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- -- Function to create a new user
- function createUser()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Enter new username:")
- local username = read()
- -- Check if the username already exists
- if fs.exists("/disk/users/" .. username) then
- print("Username already exists. Try again.")
- sleep(2)
- return
- end
- -- Create a directory for the new user
- fs.makeDir("/disk/users/" .. username)
- -- Prompt for password
- local password
- repeat
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Enter password:")
- password = read("*")
- print("Confirm password:")
- local confirmPassword = read("*")
- if password ~= confirmPassword then
- print("Passwords do not match. Try again.")
- sleep(2)
- end
- until password == confirmPassword
- -- Store the password in a text file
- local file ="/disk/users/" .. username .. "/password.txt", "w")
- file.write(password)
- file.close()
- print("User created successfully.")
- sleep(2)
- end
- -- Function to delete a user
- function deleteUser()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Enter username to delete:")
- local username = read()
- -- Check if the username exists
- if not fs.exists("/disk/users/" .. username) then
- print("User not found. Try again.")
- sleep(2)
- return
- end
- -- Check for the presence of block.txt
- if fs.exists("/disk/users/" .. username .. "/block.txt") then
- -- Display content of block.txt as an error message
- local file ="/disk/users/" .. username .. "/block.txt", "r")
- local errorMessage = file.readAll()
- file.close()
- print(errorMessage)
- sleep(2)
- return
- end
- -- Prompt for password to confirm deletion
- print("Enter password to confirm deletion:")
- local inputPassword = read("*")
- -- Read stored password from the file
- local file ="/disk/users/" .. username .. "/password.txt", "r")
- local storedPassword = file.readAll()
- file.close()
- -- Compare entered password with stored password
- if inputPassword == storedPassword then
- -- Delete the user directory
- fs.delete("/disk/users/" .. username)
- print("User deleted successfully.")
- else
- print("Incorrect password. Deletion failed.")
- end
- sleep(2)
- end
- -- Function to view all users
- function viewAllUsers()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("All Users:")
- local users = fs.list("/disk/users")
- for _, user in ipairs(users) do
- if user ~= "root" then
- print(user)
- end
- end
- print("Press any key to continue...")
- read()
- end
- -- Function for password recovery by admin
- function passwordRecovery()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Enter admin username:")
- local adminUsername = read()
- -- Check if the entered user has admin privileges
- if not fs.exists("/disk/users/" .. adminUsername .. "/admin.txt") then
- print("Permission denied. Admin access required.")
- sleep(2)
- return
- end
- -- Prompt for admin password
- print("Enter admin password:")
- local adminPassword = read("*")
- -- Read stored admin password from the file
- local adminFile ="/disk/users/" .. adminUsername .. "/password.txt", "r")
- local storedAdminPassword = adminFile.readAll()
- adminFile.close()
- -- Compare entered admin password with stored admin password
- if adminPassword == storedAdminPassword then
- print("Enter username for password reset:")
- local username = read()
- -- Check if the username exists
- if not fs.exists("/disk/users/" .. username) then
- print("User not found. Try again.")
- sleep(2)
- return
- end
- -- Confirm password reset
- print("Are you sure you want to reset the password for " .. username .. "? (y/n)")
- local confirm = read()
- if confirm:lower() ~= "y" then
- print("Password reset canceled.")
- sleep(2)
- return
- end
- -- Prompt for new password
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Enter new password for " .. username .. ":")
- local newPassword = read("*")
- -- Store the new password in the text file
- local file ="/disk/users/" .. username .. "/password.txt", "w")
- file.write(newPassword)
- file.close()
- print("Password reset successfully.")
- else
- print("Incorrect admin password. Password reset failed.")
- end
- sleep(2)
- end
- -- Function to exit and run /disk/os/gui
- function exitProgram()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Exiting program...")
- sleep(1)
- error("Exiting program.")
- end
- -- Function for Security Card Login (insert or enter ID)
- function securityCardLogin(username)
- while true do
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Security Card Manager")
- print("1. Add Card")
- print("2. Remove Cards")
- print("3. Show All Security Cards")
- print("4. Disable Security Card Login")
- print("5. Back to Main Menu")
- local choice = read()
- if choice == "1" then
- addCardMenu(username)
- elseif choice == "2" then
- removeCardsMenu(username)
- elseif choice == "3" then
- showAllSecurityCards(username)
- elseif choice == "4" then
- disableSecurityCardLogin(username)
- elseif choice == "5" then
- return -- Back to main menu
- else
- print("Invalid choice. Try again.")
- sleep(2)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Function for Add Card submenu
- function addCardMenu(username)
- while true do
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Add Card")
- print("1. Insert Security Card")
- print("2. Enter Security Card ID")
- print("3. Back to Security Card Manager")
- local choice = read()
- if choice == "1" then
- grabAndSaveDiskID(username)
- elseif choice == "2" then
- saveDiskID(username)
- elseif choice == "3" then
- return -- Back to Security Card Manager
- else
- print("Invalid choice. Try again.")
- sleep(2)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Function for Remove Cards submenu
- function removeCardsMenu(username)
- while true do
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Remove Cards")
- print("1. Insert Security Card to delete")
- print("2. Enter Security Card ID to delete")
- print("3. Back to Security Card Manager")
- local choice = read()
- if choice == "1" then
- grabAndDeleteDiskID(username)
- elseif choice == "2" then
- deleteSpecificCard(username)
- elseif choice == "3" then
- return -- Back to Security Card Manager
- else
- print("Invalid choice. Try again.")
- sleep(2)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Function to delete a specific security card by ID
- function deleteSpecificCard(username)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Enter Card ID to delete:")
- local cardID = read()
- local filePath = "/disk/users/" .. username .. "/ID/" .. cardID .. ".file"
- if fs.exists(filePath) then
- fs.delete(filePath)
- print("Security Card deleted successfully.")
- else
- print("Security Card not found.")
- end
- sleep(2)
- end
- -- Function to grab disk ID and delete it for a user
- function grabAndDeleteDiskID(username)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Insert Security Card to delete ID...")
- while true do
- local peripherals = peripheral.getNames()
- for _, name in ipairs(peripherals) do
- if peripheral.getType(name) == "drive" then
- local diskID = disk.getID(name)
- if diskID then
- local filePath = "/disk/users/" .. username .. "/ID/" .. diskID .. ".file"
- if fs.exists(filePath) then
- fs.delete(filePath)
- print("Security Card ID deleted successfully.")
- else
- print("Security Card ID not found.")
- end
- return -- Exit function after deleting ID
- end
- end
- end
- sleep(1) -- Check every second
- end
- end
- -- Function to save disk ID for a user
- function saveDiskID(username)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Enter Card ID:")
- local cardID = read()
- -- Create directory if it doesn't exist
- local idDir = "/disk/users/" .. username .. "/ID"
- if not fs.exists(idDir) then
- fs.makeDir(idDir)
- end
- -- Save disk ID as a file
- local filePath = idDir .. "/" .. cardID .. ".file"
- local file =, "w")
- file.writeLine("Disk ID: " .. cardID)
- file.close()
- print("Disk ID saved successfully.")
- sleep(2)
- end
- -- Function to grab disk ID and save it for a user
- function grabAndSaveDiskID(username)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Insert Security Card to grab ID...")
- while true do
- local peripherals = peripheral.getNames()
- for _, name in ipairs(peripherals) do
- if peripheral.getType(name) == "drive" then
- local diskID = disk.getID(name)
- if diskID then
- -- Create directory if it doesn't exist
- local idDir = "/disk/users/" .. username .. "/ID"
- if not fs.exists(idDir) then
- fs.makeDir(idDir)
- end
- -- Save disk ID as a file
- local filePath = idDir .. "/" .. diskID .. ".file"
- local file =, "w")
- file.writeLine("Disk ID: " .. diskID)
- file.close()
- print("Disk ID grabbed and saved successfully.")
- return -- Exit function after saving
- end
- end
- end
- sleep(1) -- Check every second
- end
- end
- -- Function to disable Security Card Login (delete all IDs)
- function disableSecurityCardLogin(username)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Are you sure you want to disable Security Card Login? (y/n)")
- local confirm = read()
- if confirm:lower() == "y" then
- local idDir = "/disk/users/" .. username .. "/ID"
- if fs.exists(idDir) then
- fs.delete(idDir)
- print("Security Card Login disabled successfully.")
- else
- print("No security cards found to delete.")
- end
- else
- print("Operation canceled.")
- end
- sleep(2)
- end
- -- Function to show all security cards for a user
- function showAllSecurityCards(username)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("Security Cards for User: " .. username)
- local idDir = "/disk/users/" .. username .. "/ID"
- if fs.exists(idDir) then
- local files = fs.list(idDir)
- for _, file in ipairs(files) do
- if fs.isDir(idDir .. "/" .. file) == false then
- print(file)
- end
- end
- else
- print("No security cards found.")
- end
- print("Press any key to continue...")
- read()
- end
- -- Main program
- while true do
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- print("1. Create User")
- print("2. Delete User")
- print("3. View All Users")
- print("4. Password Recovery (Admin Only)")
- print("5. Security Card Login")
- print("6. Exit")
- local choice = read()
- if choice == "1" then
- createUser()
- elseif choice == "2" then
- deleteUser()
- elseif choice == "3" then
- viewAllUsers()
- elseif choice == "4" then
- passwordRecovery()
- elseif choice == "5" then
- print("Enter username:")
- local username = read()
- -- Validate username
- if fs.exists("/disk/users/" .. username) then
- print("Enter password:")
- local password = read("*")
- -- Verify password before proceeding to security card login
- local file ="/disk/users/" .. username .. "/password.txt", "r")
- local storedPassword = file.readAll()
- file.close()
- if password == storedPassword then
- securityCardLogin(username)
- else
- print("Incorrect password.")
- sleep(2)
- end
- else
- print("User not found.")
- sleep(2)
- end
- elseif choice == "6" then
- exitProgram()
- else
- print("Invalid choice. Try again.")
- sleep(2)
- end
- end
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