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- class components;
- class SensorTemplateActiveRadar;
- class SensorTemplateAntiRadiation;
- class SensorTemplateIR;
- class SensorTemplateLaser;
- class SensorTemplateMan;
- class SensorTemplateNV;
- class SensorTemplatePassiveRadar;
- class SensorTemplateVisual;
- class DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerRight;
- class DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft;
- class VehicleSystemsTemplateLeftPilot: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft
- {
- class Components;
- };
- class VehicleSystemsTemplateRightPilot: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerRight
- {
- class Components;
- };
- class VehicleSystemsTemplateLeftGunner: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft
- {
- class Components;
- };
- class VehicleSystemsTemplateRightGunner: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerRight
- {
- class Components;
- };
- class cfgVehicles{
- class Air;
- class Helicopter: Air
- {
- class HitPoints;
- };
- class Helicopter_Base_F: Helicopter
- {
- class Turrets;
- };
- class Helicopter_Base_H: Helicopter_Base_F
- {
- class Turrets: Turrets
- {
- class MainTurret;
- class CopilotTurret;
- };
- };
- class cup_mi8_base:Helicopter_Base_H{
- class Turrets: Turrets
- {
- class MainTurret;
- class CopilotTurret;
- class BackTurret;
- };
- };
- class CUP_Mi8_MTV3_base:cup_mi8_base{
- class Turrets:Turrets{
- class MainTurret;
- class CopilotTurret;
- class sideTurret;
- };
- };
- class PW_FLPMC_B_MI8_RKT2 : CUP_Mi8_MTV3_base{
- scope = 2;
- side = 1;
- faction = "B_FLPMC";
- displayName="Mi-8MTV4 Hip C";
- crew = "B_FLPMC_Helicopter_Crew_01";
- typicalCargo[]=
- {
- "B_FLPMC_Helicopter_Crew_01",
- "B_FLPMC_Helicopter_Crew_01",
- "B_FLPMC_Helicopter_Crew_01",
- "B_FLPMC_Helicopter_Crew_01"
- };
- editorPreview="MI8\ARM.jpg";
- hiddenSelectionsTextures[]=
- {
- "MI8\data\mi8_green_1_co.paa",
- "MI8\data\mi8_green_2_co.paa"
- };
- class TextureSources
- {
- class Green
- {
- displayName="Green";
- author="Gamenator";
- textures[]=
- {
- "MI8\data\mi8_green_1_co.paa",
- "MI8\data\mi8_green_2_co.paa"
- };
- factions[]=
- {
- "B_FLPMC",
- "O_FLPMC",
- };
- };
- class Desert
- {
- displayName="Desert";
- author="Gamenator";
- textures[]=
- {
- "MI8\data\mi8_desert_1_co.paa",
- "MI8\data\mi8_desert_2_co.paa"
- };
- factions[]=
- {
- "B_FLPMC",
- "O_FLPMC",
- };
- };
- class Black
- {
- displayName="Black";
- author="Gamenator";
- textures[]=
- {
- "MI8\data\mi8_black_1_co.paa",
- "MI8\data\mi8_black_2_co.paa"
- };
- factions[]=
- {
- "B_FLPMC",
- "O_FLPMC",
- };
- };
- class Grey
- {
- displayName="Grey";
- author="Gamenator";
- textures[]=
- {
- "MI8\data\mi8_grey_1_co.paa",
- "MI8\data\mi8_grey_2_co.paa"
- };
- factions[]=
- {
- "B_FLPMC",
- "O_FLPMC",
- };
- };
- };
- class pilotCamera // A class that creates a turret-like slewable secondary optics for the pilot. Used to simulate Targeting Pods.
- {
- class OpticsIn
- {
- class Wide
- {
- initAngleX = 0; minAngleX=0; maxAngleX=0;
- initAngleY = 0; minAngleY=0; maxAngleY=0;
- initFov = 0.25; // Zoom level of the magnification mode. In this case discrete - min/max/init set to the same value
- minFov = 0.25;
- maxFov = 0.25;
- directionStabilized = 1; // Allows stabilization of the turret
- visionMode[] = {"Normal","Ti","NVG"}; // Available spectrum modes - in this case visible and thermal
- thermalMode[] = {0,1}; // TI modes - in this case WHOT and BHOT
- gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_wide_F.p3d"; // model used for the reticle
- opticsPPEffects[] = {}; // post-process effects used in the optics
- };
- class Medium : Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName = "MFOV";
- initFov = A3_FOV_DEG(6);
- minFov = A3_FOV_DEG(6);
- maxFov = A3_FOV_DEG(6);
- gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_medium_F.p3d";
- };
- class Narrow : Wide
- {
- initFov = 0.125;
- minFov = 0.125;
- maxFov = 0.125;
- gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UAV_Optics_Gunner_narrow_F.p3d";
- };
- showMiniMapInOptics = true;
- showUAVViewInOptics = false;
- showSlingLoadManagerInOptics = false;
- };
- minTurn = -180; // yaw limits
- maxTurn = +180; // yaw limits
- initTurn = 0; // initial yaw angle
- minElev = 8; // pitch limits
- maxElev = 90; // pitch limits
- initElev = 0; // initial pitch angle
- maxXRotSpeed = 0.3; // yawing speed
- maxYRotSpeed = 0.3; // pitching speed
- maxMouseXRotSpeed = 0.5; // yawing speed for mouse
- maxMouseYRotSpeed = 0.5; // pitching speed for mouse
- pilotOpticsShowCursor = 1; // aimCursor is display inside optics (is useful to see plane direction)
- controllable = true; // camera can be slewed, set to 0 to have static camera
- };
- memoryPointDriverOptics = "konec l svetla";
- //unitInfoType = "RscOptics_CAS_Pilot"; //rsc with DriverOptics elements
- driverWeaponsInfoType = "RscOptics_CAS_01_TGP"; //resource with Weapon UI elements that will be used when looking through the pilotCamera
- class Turrets:Turrets
- {
- class SideTurret: MainTurret
- {
- proxyIndex=2;
- commanding=-1;
- primaryGunner=0;
- gunnerName="$STR_A3_LEFT_GUNNER";
- };
- class BackTurret: BackTurret
- {
- gunnerName="$STR_A3_REAR_GUNNER";
- primaryGunner=0;
- commanding=-3;
- proxyIndex=3;
- };
- class FrontTurret: MainTurret
- {
- proxyIndex=1;
- gunnerName="$STR_CUP_POSITION_Core_CC";
- body="Turret_3";
- gun="Gun_3";
- animationSourceBody="Turret_3";
- animationSourceGun="Gun_3";
- minElev=-80;
- maxElev=25;
- initElev=-10;
- minTurn=-44;
- maxTurn=44;
- initTurn=0;
- weapons[]=
- {
- "CUP_Vhmg_PKT_veh3"
- };
- stabilizedInAxes=0;
- gunBeg="muzzle_3";
- gunEnd="chamber_3";
- gunnerAction="CUP_Mi8_Gunner";
- gunnerInAction="CUP_Mi8_Gunner";
- memoryPointGun="muzzle_3";
- memoryPointGunnerOptics="gunnerview3";
- selectionFireAnim="zasleh3";
- primaryGunner=1;
- commanding=-1;
- };
- class CopilotTurret: MainTurret
- {
- isCopilot=1;
- weapons[]=
- {
- "Laserdesignator_mounted"
- };
- magazines[]=
- {
- "Laserbatteries"
- };
- memoryPointGunnerOptics="konec l svetla";
- gunnerOpticsEffect[]={};
- gunnerOpticsModel="";
- body="Turret_3";
- gun="Gun_3";
- animationSourceBody="Turret_3";
- animationSourceGun="Gun_3";
- gunBeg="muzzle_3";
- gunEnd="chamber_3";
- turretInfoType="RscOptics_UAV_gunner";
- minTurn=-180;
- maxTurn=180;
- initTurn=0;
- minElev=7;
- maxElev=90;
- initElev=0;
- enableManualFire=1;
- stabilizedInAxes=0;
- usePip=1;
- class Components
- {
- class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentLeft: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft
- {
- defaultDisplay="EmptyDisplay";
- class Components
- {
- class SensorsDisplay
- {
- componentType="SensorsDisplayComponent";
- range[]={16000,8000,4000,2000};
- resource="RscCustomInfoSensors";
- };
- class CrewDisplay
- {
- componentType="CrewDisplayComponent";
- resource="RscCustomInfoCrew";
- };
- class MinimapDisplay
- {
- componentType="MinimapDisplayComponent";
- resource="RscCustomInfoMiniMap";
- };
- class EmptyDisplay
- {
- componentType="EmptyDisplayComponent";
- };
- };
- };
- class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentRight: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerRight
- {
- defaultDisplay="SensorsDisplay";
- class Components
- {
- class SensorsDisplay
- {
- componentType="SensorsDisplayComponent";
- range[]={16000,8000,4000,2000};
- resource="RscCustomInfoSensors";
- };
- class CrewDisplay
- {
- componentType="CrewDisplayComponent";
- resource="RscCustomInfoCrew";
- };
- class MinimapDisplay
- {
- componentType="MinimapDisplayComponent";
- resource="RscCustomInfoMiniMap";
- };
- class EmptyDisplay
- {
- componentType="EmptyDisplayComponent";
- };
- };
- };
- };
- class OpticsIn
- {
- class WideNGS
- {
- opticsDisplayName="W";
- initAngleX=0;
- minAngleX=-35;
- maxAngleX=10;
- initAngleY=0;
- minAngleY=-100;
- maxAngleY=100;
- initFov=0.46599999;
- minFov=0.46599999;
- maxFov=0.46599999;
- visionMode[]=
- {
- "Normal",
- "NVG",
- "Ti"
- };
- thermalMode[]={0,1};
- gunnerOpticsColor[]={0.15000001,1,0.15000001,1};
- gunnerOpticsModel="A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Gunner_MBT_03_w_F.p3d";
- directionStabilized=0;
- opticsPPEffects[]=
- {
- "OpticsCHAbera2",
- "OpticsBlur2"
- };
- };
- class Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="W";
- initAngleX=0;
- minAngleX=-35;
- maxAngleX=10;
- initAngleY=0;
- minAngleY=-100;
- maxAngleY=100;
- initFov=0.46599999;
- minFov=0.46599999;
- maxFov=0.46599999;
- visionMode[]=
- {
- "Normal",
- "NVG",
- "Ti"
- };
- thermalMode[]={0,1};
- gunnerOpticsColor[]={0.15000001,1,0.15000001,1};
- gunnerOpticsModel="A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Gunner_MBT_02_w_F.p3d";
- directionStabilized=1;
- opticsPPEffects[]=
- {
- "OpticsCHAbera2",
- "OpticsBlur2"
- };
- gunnerOpticsEffect[]=
- {
- "TankCommanderOptics1"
- };
- };
- class WideL: Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="WL";
- initFov=0.2;
- minFov=0.2;
- maxFov=0.2;
- gunnerOpticsModel="A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Gunner_MBT_02_m_F.p3d";
- gunnerOpticsColor[]={0,0,0,1};
- directionStabilized=1;
- opticsPPEffects[]=
- {
- "OpticsCHAbera2",
- "OpticsBlur2"
- };
- };
- class Medium: Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="M";
- initFov=0.1;
- minFov=0.1;
- maxFov=0.1;
- directionStabilized=1;
- gunnerOpticsColor[]={0,0,0,1};
- gunnerOpticsModel="A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Gunner_MBT_02_m_F.p3d";
- };
- class Narrow: Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="N";
- gunnerOpticsColor[]={0,0,0,1};
- gunnerOpticsModel="A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Gunner_MBT_02_n_F.p3d";
- directionStabilized=1;
- initFov=0.02;
- minFov=0.02;
- maxFov=0.02;
- };
- class Narrower: Wide
- {
- opticsDisplayName="N";
- gunnerOpticsColor[]={0,0,0,1};
- gunnerOpticsModel="A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Gunner_MBT_02_n_F.p3d";
- directionStabilized=1;
- initFov=0.013157895;
- minFov=0.013157895;
- maxFov=0.013157895;
- };
- };
- class OpticsOut
- {
- class Monocular
- {
- initAngleX=0;
- minAngleX=-100;
- maxAngleX=100;
- initAngleY=0;
- minAngleY=-89;
- maxAngleY=89;
- initFov=1.1;
- minFov=0.133;
- maxFov=1.1;
- visionMode[]=
- {
- "Normal",
- "NVG"
- };
- gunnerOpticsModel="\A3\weapons_f\reticle\optics_empty";
- gunnerOpticsEffect[]={};
- };
- };
- gunnerAction="CUP_Mi8_Pilot";
- gunnerInAction="CUP_Mi8_Pilot";
- precisegetinout=1;
- gunnerGetInAction="copilot_Heli_Light_02_Enter";
- gunnerGetOutAction="copilot_Heli_Light_02_Exit";
- memoryPointsGetInCargo="pos codriver";
- memoryPointsGetInCargoDir="pos codriver dir";
- canEject=0;
- maxHorizontalRotSpeed=3;
- maxVerticalRotSpeed=3;
- gunnerName="Copilot";
- proxyType="CPGunner";
- proxyIndex=4;
- controllable= true; // camera can be slewed, set to 0 to have static camera
- };
- };
- class Components: Components
- {
- class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentLeft: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft
- {
- defaultDisplay="EmptyDisplay";
- class Components
- {
- class MissileDisplay
- {
- componentType="TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
- source="Missile";
- };
- class SensorsDisplay
- {
- componentType="SensorsDisplayComponent";
- range[]={16000,8000,4000,2000};
- resource="RscCustomInfoSensors";
- };
- class CrewDisplay
- {
- componentType="CrewDisplayComponent";
- resource="RscCustomInfoCrew";
- };
- class MinimapDisplay
- {
- componentType="MinimapDisplayComponent";
- resource="RscCustomInfoMiniMap";
- };
- class EmptyDisplay
- {
- componentType="EmptyDisplayComponent";
- };
- };
- };
- class VehicleSystemsDisplayManagerComponentRight: DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerRight
- {
- defaultDisplay="SensorsDisplay";
- class Components
- {
- class MissileDisplay
- {
- componentType="TransportFeedDisplayComponent";
- source="Missile";
- };
- class SensorsDisplay
- {
- componentType="SensorsDisplayComponent";
- range[]={16000,8000,4000,2000};
- resource="RscCustomInfoSensors";
- };
- class CrewDisplay
- {
- componentType="CrewDisplayComponent";
- resource="RscCustomInfoCrew";
- };
- class MinimapDisplay
- {
- componentType="MinimapDisplayComponent";
- resource="RscCustomInfoMiniMap";
- };
- class EmptyDisplay
- {
- componentType="EmptyDisplayComponent";
- };
- };
- };
- class SensorsManagerComponent
- {
- class Components
- {
- class IRSensorComponent: SensorTemplateIR
- {
- aimDown=0;
- angleRangeHorizontal=360;
- angleRangeVertical=360;
- typeRecognitionDistance=1500;
- class AirTarget
- {
- maxRange=3000;
- minRange=50;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- };
- class GroundTarget
- {
- maxRange=3000;
- minRange=50;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- };
- };
- class PassiveRadarComponent: SensorTemplatePassiveRadar
- {
- };
- class ActiveRadarComponent: SensorTemplateActiveRadar
- {
- aimDown=0;
- angleRangeHorizontal=90;
- angleRangeVertical=90;
- typeRecognitionDistance=3500;
- class AirTarget
- {
- maxRange=7000;
- minRange=0;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef=-1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef=-1;
- };
- class GroundTarget
- {
- maxRange=5000;
- minRange=0;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef=-1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef=-1;
- };
- };
- class VisualSensorComponent: SensorTemplateVisual
- {
- aimDown=0;
- angleRangeHorizontal=360;
- angleRangeVertical=360;
- maxTrackableSpeed=110;
- typeRecognitionDistance=1000;
- class AirTarget
- {
- maxRange=2500;
- minRange=50;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- };
- class GroundTarget
- {
- maxRange=2500;
- minRange=50;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- };
- };
- class NVSensorComponent: SensorTemplateNV
- {
- aimDown=0;
- angleRangeHorizontal=360;
- angleRangeVertical=360;
- typeRecognitionDistance=1500;
- class AirTarget
- {
- maxRange=3000;
- minRange=50;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- };
- class GroundTarget
- {
- maxRange=3000;
- minRange=50;
- objectDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- viewDistanceLimitCoef=1;
- };
- };
- class LaserSensorComponent: SensorTemplateLaser
- {
- };
- };
- };
- class TransportPylonsComponent
- {
- UIPicture="\CUP\AirVehicles\CUP_AirVehicles_Mi8\data\ui\CUP_Mi8_3DEN_ca.paa";
- class presets
- {
- class Empty
- {
- displayName="$STR_EMPTY";
- attachment[]={};
- };
- class Default
- {
- displayName="$STR_VEHICLE_DEFAULT";
- attachment[]=
- {
- "PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel",
- "CUP_PylonPod_32Rnd_S5_M",
- "CUP_PylonPod_32Rnd_S5_M",
- "PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel"
- };
- };
- class AT
- {
- displayName="AT";
- attachment[]=
- {
- "PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel",
- "PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel",
- "PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel",
- "PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel"
- };
- };
- class HAT
- {
- displayName="Heavy AT";
- attachment[]=
- {
- "PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel",
- "PylonRack_1Rnd_Missile_AGM_01_F",
- "PylonRack_1Rnd_Missile_AGM_01_F",
- "PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel"
- };
- };
- class CAS
- {
- displayName="CAS";
- attachment[]=
- {
- "PylonRack_19Rnd_Rocket_Skyfire",
- "PylonMissile_1Rnd_Bomb_03_F",
- "PylonMissile_1Rnd_Bomb_03_F",
- "PylonRack_19Rnd_Rocket_Skyfire"
- };
- };
- class Guns
- {
- displayName="Guns";
- attachment[]=
- {
- "CUP_PylonPod_32Rnd_S5_M",
- "PylonWeapon_300Rnd_20mm_shells",
- "PylonWeapon_300Rnd_20mm_shells",
- "CUP_PylonPod_32Rnd_S5_M"
- };
- };
- };
- class pylons
- {
- class pylons1
- {
- hardpoints[]=
- {
- "CUP_GSh23",
- };
- attachment="PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel";
- bay=-1;
- priority=5;
- UIposition[]={0.059999999,0.34999999};
- turret[]={};
- };
- class pylons2: pylons1
- {
- priority=4;
- UIposition[]={0.079999998,0.40000001};
- attachment="CUP_PylonPod_32Rnd_S5_M";
- };
- class pylons3: pylons1
- {
- priority=4;
- UIposition[]={0.56999999,0.40000001};
- mirroredMissilePos=2;
- attachment="CUP_PylonPod_32Rnd_S5_M";
- };
- class pylons4: pylons1
- {
- priority=5;
- UIposition[]={0.58999997,0.34999999};
- mirroredMissilePos=1;
- attachment="PylonRack_4Rnd_LG_scalpel";
- };
- };
- };
- };
- };
- };
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