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- ' *********************** this is the userform code *********************
- Option Explicit
- ' for sharing 1 click event for each of the command buttons
- Private Type TLocals
- AllControls() As New UsfControlEvents
- End Type
- Private this As TLocals
- Dim formIsLoading As Boolean
- Public selectedDate As Date
- Private Sub CreateEventHandlers()
- ' date button click event
- Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control, ControlCount As Long
- For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
- ' the command button names weren't changed so it was easy to find them on the form
- ' any other command button used will not have command button in it's name
- If InStr(ctrl.Name, "CommandButton") > 0 Then
- ControlCount = ControlCount + 1
- ReDim Preserve this.AllControls(1 To ControlCount)
- With this.AllControls(ControlCount)
- Set .CmdBttnGroup = ctrl
- .Init argHostUsf:=Me
- End With
- End If
- Next ctrl
- End Sub
- Private Function GetButton(buttonName) As MSForms.CommandButton
- ' get the button asked for
- Dim ctrl As Control
- Dim foundButton As MSForms.CommandButton
- For Each ctrl In frmCalendar.Controls
- If ctrl.Name = buttonName Then
- Set foundButton = ctrl
- Exit For
- End If
- Next ctrl
- Set GetButton = foundButton
- End Function
- Private Sub HideButtons()
- ' reset the visibility of the buttons used as dates
- Dim ctrl As Control
- For Each ctrl In frmCalendar.Controls
- If InStr(ctrl.Name, "Command") > 0 Then ctrl.Visible = False
- Next ctrl
- End Sub
- Private Sub SelectMonthYear()
- drpMonth.ListIndex = Month(Date) - 1 ' select the current month
- ' select the current year
- Dim idx As Integer
- For idx = 0 To drpYear.ListCount - 1
- drpYear.ListIndex = idx
- If drpYear.Text = Year(Date) Then Exit For
- Next idx
- End Sub
- Private Sub FillCalendar(theMonth As Integer, theYear As Integer)
- ' fill the form with the selected month and year
- Dim dayNumber As Integer
- Dim firstDayNextMonth As Date
- Dim firstDayThisMonth As Date
- Dim lastDayThisMonth As Date
- Dim buttonName As String
- Dim buttonNumber As Integer
- Dim dayButton As MSForms.CommandButton
- ' calc the first and last days of the month
- firstDayThisMonth = CDate(theMonth & "/1/" & theYear)
- firstDayNextMonth = DateAdd("m", 1, firstDayThisMonth)
- lastDayThisMonth = firstDayNextMonth - 1
- buttonNumber = Weekday(firstDayThisMonth) ' assign the button number to start with
- dayNumber = 1
- Do While True
- buttonName = "CommandButton" & buttonNumber
- Set dayButton = GetButton(buttonName)
- dayButton.Caption = dayNumber
- dayButton.Visible = True
- dayButton.BackColor = Me.BackColor ' reset the color of button as "not selected"
- ' if true the current days date will have a bold font
- If CDate(drpMonth.Text & " " & dayNumber & ", " & drpYear.Text) = Date Then
- dayButton.ForeColor = vbBlue
- Else
- dayButton.ForeColor = vbBlack
- End If
- ' when we reach the last day of the month exit this loop
- If dayNumber = Day(lastDayThisMonth) Then Exit Do
- ' increment the day number and the button number it should be placed on
- dayNumber = dayNumber + 1
- buttonNumber = buttonNumber + 1
- Loop
- ' write the current month year being displayed
- Me.Tag = theMonth & "|" & theYear
- End Sub
- Private Sub FillMonthDropDown()
- ' fill the month dropdown
- drpMonth.List = Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")
- End Sub
- Private Sub FillYearCombo()
- ' fill the year combobox
- drpYear.List = Array(Year(Date) - 1, Year(Date), Year(Date) + 1, Year(Date) + 2, Year(Date) + 3, Year(Date) + 5, Year(Date) + 5)
- End Sub
- Private Sub HighlightDateButton(dateToHighlight As Date)
- End Sub
- Private Sub btnOK_Click()
- ' close the form
- Me.Hide
- End Sub
- Private Sub drpMonth_Click()
- ' update the calendar to display the selected month, there has to be a year
- If Not formIsLoading Then
- HideButtons
- FillCalendar drpMonth.ListIndex + 1, drpYear.Text
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub drpYear_Click()
- ' update the calendar to display the selected month, there has to be a year
- If Not formIsLoading Then
- HideButtons
- FillCalendar drpMonth.ListIndex + 1, drpYear.Text
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
- ' fill the form with the current month and highlight today
- formIsLoading = True
- FillMonthDropDown
- FillYearCombo
- SelectMonthYear
- FillCalendar Month(Date), Year(Date)
- formIsLoading = False
- ' assign each of the day buttons the same event handler
- CreateEventHandlers
- End Sub
- Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
- End Sub
- ' ************************* Module1 UDF
- Public Function AskForDate() As Date
- Dim dateSelected As Date
- frmCalendar.Show vbModal
- dateSelected = frmCalendar.selectedDate
- Unload frmCalendar
- AskForDate = dateSelected
- End Function
- ' ******************** User Class to hold the shared CommandButton click event
- ' create an event that all the buttons use
- ' from
- Public WithEvents CmdBttnGroup As MSForms.CommandButton
- Private Type TLocals
- Usf As Object
- End Type
- Private this As TLocals
- Public Sub Init(ByVal argHostUsf As Object)
- Set this.Usf = argHostUsf
- End Sub
- Private Sub CmdBttnGroup_Click()
- ' indicate the selected date and assign it to the public
- CmdBttnGroup.BackColor = vbYellow
- Dim parentForm As frmCalendar
- Set parentForm = CmdBttnGroup.Parent
- parentForm.selectedDate = CDate(parentForm.drpMonth.ListIndex + 1 & "/" & CmdBttnGroup.Caption & "/" & parentForm.drpYear.Text)
- Set parentForm = Nothing
- End Sub
- ' ****************************** worksheet code
- Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
- ' direct call to a cell
- Sheet1.Cells(2, 2).Value = AskForDate()
- End Sub
- Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
- ' if the user clicks into a cell on col B allow them to pick a date
- ' ignore the header and the row with a button that lets the user select a date
- If Target.Column = 2 And Target.Row > 2 Then
- ' the user clicked into the column requiring a date
- Sheet1.Cells(Target.Row, 2).Value = AskForDate()
- End If
- End Sub
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