
the fall

Dec 22nd, 2022
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  1. Q: What exactly is this “Fall” that Nyx was going to bring?
  3. Aigis: Yes, what exactly was it?
  5. Ikutsuki: As I have stated before, it is the event of Nyx’ Psyche, which is sealed in our Collective Unconscious, being liberated of its binds and becoming free. Moreover, if this were to happen, the moon, which is merged with Nyx’s physical body, would unite with Nyx’s psyche, returning her to her original form. This would be this planet’s doom and thus the end of the world as we know it - The Fall. In reality, this event has already almost occurred many times in world history.
  7. Aigis: Is that so?
  9. Ikutsuki: Imagine, for example, a large-scale war or the break-out of an epidemic. In such cases, many people begin to think of and consider the possible end of the world. They begin to hate life, the mere thought of continuing to live. If this happens, the powers that repress Nyx are weakened, as people no longer fear death, thus bringing the world closer to The Fall. The “Prophecy” I spoke about in our story was a recording of many such occurrences from many points in human history. Using the hints in this document, I was able to find a method to free Nyx! Isn’t this amazing?
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