points_around_centroid(k);
- centroids(2, k) = coord_around_centroid(2, k) / points_around_centroid(k);
- end
- centroids;
- % Maybe in some iterations a centroid has no corresponding points
- % around it, so:
- for k = 1 : K
- if isnan(centroids(1, k)) == 1 || isnan(centroids(2, k)) == 1
- disp("NaN for centroid " + num2str(k));
- centroids(1, k) = points(1, floor(N/2));
- centroids(2, k) = points(2, floor(N/2));
- end
- end
- centroids
- size(centroids);
- % Now, new centroids have determined - Update 'distances', 'groups'
- for n = 1 : N
- point = points(:, n);
- for k = 1 : K
- centroid = centroids(:, k);
- distances(k, n) = distance(centroid, point);
- end
- column = distances(:, n);
- [MIN, index] = min(column);
- groups(n) = index;
- end
- figure();
- for n = 1 : N
- cluster_k = groups(n);
- if K <= length(colors1)
- plot(points(1, n), points(2, n), 'o', 'Color', colors1(cluster_k));
- else
- plot(points(1, n), points(2, n), 'o', 'Color', colors2(cluster_k, :));
- end
- hold on
- end
- plot(centroids(1, :), centroids(2, :), 'r+', 'MarkerSize', 10);
- hold on
- voronoi(centroids(1, :), centroids(2, :));
- title("Iteration " + num2str(round));
- epsilon = error(initial_centroids, centroids)
- round = round + 1;
- % disp("Centroids = " + mat2str(centroids));
- display('***********************************************************');
- display(' ');
- display(' ');
- end
- % *************************************************************************
- % *************************************************************************
- % Auxiliary Functions
- function plot_spots(x, y, TITLE)
- figure();
- plot(x, y, 'bo');
- title(TITLE);
- xlabel("x");
- ylabel("y");
- end
- function [x, y] = generatePoints(Ns, means, stds)
- if length(Ns) ~= length(means) || length(Ns) ~= length(stds) || length(means) ~= length(stds)
- x = linspace(0, 3, 4);
- y = linspace(0, 3, 4);
- display('Error');
- end
- x = [];
- y = [];
- for i = 1 : length(Ns)
- temp_x = rand(1, Ns(i)) * stds(i) + means(i);
- temp_y = rand(1, Ns(i)) * stds(i) + means(i);
- x = [x temp_x];
- y = [y temp_y];
- end
- end
- function d = distance(p1, p2)
- % p1 = [2 3]' p2 = [1 4]'
- d = sqrt((p1(1) - p2(1))^2 + (p1(2) - p2(2))^2);
- end
- function epsilon = error(a, b)
- % a, b = 2 x K
- epsilon = norm(a - b);
- end
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