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- #Query manager found on (instructions on the link)
- #I just modified the reply with colors for someone and posted it here.
- dialog qmd {
- title "Absent's Query Manager"
- size -1 -1 324 144
- option dbu
- list 1, 8 25 82 109, size
- check "Enable Query manager", 2, 9 8 72 10
- box "Configuration panel", 3, 176 33 141 95
- list 4, 91 25 82 109, size
- edit "", 5, 184 53 125 12, read
- edit "", 6, 185 81 125 12, read
- edit "", 7, 185 110 125 12, read
- combo 8, 180 8 60 50, sort drop
- combo 9, 251 8 60 50, sort drop
- box "Blocklist", 10, 247 0 70 31
- box "Friendlist", 11, 176 0 70 31
- text "First Nick/Hostmask:", 12, 185 43 51 8
- text "Last Nick/Hostmask:", 13, 185 71 51 8
- text "Date/Time of Query:", 14, 186 99 51 8
- button "-", 16, 189 20 9 9
- button "+", 17, 250 20 9 9
- button "Accept", 18, 87 11 20 10
- box "Navigation panel", 19, 84 0 90 24
- button "Deny", 20, 108 11 20 10
- button "Block", 21, 129 11 20 10
- button "Friend", 22, 150 11 20 10
- button "Clear", 23, 270 20 19 9
- button "+", 24, 179 20 9 9
- button "Clear", 25, 199 20 19 9
- button "-", 26, 260 20 9 9
- button "Close", 15, 273 130 37 12, ok cancel
- button "Logs", 27, 228 130 37 12
- button "Clearlog", 28, 183 130 37 12
- }
- alias qmd { dialog $iif($dialog(qmd),-v,-md) qmd qmd }
- menu * {
- .Query Manager:qmd
- }
- on *:dialog:qmd:init:0:{
- if (%qmd) { did -c qmd 2 }
- else { did -u qmd 2 }
- did -b qmd 18,20-22
- if (!$read(qmd.friends.txt)) {
- did -b qmd 16,25
- did -ra qmd 8 No users found
- }
- elseif ($read(qmd.friends.txt)) {
- var %f 1
- while (%f <= $lines(qmd.friends.txt)) {
- did -a qmd 8 $read(qmd.friends.txt,%f))
- inc %f
- }
- }
- if (!$read(qmd.blocked.txt)) {
- did -b qmd 23,26
- did -ra qmd 9 No users found
- }
- elseif ($read(qmd.blocked.txt)) {
- var %b 1
- while (%b <= $lines(qmd.blocked.txt)) {
- did -a qmd 9 $read(qmd.blocked.txt,%b))
- inc %b
- }
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:qmd:sclick:1:{
- if ($did(qmd,18).sel) != 0) && ($did(qmd,18).seltext) != $null) {
- did -e qmd 18,20-22
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:qmd:sclick:*:{
- if ($did == 2) {
- if (%qmd) { unset %qmd | did -u qmd 2 }
- else { set %qmd on | did -c qmd 2 }
- }
- if ($did == 16) {
- if (!$did(8).seltext) {
- noop $input(Please select a nick to unblock!,uwo,Absent's Query Manager)
- dialog -v qmd qmd
- }
- elseif (!$did(8).seltext) { halt }
- var %dfriends $read(qmd.friends.txt,w,$did(8).seltext)
- if (%dfriends != $did(8).seltext) { halt }
- write -dl [ $+ [ $readn ] ] qmd.friends.txt
- did -d qmd 8 $did(8).seltext
- noop $input($did(8).seltext has been removed from the friendlist,uwo,Absent's Query Manager)
- did -r qmd 8
- dialog -v qmd qmd
- if (!$read(qmd.friends.txt)) {
- did -ra qmd 8 No users found
- did -b qmd 16,25
- }
- else {
- var %x = 1
- while ( %x <= $lines(qmd.friends.txt)) {
- did -a qmd 8 $read(qmd.friends.txt,%x)
- inc %x
- }
- }
- }
- if ($did == 17) {
- var %blockadd = $?="Please fill in the nickname you are trying to add"
- if (!%blockadd) { noop $input(Please fill in a valid nickname!,uwo,Absent's Query Manager) | dialog -v qmd qmd | halt }
- if ($read(qmd.blocked.txt,w,%blockadd)) { noop $input(%blockadd is already known on the blocklist,uwo,Absent's Query Manager) | dialog -v qmd qmd | halt }
- else {
- write qmd.blocked.txt %blockadd
- noop $input(%blockadd has been added to the blocklist!,uwo,Absent's Query Manager)
- did -e qmd 23,26
- did -r qmd 9
- dialog -v qmd qmd
- var %b 1
- while (%b <= $lines(qmd.blocked.txt)) {
- did -a qmd 9 $read(qmd.blocked.txt,%b)
- inc %b
- }
- }
- }
- if ($did == 18) { did -b qmd 18,20-22 | var %acceptdel $did(qmd,1).sel | msg $did(qmd,1).seltext Your query has been accepted. | did -d qmd 1 %acceptdel | did -d qmd 4 %acceptdel }
- if ($did == 20) { did -b qmd 18,20-22 | var %denydel $did(qmd,1).sel | msg $did(qmd,1).seltext Your query has been denied. | close -m $did(qmd,1).seltext | did -d qmd 1 %denydel | did -d qmd 4 %denydel }
- if ($did == 21) { did -b qmd 18,20-22 | var %blockdel $did(qmd,1).sel | msg $did(qmd,1).seltext Your query has been denied. | msg $did(qmd,1).seltext You are blocked and not able to query me any longer. | .write qmd.blocked.txt $did(qmd,1).seltext | close -m $did(qmd,1).seltext | did -d qmd 1 %blockdel | did -d qmd 4 %blockdel }
- if ($did == 22) { did -b qmd 18,20-22 | var %frienddel $did(qmd,1).sel | msg $did(qmd,1).seltext Your query has been accepted. | msg $did(qmd,1).seltext You are added to the friendlist and don't need approval to query me. | .write qmd.friends.txt $did(qmd,1).seltext | did -d qmd 1 %frienddel | did -d qmd 4 %frienddel }
- if ($did == 23) { noop $input(All blocked users are removed!,iwo,Absent's Query Manager) | did -b qmd 23,26 | .remove qmd.blocked.txt | did -ra qmd 9 List cleared | dialog -v qmd qmd }
- if ($did == 24) {
- var %friendadd = $?="Please fill in the nickname you are trying to add"
- if (!%friendadd) { noop $input(Please fill in a valid nickname!,uwo,Absent's Query Manager) | dialog -v qmd qmd | halt }
- if ($read(qmd.friends.txt,w,%friendadd)) { noop $input(%friendadd is already known on the friendlist,uwo,Absent's Query Manager) | dialog -v qmd qmd | halt }
- else {
- write qmd.friends.txt %friendadd
- noop $input(%friendadd has been added to the friendlist!,iwo,Absent's Query Manager)
- did -e qmd 16,25
- did -r qmd 8
- dialog -v qmd qmd
- var %f 1
- while (%f <= $lines(qmd.friends.txt)) {
- did -a qmd 8 $read(qmd.friends.txt,%f)
- inc %f
- }
- }
- }
- if ($did == 25) { noop $input(All friend users are removed!,iwo,Absent's Query Manager) | did -b qmd 16,25 | .remove qmd.friends.txt | did -ra qmd 8 List cleared | dialog -v qmd qmd }
- if ($did == 26) {
- if (!$did(9).seltext) {
- noop $input(Please select a nick to unblock!,uwo,Absent's Query Manager)
- dialog -v qmd qmd
- }
- elseif (!$did(9).seltext) { halt }
- var %dblocked $read(qmd.blocked.txt,w,$did(9).seltext)
- if (%dblocked != $did(9).seltext) { halt }
- write -dl [ $+ [ $readn ] ] qmd.blocked.txt
- did -d qmd 9 $did(9).seltext
- noop $input($did(9).seltext has been removed from the blocklist,uwo,Absent's Query Manager)
- did -r qmd 9
- dialog -v qmd qmd
- if (!$read(qmd.blocked.txt)) {
- did -ra qmd 9 No users found
- did -b qmd 23,26
- }
- else {
- var %x = 1
- while ( %x <= $lines(qmd.blocked.txt)) {
- did -a qmd 9 $read(qmd.blocked.txt,%x)
- inc %x
- }
- }
- }
- if ($did == 27) {
- if ($lines(qmd.txt) == 0) {
- noop $input(Unable to open the logfile because its empty,uho,Absent's Query Manager)
- }
- else { //run qmd.txt }
- }
- if ($did == 28) {
- if ($lines(qmd.txt) == 0) {
- noop $input(Unable to clear the logfile because its empty,uho,Absent's Query Manager)
- }
- else { .timer 1 1 //remove qmd.txt | noop $input(Successfully cleared the logfile! Total of $lines(qmd.txt) lines,uio,Absent's Query Manager) }
- }
- }
- on *:open:?:*:{
- if ($nick == $me) { halt }
- if (%tomany > 2) { .ignore -u30 $address($nick,1) | halt }
- if ($read(qmd.friends.txt, w,* $+ $nick $+ *)) { halt }
- if ($read(qmd.blocked.txt, w,* $+ $nick $+ *)) { .timerBLOCKEDPM 1 5 echo -a 5Query attempt by $nick (blocked) | write qmd.txt $upper($nick) - $1- - ( $+ $upper($fulldate) $+ ) | close -m $nick | halt }
- var %protected Q G S -sbnc PsyBNC X
- if ($istok(%protected,$nick,32)) { halt }
- if (!%qmd) { halt }
- qmd
- if (!$did(qmd,5)) { did -a qmd 5 $nick }
- inc %Qcount
- set -u3 %tomany $calc($iif(%tomany,$v1,0) +1)
- did -a qmd 1 $nick
- did -a qmd 4 $1-
- did -ra qmd 6 $nick
- did -ra qmd 7 $fulldate
- .timer 1 2 msg $nick Please wait for me to accept or reject this private message. Remember that, i might not be here. 14[3Query ID:7 %Qcount $+ 14]
- }
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