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- package com.chargemap.compose.numberpicker
- import androidx.compose.animation.core.*
- import
- import
- import
- import
- import
- import*
- import androidx.compose.material.LocalTextStyle
- import androidx.compose.material.MaterialTheme
- import androidx.compose.material.ProvideTextStyle
- import androidx.compose.material.Text
- import androidx.compose.runtime.*
- import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
- import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
- import androidx.compose.ui.draw.alpha
- import
- import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.pointerInput
- import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Layout
- import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
- import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
- import
- import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
- import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
- import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
- import kotlin.math.abs
- import kotlin.math.roundToInt
- private fun <T> getItemIndexForOffset(
- range: List<T>,
- value: T,
- offset: Float,
- halfNumbersColumnHeightPx: Float
- ): Int {
- val indexOf = range.indexOf(value) - (offset / halfNumbersColumnHeightPx).toInt()
- return maxOf(0, minOf(indexOf, range.count() - 1))
- }
- @Composable
- fun <T> ListItemPicker(
- modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
- label: (T) -> String = { it.toString() },
- value: T,
- onValueChange: (T) -> Unit,
- dividersColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
- list: List<T>,
- textStyle: TextStyle = LocalTextStyle.current,
- ) {
- val minimumAlpha = 0.3f
- val verticalMargin = 8.dp
- val numbersColumnHeight = 80.dp
- val halfNumbersColumnHeight = numbersColumnHeight / 2
- val halfNumbersColumnHeightPx = with(LocalDensity.current) { halfNumbersColumnHeight.toPx() }
- val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
- val animatedOffset = remember { Animatable(0f) }
- .apply {
- val index = list.indexOf(value)
- val offsetRange = remember(value, list) {
- -((list.count() - 1) - index) * halfNumbersColumnHeightPx to
- index * halfNumbersColumnHeightPx
- }
- updateBounds(offsetRange.first, offsetRange.second)
- }
- val coercedAnimatedOffset = animatedOffset.value % halfNumbersColumnHeightPx
- val indexOfElement = getItemIndexForOffset(list, value, animatedOffset.value, halfNumbersColumnHeightPx)
- var dividersWidth by remember { mutableStateOf(0.dp) }
- Layout(
- modifier = modifier
- .draggable(
- orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
- state = rememberDraggableState { deltaY ->
- coroutineScope.launch {
- animatedOffset.snapTo(animatedOffset.value + deltaY)
- }
- },
- onDragStopped = { velocity ->
- coroutineScope.launch {
- val endValue = animatedOffset.fling(
- initialVelocity = velocity,
- animationSpec = exponentialDecay(frictionMultiplier = 20f),
- adjustTarget = { target ->
- val coercedTarget = target % halfNumbersColumnHeightPx
- val coercedAnchors =
- listOf(-halfNumbersColumnHeightPx, 0f, halfNumbersColumnHeightPx)
- val coercedPoint = coercedAnchors.minByOrNull { abs(it - coercedTarget) }!!
- val base = halfNumbersColumnHeightPx * (target / halfNumbersColumnHeightPx).toInt()
- coercedPoint + base
- }
- ).endState.value
- val result = list.elementAt(
- getItemIndexForOffset(list, value, endValue, halfNumbersColumnHeightPx)
- )
- onValueChange(result)
- animatedOffset.snapTo(0f)
- }
- }
- )
- .padding(vertical = numbersColumnHeight / 3 + verticalMargin * 2),
- content = {
- Box(
- modifier
- .width(dividersWidth)
- .height(2.dp)
- .background(color = dividersColor)
- )
- Box(
- modifier = Modifier
- .padding(vertical = verticalMargin, horizontal = 20.dp)
- .offset { IntOffset(x = 0, y = coercedAnimatedOffset.roundToInt()) }
- ) {
- val baseLabelModifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center)
- ProvideTextStyle(textStyle) {
- if (indexOfElement > 0)
- Label(
- text = label(list.elementAt(indexOfElement - 1)),
- modifier = baseLabelModifier
- .offset(y = -halfNumbersColumnHeight)
- .alpha(maxOf(minimumAlpha, coercedAnimatedOffset / halfNumbersColumnHeightPx))
- )
- Label(
- text = label(list.elementAt(indexOfElement)),
- modifier = baseLabelModifier
- .alpha(
- (maxOf(
- minimumAlpha,
- 1 - abs(coercedAnimatedOffset) / halfNumbersColumnHeightPx
- ))
- )
- )
- if (indexOfElement < list.count() - 1)
- Label(
- text = label(list.elementAt(indexOfElement + 1)),
- modifier = baseLabelModifier
- .offset(y = halfNumbersColumnHeight)
- .alpha(maxOf(minimumAlpha, -coercedAnimatedOffset / halfNumbersColumnHeightPx))
- )
- }
- }
- Box(
- modifier
- .width(dividersWidth)
- .height(2.dp)
- .background(color = dividersColor)
- )
- }
- ) { measurables, constraints ->
- // Don't constrain child views further, measure them with given constraints
- // List of measured children
- val placeables = { measurable ->
- // Measure each children
- measurable.measure(constraints)
- }
- dividersWidth = placeables
- .drop(1)
- .first()
- .width
- .toDp()
- // Set the size of the layout as big as it can
- layout(dividersWidth.toPx().toInt(), placeables
- .sumOf {
- it.height
- }
- ) {
- // Track the y co-ord we have placed children up to
- var yPosition = 0
- // Place children in the parent layout
- placeables.forEach { placeable ->
- // Position item on the screen
- placeable.placeRelative(x = 0, y = yPosition)
- // Record the y co-ord placed up to
- yPosition += placeable.height
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @Composable
- private fun Label(text: String, modifier: Modifier) {
- Text(
- modifier = modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
- detectTapGestures(onLongPress = {
- // FIXME: Empty to disable text selection
- })
- },
- text = text,
- textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
- )
- }
- private suspend fun Animatable<Float, AnimationVector1D>.fling(
- initialVelocity: Float,
- animationSpec: DecayAnimationSpec<Float>,
- adjustTarget: ((Float) -> Float)?,
- block: (Animatable<Float, AnimationVector1D>.() -> Unit)? = null,
- ): AnimationResult<Float, AnimationVector1D> {
- val targetValue = animationSpec.calculateTargetValue(value, initialVelocity)
- val adjustedTarget = adjustTarget?.invoke(targetValue)
- return if (adjustedTarget != null) {
- animateTo(
- targetValue = adjustedTarget,
- initialVelocity = initialVelocity,
- block = block
- )
- } else {
- animateDecay(
- initialVelocity = initialVelocity,
- animationSpec = animationSpec,
- block = block,
- )
- }
- }
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