
Dragons Lair Chatgpt BASIC v004_OK_SEND

Nov 4th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. 1 REM I'll send you a detailed walkthrough for the **Amiga version of Dragon's Lair**. I want to make an text adventure in SincDair BASIC using the following walktrough. If the player enter the wront text then dispaly a message :You Die!! and start the game over again.
  2. 2 REM v004
  4. 10 PRINT "Welcome to "';TAB 3;"Lragon's Dair"';TAB 7;" Adventure!":PRINT '' "By Firelord Quality Games":PAUSE 0
  5. 20 GOSUB 6000  :REM Start the game
  6. 30 REM STOP
  7. 100 REM GAME LOOP
  8. 101 CLS
  9. 102 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"1. The Ominous Gate";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  10. 103 PRINT "You begin at the castle gate,   facing a large, ominous door. "'"A guard approaches."
  11. 104 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  12. 105 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  13. 106 INPUT A$
  14. 107 IF A$<>"Right" THEN GOTO 9980
  15. 108 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  16. 109 INPUT A$
  17. 110 IF A$<>"Up" THEN GOTO 9980
  18. 111 GOTO 200
  20. 201 CLS
  21. 202 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"2. The Potion Chamber";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  22. 203 PRINT "Inside, a strange potion awaits on a table. A shadow looms, threatening you."
  23. 204 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  24. 205 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  25. 206 INPUT A$
  26. 207 IF A$<>"Down" THEN GOTO 9980
  27. 208 PRINT "Jump OR Duck?"
  28. 209 INPUT A$
  29. 210 IF A$<>"Jump" THEN GOTO 9980
  30. 211 GOTO 300
  32. 301 CLS
  33. 302 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"3. The Mirrored Gate";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  34. 303 PRINT "You return to the gate, but this time it's a mirrored version."
  35. 304 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  36. 305 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  37. 306 INPUT A$
  38. 307 IF A$<>"Left" THEN GOTO 9980
  39. 308 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  40. 309 INPUT A$
  41. 310 IF A$<>"Up" THEN GOTO 9980
  42. 311 GOTO 400
  43. 400 REM BATS STAGE
  44. 401 CLS
  45. 402 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"4. The Bat Cave";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  46. 403 PRINT "The next area is dark and filled with fluttering bats."
  47. 404 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  48. 405 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  49. 406 INPUT A$
  50. 407 IF A$<>"Right" THEN GOTO 9980
  51. 408 PRINT "Jump OR Duck?"
  52. 409 INPUT A$
  53. 410 IF A$<>"Jump" THEN GOTO 9980
  54. 411 GOTO 500
  56. 501 CLS
  57. 502 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"5. The Tentacle Pit";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  58. 503 PRINT "You find yourself in a room with a large, menacing tentacle."
  59. 504 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  60. 505 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  61. 506 INPUT A$
  62. 507 IF A$<>"Up" THEN GOTO 9980
  63. 508 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  64. 509 INPUT A$
  65. 510 IF A$<>"Right" THEN GOTO 9980
  66. 511 GOTO 600
  68. 601 CLS
  69. 602 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"6. The Bat Maze";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  70. 603 PRINT "Back in the bat-filled area, but the arrangement has changed."
  71. 604 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  72. 605 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  73. 606 INPUT A$
  74. 607 IF A$<>"Left" THEN GOTO 9980
  75. 608 PRINT "Jump OR Duck?"
  76. 609 INPUT A$
  77. 610 IF A$<>"Jump" THEN GOTO 9980
  78. 611 GOTO 700
  80. 701 CLS
  81. 702 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"7. The Furious Tentacle";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  82. 703 PRINT "The tentacle returns, but its movements are now different."
  83. 704 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  84. 705 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  85. 706 INPUT A$
  86. 707 IF A$<>"Right" THEN GOTO 9980
  87. 708 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  88. 709 INPUT A$
  89. 710 IF A$<>"Up" THEN GOTO 9980
  90. 711 GOTO 800
  92. 801 CLS
  93. 802 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"8. The Energy Vortex";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  94. 803 PRINT "You encounter a swirling vortex, pulling you towards its center."
  95. 804 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  96. 805 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  97. 806 INPUT A$
  98. 807 IF A$<>"Down" THEN GOTO 9980
  99. 808 PRINT "Jump OR Duck?"
  100. 809 INPUT A$
  101. 810 IF A$<>"Jump" THEN GOTO 9980
  102. 811 GOTO 900
  104. 901 CLS
  105. 902 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"9. The Raging Rapids";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  106. 903 PRINT "A rushing river blocks your path, with logs floating downstream."
  107. 904 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  108. 905 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  109. 906 INPUT A$
  110. 907 IF A$<>"Right" THEN GOTO 9980
  111. 908 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  112. 909 INPUT A$
  113. 910 IF A$<>"Up" THEN GOTO 9980
  114. 911 GOTO 1000
  116. 1001 CLS
  117. 1002 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"10. The Cauldron of Secrets";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  118. 1003 PRINT "A bubbling cauldron filled with a mysterious potion sits in the center."
  119. 1004 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  120. 1005 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  121. 1006 INPUT A$
  122. 1007 IF A$<>"Left" THEN GOTO 9980
  123. 1008 PRINT "Jump OR Duck?"
  124. 1009 INPUT A$
  125. 1010 IF A$<>"Jump" THEN GOTO 9980
  126. 1011 GOTO 1100
  127. 1100 REM KNIGHT STAGE
  128. 1101 CLS
  129. 1102 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"11. The Armored Knight";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  130. 1103 PRINT "A knight stands ready for battle, challenging you to a duel."
  131. 1104 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  132. 1105 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  133. 1106 INPUT A$
  134. 1107 IF A$<>"Right" THEN GOTO 9980
  135. 1108 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  136. 1109 INPUT A$
  137. 1110 IF A$<>"Up" THEN GOTO 9980
  138. 1111 GOTO 1200
  140. 1201 CLS
  141. 1202 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"12. The Deadly Boulder";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  142. 1203 PRINT "A massive boulder rolls down towards you, threatening to crush you."
  143. 1204 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  144. 1205 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  145. 1206 INPUT A$
  146. 1207 IF A$<>"Down" THEN GOTO 9980
  147. 1208 PRINT "Jump OR Duck?"
  148. 1209 INPUT A$
  149. 1210 IF A$<>"Jump" THEN GOTO 9980
  150. 1211 GOTO 1300
  152. 1301 CLS
  153. 1302 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"13. The Knight's Fury";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  154. 1303 PRINT "You face the knight again, but the dynamics of the fight are altered."
  155. 1304 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  156. 1305 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  157. 1306 INPUT A$
  158. 1307 IF A$<>"Left" THEN GOTO 9980
  159. 1308 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  160. 1309 INPUT A$
  161. 1310 IF A$<>"Up" THEN GOTO 9980
  162. 1311 GOTO 1400
  164. 1401 CLS
  165. 1402 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"14. The Boulder's Revenge";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  166. 1403 PRINT "The boulder returns, but you must navigate through different obstacles."
  167. 1404 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  168. 1405 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  169. 1406 INPUT A$
  170. 1407 IF A$<>"Right" THEN GOTO 9980
  171. 1408 PRINT "Jump OR Duck?"
  172. 1409 INPUT A$
  173. 1410 IF A$<>"Jump" THEN GOTO 9980
  174. 1411 GOTO 1500
  175. 1500 REM 15.BEDROOM STAGE
  176. 1501 CLS
  177. 1502 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"15. The Shadowed Bedroom";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  178. 1503 PRINT "You enter a dark bedroom,"
  179. 1504 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  180. 1505 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  181. 1506 INPUT A$
  182. 1507 IF A$<>"Up" THEN GOTO 9980
  183. 1508 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  184. 1509 INPUT A$
  185. 1510 IF A$<>"Right" THEN GOTO 9980
  186. 1511 GOTO 1600
  187. 1600 REM 16.Bedroom (Reversed Version of 15)
  188. 1601 CLS
  189. 1602 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"16. The Shifting Shadows";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  190. 1603 PRINT "You enter a dark bedroom,"
  191. 1604 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  192. 1605 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  193. 1606 INPUT A$
  194. 1607 IF A$<>"Right" THEN GOTO 9980
  195. 1608 PRINT "Jump OR Duck?"
  196. 1609 INPUT A$
  197. 1610 IF A$<>"Jump" THEN GOTO 9980
  198. 1611 GOTO 1700
  199. 1700 REM  17. Lragon's Dair
  200. 1701 CLS
  201. 1702 PRINT INVERSE 1;BRIGHT 1;"17. The Lragon's Dair";INVERSE 0;BRIGHT 0
  202. 1703 PRINT "You enter a dark bedroom,"
  203. 1704 PRINT "Enter your move:"
  204. 1705 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  205. 1706 INPUT A$
  206. 1707 IF A$<>"Left" THEN GOTO 9980
  207. 1708 PRINT "Move Up OR Down?"
  208. 1709 INPUT A$
  209. 1710 IF A$<>"Up" THEN GOTO 9980
  210. 1711 PRINT "Move Left OR Right?"
  211. 1712 INPUT A$
  212. 1713 IF A$<>"Right" THEN GOTO 9980
  213. 1714 PRINT "Jump OR Duck?"
  214. 1715 INPUT A$
  215. 1716 IF A$<>"Jump" THEN GOTO 9980
  216. 1717 GOTO 8000
  217. 6000 REM init intro
  218. 6010 CLS : FLASH 0
  219. 6020 PRINT AT 2,3; "Welcome to Lragon's Dair!": PRINT AT 5,2; "Choose your Adventure Mode:"
  220. 6030 PRINT AT 6,5; "1. Easy"
  221. 6040 PRINT AT 7,5; "2. Easy with Distractions"
  222. 6045 PRINT AT 19,0;" (Remember- Caps are important!)"
  223. 6050 INPUT "Select a mode (1 or 2): ", M$
  224. 6060 IF M$ = "1" THEN GOTO 6100  : REM Easy Mode
  225. 6070 IF M$ = "2" THEN INK RND*4:PAPER RND*6: FLASH 1:CLS:GOTO 6100  : REM Easy with Distractions
  226. 6080 PRINT AT 18,10; "Invalid Selection. Please choose 1 or 2."
  227. 6090 GOTO 6020
  228. 6500 RETURN
  229. 8000 CLS:FLASH 1: PRINT "You Win!!!"
  230. 8010 PRINT '''"Now Try Mode 2 - Easy with Disctractions."
  231. 8100 STOP
  232. 9980 CLS:FLASH 1:CLS
  233. 9998  PRINT AT 10,10;INVERSE 1;"You Die!!" ; INVERSE 0; FLASH 0
  234. 9999 STOP
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