
hamburger story

Oct 20th, 2020
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  1. [19:09:18] <HedgeMage> So, I'm heating up a spherical hamburger for lunch...
  2. [19:10:23] <HedgeMage> You may be wondering why my burgers are spheres.
  3. [19:11:32] <HedgeMage> My dearest husband went out of his way earlier this week to make me some comfort food I'd like because I have a busy week. Among the foods were a hamburger recipe he'd seen me make when we were dating.
  4. [19:12:15] <HedgeMage> It's pretty simple...good ground beef, some dried onion, a lot of rosemary, some salt...he joked about them being spherical and I didn't realize he meant it until the burgers came out
  5. [19:13:35] <HedgeMage> You see, he saw me make them when we were first dating, and I was distracted by the attractive personage coming to visit me and made the burgers overly plump...quite round in fact. He observed this and didn't realize it was absentmindedness on my part. He thought that the burgers had to be spheres as part of the experience, and carefully fashioned them as spheres this week, like 8 years later.
  6. [19:13:54] <rojisan_roaming> just add nipples?
  7. [19:14:35] <HedgeMage> I guess.
  8. [19:14:43] <HedgeMage> Anyway, I now have spherical burgers.
  9. [19:14:49] <HedgeMage> Husbands are so cute.
  10. [19:14:57] <sebbu> :p
  11. [19:15:04] <elkclone> :D
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