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- --[[
- fire effect
- code by GopherAtl, 2013
- No rights reserved, DWYW.
- --]]
- function findDev (dType)
- local d
- for _,d in pairs(peripheral.getNames()) do
- if (peripheral.getType(d) == dType) then
- return peripheral.wrap(d)
- end
- end
- return nil, dType..": not found"
- end
- m=findDev("monitor")
- local w,h=m.getSize()
- local dithers={
- " ",
- ".",
- "-",
- "+",
- "%",
- "*",
- "#",
- "@",
- }
- local ranges= {
- {, colors.gray, },
- { colors.gray,, },
- {,, },
- {, colors.yellow, },
- }
- local coolWeight=75
- if not m.isColor() then
- ranges={
- {,colors.white },
- }
- coolWeight=25
- end
- local numDithers=(#dithers*2-1)
- local max_bright=#ranges*numDithers
- function genShaded(brightness)
- --break into color group
- local
- local
- local char=" "
- if brightness>=max_bright then
- bgColor=ranges[#ranges][2]
- fgColor=ranges[#ranges][1]
- else
- local dither=brightness%numDithers
- local range=(brightness-dither)/numDithers
- local inv=false
- bgColor=ranges[range+1][1]
- fgColor=ranges[range+1][2]
- if dither>=#dithers then
- dither=2*#dithers-dither-1
- local t=bgColor
- bgColor=fgColor
- fgColor=t
- end
- char=dithers[dither+1]
- end
- --[[m.setBackgroundColor(bgColor)
- m.setTextColor(fgColor)
- m.write(char)--]]
- return bgColor,fgColor,char
- end
- local precalc_shade={}
- for i=0,max_bright do
- precalc_shade[i]={genShaded(i)}
- end
- dither=true
- function drawShaded(bright)
- bright=math.floor(bright+.5)
- if bright>max_bright then
- bright=max_bright
- elseif bright<0 then
- bright=0
- end
- local shading=precalc_shade[bright]
- if shading==nil then
- error("brightness "..bright.." invalid!")
- end
- m.setBackgroundColor(shading[1])
- m.setTextColor(shading[2])
- m.write(dither and shading[3] or " ")
- end
- local grid, gridB={},{}
- for y=1,h+1 do
- grid[y]={}
- gridB[y]={}
- for x=1,w do
- grid[y][x]=0
- end
- end
- local coolingGrid={}
- for y=1,h*4 do
- coolingGrid[y]={}
- for x=1,w*2 do
- coolingGrid[y][x]=0
- end
- end
- function smooth(grid)
- for y=0,(h*4-1) do
- local up=(y-1)%(h*4)+1
- local down=(y+1)%(h*4)+1
- for x=0,(w*2-1) do
- local left=(x-1)%(w*2)+1
- local right=(x+1)%(w*2)+1
- grid[y+1][x+1]=(grid[y+1][left]+grid[y+1][right]+grid[up][x+1]+grid[down][x+1])/4
- end
- end
- end
- for i=1,1.6*w*h do
- coolingGrid[math.random(1,h*4)][math.random(1,w*2)]=coolWeight
- end
- for i=1,5 do
- smooth(coolingGrid)
- end
- coolingOffsetY=0
- coolingOffsetX=0
- function smoothFlame(grid)
- for y=1,h do
- local up=math.max(0,y-1)+1
- local down=math.min((h-1),(y+1))+1
- for x=0,(w-1) do
- local left=(x-1)%w+1
- local right=(x+1)%w+1
- grid[y][x+1]=(grid[y+1][left]+grid[y+1][right]+grid[up][x+1]+grid[down][x+1])/4-coolingGrid[math.floor((y-1+coolingOffsetY)%(h*4))+1][math.floor((x+coolingOffsetX)%(w*2))+1]
- end
- end
- end
- function draw()
- for y=1,h do
- for x=1,w do
- m.setCursorPos(x,y)
- drawShaded(grid[y][x]/2)
- end
- end
- end
- for x=1,w do
- grid[h+1][x]=max_bright*2
- end
- for i=1,w do
- local x=math.random(1,w)
- grid[h+1][x]=max_bright*3
- end
- for i=1,h+1 do
- smoothFlame(grid)
- end
- local tick=os.startTimer(0)
- while true do
- local e={os.pullEvent()}
- if e[1]=="timer" then
- draw()
- smoothFlame(grid)
- for i=1,1 do
- grid[h+1][math.random(1,w)]=max_bright*3
- end
- coolingOffsetY=(coolingOffsetY+1)%(h*4)
- coolingOffsetX=(coolingOffsetX+math.random(-2,3)/2)%(w*2)
- tick=os.startTimer(0)
- elseif e[1]=="char" then
- local ch=e[2]:lower()
- if ch=="d" then
- dither=not dither
- elseif ch=="q" then
- break
- end
- elseif e[1]=="monitor_touch" then
- dither=not dither
- end
- end
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