
No game NO life zero movie Review

Jan 9th, 2022
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  2. Bruh I am confused of my own heart / felling’s I can’t decide I would give it a 8 or 9 because it’s a fucking another masterpiece the ending was my fav song “there is a reason” the art style is always beautiful from madhouse and the voice over is like I don’t know but It feels like “déjà vu” I mean the main character has the same voice from NGNL and I don’t know the bastards who give it a 5 , really 5 are you fucking kidding 5 I mean did they really have any experience with anime or they are just a fake anime watcher . I mean there are hater’s in our world but to this extent giving this masterpiece only 5 bruhh!. I just want to say one think I really enjoyed it. It tells the story of a boy want to save humanity because humans are weak and we know that but this weakness give us the confident to give 100% in our social life to fight. And that’s we are. The boy falls in love with machine (she) and they saved the whole world. But they did not make it till the end but their result gives the humanity in freedom and that’s very motivating there very seriousness in this anime there are a bit of comedy but there are more seriousness. no Ecchi and there is romance the romance isn’t that much but what they have given us is all that need in romance the trust bonding ♥❤ and that’s what I loved this anime but I am still confused what to give ?? 😅😅😅😅
  4. well for this confusion i think i will give this movie a 8 because i think in some sort the movie is lacking a bit comedy of in my perspective and it's a bit rushed . so i will give it 1 less than its anime
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