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- (*------------------------------------------------------------------*)
- (* Translation from the Rosetta Code VM to an ATS program. *)
- #include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
- #define NIL list_nil ()
- #define :: list_cons
- exception Exc_premature_end of string
- exception Exc_illegal_null_char of string
- exception Exc_illegal_char of string
- exception Exc_illegal_opcode of string
- exception Exc_internal_error of string
- typedef character = int
- typedef reader =
- @{
- inpf = FILEref,
- queue = List0 character
- }
- typedef instruction =
- @{
- address = uint,
- opcode = string,
- pushval = int,
- index = uint,
- reladdr = int
- }
- typedef continuation = List1 string
- macdef c2i = char2int0
- macdef newline outf = fprintln! ,(outf)
- (*------------------------------------------------------------------*)
- fn
- character_code (c : character) : int =
- c
- fn
- character_is_newline (c : character) : bool =
- character_code c = c2i '\n'
- fn
- character_is_digit (c : character) : bool =
- isdigit (character_code c)
- fn
- character_is_minus_or_digit (c : character) : bool =
- character_code c = c2i '-' || isdigit (character_code c)
- fn
- character_is_alpha (c : character) : bool =
- isalpha (character_code c)
- fn
- character_is_space (c : character) : bool =
- isspace (character_code c)
- fn
- addr2kont_uint (addr : uint) : string =
- strptr2string (string_append ("kont", tostring_val<uint> addr))
- fn
- addr2kont_int (addr : int) : string =
- addr2kont_uint (g0i2u addr)
- overload addr2kont with addr2kont_uint
- overload addr2kont with addr2kont_int
- fn
- jmp2kont (instr : instruction) : string =
- addr2kont (g0u2i instr.address + instr.reladdr + 1)
- fn
- skip_nothing (instr : instruction) : string =
- addr2kont (instr.address + 1U)
- fn
- skip_immed (instr : instruction) : string =
- addr2kont (instr.address + 5U)
- fn
- index2var (instr : instruction) : string =
- strptr2string
- (string_append ("var", tostring_val<uint> (instr.index)))
- fn
- character_list_to_string
- (lst : List0 character,
- caller : string)
- : string =
- let
- implement
- list_map$fopr<character><charNZ> c =
- let
- val ch = int2char0 (character_code c)
- val ch = g1ofg0 ch
- in
- if ch = '\0' then
- $raise (Exc_illegal_null_char caller)
- else
- ch
- end
- val lst = list_vt2t (list_map<character><charNZ> lst)
- in
- strnptr2string (string_implode lst)
- end
- fn
- get_character (rd : &reader) : character =
- case+ rd.queue of
- | hd :: tl =>
- begin
- rd := @{inpf = rd.inpf, queue = tl};
- hd
- end
- | NIL => fileref_getc (rd.inpf)
- fn
- unget_character (rd : &reader,
- c : character) : void =
- rd := @{inpf = rd.inpf,
- queue = list_append (rd.queue, c :: NIL)}
- fn
- skip_until (rd : &reader,
- pred : character -<cloref1> bool) : character =
- let
- fun
- loop (rd : &reader) : int =
- let
- val c = get_character rd
- in
- if pred c then
- c
- else if c < 0 then
- $raise (Exc_premature_end "skip_until")
- else
- loop rd
- end
- in
- loop rd
- end
- fn
- read_unsigned (rd : &reader) : uint =
- let
- fun
- loop (rd : &reader,
- num : uint) : uint =
- let
- val c = get_character rd
- in
- if character_is_digit c then
- let
- val digit = character_code c - c2i ('0')
- in
- loop (rd, (10U * num) + g0i2u digit)
- end
- else
- begin
- unget_character (rd, c);
- num
- end
- end
- in
- loop (rd, 0U)
- end
- fn
- read_signed (rd : &reader) : int =
- let
- val c = get_character rd
- in
- if character_code c = '-' then
- let
- val num = read_unsigned rd
- in
- ~(g0u2i num)
- end
- else
- let
- val () = unget_character (rd, c)
- val num = read_unsigned rd
- in
- g0u2i num
- end
- end
- fn
- read_header (rd : &reader) : @(uint, uint) =
- let
- val c = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_digit c)
- val () = unget_character (rd, c)
- val data_size = read_unsigned rd
- val c = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_digit c)
- val () = unget_character (rd, c)
- val strings_size = read_unsigned rd
- val _ = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_newline c)
- in
- @(data_size, strings_size)
- end
- fn
- read_string (rd : &reader) : string =
- let
- fun
- loop (rd : &reader,
- lst : List1 character) : List1 character =
- let
- val c = get_character rd
- in
- if character_code c < 0 then
- $raise (Exc_premature_end "read_string")
- else if character_code c = c2i '"' then
- c :: lst
- else
- loop (rd, c :: lst)
- end
- val c = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_code c = c2i '"')
- val lst = list_vt2t (list_reverse (loop (rd, c :: NIL)))
- val _ = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_code c = c2i '\n')
- in
- character_list_to_string (lst, "read_string")
- end
- fn
- read_strings_pool
- (rd : &reader,
- strings_size : uint)
- : List0 string =
- let
- fun
- loop (rd : &reader,
- count : uint,
- pool : List0 string) : List0 string =
- if count = 0 then
- pool
- else
- let
- val s = read_string rd
- in
- loop (rd, pred count, s :: pool)
- end
- in
- list_vt2t (list_reverse (loop (rd, strings_size, NIL)))
- end
- fn
- read_opcode (rd : &reader) : string =
- let
- fun
- loop (rd : &reader,
- lst : List0 character) : List0 character =
- let
- val c = get_character rd
- val code = character_code c
- in
- if code < 0 then
- $raise (Exc_premature_end "read_opcode")
- else if isalpha code then
- loop (rd, c :: lst)
- else
- begin
- unget_character (rd, c);
- list_vt2t (list_reverse lst)
- end
- end
- in
- character_list_to_string (loop (rd, NIL), "read_opcode")
- end
- fn
- read_args (rd : &reader,
- instr : &instruction) : void =
- if instr.opcode = "push" then
- let
- val c = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_minus_or_digit c)
- val () = unget_character (rd, c)
- val pushval = read_signed rd
- val _ = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_newline c)
- in
- instr := @{address = instr.address,
- opcode = instr.opcode,
- pushval = pushval,
- index = 0U,
- reladdr = 0}
- end
- else if instr.opcode = "fetch" || instr.opcode = "store" then
- let
- val _ = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_code c = c2i '\[')
- val c = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_digit c)
- val () = unget_character (rd, c)
- val index = read_unsigned rd
- val _ = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_newline c)
- in
- instr := @{address = instr.address,
- opcode = instr.opcode,
- pushval = 0,
- index = index,
- reladdr = 0}
- end
- else if instr.opcode = "jmp" || instr.opcode = "jz" then
- let
- val _ = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_code c = c2i '\(')
- val c = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_minus_or_digit c)
- val () = unget_character (rd, c)
- val relative_addr = read_signed rd
- val _ = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_newline c)
- in
- instr := @{address = instr.address,
- opcode = instr.opcode,
- pushval = 0,
- index = 0U,
- reladdr = relative_addr}
- end
- fn
- read_instruc (rd : &reader) : instruction =
- let
- val c = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_digit c)
- val () = unget_character (rd, c)
- val address = read_unsigned rd
- val c = skip_until (rd, lam c => character_is_alpha c)
- val () = unget_character (rd, c)
- val opcode = read_opcode rd
- var instr = @{address = address,
- opcode = opcode,
- pushval = 0,
- index = 0U,
- reladdr = 0} : instruction
- val () = read_args (rd, instr)
- in
- instr
- end
- fn
- read_instructions (rd : &reader) : List0 instruction =
- let
- fun
- loop (rd : &reader,
- lst : List0 instruction) : List0 instruction =
- let
- val c = skip_until (rd, lam c => ~character_is_space c)
- in
- if c < 0 then
- lst
- else if ~character_is_digit c then
- $raise (Exc_illegal_char "read_instructions")
- else
- let
- val () = unget_character (rd, c)
- val instr = read_instruc rd
- in
- loop (rd, instr :: lst)
- end
- end
- in
- list_vt2t (list_reverse (loop (rd, NIL)))
- end
- (*------------------------------------------------------------------*)
- fn
- write_kont_body_ats_style
- (outf : FILEref,
- args : List0 string) : void =
- case+ args of
- | NIL =>
- $raise (Exc_internal_error "write_kont_body_ats_style")
- | hd :: tl =>
- let
- fun
- loop (args : List0 string,
- separator : string) : void =
- case+ args of
- | NIL => ()
- | hd :: tl =>
- begin
- fprint! (outf, separator, hd);
- loop (tl, ", ")
- end
- in
- fprint! (outf, hd, " (");
- loop (tl, "");
- fprint! (outf, ")");
- end
- fn
- instruc2args_simple (instr : instruction) : List0 string =
- instr.opcode :: skip_nothing instr :: NIL
- fn
- instruc2args_unary
- (instr : instruction,
- operation : string)
- : List0 string =
- "unary" :: operation :: skip_nothing instr :: NIL
- fn
- instruc2args_binary
- (instr : instruction,
- operation : string)
- : List0 string =
- "binary" :: operation :: skip_nothing instr :: NIL
- fn
- instruc2args_store_fetch (instr : instruction) : List0 string =
- instr.opcode :: index2var instr :: skip_immed instr :: NIL
- fn
- instruc2args_push (instr : instruction) : List0 string =
- let
- val pushval = tostring_val<int> instr.pushval
- in
- instr.opcode :: pushval :: skip_immed instr :: NIL
- end
- fn
- instruc2args_jmp (instr : instruction) : List0 string =
- instr.opcode :: jmp2kont instr :: NIL
- fn
- instruc2args_jz (instr : instruction) : List0 string =
- instr.opcode :: jmp2kont instr :: skip_immed instr :: NIL
- fn
- instruc2args_halt (instr : instruction) : List0 string =
- instr.opcode :: NIL
- fn
- instruc2args (instr : instruction) : List0 string =
- case instr.opcode of
- | "push" => instruc2args_push instr
- | "jmp" => instruc2args_jmp instr
- | "jz" => instruc2args_jz instr
- | "store" => instruc2args_store_fetch instr
- | "fetch" => instruc2args_store_fetch instr
- | "prtc" => instruc2args_simple instr
- | "prti" => instruc2args_simple instr
- | "prts" => instruc2args_simple instr
- | "neg" => instruc2args_unary (instr, "g0int_neg")
- | "not" => instruc2args_unary (instr, "logical_not")
- | "add" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "g0int_add")
- | "sub" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "g0int_sub")
- | "mul" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "g0int_mul")
- | "div" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "g0int_div")
- | "mod" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "g0int_mod")
- | "and" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "logical_and")
- | "or" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "logical_or")
- | "lt" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "binary_lt")
- | "le" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "binary_le")
- | "gt" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "binary_gt")
- | "ge" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "binary_ge")
- | "eq" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "binary_eq")
- | "ne" => instruc2args_binary (instr, "binary_ne")
- | "halt" => instruc2args_halt instr
- | _ => $raise (Exc_illegal_opcode "instruc2args")
- fn
- vm2cps (instructions : List0 instruction)
- : List0 continuation =
- let
- fun
- loop (instructions : List0 instruction,
- continuations : List0 continuation)
- : List0 continuation =
- case+ instructions of
- | NIL => continuations
- | hd :: tl =>
- let
- val addr = tostring_val<uint> hd.address
- val name = strptr2string (string_append ("kont", addr))
- val kont = name :: instruc2args hd
- in
- loop (tl, kont :: continuations)
- end
- in
- list_vt2t (list_reverse (loop (instructions, NIL)))
- end
- (*------------------------------------------------------------------*)
- fn
- write_ats_stack (outf : FILEref,
- stack_max : uint) : void =
- begin
- fprintln! (outf, "val stack = arrszref_make_elt<int> (",
- "g0u2u ", stack_max, "U, 0)");
- fprintln! (outf, "val stack_ptr : ref uint = ref 0U");
- end
- fn
- write_ats_named_variables
- (outf : FILEref,
- data_size : uint)
- : void =
- let
- fun
- loop (i : uint) : void =
- if i <> data_size then
- begin
- fprintln! (outf, "val var", i, " : ref int = ref 0");
- loop (succ i)
- end
- in
- loop (0U)
- end
- fn
- write_ats_strings_pool
- (outf : FILEref,
- pool : List0 string)
- : void =
- let
- fun
- loop (i : uint, pool : List0 string) : void =
- case+ pool of
- | hd :: tl =>
- begin
- fprintln! (outf, "val () = strings[", i, "] := ", hd);
- loop (succ i, tl)
- end
- | NIL => ()
- val n = length pool
- in
- fprintln! (outf, "val strings = arrszref_make_elt<string> ",
- "(i2sz ", max (n, 1), ", \"\")");
- if isneqz n then
- loop (0U, pool)
- end
- fn
- write_ats_procedures
- (outf : FILEref,
- konts : List0 continuation) : void =
- begin
- fprint! (outf, "fnx ");
- fprint! (outf, "start_here () : void = ");
- case+ konts of
- | NIL => fprintln! (outf, " ()")
- | hd :: _ =>
- let
- fun
- loop (konts : List0 continuation) : void =
- case+ konts of
- | NIL => ()
- | hd :: tl =>
- let
- val+ kontname :: arguments = hd
- in
- fprint! (outf, "and ");
- fprint! (outf, kontname, " () : void = ");
- write_kont_body_ats_style (outf, arguments);
- newline outf;
- loop tl
- end
- in
- fprintln! (outf, "kont0 ()");
- loop konts
- end
- end
- fn
- write_ats_macros (outf : FILEref) : void =
- fprint! (outf,
- "macdef logical_not (x) =
- if iseqz ,(x) then 1 else 0
- macdef logical_and (x, y) =
- if (isneqz ,(x)) * (isneqz ,(y)) then 1 else 0
- macdef logical_or (x, y) =
- if (isneqz ,(x)) + (isneqz ,(y)) then 1 else 0
- macdef binary_lt (x, y) =
- if ,(x) < ,(y) then 1 else 0
- macdef binary_le (x, y) =
- if ,(x) <= ,(y) then 1 else 0
- macdef binary_gt (x, y) =
- if ,(x) > ,(y) then 1 else 0
- macdef binary_ge (x, y) =
- if ,(x) >= ,(y) then 1 else 0
- macdef binary_eq (x, y) =
- if ,(x) = ,(y) then 1 else 0
- macdef binary_ne (x, y) =
- if ,(x) <> ,(y) then 1 else 0
- macdef unary (operation, kont) =
- let
- val sp = pred !stack_ptr
- in
- stack[sp] := ,(operation) (stack[sp]);
- ,(kont) ()
- end
- macdef binary (operation, kont) =
- let
- val sp2 = pred !stack_ptr
- val sp1 = pred sp2
- in
- stack[sp1] := ,(operation) (stack[sp1], stack[sp2]);
- !stack_ptr := sp2;
- ,(kont) ()
- end
- macdef jmp (kont) =
- ,(kont) ()
- macdef jz (kont_if, kont_else) =
- let
- val sp = pred !stack_ptr;
- in
- !stack_ptr := sp;
- if iseqz stack[sp] then
- ,(kont_if) ()
- else
- ,(kont_else) ()
- end
- macdef push (pushval, kont) =
- let
- val sp = !stack_ptr
- in
- stack[sp] := ,(pushval);
- !stack_ptr := succ sp;
- ,(kont) ()
- end
- macdef store (variable, kont) =
- let
- val sp = pred !stack_ptr
- in
- !stack_ptr := sp;
- !,(variable) := stack[sp];
- ,(kont) ()
- end
- macdef fetch (variable, kont) =
- let
- val sp = !stack_ptr
- in
- stack[sp] := !,(variable);
- !stack_ptr := succ sp;
- ,(kont) ()
- end
- macdef prtc (kont) =
- let
- val sp = pred !stack_ptr
- in
- print! (int2char0 stack[sp]);
- !stack_ptr := sp;
- ,(kont) ()
- end
- macdef prti (kont) =
- let
- val sp = pred !stack_ptr
- in
- print! (stack[sp]);
- !stack_ptr := sp;
- ,(kont) ()
- end
- macdef prts (kont) =
- let
- val sp = pred !stack_ptr
- in
- print! (strings[stack[sp]]);
- !stack_ptr := sp;
- ,(kont) ()
- end
- macdef halt () = ()
- ")
- fn
- compile2ats (rd : &reader,
- outf : FILEref,
- stack_max : uint) : void =
- let
- val @(data_size, strings_size) = read_header rd
- val strings_pool = read_strings_pool (rd, strings_size)
- val instructions = read_instructions rd
- val continuations = vm2cps instructions
- in
- fprintln! (outf, "#include \"share/atspre_staload.hats\"");
- newline outf;
- write_ats_stack (outf, stack_max);
- newline outf;
- write_ats_named_variables (outf, data_size);
- newline outf;
- write_ats_strings_pool (outf, strings_pool);
- newline outf;
- write_ats_macros outf;
- newline outf;
- write_ats_procedures (outf, continuations);
- newline outf;
- fprintln! (outf, "implement main0 () = start_here ()")
- end
- (*------------------------------------------------------------------*)
- implement
- main0 () =
- let
- var rd : reader = @{inpf = stdin_ref, queue = NIL}
- in
- compile2ats (rd, stdout_ref, 1000U)
- end
- (*------------------------------------------------------------------*)
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