

Jun 19th, 2010
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  1. Menu items
  2. (Format)
  3. Main menu item
  4. Submenu item, [shortcut, ]description
  6. File:
  7. New, Ctrl+N, Opens a new tab with the default script
  8. Open, Ctrl+O, Prompted for an existing file to open in a new tab (by default)
  9. Open recent, Lists up to the last 10 (by default) files that have been open
  10. Save, Ctrl+S, Save the current script - if it hasn't been saved before or opened, then prompted for a filename
  11. Save as, Save the current script as a new filename
  12. Save as Default, Make it so all new files will be the current script.
  13. Save All, Shift+Ctrl+S, Saves all currently open scripts
  14. New Tab, Ctrl+T, Opens a new tab with the default script
  15. Close Tab, Ctrl+W, Closes current tab, prompting for a save if it hasn't been already
  16. Close all tabs, Closes all tabs, prompting for a save if individual tabs haven't been already
  17. Exit, Ctrl+Q, Closes Simba, prompting for a save if individual tabs haven't been already
  19. Edit:
  20. Undo, Ctrl+Z, Changes the script to a previous state where available
  21. Redo, Ctrl+Y, Changes the script to a later state where available
  22. Cut, Ctrl+X, Removes the currently selected text and makes it available to paste
  23. Copy, Ctrl+C, Copies the selected text and makes it available to paste
  24. Paste, Ctrl+V, Inserts a copy of previously copied/cut text at the current position
  25. Delete, Delete/Backspace, Removes the currently selected text
  26. Select All, Ctrl+A, Makes all the text in the open tab selected
  27. Find, Ctrl+F, Allows user to search for the first occurence of a text sequence, making it selected, with or without case matching as well as highlighting other occurences
  28. Find next, F3, Selects next occurence of text sequence being searched for
  29. Replace, Ctrl+R, Opens a find/replace dialogue box, allowing a search string to be specified as well as a replacement string, with options of finding occurences and replacing a single or all occurences
  31. Script:
  32. Run, F9, Compile and start executing the script
  33. Compile, Ctrl+F9, Only compile the script without executing
  34. Pause, Stop executing the script, but allow it to be resumed from the current place via run
  35. Stop, F2, Stop executing the script completely without allowing it to be resumed from the current place
  37. View:
  38. Colour History, Toggles display of the colour picker history form
  39. Debug Image, Toggles display of the debug image `form'
  40. Function List, Toggles display of the function list box
  41. Extensions, Toggles display of the extensions form
  43. Tools:
  44. Fill Function List, (Ctrl+Q, which is also assigned to Exit, which takes precedence), Reloads the functions from the script into the function list box
  45. Update, Opens the update form
  46. Settings, Opens the settings form
  47. Bitmap conversion, Opens a form for converting images to bitmap strings
  48. Export script as HTML, Prompts for a filename to save HTML file with formatted version of script that has syntax highlighting
  50. Help:
  51. About, Opens about form
  52. Handbook, (404 at the moment) Opens up the online (or local?) information resource for Simba in default browser
  53. Report a bug, Opens up the online bugtracker for Simba in default browser
  55. SRL (Only exists if the srl.sex/SRL Updater extension is installed and enabled):
  56. Check for new SRL, Sees if local version is the latest version of SRL
  57. Update SRL, Downloads new version of SRL if one is available
  58. Automatically update, toggles whether or not to update SRL without asking upon starting Simba/enabling SRL Updater extension
  61. Toolbar buttons:
  62. (Format)
  63. Function (listed from left to right), [shortcut command, ]menu [,description if not present on menu]
  65. New, Ctrl+N, File
  66. Open, Ctrl+O, File
  67. Save, Ctrl+S, File
  68. Save All, Shift+Ctrl+S, File
  69. Cut, Ctrl+X, Edit
  70. Copy, Ctrl+C, Edit
  71. Paste, Ctrl+V, Edit
  72. Run, F9, Script
  73. Pause, Script
  74. Stop, F2, Script
  75. Add Tab, Ctrl+T, File
  76. Close Tab, Ctrl+W, File
  77. Clear debug, no menu, Removes all lines in the debug box
  78. Colour picker, no shortcut (accessible from View->Colour History), Freezes screen and allows use to pick a colour while displaying extra information
  79. Select target, no menu, Allows user to choose an area they would like Simba to perform all actions on (must be held then released over target to select it)
  80. Reload plugins, no menu, (Currently unavailable) Allows user to reload plugins after updating them without requiring Simba to be restarted
  81. Minimize to tray, no menu, Removes Simba from visible screen and start bar allowing it to only be accessed via the Simba tray icon
  82. Toggle console, no menu, Either displays or removes the output console
  84. SyncEdit:
  85. Multiple references to an identifier in a section of text can be altered at once using SyncEdit.
  86. Select the text in which you wish to alter an identifiers name and press Ctrl+J. The highlighted area should turn from a blue colour to a green colour with identifiers displayed with grey boxes around them, except for the currently selected identifier (which should be in a blue box) and other references to the same identifier (which should be in a purple/pink box). To change to a different identifier, click in a different box. To edit the identifier, simply edit one of the boxes. When finished, press Esc.
  87. This can be used to change variable names, procedure/function names (and calls to them), custom type names (and declarations that use them). It can also be used to change references to a type as well as any uses of that type.
  88. Trying to edit something not in a box causes SyncEdit to exit, as it would when pressing Esc.
  90. Function list:
  91. It can be undocked or moved from one side to the other. To reset it to its default position, restart Simba. As of now, it doesn't remember where it was last.
  92. If it doesn't correctly display Script functions/procedures, it may be that there is a problem with the script before the declaration.
  93. Items are not currently sorted alphabetically at any level, however Script and Includes items are added in the order they appear in the relevant scripts.
  94. If you close it, it can be displayed again from the View menu.
  96. Extensions:
  97. The Extensions form is launched from the View menu via the Extensions item.
  98. To enable or disable an extensions, select it from the list and tick or untick the box in the bottom left hand corner appropriately (ticked for enabled, unticked for disabled).
  99. Listed extensions are, by default, located in the Extensions folder where the Simba executable is.
  100. The file extensions .sex is short for Simba EXtension.
  101. Extensions focus more on the Simba form or similar, general area where as plugins focus more on the scripting aspect.
  103. Colour Picker History:
  104. The colour picker history form is launched from the View menu via the Colour History item.
  105. It lists all colours that have been picked since launching Simba, unless they have been deleted, as well as information on where they were picked and RGB values.
  106. Names can be given to colours, to help relate it to what it represents, by selecting a colour item from the left and changing the top field on the right.
  107. It is, by default, displayed after picking a colour using the button on the main Simba toolbar.
  109. Update Form:
  110. The update form is launched from Tools menu via the Update item.
  111. Informs user if no update is currently available before displaying the form.
  112. Gives the option of updating when the current version is not the latest.
  114. Settings Form:
  115. The Simba settings form is launched from the Tools menu via the Settings item.
  116. The main tree consists of 3 sections: one for the functionality of Simba (Settings), one for the appearance of Simba (LastConfig) and one for holding settings relevant to extensions (Extensions).
  118. The following information applies for the main Settings branch and not LastConfig or Extensions.
  120. The Settings section allows toggling of:
  121. Loading fonts on startup (Fonts->LoadOnStartUp)
  122. Showing the function list on startup (FunctionList->ShowOnStart)
  123. Using Lazarus syntax highlighting (SourceEditor->LazColors) [Requires restarting Simba]
  124. Using CPascal or PascalScript interpreter (Interpreter->UseCPascal)
  125. Automatically checking for Simba updates (Updater->CheckForUpdates)
  126. Opening next tab upon closing current (Tabs->OpenNextOnClose) [Unsure on what it exactly does]
  127. Open new scripts in current or new tab (Tabs->OpenScriptInNewTab) [Does prompt for saving if current script is unsaved]
  128. Automatically showing code hints (CodeHints->ShowAutomatically)
  129. Automatically show code completion (CodeCompletion->ShowAutomatically)
  130. Automatically open colour picker history form after picking a colour (ColourPicker->ShowHistoryOnPick)
  132. The Settings section allows changing the path of:
  133. Where to load includes from (Includes->Path)
  134. Where to load fonts from (Fonts->Path)
  135. Where to check latest fonts version (Fonts->VersionLink)
  136. Where to download latest fonts from (Fonts->UpdateLink)
  137. Path to the default script (SourceEditor->DefScriptPath)
  138. Where to load extensions from (Extensions->Path) [The file extension for Simba extensions can also be changed]
  139. Where to load plugins from (Plugins->Path)
  140. Where to load the news from (News->URL)
  141. Where to check latest Simba version (Updater->RemoteVersionLink)
  142. Where to download latest Simba from (Updater->RemoteLink)
  144. The Settings section has further settings which do not fall into the above two categories of sorts. These are:
  145. Version of local fonts (Fonts->Version)
  146. How often to check for new version of Simba (Updater->CheckEveryXMinutes)
  147. Number of recent files to be remembered (General->MaxRecentFiles)
  148. The file extension for Simba Extensions (Extensions->FileExtension)
  150. It is highly suggested that the large majority of settings should not be altered unless you know what you are doing.
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