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- --Move & Ultimate Names
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local playerGui = player.PlayerGui
- local hotbar = playerGui:FindFirstChild("Hotbar")
- local backpack = hotbar:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
- local hotbarFrame = backpack:FindFirstChild("Hotbar")
- local baseButton = hotbarFrame:FindFirstChild("1").Base
- local ToolName = baseButton.ToolName
- ToolName.Text = "Delaware Smash"
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local playerGui = player.PlayerGui
- local hotbar = playerGui:FindFirstChild("Hotbar")
- local backpack = hotbar:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
- local hotbarFrame = backpack:FindFirstChild("Hotbar")
- local baseButton = hotbarFrame:FindFirstChild("2").Base
- local ToolName = baseButton.ToolName
- ToolName.Text = "Texas Barrage"
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local playerGui = player.PlayerGui
- local hotbar = playerGui:FindFirstChild("Hotbar")
- local backpack = hotbar:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
- local hotbarFrame = backpack:FindFirstChild("Hotbar")
- local baseButton = hotbarFrame:FindFirstChild("3").Base
- local ToolName = baseButton.ToolName
- ToolName.Text = "One For All Body Twist"
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local playerGui = player.PlayerGui
- local hotbar = playerGui:FindFirstChild("Hotbar")
- local backpack = hotbar:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
- local hotbarFrame = backpack:FindFirstChild("Hotbar")
- local baseButton = hotbarFrame:FindFirstChild("4").Base
- local ToolName = baseButton.ToolName
- ToolName.Text = "United States Of Smash Uppercut"
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local playerGui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
- local function findGuiAndSetText()
- local screenGui = playerGui:FindFirstChild("ScreenGui")
- if screenGui then
- local magicHealthFrame = screenGui:FindFirstChild("MagicHealth")
- if magicHealthFrame then
- local textLabel = magicHealthFrame:FindFirstChild("TextLabel")
- if textLabel then
- textLabel.Text = "1,000,000% Power"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- playerGui.DescendantAdded:Connect(findGuiAndSetText)
- findGuiAndSetText()
- --[[Animations]]
- --[[Move 1]]
- local animationId = 10468665991
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://13073745835"
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0.1)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0.9)
- end
- end
- --[[END OF MOVE 1 ANIM]]
- --[[Move 2]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 10466974800
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- -- Check for Resources folder in ReplicatedStorage
- local resourcesFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Resources")
- -- Check for KJEffects folder inside Resources
- local kjEffectsFolder = resourcesFolder:WaitForChild("KJEffects")
- -- Check for speedlinesandstuff part inside KJEffects
- local speedlinesandstuffPart = kjEffectsFolder:WaitForChild("barrage")
- -- Duplicate the speedlinesandstuff part
- local speedlinesandstuffClone = speedlinesandstuffPart:Clone()
- -- Put the duplicate in Workspace
- speedlinesandstuffClone.Parent = Workspace
- -- Set the position to the Right Arm initially
- speedlinesandstuffClone.CFrame = rightArm.CFrame
- -- Function to enable all ParticleEmitters
- local function enableParticleEmitters(parent)
- for _, descendant in ipairs(parent:GetDescendants()) do
- if descendant:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- descendant.Enabled = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://12460977270"
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(2.5)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(2.5)
- end
- end
- --[[END OF MOVE 2 ANIM]]
- --[[omi]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 13927612951----omi
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://0"
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- end
- end
- --[[tableflip]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 11365563255 ------table flip
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- repeat wait() until player.Character.Humanoid
- local humanoid = player.Character.Humanoid
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local anim ="Animation")
- anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://0"
- local playAnim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim)
- anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://0"
- playAnim:Play()
- end
- end
- --[[serious]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 12983333733
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- repeat wait() until player.Character.Humanoid
- local humanoid = player.Character.Humanoid
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local anim ="Animation")
- anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://13071982935"
- local playAnim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim)
- anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://0"
- playAnim:Play()
- end
- end
- --[[END OF serious ANIM]]
- --[[move 3]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 10471336737
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- local function setGreenLightColor(emitter)
- if emitter:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- -- Set the color to a gradient resembling light green
- emitter.Color ={
-,, 1, 0.5)), -- Light green
-,, 1, 0.2)), -- Bright green
-,, 1, 0)) -- Pure green
- }
- -- Increase light emission to make the particles glow
- emitter.LightEmission = 1
- end
- end
- local boom1 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["SpinningSmoke"].Smoke:Clone()
- boom1.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Torso"]
- for _, child in ipairs(boom1:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- setGreenLightColor(child) -- Apply green light color to the emitter
- child:Emit(60) -- Emit particles
- end
- end
- local leap1 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["LeapParticles"].Leap:Clone()
- leap1.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Torso"]
- for _, child in ipairs(leap1:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- setGreenLightColor(child)
- child:Emit(1)
- end
- end
- -- Repeat the same for all other particle effects
- local function cloneAndSetParticles(effect, parent, emitCount)
- local clone = effect:Clone()
- clone.Parent = parent
- for _, child in ipairs(clone:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- setGreenLightColor(child)
- child:Emit(emitCount)
- end
- end
- end
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["spinnyweenyspinner"].Attachment, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"], 2)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["spinnyweenyspinner"].Emit, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"], 2)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["spinnerthing"].spinningparty, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"], 2)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["spinnerthing"].spinningpartysmoke, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"], 2)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["spinbeam"].beam2, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"], 2)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["ColateralImapct"].HitTwo, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"], 2)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["ColateralImapctTest"].HitTwo, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"], 2)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["ColateralImapctTest2"].HitTwo, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["HumanoidRootPart"], 2)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["fine...Emit"].EmitBatch2, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Torso"], 1)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["ImpactEffect2"].Attachment, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Torso"], 3)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["SpinningSmoke"].Smoke, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Torso"], 20)
- cloneAndSetParticles(game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.KJEffects["spinnerthing"].spinningpartysmoke, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Torso"], 3)
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://15121659862"
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0.3
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- delay(1.8, function()
- Anim:Stop()
- end)
- end
- end
- --[[END OF MOVE 3 ANIM]]
- --[[Move 4]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 12510170988
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- -- Bright blue color sequence
- local brightBlue ={
-, Color3.fromRGB(0, 191, 255)), -- Deep sky blue
-, Color3.fromRGB(30, 144, 255)), -- Dodger blue
-, Color3.fromRGB(135, 206, 250)) -- Light sky blue
- }
- local fx1 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.FiveSeasonsFX["CharFX"].ArmBurst.Attachment:Clone()
- fx1.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Arm"]
- for _, child in ipairs(fx1:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- child.Color = brightBlue -- Change particle color to bright blue
- child:Emit(20) -- Emit 20 particles
- end
- end
- local fx2 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.FiveSeasonsFX["CharFX"].ArmBurst.a:Clone()
- fx2.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Arm"]
- for _, child in ipairs(fx2:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- child.Color = brightBlue -- Change particle color to bright blue
- child:Emit(20) -- Emit 20 particles
- end
- end
- local fx3 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.FiveSeasonsFX["CharFX"].ArmFX:Clone()
- fx3.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Arm"]
- for _, child in ipairs(fx3:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- child.Color = brightBlue -- Change particle color to bright blue
- child:Emit(1) -- Emit 1 particle
- end
- end
- fx3:Destroy()
- local fx4 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.FiveSeasonsFX["CharFX"].EyeEmit:Clone()
- fx4.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Head"]
- for _, child in ipairs(fx4:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- child.Color = brightBlue -- Change particle color to bright blue
- child:Emit(20) -- Emit 20 particles
- end
- end
- local fx5 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.FiveSeasonsFX["CharFX"].ArmBurst.Attachment:Clone()
- fx5.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Arm"]
- for _, child in ipairs(fx5:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- child.Color = brightBlue -- Change particle color to bright blue
- child:Emit(20) -- Emit 20 particles
- end
- end
- local fx6 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.FiveSeasonsFX["CharFX"].ArmBurst.a:Clone()
- fx6.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Arm"]
- for _, child in ipairs(fx6:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- child.Color = brightBlue -- Change particle color to bright blue
- child:Emit(20) -- Emit 20 particles
- end
- end
- local fx7 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.FiveSeasonsFX["CharFX"].ArmFX:Clone()
- fx7.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Arm"]
- for _, child in ipairs(fx7:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- child.Color = brightBlue -- Change particle color to bright blue
- child:Emit(1) -- Emit 1 particle
- end
- end
- fx7:Destroy()
- -- Function to create a beam with custom start and end offsets
- local function createBeam(startOffset, endOffset)
- -- Create start part for the beam
- local startPart ="Part", workspace)
- startPart.Anchored = true
- startPart.Transparency = 1
- startPart.Size =, 1, 1)
- startPart.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame *, startOffset.Y, startOffset.Z)
- -- Create end part for the beam
- local endPart ="Part", workspace)
- endPart.Anchored = true
- endPart.Transparency = 1
- endPart.Size =, 1, 1)
- endPart.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame *, endOffset.Y, endOffset.Z)
- -- Create the beam
- local beam ="Beam", startPart)
- beam.FaceCamera = true
- beam.Color ={
-, Color3.fromRGB(0, 191, 255)), -- Deep sky blue
-, Color3.fromRGB(135, 206, 250)) -- Light sky blue
- } -- Bright blue beam color
- beam.Width0 = 2 -- Width at start
- beam.Width1 = 2 -- Width at end
- beam.Attachment0 ="Attachment", startPart)
- beam.Attachment1 ="Attachment", endPart)
- -- Set beam transparency over time
- beam.Transparency ={
-, 1), -- Fully transparent at start
-, 0.5), -- Semi-transparent quickly
-, 0) -- Fully opaque at the middle
- }
- -- Fade out effect
- delay(0.75, function()
- for i = 1, 10 do
- beam.Transparency = / 10)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- startPart:Destroy()
- endPart:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- -- Create 3 beams with different start and end positions
- createBeam(, 2.45, 3),, 2.45, -39.5)) -- Center beam
- createBeam(, 2.45, 3),, 2.45, -39.5)) -- Left beam
- createBeam(, 2.45, 3),, 2.45, -39.5)) -- Right beam
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://13501296372"
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- end
- end
- --[[END OF MOVE 4 ANIM]]
- --[[Wall combo]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 15955393872
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://18903642853"
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0.05
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- end
- end
- --[[Ult Activation]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 12447707844
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- local function setBrightBlueColor(emitter)
- if emitter:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- -- Set the color to bright blue
- emitter.Color ={
-, Color3.fromRGB(0, 150, 255)), -- Bright blue start
-, Color3.fromRGB(0, 200, 255)) -- Even brighter blue end
- }
- emitter.LightEmission = 1 -- Increase light emission for glow effect
- end
- end
- local explosion1 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.Dragon["Explosion"].Part.Main:Clone()
- explosion1.Parent = character["Torso"]
- for _, child in ipairs(explosion1:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- setBrightBlueColor(child) -- Apply bright blue color
- child:Emit(1)
- end
- end
- local explosion2 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.Dragon["Explosion"].Part.Spacey:Clone()
- explosion2.Parent = character["Torso"]
- for _, child in ipairs(explosion2:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- setBrightBlueColor(child)
- child:Emit(1)
- end
- end
- local explosion3 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.Dragon["Explosion"].Part.WindFast:Clone()
- explosion3.Parent = character["Torso"]
- for _, child in ipairs(explosion3:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- setBrightBlueColor(child)
- child:Emit(1)
- end
- end
- local explosion4 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Resources.Dragon["Explosion"].Part.BIgWIndyt:Clone()
- explosion4.Parent = character["Torso"]
- for _, child in ipairs(explosion4:GetChildren()) do
- if child:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
- setBrightBlueColor(child)
- child:Emit(1)
- end
- end
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId =
- "rbxassetid://18897534746"
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1)
- end
- end
- --[[Dash]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 10479335397
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://13294790250"
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(1.3)
- delay(1.8, function()
- Anim:Stop()
- end)
- end
- end
- --[[Uppercut]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 10503381238
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://14900168720"
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 1.3
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0.7)
- end
- end
- --[[Downslam]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local animationId = 10470104242
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- if animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId == "rbxassetid://" .. animationId then
- local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Humanoid = p.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- for _, animTrack in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- animTrack:Stop()
- end
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://12447247483"
- local Anim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- local startTime = 0
- wait(0.2)
- Anim:Play()
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(0)
- Anim.TimePosition = startTime
- Anim:AdjustSpeed(6)
- end
- end
- --[[Punch anims]]
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local animationIdsToStop = {
- [17859015788] = true,
- [10469493270] = true,
- [10469630950] = true,
- [10469639222] = true,
- [10469643643] = true,
- }
- local replacementAnimations = {
- ["17859015788"] = "rbxassetid://12684185971",
- ["10469643643"] = "rbxassetid://17889290569",
- ["10469639222"] = "rbxassetid://17889471098",
- ["10469630950"] = "rbxassetid://17889461810",
- ["10469493270"] = "rbxassetid://17889458563",
- ["11365563255"] = "rbxassetid://14516273501"
- }
- local queue = {}
- local isAnimating = false
- local function playReplacementAnimation(animationId)
- if isAnimating then
- table.insert(queue, animationId)
- return
- end
- isAnimating = true
- local replacementAnimationId = replacementAnimations[tostring(animationId)]
- if replacementAnimationId then
- local AnimAnim ="Animation")
- AnimAnim.AnimationId = replacementAnimationId
- local Anim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimAnim)
- Anim:Play()
- Anim.Stopped:Connect(function()
- isAnimating = false
- if #queue > 0 then
- local nextAnimationId = table.remove(queue, 1)
- playReplacementAnimation(nextAnimationId)
- end
- end)
- else
- isAnimating = false
- end
- end
- local function stopSpecificAnimations()
- for _, track in ipairs(humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
- local animationId = tonumber(track.Animation.AnimationId:match("%d+"))
- if animationIdsToStop[animationId] then
- track:Stop()
- end
- end
- end
- local function onAnimationPlayed(animationTrack)
- local animationId = tonumber(animationTrack.Animation.AnimationId:match("%d+"))
- if animationIdsToStop[animationId] then
- stopSpecificAnimations()
- animationTrack:Stop()
- local replacementAnimationId = replacementAnimations[tostring(animationId)]
- if replacementAnimationId then
- playReplacementAnimation(animationId)
- end
- end
- end
- humanoid.AnimationPlayed:Connect(onAnimationPlayed)
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- local humanoidRootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local function onBodyVelocityAdded(bodyVelocity)
- if bodyVelocity:IsA("BodyVelocity") then
- bodyVelocity.Velocity =, 0, bodyVelocity.Velocity.Z)
- end
- end
- character.DescendantAdded:Connect(onBodyVelocityAdded)
- for _, descendant in pairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
- onBodyVelocityAdded(descendant)
- end
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(newCharacter)
- character = newCharacter
- humanoidRootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- character.DescendantAdded:Connect(onBodyVelocityAdded)
- for _, descendant in pairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
- onBodyVelocityAdded(descendant)
- end
- end)
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