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- --[[
- MIT License
- Copyright (c) 2019 Bobby Lucero
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- --]]
- Memory = {}
- setmetatable(Memory, {
- __call = function (class, ...)
- numArgs = select("#", ...)
- if numArgs == 0 then
- return class.newArg0(class)
- elseif numArgs == 2 then
- return class.newArg2(class, ...)
- end
- end,
- })
- Memory.z80Ram = {}
- Memory.z80Ports = {}
- Memory.newArg0 = function(self)
- for i=0, 0x10000 - 1 do
- self.z80Ram[i] = 0x0;
- end
- for i=0, 0x10000 - 1 do
- self.z80Ports[i] = 0x0;
- end
- return self
- end
- Memory.newArg2 = function(self, ramSize, portSize)
- if ramSize < 0 or ramSize > 0x10000 then
- error("ramSize Out of Range [0x0000 - 0x10000]")
- end
- if ramSize > 0 then
- for i=0, ramSize - 1 do
- self.z80Ram[i] = 0x0;
- end
- end
- if portSize < 0 or portSize > 0x10000 then
- error("portSize Out of Range [0x0000 - 0x10000]")
- end
- if portSize > 0 then
- for i=0, portSize - 1 do
- self.z80Ports[i] = 0x0;
- end
- end
- return self
- end
- Memory.setRam = function(self, ram)
- self.z80Ram = ram;
- end
- Memory.setPorts = function(self, ports)
- self.z80Ports = ports;
- end
- Memory.mem_read = function(self, address)
- if address > #self.z80Ram then
- error("mem_read - Address out of bounds: 0x"..string.format("%x", address))
- else
- return[address], 0xff);
- end
- end
- Memory.mem_write = function(self, address, value)
- if address > #self.z80Ram then
- error("mem_write - Address out of bounds: 0x"..string.format("%x", address))
- else
- rawset(self.z80Ram, address,, 0xFF))
- end
- end
- Memory.io_read = function(self, port)
- return[port], 0xff);
- end
- Memory.io_write = function(self, port, value)
- self.z80Ports[port] =, 0xFF);
- end
- Memory.dumpMemory = function(self)
- buf = ""
- for i=0,#self.z80Ram do
- buf = buf .. string.char(self.z80Ram[i])
- end
- for i=1,math.ceil(#buf/16) * 16 do
- if (i-1) % 16 == 0 then io.write(string.format('%08X ', i-1)) end
- io.write( i > #buf and ' ' or string.format('%02X ', buf:byte(i)) )
- if i % 8 == 0 then io.write(' ') end
- if i % 16 == 0 then io.write( buf:sub(i-16+1, i):gsub('%c','.'), '\n' ) end
- end
- end
- Z80 = {}
- setmetatable(
- Z80,
- {
- __call = function(class, ...)
- return, ...)
- end
- }
- )
- Z80.a = 0
- Z80.b = 0
- Z80.c = 0
- Z80.d = 0
- Z80.e = 0
- Z80.h = 0
- Z80.l = 0
- Z80.a_prime = 0
- Z80.b_prime = 0
- Z80.c_prime = 0
- Z80.d_prime = 0
- Z80.e_prime = 0
- Z80.h_prime = 0
- Z80.l_prime = 0
- Z80.ix = 0
- Z80.iy = 0
- Z80.i = 0
- Z80.r = 0
- Z80.sp = 57328
- Z80.pc = 0
- Z80.flags = {
- S = false,
- Z = false,
- Y = false,
- H = false,
- X = false,
- P = false,
- N = false,
- C = false
- }
- Z80.flags_prime = {
- S = false,
- Z = false,
- Y = false,
- H = false,
- X = false,
- P = false,
- N = false,
- C = false
- }
- Z80.imode = 0
- Z80.iff1 = 0
- Z80.iff2 = 0
- Z80.halted = false
- Z80.do_delayed_di = false
- Z80.do_delayed_ei = false
- Z80.cycle_counter = 0
- = function(self, memory)
- if
- (((not memory or (type(memory.mem_read) ~= "function")) or (type(memory.mem_write) ~= "function")) or
- (type(memory.io_read) ~= "function")) or
- (type(memory.io_write) ~= "function")
- then
- error("Z80: Core object is missing required functions.")
- end
- self.memory = memory
- return self
- end
- function Z80.getState(self)
- return {
- b = self.b,
- a = self.a,
- c = self.c,
- d = self.d,
- e = self.e,
- h = self.h,
- l = self.l,
- a_prime = self.a_prime,
- b_prime = self.b_prime,
- c_prime = self.c_prime,
- d_prime = self.d_prime,
- e_prime = self.e_prime,
- h_prime = self.h_prime,
- l_prime = self.l_prime,
- ix = self.ix,
- iy = self.iy,
- i = self.i,
- r = self.r,
- sp = self.sp,
- pc = self.pc,
- flags = {
- S = self.flags.S,
- Z = self.flags.Z,
- Y = self.flags.Y,
- H = self.flags.H,
- X = self.flags.X,
- P = self.flags.P,
- N = self.flags.N,
- C = self.flags.C
- },
- flags_prime = {
- S = self.flags_prime.S,
- Z = self.flags_prime.Z,
- Y = self.flags_prime.Y,
- H = self.flags_prime.H,
- X = self.flags_prime.X,
- P = self.flags_prime.P,
- N = self.flags_prime.N,
- C = self.flags_prime.C
- },
- imode = self.imode,
- iff1 = self.iff1,
- iff2 = self.iff2,
- halted = self.halted,
- do_delayed_di = self.do_delayed_di,
- do_delayed_ei = self.do_delayed_ei,
- cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter
- }
- end
- function Z80.setState(self, state)
- self.b = state.b
- self.a = state.a
- self.c = state.c
- self.d = state.d
- self.e = state.e
- self.h = state.h
- self.l = state.l
- self.a_prime = state.a_prime
- self.b_prime = state.b_prime
- self.c_prime = state.c_prime
- self.d_prime = state.d_prime
- self.e_prime = state.e_prime
- self.h_prime = state.h_prime
- self.l_prime = state.l_prime
- self.ix = state.ix
- self.iy = state.iy
- self.i = state.i
- self.r = state.r
- self.sp = state.sp
- self.pc = state.pc
- self.flags.S = state.flags.S
- self.flags.Z = state.flags.Z
- self.flags.Y = state.flags.Y
- self.flags.H = state.flags.H
- self.flags.X = state.flags.X
- self.flags.P = state.flags.P
- self.flags.N = state.flags.N
- self.flags.C = state.flags.C
- self.flags_prime.S = state.flags_prime.S
- self.flags_prime.Z = state.flags_prime.Z
- self.flags_prime.Y = state.flags_prime.Y
- self.flags_prime.H = state.flags_prime.H
- self.flags_prime.X = state.flags_prime.X
- self.flags_prime.P = state.flags_prime.P
- self.flags_prime.N = state.flags_prime.N
- self.flags_prime.C = state.flags_prime.C
- self.imode = state.imode
- self.iff1 = state.iff1
- self.iff2 = state.iff2
- self.halted = state.halted
- self.do_delayed_di = state.do_delayed_di
- self.do_delayed_ei = state.do_delayed_ei
- self.cycle_counter = state.cycle_counter
- end
- Z80.reset = function(self)
- self.sp = 57328
- self.pc = 0
- self.a = 0
- self.r = 0
- self:set_flags_register(0)
- self.imode = 0
- self.iff1 = 0
- self.iff2 = 0
- self.halted = false
- self.do_delayed_di = false
- self.do_delayed_ei = false
- self.cycle_counter = 0
- end
- Z80.run_instruction = function(self)
- if not self.halted then
- local doing_delayed_di, doing_delayed_ei = false, false
- if self.do_delayed_di then
- self.do_delayed_di = false
- doing_delayed_di = true
- elseif self.do_delayed_ei then
- self.do_delayed_ei = false
- doing_delayed_ei = true
- end
- self.r = bit.bor(, 128),, 127) + 1), 127))
- local opcode = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self:decode_instruction(opcode)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- if doing_delayed_di then
- self.iff1 = 0
- self.iff2 = 0
- elseif doing_delayed_ei then
- self.iff1 = 1
- self.iff2 = 1
- end
- local retval = self.cycle_counter
- return retval
- else
- return 1
- end
- end
- Z80.interrupt = function(self, non_maskable, data)
- if non_maskable then
- self.r = bit.bor(, 128),, 127) + 1), 127))
- self.halted = false
- self.iff2 = self.iff1
- self.iff1 = 0
- self:push_word(self.pc)
- self.pc = 102
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 11
- elseif self.iff1 then
- self.r = bit.bor(, 128),, 127) + 1), 127))
- self.halted = false
- self.iff1 = 0
- self.iff2 = 0
- if self.imode == 0 then
- self:decode_instruction(data)
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 2
- elseif self.imode == 1 then
- self:push_word(self.pc)
- self.pc = 56
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 13
- elseif self.imode == 2 then
- self:push_word(self.pc)
- local vector_address = bit.bor(bit.lshift(i, 8), data)
- self.pc =
- bit.bor(
- self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, vector_address),
- bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535)), 8)
- )
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 19
- end
- end
- end
- Z80.decode_instruction = function(self, opcode)
- local get_operand = function(opcode)
- return (, 7) == 0) and self.b or (, 7) == 1) and self.c or
- (, 7) == 2) and self.d or
- (, 7) == 3) and self.e or
- (, 7) == 4) and self.h or
- (, 7) == 5) and self.l or
- (, 7) == 6) and self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))) or
- self.a
- end
- if opcode == 118 then
- self.halted = true
- elseif (opcode >= 64) and (opcode < 128) then
- local operand = get_operand(opcode)
- if bit.rshift(, 56), 3) == 0 then
- self.b = operand
- elseif bit.rshift(, 56), 3) == 1 then
- self.c = operand
- elseif bit.rshift(, 56), 3) == 2 then
- self.d = operand
- elseif bit.rshift(, 56), 3) == 3 then
- self.e = operand
- elseif bit.rshift(, 56), 3) == 4 then
- self.h = operand
- elseif bit.rshift(, 56), 3) == 5 then
- self.l = operand
- elseif bit.rshift(, 56), 3) == 6 then
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)), operand)
- elseif bit.rshift(, 56), 3) == 7 then
- self.a = operand
- end
- elseif (opcode >= 128) and (opcode < 192) then
- local operand, op_array =
- get_operand(opcode),
- {self.do_add, self.do_adc, self.do_sub, self.do_sbc, self.do_and, self.do_xor, self.do_or, self.do_cp}
- op_array[bit.rshift(, 56), 3) + 1](self, operand)
- else
- local func = self.instructions[opcode]
- func(self)
- end
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + self.cycle_counts[opcode]
- end
- Z80.get_signed_offset_byte = function(self, value)
- value =, 255)
- if, 128) ~= 0 then
- value = -(, bit.bnot(value)) + 1)
- end
- return value
- end
- Z80.get_flags_register = function(self)
- local flagS, flagZ, flagY, flagH, flagX, flagP, flagN, flagC = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- if (self.flags.S == true) then
- flagS = 1
- else
- flagS = 0
- end
- if (self.flags.Z == true) then
- flagZ = 1
- else
- flagZ = 0
- end
- if (self.flags.Y == true) then
- flagY = 1
- else
- flagY = 0
- end
- if (self.flags.H == true) then
- flagH = 1
- else
- flagH = 0
- end
- if (self.flags.X == true) then
- flagX = 1
- else
- flagX = 0
- end
- if (self.flags.P == true) then
- flagP = 1
- else
- flagP = 0
- end
- if (self.flags.N == true) then
- flagN = 1
- else
- flagN = 0
- end
- if (self.flags.C == true) then
- flagC = 1
- else
- flagC = 0
- end
- local ret =
- bit.bor(
- bit.bor(
- bit.bor(
- bit.bor(
- bit.bor(bit.bor(bit.bor(bit.lshift(flagS, 7), bit.lshift(flagZ, 6)), bit.lshift(flagY, 5)), bit.lshift(flagH, 4)),
- bit.lshift(flagX, 3)
- ),
- bit.lshift(flagP, 2)
- ),
- bit.lshift(flagN, 1)
- ),
- flagC
- )
- return ret
- end
- Z80.get_flags_prime = function(self)
- local flag_primeS, flag_primeZ, flag_primeY, flag_primeH, flag_primeX, flag_primeP, flag_primeN, flag_primeC =
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- if (self.flags_prime.S == true) then
- flag_primeS = 1
- else
- flag_primeS = 0
- end
- if (self.flags_prime.Z == true) then
- flag_primeZ = 1
- else
- flag_primeZ = 0
- end
- if (self.flags_prime.Y == true) then
- flag_primeY = 1
- else
- flag_primeY = 0
- end
- if (self.flags_prime.H == true) then
- flag_primeH = 1
- else
- flag_primeH = 0
- end
- if (self.flags_prime.X == true) then
- flag_primeX = 1
- else
- flag_primeX = 0
- end
- if (self.flags_prime.P == true) then
- flag_primeP = 1
- else
- flag_primeP = 0
- end
- if (self.flags_prime.N == true) then
- flag_primeN = 1
- else
- flag_primeN = 0
- end
- if (self.flags_prime.C == true) then
- flag_primeC = 1
- else
- flag_primeC = 0
- end
- local ret =
- bit.bor(
- bit.bor(
- bit.bor(
- bit.bor(
- bit.bor(
- bit.bor(bit.bor(bit.lshift(flag_primeS, 7), bit.lshift(flag_primeZ, 6)), bit.lshift(flag_primeY, 5)),
- bit.lshift(flag_primeH, 4)
- ),
- bit.lshift(flag_primeX, 3)
- ),
- bit.lshift(flag_primeP, 2)
- ),
- bit.lshift(flag_primeN, 1)
- ),
- flag_primeC
- )
- return ret
- end
- Z80.set_flags_register = function(self, operand)
- if (bit.rshift(, 128), 7)) == 1 then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 64), 6)) == 1 then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 32), 5)) == 1 then
- self.flags.Y = true
- else
- self.flags.Y = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 16), 4)) == 1 then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 8), 3)) == 1 then
- self.flags.X = true
- else
- self.flags.X = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 4), 2)) == 1 then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 2), 1)) == 1 then
- self.flags.N = true
- else
- self.flags.N = false
- end
- if, 1) == 1 then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- end
- Z80.set_flags_prime = function(self, operand)
- if (bit.rshift(, 128), 7)) == 1 then
- self.flags_prime.S = true
- else
- self.flags_prime.S = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 64), 6)) == 1 then
- self.flags_prime.Z = true
- else
- self.flags_prime.Z = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 32), 5)) == 1 then
- self.flags_prime.Y = true
- else
- self.flags_prime.Y = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 16), 4)) == 1 then
- self.flags_prime.H = true
- else
- self.flags_prime.H = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 8), 3)) == 1 then
- self.flags_prime.X = true
- else
- self.flags_prime.X = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 4), 2)) == 1 then
- self.flags_prime.P = true
- else
- self.flags_prime.P = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 2), 1)) == 1 then
- self.flags_prime.N = true
- else
- self.flags_prime.N = false
- end
- if, 1) == 1 then
- self.flags_prime.C = true
- else
- self.flags_prime.C = false
- end
- end
- Z80.update_xy_flags = function(self, result)
- if (bit.rshift(, 32), 5) > 0) then
- self.flags.Y = true
- else
- self.flags.Y = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift(, 8), 3) > 0) then
- self.flags.X = true
- else
- self.flags.X = false
- end
- end
- Z80.get_parity = function(self, value)
- local parity_bits = {
- 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1
- }
- if (parity_bits[value + 1] == 1) then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- Z80.push_word = function(self, operand)
- self.sp = - 1), 65535)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, self.sp, bit.rshift(, 65280), 8))
- self.sp = - 1), 65535)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, self.sp,, 255))
- end
- Z80.pop_word = function(self)
- local retval =, self.sp), 255)
- self.sp = + 1), 65535)
- retval = bit.bor(retval, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.sp), 8))
- self.sp = + 1), 65535)
- return retval
- end
- Z80.do_conditional_absolute_jump = function(self, condition)
- if condition then
- self.pc =
- bit.bor(
- self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 0xffff)),
- bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 2), 0xffff)), 8)
- )
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- else
- self.pc = + 2), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.do_conditional_relative_jump = function(self, condition)
- if condition then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 5
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535)))
- self.pc = + offset) + 1), 65535)
- else
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.do_conditional_call = function(self, condition)
- if condition then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 7
- self:push_word( + 3), 65535))
- self.pc =
- bit.bor(
- self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535)),
- bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 2), 65535)), 8)
- )
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- else
- self.pc = + 2), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.do_conditional_return = function(self, condition)
- if condition then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 6
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.do_reset = function(self, address)
- self:push_word( + 1), 65535))
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.do_add = function(self, operand)
- local result = self.a + operand
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (, 255) == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if (, 15) +, 15)), 16) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- if ((, 128) ==, 128)) and (, 128) ~=, 128))) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = false
- if (, 256) > 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- self.a =, 255)
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.do_adc = function(self, operand)
- local flagC = 0
- if (self.flags.C) then
- flagC = 1
- end
- local result = (self.a + operand) + flagC
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (, 255) == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if (, 15) +, 15)) + flagC), 16) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- if ((, 128) ==, 128)) and (, 128) ~=, 128))) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = false
- if (, 256) > 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- self.a =, 255)
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.do_sub = function(self, operand)
- local result = self.a - operand
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (, 255) == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if (, 15) -, 15)), 16) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- if ((, 128) ~=, 128)) and (, 128) ~=, 128))) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = true
- if (, 256) > 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- self.a =, 255)
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.do_sbc = function(self, operand)
- local flagC = 0
- if (self.flags.C) then
- flagC = 1
- end
- local result = (self.a - operand) - flagC
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (, 255) == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if (, 15) -, 15)) - flagC), 16) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- if ((, 128) ~=, 128)) and (, 128) ~=, 128))) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = true
- if (, 256) > 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- self.a =, 255)
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.do_cp = function(self, operand)
- local temp = self.a
- self:do_sub(operand)
- self.a = temp
- self:update_xy_flags(operand)
- end
- Z80.do_and = function(self, operand)
- self.a =, operand), 255)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (self.a == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- --print(self.flags.Z)
- self.flags.H = true
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(self.a)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.C = false
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.do_or = function(self, operand)
- self.a =, self.a), 255)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (self.a == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- self.flags.H = false
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(self.a)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.C = false
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.do_xor = function(self, operand)
- self.a =, self.a), 255)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (self.a == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- self.flags.H = false
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(self.a)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.C = false
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.do_inc = function(self, operand)
- local result = operand + 1
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (, 255) == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if ((, 15) == 15) == true) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- if ((operand == 127) == true) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = false
- result =, 255)
- self:update_xy_flags(result)
- return result
- end
- Z80.do_dec = function(self, operand)
- local result = operand - 1
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (, 255) == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if ((, 15) == 0) == true) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- if ((operand == 128) == true) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = true
- result =, 255)
- self:update_xy_flags(result)
- return result
- end
- Z80.do_hl_add = function(self, operand)
- local hl = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))
- local result = hl + operand
- self.flags.N = false
- if (, 65536) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- if (, 4095) +, 4095)), 4096) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- self:update_xy_flags(self.h)
- end
- Z80.do_hl_adc = function(self, operand)
- local flagC = 0
- if (self.flags.C) then
- flagC = 1
- end
- operand = operand + flagC
- local hl = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))
- local result = hl + operand
- if (, 32768) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (, 65535) == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if (, 4095) +, 4095)), 4096) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- if (((, 32768) ==, 32768)) and (, 32768) ~=, 32768))) == true) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = false
- if (, 65536) > 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h =, 8), 255)
- self:update_xy_flags(self.h)
- end
- Z80.do_hl_sbc = function(self, operand)
- --print(operand)
- local flagC = 0
- if (self.flags.C) then
- flagC = 1
- end
- operand = operand + flagC
- local hl = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))
- local result = hl - operand
- if (, 32768) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (, 65535) == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if (, 4095) -, 4095)), 4096) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- if (((, 32768) ~=, 32768)) and (, 32768) ~=, 32768))) == true) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = true
- if (, 65536) > 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h =, 8), 255)
- self:update_xy_flags(self.h)
- end
- Z80.do_in = function(self, port)
- local result = self.memory.io_read(self.memory, port)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (result ~= 0) then
- self.flags.Z = false
- else
- self.flags.Z = true
- end
- self.flags.H = false
- if (self:get_parity(result) == true) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = false
- self:update_xy_flags(result)
- return result
- end
- Z80.do_neg = function(self)
- if self.a ~= 128 then
- self.a = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.a)
- self.a =, 255)
- end
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (self.a == 0) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if ((, 15) > 0) == true) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- if ((self.a == 128) == true) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = true
- if (self.a ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.do_ldi = function(self)
- local read_value = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)), read_value)
- local result = bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)) + 1
- self.e =, 255)
- self.d = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- result = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)) + 1
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- result = bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)) - 1
- self.c =, 255)
- self.b = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- self.flags.H = false
- if ((self.c or self.b) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = false
- if (bit.rshift( + read_value), 2), 1) == 1) then
- self.flags.Y = true
- else
- self.flags.Y = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift( + read_value), 8), 3) == 1) then
- self.flags.X = true
- else
- self.flags.X = false
- end
- end
- Z80.do_cpi = function(self)
- local temp_carry = self.flags.C
- local read_value = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)))
- self:do_cp(read_value)
- self.flags.C = temp_carry
- local flagH = 0
- if self.flags.H then
- flagH = 1
- end
- if (bit.rshift( - read_value) - flagH), 2), 1) == 1) then
- self.flags.Y = true
- else
- self.flags.Y = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift( - read_value) - flagH), 8), 3) == 1) then
- self.flags.X = true
- else
- self.flags.X = false
- end
- local result = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)) + 1
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- result = bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)) - 1
- self.c =, 255)
- self.b = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- if (result ~= 0) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- end
- Z80.do_ini = function(self)
- self.b = self:do_dec(self.b)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)), self.memory.io_read(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c)))
- local result = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)) + 1
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- self.flags.N = true
- end
- Z80.do_outi = function(self)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c), self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))))
- local result = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)) + 1
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- self.b = self:do_dec(self.b)
- self.flags.N = true
- end
- Z80.do_ldd = function(self)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = false
- local read_value = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)), read_value)
- local result = bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)) - 1
- self.e =, 255)
- self.d = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- result = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)) - 1
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- result = bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)) - 1
- self.c =, 255)
- self.b = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- if ((self.c ~= 0) or (self.b ~= 0)) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift( + read_value), 2), 1) == 1) then
- self.flags.Y = true
- else
- self.flags.Y = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift( + read_value), 8), 3) == 1) then
- self.flags.X = true
- else
- self.flags.X = false
- end
- end
- Z80.do_cpd = function(self)
- local temp_carry = self.flags.C
- local read_value = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)))
- self:do_cp(read_value)
- self.flags.C = temp_carry
- local flagH = 0
- if self.flags.H then
- flagH = 1
- end
- if (bit.rshift( - read_value) - flagH), 2), 1) == 1) then
- self.flags.Y = true
- else
- self.flags.Y = false
- end
- if (bit.rshift( - read_value) - flagH), 8), 3) == 1) then
- self.flags.X = true
- else
- self.flags.X = false
- end
- local result = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)) - 1
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- result = bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)) - 1
- self.c =, 255)
- self.b = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- if (result ~= 0) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- end
- Z80.do_ind = function(self)
- self.b = self:do_dec(self.b)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)), self.memory.io_read(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c)))
- local result = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)) - 1
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- self.flags.N = true
- end
- Z80.do_outd = function(self)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c), self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))))
- local result = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)) - 1
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- self.b = self:do_dec(self.b)
- self.flags.N = true
- end
- Z80.do_rlc = function(self, operand)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = false
- if (bit.rshift(, 128), 7) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- local flagC = 0
- if self.flags.C == true then
- flagC = 1
- end
- operand =, 1), flagC), 255)
- if (operand ~= 0) then
- self.flags.Z = false
- else
- self.flags.Z = true
- end
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(operand)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- self:update_xy_flags(operand)
- return operand
- end
- Z80.do_rrc = function(self, operand)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = false
- if (, 1) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- local flagC = 0
- if self.flags.C == true then
- flagC = 1
- end
- operand = bit.bor(, 1), 127), bit.lshift(flagC, 7))
- if (, 255) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.Z = false
- else
- self.flags.Z = true
- end
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(operand)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- self:update_xy_flags(operand)
- return, 255)
- end
- Z80.do_rl = function(self, operand)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = false
- local temp = 0
- if self.flags.C then temp = 1 end
- if (bit.rshift(, 128), 7) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- operand =, 1), temp), 255)
- if (operand ~= 0) then
- self.flags.Z = false
- else
- self.flags.Z = true
- end
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(operand)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- self:update_xy_flags(operand)
- return operand
- end
- Z80.do_rr = function(self, operand)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = false
- local temp = 0
- if self.flags.C then temp = 1 end
- if (, 1) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- operand = bit.bor(, 1), 127), bit.lshift(temp, 7))
- if (operand ~= 0) then
- self.flags.Z = false
- else
- self.flags.Z = true
- end
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(operand)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- self:update_xy_flags(operand)
- --os.exit()
- return operand
- end
- Z80.do_sla = function(self, operand)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = false
- if (bit.rshift(, 128), 7) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- operand =, 1), 255)
- if (not (operand > 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(operand)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- self:update_xy_flags(operand)
- return operand
- end
- Z80.do_sra = function(self, operand)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = false
- if (, 1) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- operand = bit.bor(, 1), 127),, 128))
- if (not (operand > 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(operand)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- self:update_xy_flags(operand)
- return operand
- end
- Z80.do_sll = function(self, operand)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = false
- if (bit.rshift(, 128), 7) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- operand = bit.bor(, 1), 255), 1)
- if (not (operand > 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(operand)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- self:update_xy_flags(operand)
- return operand
- end
- Z80.do_srl = function(self, operand)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = false
- if (, 1) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- operand =, 1), 127)
- if (not (operand > 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(operand)
- self.flags.S = 0
- self:update_xy_flags(operand)
- return operand
- end
- Z80.do_ix_add = function(self, operand)
- self.flags.N = false
- local result = self.ix + operand
- if (, 65536) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- if (, 4095) +, 4095)), 4096) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- self:update_xy_flags(bit.rshift(, 65280), 8))
- self.ix = result
- end
- Z80.instructions = {}
- Z80.instructions[0] = function(self)
- end
- Z80.instructions[1] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.c = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.b = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- end
- Z80.instructions[2] = function(self)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)), self.a)
- end
- Z80.instructions[3] = function(self)
- local result = bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8))
- result = result + 1
- self.c =, 255)
- self.b = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[4] = function(self)
- self.b = self:do_inc(self.b)
- end
- Z80.instructions[5] = function(self)
- self.b = self:do_dec(self.b)
- end
- Z80.instructions[6] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.b = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- end
- Z80.instructions[7] = function(self)
- local temp_s = self.flags.S
- temp_z = self.flags.Z
- temp_p = self.flags.P
- self.a = self:do_rlc(self.a)
- self.flags.S = temp_s
- self.flags.Z = temp_z
- self.flags.P = temp_p
- end
- Z80.instructions[8] = function(self)
- local temp = self.a
- self.a = self.a_prime
- self.a_prime = temp
- temp = self:get_flags_register()
- self:set_flags_register(self:get_flags_prime())
- self:set_flags_prime(temp)
- end
- Z80.instructions[9] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_add(bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[10] = function(self)
- self.a = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[11] = function(self)
- local result = bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8))
- result = result - 1
- self.c =, 255)
- self.b = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[12] = function(self)
- self.c = self:do_inc(self.c)
- end
- Z80.instructions[13] = function(self)
- self.c = self:do_dec(self.c)
- end
- Z80.instructions[14] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.c = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- end
- Z80.instructions[15] = function(self)
- local temp_s, temp_z, temp_p = self.flags.S, self.flags.Z, self.flags.P
- self.a = self:do_rrc(self.a)
- self.flags.S = temp_s
- self.flags.Z = temp_z
- self.flags.P = temp_p
- end
- Z80.instructions[16] = function(self)
- self.b = - 1), 255)
- self:do_conditional_relative_jump((self.b ~= 0))
- end
- Z80.instructions[17] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.e = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.d = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- end
- Z80.instructions[18] = function(self)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)), self.a)
- end
- Z80.instructions[19] = function(self)
- local result = bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8))
- result = result + 1
- self.e =, 255)
- self.d = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[20] = function(self)
- self.d = self:do_inc(self.d)
- end
- Z80.instructions[21] = function(self)
- self.d = self:do_dec(self.d)
- end
- Z80.instructions[22] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.d = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- end
- Z80.instructions[23] = function(self)
- local temp_s, temp_z, temp_p = self.flags.S, self.flags.Z, self.flags.P
- self.a = self:do_rl(self.a)
- self.flags.S = temp_s
- self.flags.Z = temp_z
- self.flags.P = temp_p
- end
- Z80.instructions[24] = function(self)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535)))
- self.pc = + offset) + 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.instructions[25] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_add(bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[26] = function(self)
- self.a = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[27] = function(self)
- local result = bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8))
- result = result - 1
- self.e =, 255)
- self.d = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[28] = function(self)
- self.e = self:do_inc(self.e)
- end
- Z80.instructions[29] = function(self)
- self.e = self:do_dec(self.e)
- end
- Z80.instructions[30] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.e = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- end
- Z80.instructions[31] = function(self)
- local temp_s, temp_z, temp_p = self.flags.S, self.flags.Z, self.flags.P
- self.a = self:do_rr(self.a)
- self.flags.S = temp_s
- self.flags.Z = temp_z
- self.flags.P = temp_p
- end
- Z80.instructions[32] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_relative_jump(not self.flags.Z)
- end
- Z80.instructions[33] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.l = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.h = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- end
- Z80.instructions[34] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, address, self.l)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + 1), 65535), self.h)
- end
- Z80.instructions[35] = function(self)
- local result = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))
- result = result + 1
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[36] = function(self)
- self.h = self:do_inc(self.h)
- end
- Z80.instructions[37] = function(self)
- self.h = self:do_dec(self.h)
- end
- Z80.instructions[38] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.h = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- end
- Z80.instructions[39] = function(self)
- local temp = self.a
- if not self.flags.N then
- if self.flags.H or (, 15) > 9) then
- temp = temp + 6
- end
- if self.flags.C or (self.a > 153) then
- temp = temp + 96
- end
- else
- if self.flags.H or (, 15) > 9) then
- temp = temp - 6
- end
- if self.flags.C or (self.a > 153) then
- temp = temp - 96
- end
- end
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if ((, 255) == 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- if (bit.bxor(, 16),, 16)) ~= 0) then
- self.flags.H = true
- else
- self.flags.H = false
- end
- self.flags.P = self:get_parity(, 255))
- if ((self.flags.C or (self.a > 153)) == true) then
- self.flags.C = true
- else
- self.flags.C = false
- end
- self.a =, 255)
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.instructions[40] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_relative_jump(self.flags.Z)
- end
- Z80.instructions[41] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_add(bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[42] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.l = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, address)
- self.h = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535))
- end
- Z80.instructions[43] = function(self)
- local result = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))
- result = result - 1
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[44] = function(self)
- self.l = self:do_inc(self.l)
- end
- Z80.instructions[45] = function(self)
- self.l = self:do_dec(self.l)
- end
- Z80.instructions[46] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.l = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- end
- Z80.instructions[47] = function(self)
- self.a =, 255)
- self.flags.N = true
- self.flags.H = true
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.instructions[48] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_relative_jump(not self.flags.C)
- end
- Z80.instructions[49] = function(self)
- self.sp =
- bit.bor(
- self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535)),
- bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 2), 65535)), 8)
- )
- self.pc = + 2), 65535)
- end
- Z80.instructions[50] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, address, self.a)
- end
- Z80.instructions[51] = function(self)
- self.sp = + 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.instructions[52] = function(self)
- local address = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, address, self:do_inc(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, address)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[53] = function(self)
- local address = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, address, self:do_dec(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, address)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[54] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)), self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- end
- Z80.instructions[55] = function(self)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = false
- self.flags.C = true
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.instructions[56] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_relative_jump(self.flags.C)
- end
- Z80.instructions[57] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_add(self.sp)
- end
- Z80.instructions[58] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.a = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, address)
- end
- Z80.instructions[59] = function(self)
- self.sp = - 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.instructions[60] = function(self)
- self.a = self:do_inc(self.a)
- end
- Z80.instructions[61] = function(self)
- self.a = self:do_dec(self.a)
- end
- Z80.instructions[62] = function(self)
- self.a = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535))
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.instructions[63] = function(self)
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = self.flags.C
- if (self.flags.C == true) then
- self.flags.C = false
- else
- self.flags.C = true
- end
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.instructions[192] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_return(not self.flags.Z)
- end
- Z80.instructions[193] = function(self)
- local result = self:pop_word()
- self.c =, 255)
- self.b = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[194] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_absolute_jump(not self.flags.Z)
- end
- Z80.instructions[195] = function(self)
- self.pc =
- bit.bor(
- self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535)),
- bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 2), 65535)), 8)
- )
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.instructions[196] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_call(not self.flags.Z)
- end
- Z80.instructions[197] = function(self)
- self:push_word(bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[198] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self:do_add(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- end
- Z80.instructions[199] = function(self)
- self:do_reset(0)
- end
- Z80.instructions[200] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_return(self.flags.Z)
- end
- Z80.instructions[201] = function(self)
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.instructions[202] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_absolute_jump(self.flags.Z)
- end
- Z80.instructions[203] = function(self)
- self.r = bit.bor(, 128),, 127) + 1), 127))
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local opcode = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- local bit_number = bit.rshift(, 56), 3)
- local reg_code =, 7)
- if opcode < 64 then
- local op_array = {
- self.do_rlc,
- self.do_rrc,
- self.do_rl,
- self.do_rr,
- self.do_sla,
- self.do_sra,
- self.do_sll,
- self.do_srl
- }
- if reg_code == 0 then
- self.b = op_array[bit_number + 1](self, self.b)
- elseif reg_code == 1 then
- self.c = op_array[bit_number + 1](self, self.c)
- elseif reg_code == 2 then
- self.d = op_array[bit_number + 1](self, self.d)
- elseif reg_code == 3 then
- self.e = op_array[bit_number + 1](self, self.e)
- elseif reg_code == 4 then
- self.h = op_array[bit_number + 1](self, self.h)
- elseif reg_code == 5 then
- self.l = op_array[bit_number + 1](self, self.l)
- elseif reg_code == 6 then
- self.memory.mem_write(
- self,
- bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)),
- op_array[bit_number + 1](self, self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))))
- )
- elseif reg_code == 7 then
- self.a = op_array[bit_number + 1](self, self.a)
- end
- elseif opcode < 128 then
- if reg_code == 0 then
- if (not (, bit.lshift(1, bit_number)) ~= 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- elseif reg_code == 1 then
- if (not (, bit.lshift(1, bit_number)) ~= 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- elseif reg_code == 2 then
- if (not (, bit.lshift(1, bit_number)) ~= 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- elseif reg_code == 3 then
- if (not (, bit.lshift(1, bit_number)) ~= 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- elseif reg_code == 4 then
- if (not (, bit.lshift(1, bit_number)) ~= 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- elseif reg_code == 5 then
- if (not (, bit.lshift(1, bit_number)) ~= 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- elseif reg_code == 6 then
- if (not (, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))), bit.lshift(1, bit_number)) ~= 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- elseif reg_code == 7 then
- if (not (, bit.lshift(1, bit_number)) ~= 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- end
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = true
- self.flags.P = self.flags.Z
- if (((bit_number == 7) and not self.flags.Z)) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (((bit_number == 5) and not self.flags.Z)) then
- self.flags.Y = true
- else
- self.flags.Y = false
- end
- if (((bit_number == 3) and not self.flags.Z)) then
- self.flags.X = true
- else
- self.flags.X = false
- end
- elseif opcode < 192 then
- if reg_code == 0 then
- self.b =, 255), bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1, bit_number)))
- elseif reg_code == 1 then
- self.c =, 255), bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1, bit_number)))
- elseif reg_code == 2 then
- self.d =, 255), bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1, bit_number)))
- elseif reg_code == 3 then
- self.e =, 255), bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1, bit_number)))
- elseif reg_code == 4 then
- self.h =, 255), bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1, bit_number)))
- elseif reg_code == 5 then
- self.l =, 255), bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1, bit_number)))
- elseif reg_code == 6 then
- self.memory.mem_write(
- self,
- bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)),
-, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))), bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1, bit_number)))
- )
- elseif reg_code == 7 then
- self.a =, 255), bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1, bit_number)))
- end
- else
- if reg_code == 0 then
- self.b = bit.bor(self.b, bit.lshift(1, bit_number))
- elseif reg_code == 1 then
- self.c = bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(1, bit_number))
- elseif reg_code == 2 then
- self.d = bit.bor(self.d, bit.lshift(1, bit_number))
- elseif reg_code == 3 then
- self.e = bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(1, bit_number))
- elseif reg_code == 4 then
- self.h = bit.bor(self.h, bit.lshift(1, bit_number))
- elseif reg_code == 5 then
- self.l = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(1, bit_number))
- elseif reg_code == 6 then
- self.memory.mem_write(
- self,
- bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)),
- bit.bor(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))), bit.lshift(1, bit_number))
- )
- elseif reg_code == 7 then
- self.a = bit.bor(self.a, bit.lshift(1, bit_number))
- end
- end
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + self.cycle_counts_cb[opcode]
- end
- Z80.instructions[204] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_call(self.flags.Z)
- end
- Z80.instructions[205] = function(self)
- self:push_word( + 3), 65535))
- self.pc =
- bit.bor(
- self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535)),
- bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 2), 65535)), 8)
- )
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.instructions[206] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self:do_adc(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- end
- Z80.instructions[207] = function(self)
- self:do_reset(8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[208] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_return(not self.flags.C)
- end
- Z80.instructions[209] = function(self)
- local result = self:pop_word()
- self.e =, 255)
- self.d = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[210] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_absolute_jump(not self.flags.C)
- end
- Z80.instructions[211] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.a, 8), self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)), self.a)
- end
- Z80.instructions[212] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_call(not self.flags.C)
- end
- Z80.instructions[213] = function(self)
- self:push_word(bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[214] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self:do_sub(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- end
- Z80.instructions[215] = function(self)
- self:do_reset(16)
- end
- Z80.instructions[216] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_return(self.flags.C)
- end
- Z80.instructions[217] = function(self)
- local temp = self.b
- self.b = self.b_prime
- self.b_prime = temp
- temp = self.c
- self.c = self.c_prime
- self.c_prime = temp
- temp = self.d
- self.d = self.d_prime
- self.d_prime = temp
- temp = self.e
- self.e = self.e_prime
- self.e_prime = temp
- temp = self.h
- self.h = self.h_prime
- self.h_prime = temp
- temp = self.l
- self.l = self.l_prime
- self.l_prime = temp
- end
- Z80.instructions[218] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_absolute_jump(self.flags.C)
- end
- Z80.instructions[219] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.a = self.memory.io_read(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.a, 8), self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[220] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_call(self.flags.C)
- end
- Z80.instructions[221] = function(self)
- self.r = bit.bor(, 128),, 127) + 1), 127))
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local opcode = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- local func = self.dd_instructions[opcode]
- if func then
- func(self)
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + self.cycle_counts_dd[opcode]
- else
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + self.cycle_counts[0]
- end
- end
- Z80.instructions[222] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self:do_sbc(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- end
- Z80.instructions[223] = function(self)
- self:do_reset(24)
- end
- Z80.instructions[224] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_return(not self.flags.P)
- end
- Z80.instructions[225] = function(self)
- local result = self:pop_word()
- self.l =, 255)
- self.h = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[226] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_absolute_jump(not self.flags.P)
- end
- Z80.instructions[227] = function(self)
- local temp = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.sp)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, self.sp, self.l)
- self.l = temp
- temp = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + 1), 65535), self.h)
- self.h = temp
- end
- Z80.instructions[228] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_call(not self.flags.P)
- end
- Z80.instructions[229] = function(self)
- self:push_word(bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[230] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self:do_and(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- end
- Z80.instructions[231] = function(self)
- self:do_reset(32)
- end
- Z80.instructions[232] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_return(self.flags.P)
- end
- Z80.instructions[233] = function(self)
- self.pc = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.instructions[234] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_absolute_jump(self.flags.P)
- end
- Z80.instructions[235] = function(self)
- local temp = self.d
- self.d = self.h
- self.h = temp
- temp = self.e
- self.e = self.l
- self.l = temp
- end
- Z80.instructions[236] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_call(self.flags.P)
- end
- Z80.instructions[237] = function(self)
- self.r = bit.bor(, 128),, 127) + 1), 127))
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local opcode = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- --print("OPCODE: "..opcode)
- local func = self.ed_instructions[opcode]
- if func then
- func(self)
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + self.cycle_counts_ed[opcode]
- else
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + self.cycle_counts[0]
- end
- end
- Z80.instructions[238] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self:do_xor(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- end
- Z80.instructions[239] = function(self)
- self:do_reset(40)
- end
- Z80.instructions[240] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_return(not self.flags.S)
- end
- Z80.instructions[241] = function(self)
- local result = self:pop_word()
- self:set_flags_register(, 255))
- self.a = bit.rshift(, 65280), 8)
- end
- Z80.instructions[242] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_absolute_jump(not self.flags.S)
- end
- Z80.instructions[243] = function(self)
- self.do_delayed_di = true
- end
- Z80.instructions[244] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_call(not self.flags.S)
- end
- Z80.instructions[245] = function(self)
- self:push_word(bit.bor(self:get_flags_register(), bit.lshift(self.a, 8)))
- end
- Z80.instructions[246] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self:do_or(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- end
- Z80.instructions[247] = function(self)
- self:do_reset(48)
- end
- Z80.instructions[248] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_return(self.flags.S)
- end
- Z80.instructions[249] = function(self)
- self.sp = bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8))
- end
- Z80.instructions[250] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_absolute_jump(self.flags.S)
- end
- Z80.instructions[251] = function(self)
- self.do_delayed_ei = true
- end
- Z80.instructions[252] = function(self)
- self:do_conditional_call(self.flags.S)
- end
- Z80.instructions[253] = function(self)
- self.r = bit.bor(, 128),, 127) + 1), 127))
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local opcode = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- local func = self.dd_instructions[opcode]
- if func then
- local temp = self.ix
- self.ix = iy
- func(self)
- iy = self.ix
- self.ix = temp
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + self.cycle_counts_dd[opcode]
- else
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + self.cycle_counts[0]
- end
- end
- Z80.instructions[254] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self:do_cp(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- end
- Z80.instructions[255] = function(self)
- self:do_reset(56)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions = {}
- Z80.ed_instructions[64] = function(self)
- self.b = self:do_in(bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[65] = function(self)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c), self.b)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[66] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_sbc(bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[67] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, address, self.c)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + 1), 65535), self.b)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[68] = function(self)
- self:do_neg()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[69] = function(self)
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- self.iff1 = self.iff2
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[70] = function(self)
- self.imode = 0
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[71] = function(self)
- i = self.a
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[72] = function(self)
- self.c = self:do_in(bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[73] = function(self)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c), self.c)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[74] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_adc(bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[75] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.c = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, address)
- self.b = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[76] = function(self)
- self:do_neg()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[77] = function(self)
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[78] = function(self)
- self.imode = 0
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[79] = function(self)
- self.r = self.a
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[80] = function(self)
- self.d = self:do_in(bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[81] = function(self)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c), self.d)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[82] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_sbc(bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[83] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, address, self.e)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + 1), 65535), self.d)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[84] = function(self)
- self:do_neg()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[85] = function(self)
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- self.iff1 = self.iff2
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[86] = function(self)
- self.imode = 1
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[87] = function(self)
- self.a = i
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (self.a == 1) then
- self.flags.Z = false
- else
- self.flags.Z = true
- end
- self.flags.H = false
- self.flags.P = self.iff2
- self.flags.N = false
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[88] = function(self)
- self.e = self:do_in(bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[89] = function(self)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c), self.e)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[90] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_adc(bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[91] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.e = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, address)
- self.d = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[92] = function(self)
- self:do_neg()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[93] = function(self)
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- self.iff1 = self.iff2
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[94] = function(self)
- self.imode = 2
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[95] = function(self)
- self.a = self.r
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (self.a == 1) then
- self.flags.Z = false
- else
- self.flags.Z = true
- end
- self.flags.H = false
- self.flags.P = self.iff2
- self.flags.N = false
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[96] = function(self)
- self.h = self:do_in(bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[97] = function(self)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c), self.h)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[98] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_sbc(bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[99] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, address, self.l)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + 1), 65535), self.h)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[100] = function(self)
- self:do_neg()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[101] = function(self)
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- self.iff1 = self.iff2
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[102] = function(self)
- self.imode = 0
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[103] = function(self)
- local hl_value = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)))
- local temp1, temp2 =, 15),, 15)
- hl_value = bit.bor(bit.rshift(, 240), 4), bit.lshift(temp2, 4))
- self.a = bit.bor(, 240), temp1)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)), hl_value)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (self.a > 0) then
- self.flags.Z = false
- else
- self.flags.Z = true
- end
- self.flags.H = false
- if (self:get_parity(self.a) == true) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = false
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[104] = function(self)
- self.l = self:do_in(bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[105] = function(self)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c), self.l)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[106] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_adc(bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[107] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.l = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, address)
- self.h = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[108] = function(self)
- self:do_neg()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[109] = function(self)
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- self.iff1 = self.iff2
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[110] = function(self)
- self.imode = 0
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[111] = function(self)
- local hl_value = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)))
- local temp1, temp2 =, 240),, 15)
- hl_value = bit.bor(bit.lshift(, 15), 4), temp2)
- self.a = bit.bor(, 240), bit.rshift(temp1, 4))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, bit.bor(self.l, bit.lshift(self.h, 8)), hl_value)
- if (, 128) > 0) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- if (self.a ~= 0) then
- self.flags.Z = false
- else
- self.flags.Z = true
- end
- self.flags.H = false
- if (self:get_parity(self.a) == true) then
- self.flags.P = true
- else
- self.flags.P = false
- end
- self.flags.N = false
- self:update_xy_flags(self.a)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[112] = function(self)
- self:do_in(bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[113] = function(self)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c), 0)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[114] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_sbc(self.sp)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[115] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, address,, 255))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + 1), 65535),, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[116] = function(self)
- self:do_neg()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[117] = function(self)
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- self.iff1 = self.iff2
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[118] = function(self)
- self.imode = 1
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[120] = function(self)
- self.a = self:do_in(bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[121] = function(self)
- self.memory.io_write(self.memory, bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.b, 8), self.c), self.a)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[122] = function(self)
- self:do_hl_adc(self.sp)
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[123] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.sp = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, address)
- self.sp = bit.bor(self.sp, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535)), 8))
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[124] = function(self)
- self:do_neg()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[125] = function(self)
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- self.iff1 = self.iff2
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[126] = function(self)
- self.imode = 2
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[160] = function(self)
- self:do_ldi()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[161] = function(self)
- self:do_cpi()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[162] = function(self)
- self:do_ini()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[163] = function(self)
- self:do_outi()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[168] = function(self)
- self:do_ldd()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[169] = function(self)
- self:do_cpd()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[170] = function(self)
- self:do_ind()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[171] = function(self)
- self:do_outd()
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[176] = function(self)
- self:do_ldi()
- if self.b ~= 0 or self.c ~= 0 then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 5
- self.pc = - 2), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[177] = function(self)
- self:do_cpi()
- if not self.flags.Z and (self.b ~= 0 or self.c ~= 0) then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 5
- self.pc = - 2), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[178] = function(self)
- self:do_ini()
- if self.b ~= 0 then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 5
- self.pc = - 2), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[179] = function(self)
- self:do_outi()
- if self.b ~= 0 then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 5
- self.pc = - 2), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[184] = function(self)
- self:do_ldd()
- if self.b ~= 0 or self.c ~= 0 then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 5
- self.pc = - 2), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[185] = function(self)
- self:do_cpd()
- if not self.flags.Z and (self.b ~= 0 or self.c ~= 0) then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 5
- self.pc = - 2), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[186] = function(self)
- self:do_ind()
- if self.b ~= 0 then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 5
- self.pc = - 2), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.ed_instructions[187] = function(self)
- self:do_outd()
- if self.b ~= 0 then
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + 5
- self.pc = - 2), 65535)
- end
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions = {}
- Z80.dd_instructions[9] = function(self)
- self:do_ix_add(bit.bor(self.c, bit.lshift(self.b, 8)))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[25] = function(self)
- self:do_ix_add(bit.bor(self.e, bit.lshift(self.d, 8)))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[33] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.ix = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.ix = bit.bor(self.ix, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[34] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, address,, 255))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + 1), 65535),, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[35] = function(self)
- self.ix = + 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[36] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(bit.lshift(self:do_inc(bit.rshift(self.ix, 8)), 8),, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[37] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(bit.lshift(self:do_dec(bit.rshift(self.ix, 8)), 8),, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[38] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.ix = bit.bor(bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8),, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[41] = function(self)
- self:do_ix_add(self.ix)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[42] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local address = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- address = bit.bor(address, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), 8))
- self.ix = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, address)
- self.ix = bit.bor(self.ix, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535)), 8))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[43] = function(self)
- self.ix = - 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[44] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(self:do_inc(, 255)),, 65280))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[45] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(self:do_dec(, 255)),, 65280))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[46] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, self.pc), 255),, 65280))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[52] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- local value = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + self.ix), 65535))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + self.ix), 65535), self:do_inc(value))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[53] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- local value = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + self.ix), 65535))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + self.ix), 65535), self:do_dec(value))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[54] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[57] = function(self)
- self:do_ix_add(self.sp)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[68] = function(self)
- self.b =, 8), 255)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[69] = function(self)
- self.b =, 255)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[70] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.b = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[76] = function(self)
- self.c =, 8), 255)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[77] = function(self)
- self.c =, 255)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[78] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.c = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[84] = function(self)
- self.d =, 8), 255)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[85] = function(self)
- self.d =, 255)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[86] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.d = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[92] = function(self)
- self.e =, 8), 255)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[93] = function(self)
- self.e =, 255)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[94] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.e = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[96] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 255), bit.lshift(self.b, 8))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[97] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 255), bit.lshift(self.c, 8))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[98] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 255), bit.lshift(self.d, 8))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[99] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 255), bit.lshift(self.e, 8))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[100] = function(self)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[101] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 255), bit.lshift(, 255), 8))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[102] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.h = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[103] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 255), bit.lshift(self.a, 8))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[104] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 65280), self.b)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[105] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 65280), self.c)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[106] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 65280), self.d)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[107] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 65280), self.e)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[108] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 65280), bit.rshift(self.ix, 8))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[109] = function(self)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[110] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.l = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[111] = function(self)
- self.ix = bit.bor(, 65280), self.a)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[112] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), self.b)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[113] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), self.c)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[114] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), self.d)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[115] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), self.e)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[116] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), self.h)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[117] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), self.l)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[119] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), self.a)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[124] = function(self)
- self.a =, 8), 255)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[125] = function(self)
- self.a =, 255)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[126] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.a = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[132] = function(self)
- self:do_add(, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[133] = function(self)
- self:do_add(, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[134] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self:do_add(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535)))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[140] = function(self)
- self:do_adc(, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[141] = function(self)
- self:do_adc(, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[142] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self:do_adc(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535)))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[148] = function(self)
- self:do_sub(, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[149] = function(self)
- self:do_sub(, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[150] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self:do_sub(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535)))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[156] = function(self)
- self:do_sbc(, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[157] = function(self)
- self:do_sbc(, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[158] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self:do_sbc(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535)))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[164] = function(self)
- self:do_and(, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[165] = function(self)
- self:do_and(, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[166] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self:do_and(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535)))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[172] = function(self)
- self:do_xor(, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[173] = function(self)
- self:do_xor(, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[174] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self:do_xor(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535)))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[180] = function(self)
- self:do_or(, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[181] = function(self)
- self:do_or(, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[182] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self:do_or(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535)))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[188] = function(self)
- self:do_cp(, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[189] = function(self)
- self:do_cp(, 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[190] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self:do_cp(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535)))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[203] = function(self)
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local offset = self:get_signed_offset_byte(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc))
- self.pc = + 1), 65535)
- local opcode, value = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.pc), nil
- if opcode < 64 then
- local ddcb_functions = {
- self.do_rlc,
- self.do_rrc,
- self.do_rl,
- self.do_rr,
- self.do_sla,
- self.do_sra,
- self.do_sll,
- self.do_srl
- }
- local func = ddcb_functions[bit.rshift(, 56), 3) + 1]
- value = func(self, self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535)))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), value)
- else
- local bit_number = bit.rshift(, 56), 3)
- if opcode < 128 then
- self.flags.N = false
- self.flags.H = true
- if (not (, + offset), 65535)), bit.lshift(1, bit_number)) ~= 0)) then
- self.flags.Z = true
- else
- self.flags.Z = false
- end
- self.flags.P = self.flags.Z
- if (((bit_number == 7) and not self.flags.Z)) then
- self.flags.S = true
- else
- self.flags.S = false
- end
- elseif opcode < 192 then
- value =
-, + offset), 65535)), bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1, bit_number))),
- 255
- )
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), value)
- else
- value = bit.bor(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + offset), 65535)), bit.lshift(1, bit_number))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + offset), 65535), value)
- end
- end
- if value ~= nil then
- if, 7) == 0 then
- self.b = value
- elseif, 7) == 1 then
- self.c = value
- elseif, 7) == 2 then
- self.d = value
- elseif, 7) == 3 then
- self.e = value
- elseif, 7) == 4 then
- self.h = value
- elseif, 7) == 5 then
- self.l = value
- elseif, 7) == 7 then
- self.a = value
- end
- end
- self.cycle_counter = self.cycle_counter + self.cycle_counts_cb[opcode] + 8
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[225] = function(self)
- self.ix = self:pop_word()
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[227] = function(self)
- local temp = self.ix
- self.ix = self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, self.sp)
- self.ix = bit.bor(self.ix, bit.lshift(self.memory.mem_read(self.memory, + 1), 65535)), 8))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, self.sp,, 255))
- self.memory.mem_write(self.memory, + 1), 65535),, 8), 255))
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[229] = function(self)
- self:push_word(self.ix)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[233] = function(self)
- self.pc = - 1), 65535)
- end
- Z80.dd_instructions[249] = function(self)
- self.sp = self.ix
- end
- Z80.cycle_counts_oneBased = {
- 4, 10, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 11, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 8, 10, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 12, 11, 7, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 7, 10, 16, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 7, 11, 16, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 7, 10, 13, 6, 11, 11, 10, 4, 7, 11, 13, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 7, 11, 5, 10, 10, 0, 10, 17, 7, 11, 5, 10, 10, 11, 10, 11, 7, 11, 5, 4, 10, 11, 10, 0, 7, 11, 5, 10, 10, 19, 10, 11, 7, 11, 5, 4, 10, 4, 10, 0, 7, 11, 5, 10, 10, 4, 10, 11, 7, 11, 5, 6, 10, 4, 10, 0, 7, 11
- }
- Z80.cycle_counts_ed_oneBased = {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 12, 15, 20, 8, 14, 8, 9, 12, 12, 15, 20, 8, 14, 8, 9, 12, 12, 15, 20, 8, 14, 8, 9, 12, 12, 15, 20, 8, 14, 8, 9, 12, 12, 15, 20, 8, 14, 8, 18, 12, 12, 15, 20, 8, 14, 8, 18, 12, 12, 15, 20, 8, 14, 8, 0, 12, 12, 15, 20, 8, 14, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- }
- Z80.cycle_counts_cb_oneBased = {
- 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 8
- }
- Z80.cycle_counts_dd_oneBased = {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 20, 10, 8, 8, 11, 0, 0, 15, 20, 10, 8, 8, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23, 23, 19, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 19, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 19, 8, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 0, 23, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- }
- Z80.cycle_counts = {}
- Z80.cycle_counts_ed = {}
- Z80.cycle_counts_cb = {}
- Z80.cycle_counts_dd = {}
- for i = 0, #Z80.cycle_counts_oneBased - 1 do
- Z80.cycle_counts[i] = Z80.cycle_counts_oneBased[i + 1]
- end
- for i = 0, #Z80.cycle_counts_ed_oneBased - 1 do
- Z80.cycle_counts_ed[i] = Z80.cycle_counts_ed_oneBased[i + 1]
- end
- for i = 0, #Z80.cycle_counts_cb_oneBased - 1 do
- Z80.cycle_counts_cb[i] = Z80.cycle_counts_cb_oneBased[i + 1]
- end
- for i = 0, #Z80.cycle_counts_dd_oneBased - 1 do
- Z80.cycle_counts_dd[i] = Z80.cycle_counts_dd_oneBased[i + 1]
- end
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