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- import java.util.*;
- //A20250305b_meesho
- /*
- given you a tree
- each node having a integer value
- your task is to find the count of valid vertical paths in that tree
- a path is valid
- if (sum of all ancestor nodes) % m is 0
- */
- /*
- //important thing to be noted here is
- in vertical paths only ancestor nodes and current node exist
- assume this is your tree and m = 2
- 1
- / \
- 0 1
- |
- 2
- |
- 1
- |
- 8
- |
- 8
- |
- 0
- The valid paths (they can be subarrays or subpaths in a vertical path)
- 0
- 1 1
- 2
- 1 1 2
- 1 2 1
- 8
- 1 2 1 8
- 8
- 8 8
- 1 2 1 8 8
- 0
- 8 0
- 8 8 0
- 1 2 1 8 8 0
- total 14 valid subpaths
- this can be solved by simple dfs
- to know the current valid subpaths
- we just need to know how many times the same reminder came as similar to current reminder
- we can add that to the whole sum
- */
- /*
- //inputs for m and node values and tree connections
- 2
- 1 0 1 2 1 8 8 0
- 8 7
- 0 1
- 0 2
- 2 3
- 3 4
- 4 5
- 5 6
- 6 7
- expected output -
- The result is 14
- */
- @SuppressWarnings({"unused","unchecked"})
- public class A20250305b_meesho {
- static Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
- private static int[] getArray() {
- String[] sArr = sc.nextLine().split(" ");
- int[] arr =;
- return arr;
- }
- private static char[] getCharArray() {
- String[] sArr = sc.nextLine().split(" ");
- char[] cArr = new char[sArr.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < sArr.length; i++) {
- cArr[i] = sArr[i].charAt(0); // Take the first character of each string
- }
- return cArr;
- }
- private static int getMax(int[] arr) {
- int currMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
- for (int curr : arr) {
- currMax = Math.max(currMax, curr);
- }
- return currMax;
- }
- public static void getCount(ArrayList<Integer>[] adjList,
- int[] a,int currInd,int[] visited,int[] nodeValues,HashMap<Integer,Integer> remfMap,int m){
- int currVal = nodeValues[currInd];
- a[1] += currVal; //currSum
- int currReminder = a[1] % m;
- int currFreq = remfMap.getOrDefault(currReminder,0);
- a[0] += currFreq; //storing the answer
- currFreq += 1;//adding curr to the answer
- remfMap.put(currReminder,currFreq);
- visited[currInd] = 1;
- for(int child:adjList[currInd]){
- if(visited[child]==1)
- continue;
- getCount(adjList,a,child,visited,nodeValues,remfMap,m);
- }
- visited[currInd] = 0;
- currFreq -= 1;
- remfMap.put(currReminder,currFreq);
- a[1] -= currVal;//adjusting the currSum
- return;
- }
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- // prepare the inputs
- int m = getArray()[0];
- int[] nodeValues = getArray();
- int[] tempArr = getArray();
- int nodes = tempArr[0];
- int edges = tempArr[1];
- ArrayList<Integer>[] adjList =(ArrayList<Integer>[]) new ArrayList[nodes];//explicit type conversion
- for(int i =0;i<nodes;i+=1){
- adjList[i] = new ArrayList<>();
- }
- int temp = edges;
- //fill up the graph
- while(temp!=0){
- temp-=1;
- tempArr = getArray();
- int n1 = tempArr[0];
- int n2 = tempArr[1];
- adjList[n1].add(n2);
- adjList[n2].add(n1);
- }
- int[] ans = new int[2]; //0th ind is for final answer , 1st ind is currsum
- int[] visited = new int[nodes];
- HashMap<Integer,Integer> remfMap = new HashMap<>();//to store frequency of current reminder
- remfMap.put(0,1);//default to put ,as empty subarray is a valid subarray or subpath
- getCount(adjList,ans,0,visited,nodeValues,remfMap,m);
- int res = ans[0];
- System.out.println("The result is " + res);
- }
- }
- class Pair{
- int row;
- int col;
- public Pair(int i,int j){
- this.row = i;
- this.col = j;
- }
- }
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