
OBL 2012

May 23rd, 2013
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  1. ===2012===
  2. *Dec 31: US Mil, 81st Sentry, Cybernetic Psyops Division (81st SCPD) come to understanding that Osama bin Laden was left-eye dominant, and thus leads with his left as he must have during the raid on the alleged final safe house. This contrasts sharply on the head wound the man purportedly was inflicted by SEALs during the raid. Were this correct, the head wound would have been across the left temple, not the right. This would mean it is possible that the deceased man from the SEAL raid may have incorrectly identified the corpse, thus Osama bin Laden may actually be still alive and, additionally, never at the fore-mentioned alleged final safe house during stated SEAL raid.
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