

Feb 18th, 2024
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  1. Show username?
  2. Implement searching?
  3. Why giving empty array in useState?
  4. What is useEffect hook does?
  5. How input field can be shown selected on page load?
  8. Here are brief explanations for each question:
  10. **Show Username:**
  11. - To display a username, you typically retrieve it from a data source such as a database or authentication service and then render it in the UI using React components.
  12. - You can store the username in state using useState hook and then display it in the component JSX.
  14. **Implement Searching:**
  15. - Implementing searching involves creating a search input field where users can enter a query.
  16. - As users type, you capture the input value and use it to filter or search through your data.
  17. - You can achieve this by storing the search query in state and filtering your data based on that query.
  19. **Empty Array in useState:**
  20. - Providing an empty array as the initial state in useState hook is common when you want to store an array in state.
  21. - It initializes the state variable with an empty array, indicating that there are no items initially.
  22. - For example, useState([]) initializes the state variable to an empty array.
  24. **useEffect Hook:**
  25. - useEffect hook in React allows you to perform side effects in function components.
  26. - Side effects may include data fetching, DOM manipulation, subscriptions, or any code that needs to run after render.
  27. - useEffect runs after every render by default, but you can control its behavior using dependency array.
  29. **Input Field Selected on Page Load:**
  30. - To show an input field selected on page load, you can use useRef hook to get a reference to the input element.
  31. - Then, you can call the focus() method on the input element reference inside useEffect hook with an empty dependency array to run it only once after the component mounts.
  32. - This will automatically focus the input field when the component loads, making it selected and ready for user input.
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