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- --#region Locals
- local PrimeUI,PrimeUI_borderBox
- local license
- local cssf_repo = ""
- local path,install_prog,st_path,is_minified
- local tArgs={...}
- is_minified=true
- --#endregion Locals
- --#region GitLoader
- local err_codes={[-2]="Broken URL",[-3]="No responce",[-4]="No result"}
- local try_get_git_file= function(url)
- local res,rez = http.checkURL(url)
- if not res then return -2 end
- res = http.get(url)
- if not res then return -3 end
- rez=res.readAll()
- res.close()
- return rez or -4
- end
- --#endregion GitLoader
- --#region Install
- local install = function()
- local files = {
- --#region C SuS SuS Files
- "features/code/cssc/op_stack.lua",
- "features/code/cssc/runtime.lua",
- "features/code/cssc/typeof.lua",
- --
- "features/code/lua/base.lua",
- "features/code/lua/meta_opt.lua",
- "features/code/lua/struct.lua",
- --
- "features/code/cdata.lua",
- "features/code/syntax_loader.lua",
- "features/common/level.lua",
- "features/common/event.lua",
- "features/text/dual_queue/base.lua",
- "features/text/dual_queue/iterator.lua",
- "features/text/dual_queue/make_react.lua",
- "features/text/dual_queue/parser.lua",
- "features/text/dual_queue/space_handler.lua",
- "modules/cssc/BO.lua",
- "modules/cssc/CA.lua",
- "modules/cssc/DA.lua",
- "modules/cssc/IS.lua",
- "modules/cssc/KS.lua",
- "modules/cssc/LF.lua",
- "modules/cssc/NC.lua",
- "modules/cssc/ncbf.lua",
- "modules/cssc/NF.lua",
- "modules/cssc.lua",
- "modules/minify.lua",
- "modules/sys/dbg_hl.lua",
- "modules/sys/err.lua",
- "modules/sys.lua",
- "cssf__craft_os.lua"
- --#endregion C SuS SuS Files
- }
- local code = {}
- local base_path = "out/release/"
- local ver = is_minified and "minify/" or "original/"
- local api_url = cssf_repo..base_path..ver
- --download & install api
- --install prog & startup
- --local craftos_url = cssf_repo..base_path.."craftos_url"..ver
- print("Path:",path)
- print("Startup: "..st_path)
- print()
- local x,y = term.getCursorPos()
- y=y-3
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- sleep(1.5)
- term.setCursorPos(x,y+1) term.clearLine()
- term.setCursorPos(x,y) term.clearLine()
- for i=1, #files do
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.write("Downloading API...")
- term.setCursorPos(x,y+1)
- term.write(("Progress:[%d/%d]"):format(i-1,#files))
- term.setCursorPos(x,y+2)
- term.clearLine()
- term.write("File:"..files[i])
- code[fs.combine(path,files[i]=="cssf__craft_os.lua"and "cssf.lua"or files[i])]=try_get_git_file(api_url..files[i])
- end
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.write("Downloading API - success!")
- term.setCursorPos(x,y+1)
- term.write(("Progress:[%d/%d]"):format(#files,#files))
- term.setCursorPos(x,y+2)
- term.clearLine()
- term.write("Saving files...")
- sleep(0.5)
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- local api_path = fs.combine(path,"cssf.lua")
- print()
- --configure api path
- code[api_path]=code[api_path]:gsub("(local base_path=%[%[)(.-)(%]%])",function(a,b,c) return a..path:gsub("([^/])$","%1/")..c end)
- if install_prog then
- code[fs.combine(path,"cssc_prog.lua")] =
- [==[local tArgs,cssf,prog={...},cssf or error"C SuS SuS Framework not found!"
- if not cssf.default then cssf.default=cssf"config=cssc_user" end
- if #tArgs<1 then print"Usage: cssf <prog>"return end
- prog=shell.resolveProgram(...) or error("Program `"..tArgs[1].."` not found!")
- local file,err =,"r")
- local code=file and file.readAll():gsub("^#!cssc\n","",1) or error(err)
- file.close()
- local func,err = cssf.default.load(code,"@"..prog,nil,_ENV)
- arg[0]=err and error(err) or table.remove(arg,1)
- table.remove(tArgs,1)
- return func(unpack(tArgs))]==]
- end
- if st_path then
- --settings.define("cssf.enable",{default=true,type="boolean"})
- --settings.get("cssf.enable")
- code[st_path] =
- [==[local C,p,d = require"","cssc_prog.lua",__PATH__
- _G.cssf=loadfile(d.."cssf.lua",nil,_ENV)()
- cssf.default=cssf"config=cssc_user"
- _G.typeof=cssf.default.typeof
- __PROG__]==]
- code[st_path]=code[st_path]:gsub("__PATH__","[=["..path:gsub("([^/])$","%1/").."]=]")
- if install_prog then
- code[st_path]=code[st_path]:gsub("__PROG__",[[shell.setAlias("cssc",d..p)
- shell.setCompletionFunction(fs.combine(d..p),{C.programWithArgs,2,many=true})]])
- else
- code[st_path]=code[st_path]:gsub("__PROG__","")
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(code) do
- local file,err =,"w")
- if err then
- local clr= term.getTextColor()
- term.setTextColor(
- print("Instalation error!")
- print(err)
- print("Press any key to exit...")
- os.pullEvent("key")
- term.setTextColor(clr)
- end
- file.write(v)
- file.close()
- end
- print()
- print("Instalation complete.")
- sleep(0.5)
- end
- --#endregion Install
- --#region CLI mode (if any args was detected)
- if #tArgs>0 then
- for k,v in pairs(tArgs)do
- if v=="--help" or v=="-H" then
- print("Usage:\n"..
- " -H --help --Show this message and exit\n"..
- " -D=*path* --dir=*path*\n"..
- " --Set path to installation folder\n"..
- " -S=*path* --startup=*path*\n"..
- " --Enable startup and set it's name\n"..
- " -P --prog\n"..
- " --Enable launching CSSC from shell\n"..
- " -M --minified (default)\n"..
- " --Set API version to minified\n"..
- " -O --original\n"..
- " --Set API version to original\n")
- return
- end
- install_prog=install_prog or v=="-P" or v=="--prog"
- st_path=st_path or v:match("^%-S=(.+)") or v:match("^-%-startup=(.+)")
- path=path or v:match("^%-D=(.+)") or v:match("^-%-dir=(.+)")
- if v=="-O" or v=="--original" then is_minified= false end
- if v=="-M" or v=="--minified"then is_minified= true end
- end
- path=path or error("Instalation directory not set!")
- print("CSSF>startup: "..(st_path or"disabled"))
- print("CSSF>path: "..(path))
- print("CSSF>prog: "..(install_prog and "enabled" or "disabled"))
- print()
- install()
- return
- end
- --#endregion CLI mode
- --#region Animation API
- local blit_pic=function(pic,x,y,font,back)
- font,back=font or function()end,back or function()end
- for i=1,#pic,3 do
- term.setCursorPos(x,y+i/3)
- term.blit(pic[i],font(pic[i+1]),back(pic[i+2]))
- end
- end
- local pal_ctrl=function(pal)
- if pal then for i=0,15 do term.setPaletteColor(2^i,unpack(pal[2^i]))end
- else pal={} for i=0,15 do pal[2^i]={term.getPaletteColor(2^i)}end return pal end
- end
- local color_animate=function(clr,time,steps,r,g,b)
- local R,G,B=term.getPaletteColor(clr)
- local s={r=(r-R)/steps,g=(g-G)/steps,b=(b-B)/steps}
- time=time/steps
- for i=1,steps do
- R,G,B=R+s.r,G+s.g,B+s.b sleep(time)
- term.setPaletteColor(clr,R,G,B)
- end
- end
- -- Keep pal ctrl
- function rainbowPrintEffect(text,delay)
- local next,fg,bg,X,Y,prev=0,term.getTextColor(),term.getBackgroundColor()
- for char in (text.." "):gmatch"."do
- if prev then term.setCursorPos(X-1,Y) term.write(prev) prev=nil end
- if char:find"%s" then term.write(char)
- else
- repeat next=(next+1)%16 until 2^next ~= fg and 2^next ~= bg
- term.blit(char,colors.toBlit(2^next),colors.toBlit(bg))
- prev=char
- sleep(delay or 0.4)
- end
- X,Y=term.getCursorPos()
- end
- end
- local pal=pal_ctrl() --variable to keep default pallete unchanged
- local max_x,max_y=term.getSize()
- --#endregion Animation API
- --#region Splash Screen
- local Splash_Screen = function()
- -- Animate background
- term.setPaletteColor(colors.lightBlue,0,0,0) -- lBlue - Set black color for animation
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
- term.clear()
- color_animate(colors.lightBlue,0.5,50,unpack(pal[colors.lightBlue]))
- -- Animate "W E L C O M E" message
- term.setCursorPos((max_x-13)/2,max_y/2-4)
- term.setTextColor(
- rainbowPrintEffect("W E L C O M E",0.3)
- sleep(0.3) --small delay
- --Animate "t o" message
- term.setCursorPos((max_x-3)/2,max_y/2-2)
- term.setTextColor(
- textutils.slowWrite("t o",5)
- -- Animate C_SuS_SuS splash
- local C_SuS_SuS_print={
- "\x98\x8C\x9B \x98\x8C\x9B \x20\x20\x20 \x98\x8C\x9B \x98\x8C\x9B \x20\x20\x20 \x98\x8C\x9B","bb* ee* ee* ee* ee*"," b e e e e",
- "\x95\x20\x20 \x89\x8C\x9B \x95\x20\x95 \x89\x8C\x9B \x89\x8C\x9B \x95\x20\x95 \x89\x8C\x9B","bbb ee* ee* ee* ee* ee* ee*"," e e e e e e",
- "\x89\x8C\x86 \x89\x8C\x86 \x89\x8C\x86 \x89\x8C\x86 \x89\x8C\x86 \x89\x8C\x86 \x89\x8C\x86","bbb eee eee eee eee eee eee"," "}
- term.setPaletteColor(,unpack(pal[colors.lightBlue])) -- Green - used as process color
- term.setPaletteColor(colors.lime ,unpack(pal[colors.lightBlue])) -- Lime - used as process color
- blit_pic(C_SuS_SuS_print,(max_x-28.5)/2,max_y/2,function(a)return a:gsub("*","3"):gsub("b","5"):gsub("e","d") end,function(a)return a:gsub(" ","3"):gsub("b","5"):gsub("e","d") end)
- color_animate(colors.lime ,0.4,30,unpack(pal[]))
- color_animate(,0.4,30,unpack(pal[]))
- blit_pic(C_SuS_SuS_print,(max_x-28.5)/2,max_y/2,function(a)return a:gsub("*","3") end,function(a)return a:gsub(" ","3") end)
- sleep(0.3) --small delay
- -- Hide colors
- parallel.waitForAll(
- function()color_animate(,0.4,30,unpack(pal[colors.lightBlue]))end,
- function()color_animate( ,0.4,30,unpack(pal[colors.lightBlue]))end)
- term.clear()
- end
- --#endregion Splash Screen
- --#region End Screen
- local exit_animation = function()
- parallel.waitForAny(
- function()
- repeat local ev,key=os.pullEvent"key"
- if or key==keys.enter then break end
- until false
- end,
- function()
- parallel.waitForAny(
- function()color_animate( ,0.2,30,unpack(pal[colors.lightBlue]))end,
- function()color_animate(colors.cyan ,0.2,30,unpack(pal[colors.lightBlue]))end,
- function()color_animate(,0.2,30,unpack(pal[colors.lightBlue]))end,
- function()color_animate( ,0.2,30,unpack(pal[colors.lightBlue]))end)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
- term.clear()
- color_animate(colors.lightBlue,0.4,30,unpack(pal[]))
- end)
- pal_ctrl(pal)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- --#endregion End Screen
- --#region Download_PrimeUI
- -- Load files right from git
- local make_git_require = function(repo_url,display_name,log)
- display_name=display_name or"X"
- local s,Print,Write,f,w=""
- Print=log and function()end or print
- Write=log or write
- f = function(obj)
- local res,out = pcall(require,obj)
- if res then return out end
- if w then Print"Loading..."end Write(s.."GitR["..display_name.."]:"..obj..".lua - ")
- w=true
- s=s.." "
- local git_file = try_get_git_file(repo_url..obj..".lua")
- if err_codes[git_file] then Print"Failure" error("Cant reach["..git_file.."]: "..repo_url..obj..".lua")end
- func,err = load(git_file,"@git:"..obj..".lua",nil,setmetatable({require=f},{__index=_G}))
- if err then Print"Failure" error("Git err:"..err)end
- res,out=pcall(func)
- if not res then Print"Failure" error("Git err"..out) end
- package.loaded[obj]=out Print("Success"..(w and""or(": "..obj..".lua")))
- s=s:sub(1,-5)
- w=false
- return out
- end
- return f
- end
- local Download_PrimeUI = function()
- license = try_get_git_file(cssf_repo.."LICENSE")
- local expect = require"cc.expect".expect
- PrimeUI_borderBox = function(win, x, y, width, height, fgColor, bgColor)
- expect(1, win, "table")
- expect(2, x, "number")
- expect(3, y, "number")
- expect(4, width, "number")
- expect(5, height, "number")
- fgColor = expect(6, fgColor, "number", "nil") or colors.white
- bgColor = expect(7, bgColor, "number", "nil") or
- -- Draw the top-left corner & top border.
- win.setBackgroundColor(bgColor)
- win.setTextColor(fgColor)
- win.setCursorPos(x - 1, y - 1)
- win.write("\x9F" .. ("\x8F"):rep(width))
- -- Draw the top-right corner.
- win.setBackgroundColor(fgColor)
- win.setTextColor(bgColor)
- win.write("\x90")
- -- Draw the right border.
- for i = 1, height do
- win.setCursorPos(win.getCursorPos() - 1, y + i - 1)
- win.write("\x95")
- end
- -- Draw the left border.
- win.setBackgroundColor(bgColor)
- win.setTextColor(fgColor)
- for i = 1, height do
- win.setCursorPos(x - 1, y + i - 1)
- win.write("\x95")
- end
- -- Draw the bottom border and corners.
- win.setBackgroundColor(fgColor)
- win.setTextColor(bgColor )
- win.setCursorPos(x - 1, y + height)
- win.write("\x82" .. ("\x83"):rep(width) .. "\x81")
- win.setBackgroundColor(bgColor)
- win.setTextColor(fgColor)
- end
- if not _G.PrimeUI then
- --Get PrimeUI-218b28d version (21 Oct 2024 - commit by MCJack123) [stable] - for this project
- local PrimeUI_repo,i = "",1
- local PrimeUI_require = make_git_require(PrimeUI_repo,"PrimeUI",function()end)
- PrimeUI = PrimeUI_require("init")
- _G.PrimeUI=PrimeUI
- else PrimeUI=_G.PrimeUI end
- end
- --#endregion Download_PrimeUI
- --#region Download_PrimeUI & ShowSplash
- term.setPaletteColor(,unpack(pal[]))
- parallel.waitForAny(
- function()parallel.waitForAll(Splash_Screen,Download_PrimeUI) end,
- function() repeat
- local ev,key=os.pullEvent"key"
- if or key==keys.enter then
- if PrimeUI and license then break
- else
- local X,Y,c,x,y=term.getSize()
- c,x,y=term.getTextColor(),term.getCursorPos()
- term.setTextColor(
- term.setCursorPos(1,Y-1)
- print(" PrimeUI downloading... Please wait...")
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.setTextColor(c)
- end
- end
- until false end)
- pal_ctrl(pal) --recover palette
- --#endregion Download_PrimeUI & ShowSplash
- --PrimeUI GUI
- --#region PrimeUI Locals
- local comp=require""
- local main=term.current()
- local x,y=6,8
- local act,_,scroll_box="done"
- --#endregion PrimeUI Locals
- --#region GUI_base func
- function make_gui(tm)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
- term.clear()
- -- Logo
- blit_pic({"\x96\x83 \x8C\x82 \x8C\x82","bb b* b*"," ee ee",
- "\x82\x83 \x81\x81 \x81\x81","bb ee ee"," "},4,2,function(a)return a:gsub("*","3") end,function(a)return a:gsub(" ","3") end)
- term.setCursorPos(4+8,2)
- term.setTextColor(
- write(" Framework V4.6-beta Installer. ")
- -- PrimeUI CC0 "copyright"
- local p_msg ="PrimeUI-218b28d by MCJack123 "
- term.setCursorPos(math.max(14+9,max_x-#p_msg+1),max_y-1)
- write(p_msg)
- -- Box
- local clr = (tm=="LICENSE"or tm=="DESCRIPTION")and colors.white or colors.lightBlue
- PrimeUI_borderBox(main,3,5,max_x-x+2,max_y-y,,clr)--paintutils.drawBox(2,4,max_x-1,max_y-3,
- -- Name
- clr=colors.toBlit(clr)
- term.setCursorPos(4+8,3) term.blit("\x9F"..("\x8F"):rep(2+#tm).."\x90",("3"):rep(3+#tm).."b",("b"):rep(3+#tm).."3")
- term.setCursorPos(3+9,4) term.blit("\x90[""]\x9F",clr..("1"):rep(#tm+2)..'b','b'..("b"):rep(#tm+2)..clr)
- -- Buttons & Keys
- PrimeUI.keyCombo(keys.c,true,false,false,"exit") -- Ctrl+C exit
- if tm=="INSTALL" then
- PrimeUI.label(main,2,max_y-1," Continue ",colors.lightGray,
- PrimeUI.label(main,2+11,max_y-1," Cancel ",colors.lightGray,
- elseif tm== "LICENSE" then
- PrimeUI.button(main,13,max_y-1,"Cancel" ,"exit",,,colors.cyan)
- PrimeUI.keyAction(keys.enter,"done")
- elseif tm=="PATH" or tm=="STARTUP"then
- --PrimeUI.label(main,2,max_y-1," Continue ",colors.lightGray,
- PrimeUI.button(main,13,max_y-1,"Cancel" ,"exit",,,colors.cyan)
- else
- PrimeUI.keyAction(keys.enter,"done")
- PrimeUI.button(main,2,max_y-1,"Continue","done",,,colors.cyan)
- PrimeUI.button(main,13,max_y-1,"Cancel" ,"exit",,,colors.cyan)
- end
- -- Return Normal Color
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
- end
- --#endregion GUI_base func
- --#region CancelInstalation
- local on_cancel = function()
- PrimeUI.clear()
- --wnd.clear()
- make_gui("Cancel")
- PrimeUI.label(main ,3,5,"Instalation canceled. Press any key to exit.",,colors.lightBlue)
- PrimeUI.label(main ,3,6,"Program will exit automaticly in 3 seconds.",,colors.lightBlue)
- PrimeUI.addTask(function()while true do
- local ev=os.pullEvent"key"
- ev=ev and PrimeUI.resolve()
- end
- end)
- PrimeUI.timeout(3,"timeout")
- _,
- exit_animation()
- end
- --#endregion CancelInstalation
- --#region ShowDescription
- PrimeUI.clear()
- make_gui("DESCRIPTION")
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(3,5,max_x-x+4,max_y-y+4,colors.white)
- scroll_box=PrimeUI.scrollBox(main,3,5,max_x-x+2, max_y-y,999,true,true,,colors.white)
- PrimeUI.drawText(scroll_box,
- [[Use `-H` to get info about CLI mode.
- C SuS SuS Framework (Very Suspisious C++)
- Modular data parsing system.
- Currently, it's main purpose - extending
- base Lua functional by adding new syntax.
- Project features:
- 1. Fully configurable instances!
- All syntax additions are independend, and
- can be easily enabled/disabled.
- 2. Full support of bitwize and `//` opts from
- Lua5.3, including their metamethods.
- 3. Default arguments and strict types:
- Tired of `require'cc.expect'.expect`?
- Use: `function(*arg*: *type*=*default*)`!
- 4. Custom types for your objects.
- `typeof` function and `is` keyword.
- 5. Octal and binary number formats.
- 0o71, 0b101 - both support binary exponenta
- and floating point.
- 6. Lambda function operators: `->` `=>`
- For realy short funcs.
- 7. Additional assignment: `a X= 1`
- Including opts like this: `>>=`
- 8. Weird keyword shortcuts and
- number concatenation bug fix.
- 9. Experimental code minification module.
- For more information visit:
- ]],true,colors.brown,colors.white)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
- _,act =
- if act=="exit" then on_cancel() return end
- --@endregion ShowDescription
- --#endregion PrimeUI GUI part
- --#region LICENSE (with timer)
- PrimeUI.clear()
- local time=skip_timer and 0 or 3--time to accept
- make_gui("LICENSE")
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(3,5,max_x-x+4,max_y-y+4,colors.white)
- local is_active={active=false}
- scroll_box=PrimeUI.scrollBox(main,3,5,max_x-x+2, max_y-y,999,true,true,,colors.white)
- PrimeUI.drawText(scroll_box,license,true,colors.brown,colors.white)
- PrimeUI.button(main,2,max_y-1," Accept ","done",,,colors.cyan)
- PrimeUI.keyAction(keys.enter,function()if time<1 then PrimeUI.resolve(nil,"done")end end)
- _,act =
- if act=="exit" then on_cancel() return end
- --#endregion LICENCE
- --#region ChooseModules
- local wnd=window.create(term.current(),3,7,max_x-x+2,4)--API chooser window
- local base_modules={["Original"]=false, ["Minified"]=true, ["Startup"]= true, ["Program"]= true}
- --Module Descriptions
- local desc={
- ["Original"]="Original C SuS SuS package - 57.68 KBs",
- ["Minified"]="Minified C SuS SuS package - 28.35 KBs",
- ["Startup"] ="Startup module. CSSF API auto-load.",
- ["Program"] ="Program to launch CSSF programs from shell. Recomended to install."}
- setmetatable(base_modules,{__pairs=function(a)
- return function(t,i)
- local order={"Original",["Original"]="Minified",["Minified"]="Startup",["Startup"]="Program"}--["Program"]=nil}
- local ind=order[i or 1]
- return ind,base_modules[ind]
- end,desc
- end})
- local sel_desk=desc["Minified"]--defalut
- local redr_func=function()PrimeUI.textBox(main,3,12,max_x-x+2,1,sel_desk or "",,colors.lightBlue)end
- local selc="Original"
- repeat
- PrimeUI.clear()
- make_gui("MODULES")
- PrimeUI.label(main,3,5,"Select API and modules to install [space & \x12]",,colors.lightBlue)
- redr_func()--PrimeUI.textBox(main,4,15,max_x-x,1,sel_desk,,colors.lightBlue)
- PrimeUI.checkSelectionBox(wnd,1, 1,max_x-x+2,8,base_modules,
- function(k)
- local i = 0
- for kk in pairs(base_modules)do
- i=i+1
- if not({["Startup"]=1,["Program"]=1})[k] and i<3 then
- base_modules[kk]=false
- end
- end
- if i<3 then
- base_modules[k]=true
- else
- base_modules[k]=not base_modules[k]
- end
- sel_desk=desc[k]
- selc=k
- PrimeUI.resolve(_,"api")
- end,colors.brown,colors.lightBlue)
- PrimeUI.addTask(--task to put cursor on it's place
- function()
- for k,v in pairs(base_modules)do
- if k~=selc then os.queueEvent("key",keys.down,false)
- else break end
- end
- while true do coroutine.yield() end
- end)
- _,act,key,
- until act~="api"
- is_minified = base_modules["Minified"]
- if act=="exit" then on_cancel() return end
- --#endregion ChooseModules
- --#region ChoosePath
- --Path to cssf directory
- local cssf_folder,prev_folder,err
- local histor={"/","/progs/cssf","/programs/cssf","/disk/cssf","/lib/cssf","/apis/cssf","/cssf"}-- posible names for directory
- repeat
- cssf_folder=nil
- PrimeUI.clear()
- make_gui("PATH")
- PrimeUI.button(main,2,max_y-1,"Continue",function()os.queueEvent("key",keys.enter)end,,,colors.cyan)
- PrimeUI.label(main,3,5,"Choose instalation folder (use \x12):",,colors.lightBlue)
- paintutils.drawLine(3,7,max_x-x+3,10,colors.lightGray)
- PrimeUI.inputBox(main,4,7,max_x-x+1,"done",colors.white,colors.lightGray,nil,histor,
- function(sLine) if #sLine>0 then return comp.dir(shell,sLine)end end,histor[#histor])
- PrimeUI.textBox(main,4,8,max_x-x,3,err or"",,colors.lightBlue)
- term.setTextColor(colors.yellow)
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- term.setCursorPos(5+5,7)
- _,act, to get the way
- _,err=pcall(function()
- if cssf_folder then --create files if posible
- if prev_folder~=cssf_folder and fs.isDir(cssf_folder) and (fs.exists(fs.combine(cssf_folder,"cssf.lua")) or fs.exists(fs.combine(cssf_folder,"cssc_prog.lua")))then
- prev_folder=cssf_folder
- error("Warning! Files will be rewriten! Are you sure? [Enter]")
- end
- local tmp1,err1
- if base_modules["Program"] then
- tmp1=not fs.isReadOnly(fs.combine(cssf_folder,"cssf.lua")) or error("File is read-only!")
- end
- local tmp2=not fs.isReadOnly(fs.combine(cssf_folder,"cssc_prog.lua")) or error("File is read-only!")
- install_prog=tmp1 and fs.combine(cssf_folder,"cssc_prog.lua")-- fs.combine(cssf_folder,"cssf.lua")
- path =tmp2 and cssf_folder -- fs.combine(cssf_folder,"cssc_prog.lua")
- end
- end)
- histor[#histor+1]=cssf_folder~=histor[#histor] and cssf_folder or nil
- until path or act=="exit"
- if act=="exit" then on_cancel() return end
- --#endregion ChoosePath
- --#region ChooseStartup
- err=nil
- local st_path_tmp,prev_st_path
- --Startup path
- if base_modules["Startup"] then
- local histor={"/startup.lua","/disk/startup.lua","/disk/startup/00_cssf.lua","/startup/cssf.lua","/startup/02_cssf.lua","/startup/01_cssf.lua"}
- repeat
- PrimeUI.clear()
- make_gui("STARTUP")
- PrimeUI.button(main,2,max_y-1,"Continue",function()os.queueEvent("key",keys.enter)end,,,colors.cyan)
- PrimeUI.label(main,3,5,"Enter startup (use \x12):",,colors.lightBlue)
- paintutils.drawLine(3,7,max_x-x+4,7,colors.lightGray)
- PrimeUI.inputBox(main,3,7,max_x-x+2,"done",colors.white,colors.lightGray,nil,histor,
- function(sLine) if #sLine>0 then return comp.dirOrFile(shell,sLine)end end, histor[#histor])
- PrimeUI.textBox(main,4,8,max_x-x,3,err or"",,colors.lightBlue)
- _,act,
- _,err=pcall(function()
- if st_path_tmp then
- if fs.exists(st_path_tmp) and prev_st_path~=st_path_tmp then
- prev_st_path=st_path_tmp
- error("Warning! File '"..st_path_tmp.."' will be rewriten! Are you sure? [Enter]")
- end
- local tmp =not fs.isReadOnly(st_path_tmp) or error("File is read-only!")
- st_path=tmp and fs.combine(st_path_tmp)
- end
- end)
- histor[#histor+1]=st_path_tmp~=histor[#histor] and st_path_tmp or nil
- until st_path or act=="exit"
- end
- if act=="exit" then on_cancel() return end
- --#endregion ChooseStartup
- --#region ProgressBar & Size calculation & Instalation Completion
- PrimeUI.clear()
- make_gui("INSTALL")
- --term.setBackgroundColor(
- --term.clear()
- --PrimeUI.textBox(main,3,5,max_x-x+4,max_y-y+4,"Ins\nIns\n",,colors.lightBlue)
- PrimeUI.addTask(function()
- local wnd = window.create(main,3,5,max_x-x+2,max_y-y,true)
- term.redirect(wnd)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
- term.setTextColor(
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- install()
- term.redirect(main)
- PrimeUI.resolve("install","done")
- end)
- _,
- if act=="exit" then on_cancel() return end
- --#endregion ProgressBar & Size calculation & Instalation Completion
- --#region Final
- PrimeUI.clear()
- make_gui("FINAL")
- PrimeUI.label(main ,3,5,"Instalation complete. Press any key to exit.",,colors.lightBlue)
- PrimeUI.label(main ,3,6,"Program will exit automaticly in 3 seconds.",,colors.lightBlue)
- PrimeUI.addTask(function()while true do
- local ev=os.pullEvent"key"
- ev=ev and PrimeUI.resolve()
- end
- end)
- PrimeUI.timeout(3,"timeout")
- _,
- exit_animation()
- --#endregion Final
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