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- -- local UNIT_FIELD_SUMMONEDBY = 0x0006 + 0x0008
- DB = {}
- --- getWeaponsFromDB
- --- Gets from arcmercs database slot1, slot2, slot3 weapons when a stance its selected.
- ---
- --- Parameter(s)
- --- display
- --- stance
- --- unit
- ---
- --- Return value
- --- None.
- ---
- function getWeaponsFromDB( display, stance, unit )
- local w = WorldDBQuery("SELECT slot1, slot2, slot3 FROM arcmercs.weapons WHERE display = '"..display.."' AND stance = '"..stance.."'")
- unit:EquipWeapons( w:GetColumn( 0 ):GetULong(), w:GetColumn( 1 ):GetULong(), w:GetColumn( 2 ):GetULong() )
- end
- --- getDisplayOptions
- --- Gets from database all displayId options for a class of mercenary.
- ---
- --- Parameter(s)
- --- entry
- ---
- --- Return value
- --- None.
- ---
- function getDisplayOptions( entry )
- DB["rowcount"] = 0
- local result = WorldDBQuery("SELECT groupId, optionName, optionId, display FROM arcmercs.gossip_display WHERE entry = '"..entry.."'")
- if result then
- local count = result:GetRowCount()
- DB["rowcount"] = count
- for i = 1, count do
- DB[ i ] = { result:GetColumn( 0 ):GetShort(), result:GetColumn( 1 ):GetString(), result:GetColumn( 2 ):GetShort(), result:GetColumn( 3 ):GetLong() }
- --print( DB[i][1], DB[i][2], DB[i][3] )
- result:NextRow()
- end
- end
- end
- function ARCMERCS.MercsOnHello( unit, event, plr )
- local value = unit:GetUInt64Value( 0x0006 + 0x0008 )
- if value == nil then
- unit:GossipCreateMenu( 1, plr, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 6, "I see. I accept your offer.", 0, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 0, "I do not need you now, Mercenary.", 1, 0 )
- else
- local plrGuid = tostring(plr:GetGUID())
- local ownerGuid = tostring(value)
- if ownerGuid == plrGuid then
- unit:GossipCreateMenu( 2, plr, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 4, "Use a more balance fight style.", 2, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 4, "Focus more on defense right now.", 3, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 4, "Go into aggressive fight style for now.", 4, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 9, "Attack my target.", 5, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 2, "Move to my target.", 6, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 3, "Show me your abilities.", 7, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 2, "Follow front.", 8, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 2, "Follow LF.", 9, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 2, "Follow L.", 10, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 2, "Follow LB.", 11, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 2, "Follow back.", 12, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 2, "Follow RB.", 13, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 2, "Follow R.", 14, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 2, "Follow RF.", 15, 0 )
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 8, "Customize.", 16, 0 )
- else
- unit:GossipCreateMenu( 3, plr, 0 )
- end
- end
- unit:GossipSendMenu( plr )
- end
- function ARCMERCS.MercsOnSelection( unit, event, plr, id, intid, code )
- if intid < 16 then
- if intid == 0 then
- if getMercCount( plr, 0 ) < 3 then
- if plr:GetCoinage() > 10 then
- unit:SendChatMessage( 12, 0, "Yes." )
- end
- end
- end
- if intid == 1 then
- unit:SendChatMessage( 12, 0, "Fuck you." )
- end
- if intid == 2 then
- if not unit:HasAura( 2457 ) then
- unit:SendChatMessage( 12, 0, "Very well I shall fight in a mixed style." )
- unit:CastSpell( 2457 ) -- battle stance
- if unit:HasAura( 71 ) then
- unit:RemoveAura( 71 )
- end
- if unit:HasAura( 2458 ) then
- unit:RemoveAura( 2458 )
- end
- end
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET stance = '1' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- ARCMERCS[tostring(unit)].soldierStance = 1
- getWeaponsFromDB( unit:GetDisplay(), intid - 1, unit )
- unit:SetByteValue( 0x7A, 0, 1 )
- end
- if intid == 3 then
- if not unit:HasAura( 71 ) then
- unit:SendChatMessage( 12, 0, "Well, Tank mode it is then." )
- unit:CastSpell( 71 ) -- defensive stance
- if unit:HasAura( 2457 ) then
- unit:RemoveAura( 2457 )
- end
- if unit:HasAura( 2458 ) then
- unit:RemoveAura( 2458 )
- end
- end
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET stance = '2' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- ARCMERCS[tostring(unit)].soldierStance = 2
- getWeaponsFromDB( unit:GetDisplay(), intid - 1, unit )
- unit:SetByteValue( 0x7A, 0, 1 )
- end
- if intid == 4 then
- if not unit:HasAura( 2458 ) then
- unit:SendChatMessage( 12, 0, "Ok, I will be taking more damage, just so you know." )
- unit:CastSpell( 2458 ) -- berserker stance
- if unit:HasAura( 2457 ) then
- unit:RemoveAura( 2457 )
- end
- if unit:HasAura( 71 ) then
- unit:RemoveAura( 71 )
- end
- end
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET stance = '3' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- ARCMERCS[tostring(unit)].soldierStance = 3
- getWeaponsFromDB( unit:GetDisplay(), intid - 1, unit )
- unit:SetByteValue( 0x7A, 0, 1 )
- end
- if intid == 5 then
- local target = plr:GetSelection()
- if target then -- TODO: add is friendly check (bugged?)
- unit:AttackReaction( target, 1, 0 )
- unit:SendChatMessage( 14, 0, "Charge!!!" )
- else
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage( "Need to choose an enemy target first." )
- end
- end
- if intid == 6 then
- local target = plr:GetSelection()
- if target then
- unit:SetUnitToFollow( nil, 0, 0 ) -- need to stop following or it will return before reach
- unit:MoveTo( target:GetX(), target:GetY(), target:GetZ() )
- unit:SendChatMessage( 12, 0, "As you wish." )
- else
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage( "Need to choose a target first." )
- end
- end
- if intid == 7 then
- --showSpells( entry, fightStyle )
- end
- if intid == 8 then
- unit:SetUnitToFollow( plr, 2, 0 ) -- front (0)
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET angle = '0' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- end
- if intid == 9 then
- unit:SetUnitToFollow( plr, 2, 1.04 ) -- left front (60)
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET angle = '1.04' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- end
- if intid == 10 then
- unit:SetUnitToFollow( plr, 2, 1.57 ) -- Left (90)
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET angle = '1.57' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- end
- if intid == 11 then
- unit:SetUnitToFollow( plr, 2, 2.09 ) -- left back (120)
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET angle = '2.09' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- end
- if intid == 12 then
- unit:SetUnitToFollow( plr, 2, 3.14 ) -- Back (180)
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET angle = '3.14' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- end
- if intid == 13 then
- unit:SetUnitToFollow( plr, 2, 4.18 ) -- Right back (240)
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET angle = '4.18' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- end
- if intid == 14 then
- unit:SetUnitToFollow( plr, 2, 4.71 ) -- Right (270)
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET angle = '4.71' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- end
- if intid == 15 then
- unit:SetUnitToFollow( plr, 2, 5.23 ) -- Right (300)
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET angle = '5.23' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..tostring(unit:GetGUID()).."'")
- end
- plr:GossipComplete()
- end
- if intid == 16 then
- getDisplayOptions( unit:GetEntry() )
- unit:GossipCreateMenu( 4, plr, 0 )
- for i = 1, DB["rowcount"] do
- unit:GossipMenuAddItem( 8, DB[i][2], DB[i][3], 0 )
- --print(DB[i][2], DB[i][3], DB[i][4])
- end
- unit:GossipSendMenu( plr )
- end
- if intid >= 17 then
- local d = DB[intid-16][4]
- local m = tostring(unit:GetGUID())
- unit:SetModel( d )
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET display = '"..d.."' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..tostring(plr:GetGUID()).."' AND mercGuid = '"..m.."'")
- -- TODO: get stance
- getWeaponsFromDB( d, 1, unit )
- plr:GossipComplete()
- end
- --plr:GossipComplete()
- end
- -- Alliance:
- RegisterUnitGossipEvent( 43284, 1, ARCMERCS.MercsOnHello );
- RegisterUnitGossipEvent( 43284, 2, ARCMERCS.MercsOnSelection );
- -- Horde:
- RegisterUnitGossipEvent( 43285, 1, ARCMERCS.MercsOnHello );
- RegisterUnitGossipEvent( 43285, 2, ARCMERCS.MercsOnSelection );
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