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- Menu items
- (Format)
- Main menu item
- Submenu item, [shortcut, ]description
- File:
- New, Ctrl+N, Opens a new tab with the default script
- Open, Ctrl+O, Prompted for an existing file to open in a new tab (by default)
- Open recent, Lists up to the last 10 (by default) files that have been open
- Save, Ctrl+S, Save the current script - if it hasn't been saved before or opened, then prompted for a filename
- Save as, Save the current script as a new filename
- Save as Default, Make it so all new files will be the current script.
- Save All, Shift+Ctrl+S, Saves all currently open scripts
- New Tab, Ctrl+T, Opens a new tab with the default script
- Close Tab, Ctrl+W, Closes current tab, prompting for a save if it hasn't been already
- Close all tabs, Closes all tabs, prompting for a save if individual tabs haven't been already
- Exit, Ctrl+Q, Closes Simba, prompting for a save if individual tabs haven't been already
- Edit:
- Undo, Ctrl+Z, Changes the script to a previous state where available
- Redo, Ctrl+Y, Changes the script to a later state where available
- Cut, Ctrl+X, Removes the currently selected text and makes it available to paste
- Copy, Ctrl+C, Copies the selected text and makes it available to paste
- Paste, Ctrl+V, Inserts a copy of previously copied/cut text at the current position
- Delete, Delete/Backspace, Removes the currently selected text
- Select All, Ctrl+A, Makes all the text in the open tab selected
- Find, Ctrl+F, Allows user to search for the first occurence of a text sequence, making it selected, with or without case matching as well as highlighting other occurences
- Find next, F3, Selects next occurence of text sequence being searched for
- Replace, Ctrl+R, Opens a find/replace dialogue box, allowing a search string to be specified as well as a replacement string, with options of finding occurences and replacing a single or all occurences
- Script:
- Run, F9, Compile and start executing the script
- Compile, Ctrl+F9, Only compile the script without executing
- Pause, Stop executing the script, but allow it to be resumed from the current place via run
- Stop, F2, Stop executing the script completely without allowing it to be resumed from the current place
- View:
- Colour History, Toggles display of the colour picker history form
- Debug Image, Toggles display of the debug image `form'
- Function List, Toggles display of the function list box
- Extensions, Toggles display of the extensions form
- Tools:
- Fill Function List, (Ctrl+Q, which is also assigned to Exit, which takes precedence), Reloads the functions from the script into the function list box
- Update, Opens the update form
- Settings, Opens the settings form
- Bitmap conversion, Opens a form for converting images to bitmap strings
- Export script as HTML, Prompts for a filename to save HTML file with formatted version of script that has syntax highlighting
- Help:
- About, Opens about form
- Handbook, (404 at the moment) Opens up the online (or local?) information resource for Simba in default browser
- Report a bug, Opens up the online bugtracker for Simba in default browser
- SRL (Only exists if the Updater extension is installed and enabled):
- Check for new SRL, Sees if local version is the latest version of SRL
- Update SRL, Downloads new version of SRL if one is available
- Automatically update, toggles whether or not to update SRL without asking upon starting Simba/enabling SRL Updater extension
- Toolbar buttons:
- (Format)
- Function (listed from left to right), [shortcut command, ]menu [,description if not present on menu]
- New, Ctrl+N, File
- Open, Ctrl+O, File
- Save, Ctrl+S, File
- Save All, Shift+Ctrl+S, File
- Cut, Ctrl+X, Edit
- Copy, Ctrl+C, Edit
- Paste, Ctrl+V, Edit
- Run, F9, Script
- Pause, Script
- Stop, F2, Script
- Add Tab, Ctrl+T, File
- Close Tab, Ctrl+W, File
- Clear debug, no menu, Removes all lines in the debug box
- Colour picker, no shortcut (accessible from View->Colour History), Freezes screen and allows use to pick a colour while displaying extra information
- Select target, no menu, Allows user to choose an area they would like Simba to perform all actions on (must be held then released over target to select it)
- Reload plugins, no menu, (Currently unavailable) Allows user to reload plugins after updating them without requiring Simba to be restarted
- Minimize to tray, no menu, Removes Simba from visible screen and start bar allowing it to only be accessed via the Simba tray icon
- Toggle console, no menu, Either displays or removes the output console
- SyncEdit:
- Multiple references to an identifier in a section of text can be altered at once using SyncEdit.
- Select the text in which you wish to alter an identifiers name and press Ctrl+J. The highlighted area should turn from a blue colour to a green colour with identifiers displayed with grey boxes around them, except for the currently selected identifier (which should be in a blue box) and other references to the same identifier (which should be in a purple/pink box). To change to a different identifier, click in a different box. To edit the identifier, simply edit one of the boxes. When finished, press Esc.
- This can be used to change variable names, procedure/function names (and calls to them), custom type names (and declarations that use them). It can also be used to change references to a type as well as any uses of that type.
- Trying to edit something not in a box causes SyncEdit to exit, as it would when pressing Esc.
- Function list:
- It can be undocked or moved from one side to the other. To reset it to its default position, restart Simba. As of now, it doesn't remember where it was last.
- If it doesn't correctly display Script functions/procedures, it may be that there is a problem with the script before the declaration.
- Items are not currently sorted alphabetically at any level, however Script and Includes items are added in the order they appear in the relevant scripts.
- If you close it, it can be displayed again from the View menu.
- Extensions:
- The Extensions form is launched from the View menu via the Extensions item.
- To enable or disable an extensions, select it from the list and tick or untick the box in the bottom left hand corner appropriately (ticked for enabled, unticked for disabled).
- Listed extensions are, by default, located in the Extensions folder where the Simba executable is.
- The file extensions .sex is short for Simba EXtension.
- Extensions focus more on the Simba form or similar, general area where as plugins focus more on the scripting aspect.
- Colour Picker History:
- The colour picker history form is launched from the View menu via the Colour History item.
- It lists all colours that have been picked since launching Simba, unless they have been deleted, as well as information on where they were picked and RGB values.
- Names can be given to colours, to help relate it to what it represents, by selecting a colour item from the left and changing the top field on the right.
- It is, by default, displayed after picking a colour using the button on the main Simba toolbar.
- Update Form:
- The update form is launched from Tools menu via the Update item.
- Informs user if no update is currently available before displaying the form.
- Gives the option of updating when the current version is not the latest.
- Settings Form:
- The Simba settings form is launched from the Tools menu via the Settings item.
- The main tree consists of 3 sections: one for the functionality of Simba (Settings), one for the appearance of Simba (LastConfig) and one for holding settings relevant to extensions (Extensions).
- The following information applies for the main Settings branch and not LastConfig or Extensions.
- The Settings section allows toggling of:
- Loading fonts on startup (Fonts->LoadOnStartUp)
- Showing the function list on startup (FunctionList->ShowOnStart)
- Using Lazarus syntax highlighting (SourceEditor->LazColors) [Requires restarting Simba]
- Using CPascal or PascalScript interpreter (Interpreter->UseCPascal)
- Automatically checking for Simba updates (Updater->CheckForUpdates)
- Opening next tab upon closing current (Tabs->OpenNextOnClose) [Unsure on what it exactly does]
- Open new scripts in current or new tab (Tabs->OpenScriptInNewTab) [Does prompt for saving if current script is unsaved]
- Automatically showing code hints (CodeHints->ShowAutomatically)
- Automatically show code completion (CodeCompletion->ShowAutomatically)
- Automatically open colour picker history form after picking a colour (ColourPicker->ShowHistoryOnPick)
- The Settings section allows changing the path of:
- Where to load includes from (Includes->Path)
- Where to load fonts from (Fonts->Path)
- Where to check latest fonts version (Fonts->VersionLink)
- Where to download latest fonts from (Fonts->UpdateLink)
- Path to the default script (SourceEditor->DefScriptPath)
- Where to load extensions from (Extensions->Path) [The file extension for Simba extensions can also be changed]
- Where to load plugins from (Plugins->Path)
- Where to load the news from (News->URL)
- Where to check latest Simba version (Updater->RemoteVersionLink)
- Where to download latest Simba from (Updater->RemoteLink)
- The Settings section has further settings which do not fall into the above two categories of sorts. These are:
- Version of local fonts (Fonts->Version)
- How often to check for new version of Simba (Updater->CheckEveryXMinutes)
- Number of recent files to be remembered (General->MaxRecentFiles)
- The file extension for Simba Extensions (Extensions->FileExtension)
- It is highly suggested that the large majority of settings should not be altered unless you know what you are doing.
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