

Aug 13th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. A targeted individual is someone who has been put under a watchlist program to psychologically torture the individual via gangstalking and harrassment and through electronic means such as infrasound, electromagnetic radiation, synthetic telepathy (aka Voice of God weapon) which was used In Iraq by the US military.Psychological torturing of the indivdiual starts with prep work, where you are being watched, however you are not aware that you are being watched. The purpose of watching you discreetly is to ensure that your triggers, stressors, things that impact you in a negative way can be ascertained in silence and a psychological profile of you created that can be used against you in an overt but subtle way repeatedly day after day once they do decide to make you aware of your overt targeting. In the community, this normally takes place in the form of gang stalking where groups of communities are told to watch and harrass you and since you are now aware that you are being targeted, it take a psychological toll on your health and makes you look paranoid and in need of medical attention, which is their goal. At work, this normally takes place in the form of workplace bullying whereby a handler is chosen to harrass you by overburdening you with work, slandering you in office, by sensitizing you to stimulus's in the environment by repeatedly doing the things such as coughing as you walk by them, clearing their throat, repeatedly walking by your office etc. Once you are sensitized to these stimulus’s you are more hypervigilant and this also distracts you from work, gets you very anxious so that you cannot perform the work and then you are labelled as being incompetent and either put on a Personnel Improvement Program or fired from work. If you complain about this to HR or take legal actionvery little help will be given by HR and an attorney if you are able to find one, will not act in your best interest. At your home these gangstalkers will occupy apartments above and beside you to harrass you with noise campaigns such as banging doors, loud whistling noises, honking horns outside your apartment, asking the children to shout just as you walk past to make you alert when you already are in a hypervigilant state, not letting you sleep by making noises just before you go to bed so that you get panic attacks and are unable to sleep. At extreme ends you will also be targeted by your neigbhors and these people through infrasound, certain frequencies which target different portions of your body and make you severly ill causing headches, vertigo, stomach pain, ulcers. When the targeting gets extreme you will also be exposed to people talking about you remotely using synthetic telepathy which beams the sound to you only. The details of these technologies are available in the public domain and can be researched and some have actually been used in wars by US military. So as you can see this is a psychological warfare against an individual and the community goes along with this because they have been told lies about you as a person by someone in a position of authority (government, intelligence agencies, military, police) and because as a citizen you will not question these authority figures, you are made to believe what they say and are unable as a targeted individual to explain your story in return. Communities who target individuals also know the harm that they are causing to an individual but continue to do so notheless for fear of similar repurcussion if they do not comply with the authority figure. So you are pscyhologically tortured at home, at work, on the road and this is a targeted individuals daily life. Since this goes on repeatedly year after year, there is little a person can do but educate the community online or in person about this harrassment and torture program and become an activist to show the true nature of these rogue people and expose them for what they actually are in the public's eyes. All these activities are unconstitutional, are severe invasion of privacy without any probable cause and yet they continue unchallenged because the fear these rogue people have instilled in the public and the targeted individuals basically remain targeted for the rest of their lives. They neither are charged with a crime, neither see their day in court, and never get justice. As a targeted individual you have to stand up for your own.
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