
2018-08-09 unvanquished discord transcript

Aug 10th, 2018
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  1. ☭Evistos 2018-08-09 19:56
  2. Hi guys. I never heard about your game, I was very young when I played Tremulous, so I just tought that the game was dead and that I would not play this game anymore. And today, I just found your website by chance! I'm really astounded, how I did not know about this game earlier? I tried it today with some bot, because all servers was empty. Is the game dead?
  4. illwieckz 2018-08-09 20:12
  5. Hi, the game is in devlopment and we are not making much advertising about it so do not expect too much players yet, but the project is alive ! :wink: on which timezone do you play ? :smiley:
  7. Flamewh33l 2018-08-09 20:17
  8. hey! noticed this after reading up more about Tremulous and how this was basically a "improved continuation" of that project. been a big fan of Tremulous (despite being about as great at it as the ins and outs of a duck's backside) and i also have the IRC chat on my Hexchat. currently under GMT+1 right now (thanks to summer time. British Summer Time if you want proper name) and from what i've played on my PC: it's really good playing Unvanquished, though only against the incredibly good AI. one thing i currently am dealing with is the issue of my FPS being 10-30 depending how tightly packed in i'm in. is that from Hardware or is there a way to get a more smoother way of playing the game? (running on lowest settings it'll go)
  10. illwieckz 2018-08-09 20:19
  11. hmmm, the game does not require a very powerful machine but more powerful than for tremulous
  12. much people are in europe (and servers too) so that's good for you
  14. Flamewh33l 2018-08-09 20:21
  15. i had noticed it's been relatively demanding... idk if that is from the game or just the fact my computer is just a bit old
  17. illwieckz 2018-08-09 20:21
  18. i'm myself in holidays without pc ^_^ and my own server currently unlisted (will fix that soon too :grin:)
  20. Flamewh33l 2018-08-09 20:21
  21. well, it's good to see an active development is going on, no matter if it's crawling or sprinting: it's still moving. so that's amazing~
  23. illwieckz 2018-08-09 20:22
  24. yep :-)
  26. Flamewh33l 2018-08-09 20:22
  27. and i've loved what i've been playing thus far despite being pants at shooting...
  28. the RTS side of things is where i stand the most. was never one for going in to shoot people
  29. organicpencil 2018-08-09 20:23
  30. Sometimes I'll log in, realize the basilisk is gone, cry a little then leave :cry:
  32. illwieckz 2018-08-09 20:24
  33. there is a special page to take the pulse of the developement:
  34. hmm, someone calls me, i'm going back later cya :wink:
  36. ☭Evistos 2018-08-09 20:33
  37. I can play everyday until september, so if many people are online, I will join you with pleasure. The game is amazing guys, keep it up! :smile:
  38. Also, I'm in a big community of players who regroup on many game, we are something about 500 on our discord server. I will talk about Unvanquished and bring you a tons of players
  39. But we are french, and not everybody on the server have a good english :joy:
  41. illwieckz 2018-08-09 21:56
  42. great I'm french too and my server is located in France, I will reup it soon (well in fact it's already up, just not listed :grin:)
  44. Flamewh33l 2018-08-09 22:51
  45. i am english though, British English. and i'm bloody awful at french or other languages
  47. ☭Evistos 2018-08-09 23:08
  48. Nice, it's late and I'm too exhausted too think about my english x)
  49. So allow me this little french interlude
  50. J'ai un ami qui n'arrive pas à lancer le jeu. Normalement quand on lance l'exécutable, une fois la barre verte remplie, un bouton se débloque juste à droite et il faut cliquer dessus pour lancer le jeu. Bah lui s'il clique, ça ferme le launcher et c'est tout :/ Une idée sur la nature du problème?
  52. illwieckz 2018-08-09 23:46
  53. hum et si il essaie sans le launcher ? si le launcher a bien tout téléchargé il devrait avoir un programme nommée "daemon" dans le dossier de téléchargement (dans My Games\Unvanquished sous Windows je crois, quelquepart ailleurs sous Linux/Mac) sinon il peut tout télécharger à la main avec le zip là:
  54. il faudra dézipper le zip pour son os (,…) ensuite mais attention il faut que les programmes soient extraits à côté du dossier pkg/ pas dans un sous-dossier linux64 ni win64
  55. excuse my french™
  57. ☭Evistos 2018-08-10 11:20
  58. Thanks a lot :smile:
  60. illwieckz 2018-08-11 01:17
  61. my server is listed again :smiley:
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