
young kong captured

Dec 25th, 2024
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  1. Atu warriors on the Wall used blowguns to send darts raining on Kong, darts tipped with an Atu toxin that put most creatures to sleep. Many missed their mark, but some stuck in the Kong’s scalp and shoulders. He roared again and lunged against the Wall, striking it so hard that Kublai lost his footing and nearly fell off the inside edge of the wall-walk.
  2. He got to his feet and grabbed a rope to swing down and help in the struggle. The Kong still raged, but the nets and ropes hopelessly entangled him — and his movements grew slower as the toxin took effect. Still he was dangerous — one warrior got too close, and a sudden swipe of the Kong’s hand sent him tumbling and screaming from the pain of a broken leg.
  3. Kublai managed to seize the net entangling that hand and put a rope through the mesh, tying it tight around the wrist. “Hold it down!” he yelled.
  4. The Kong’s strength ebbed as the toxin flooded his bloodstream. He still struggled, but with weakening force. Finally, the great anthropoid crumpled into unconsciousness.
  7. King Kong of Skull Island: Skull Island Journal, Schemes and Schemers section
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