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- program ScaRPG;
- const
- FPS = 30; // Fine tune to improve performance
- debugScript = True; // Set to true to output debugging data
- type
- TMap = record
- tpTiles: array of array of array of TPoint;
- att: array of array of Integer;
- x, y, z, p: Integer;
- end;
- TNPC = record
- s, m: TPoint;
- sTalk: string;
- end;
- TChar = record
- s, m, d: TPoint;
- end;
- TStat = record
- att, def, spd, hp: Integer;
- end;
- TBattleChar = record
- id, lvl, bHp, xp, atb: Integer;
- ind, cur: TStat;
- moves: TIntegerArray;
- end;
- TMoveList = array of record
- tMo, level: Integer;
- end;
- TSpecies = record
- base: TStat;
- xp: Integer;
- posMoves: TMoveList;
- name: string;
- end;
- TMove = record
- power, acc: Integer;
- name: string;
- end;
- TItem = record
- power, owned: Integer;
- name: string;
- end;
- var
- frmMain: TForm;
- imgMain: TImage;
- lblTalk, lblParty, lblEnemies, lblMoves, lblTargets, lblMenu, lblInfo: TLabel;
- shpMove, shpTarget, shpMenu: TShape;
- tmrEngine: TTimer;
- dlgOpen: TOpenDialog;
- tiles, sprites: Integer;
- mapMain: TMap;
- chrMain: TChar;
- npcMain: array of TNPC;
- bcParty, bcEnemies: array of TBattleChar;
- stSRLMon: array of TSpecies;
- moMoves: array of TMove;
- tiItems: array of TItem;
- battling, selTarg: Boolean;
- encCount: Integer;
- procedure Debug(s: string);
- begin
- if debugScript then
- Writeln(s);
- end;
- procedure DebugI(i: Integer);
- begin
- Debug(IntToStr(i));
- end;
- procedure DebugTP(t: TPoint);
- begin
- Debug(IntToStr(t.x) + ',' + IntToStr(t.y));
- end;
- procedure Engine(sender: TObject); forward;
- // GenerateMap - Uses information in "mapMain" to assemble a 3D map onto a 2D canvas in a small amount of time
- procedure GenerateMap;
- var
- bmpLay, bmpBuf, a, b, c, s, mapX, mapY, startX, startY, copyXO, copyYO: Integer;
- begin
- bmpLay := BitmapFromString(544, 544, '');
- bmpBuf := BitmapFromString(544, 544, '');
- copyXO := Round(chrMain.d.x * (32 / 3)) + 32;
- copyYO := Round(chrMain.d.y * (32 / 3)) + 32;
- startX := chrMain.m.x - 8;
- startY := chrMain.m.y - 8;
- with mapMain do
- begin
- for a := 0 to z - 1 do
- begin
- FastDrawClear(bmpLay, 16448505);
- for b := startY to startY + 17 do
- begin
- if not InRange(b, 0, y - 1) then
- Continue;
- mapY := b - chrMain.m.y;
- for c := startX to startX + 17 do
- begin
- if not InRange(c, 0, x - 1) then
- Continue;
- mapX := c - chrMain.m.x;
- CopyCanvas(GetBitmapCanvas(tiles), GetBitmapCanvas(bmpLay), tpTiles[a][b][c].x * 32, tpTiles[a][b][c].y * 32, (tpTiles[a][b][c].x * 32) + 32, (tpTiles[a][b][c].y * 32) + 32, (c - startX) * 32, (b - startY) * 32, ((c - startX) * 32) + 32, ((b - startY) * 32) + 32);
- end;
- end;
- SetTransparentColor(bmpLay, 16448505);
- FastDrawTransparent(0, 0, bmpLay, bmpBuf);
- if a = p then
- begin
- FastDrawClear(bmpLay, 0);
- with chrMain do
- begin
- CopyCanvas(GetBitmapCanvas(sprites), GetBitmapCanvas(bmpLay), s.x * 32, s.y * 32, (s.x * 32) + 32, (s.y * 32) + 32, 224 + copyXO, 224 + copyYO, 256 + copyXO, 256 + copyYO);
- end;
- if High(npcMain) >= 0 then
- for s := 0 to High(npcMain) do
- with npcMain[s] do
- begin
- If InRange(m.x, chrMain.m.x - 8, chrMain.m.x + 9) and InRange(m.y, chrMain.m.y - 8, chrMain.m.y + 9) then
- CopyCanvas(GetBitmapCanvas(sprites), GetBitmapCanvas(bmpLay), s.x * 32, s.y * 32, (s.x * 32) + 32, (s.y * 32) + 32, (m.x - startX) * 32, (m.y - startY) * 32, ((m.x - startX) * 32) + 32, ((m.y - startY) * 32) + 32);
- end;
- SetTransparentColor(bmpLay, 0);
- FastDrawTransparent(0, 0, bmpLay, bmpBuf);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- try
- SafeCopyCanvas(GetBitmapCanvas(bmpBuf), imgMain.Canvas, copyXO, copyYO, copyXO + 480, copyYO + 480, 0, 0, 480, 480);
- except
- Writeln('Map drawing failed - exiting');
- end;
- FreeBitmap(bmpBuf);
- FreeBitmap(bmpLay);
- end;
- procedure GenerateStats(bcChars: array of TBattleChar; maxHp: Boolean); forward;
- // RandomizeMap - Takes in info as a range and generates comepletely random content with it, including enemies and party members
- procedure RandomizeMap(xs, ys, zs, ss, xe, ye, ze, se: Integer);
- var
- mx, my, a, b, c: Integer;
- tsaRandTalk: TStringArray;
- begin
- tsaRandTalk := ['Hai der', 'Howdy partner', 'Hi', 'SEX', 'How much wood could chuck norris chuck', 'I won''t kill you if you touch my penis'];
- GetBitmapSize(tiles, mx, my);
- with mapMain do
- begin
- x := RandomRange(xs, xe);
- y := RandomRange(ys, ye);
- z := RandomRange(zs, ze);
- p := z - 1;
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles, z);
- for a := 0 to z - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a], y);
- SetArrayLength(att, y);
- for b := 0 to y - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a][b], x);
- SetArrayLength(att[b], x);
- for c := 0 to x - 1 do
- begin
- tpTiles[a][b][c].x := Random(mx div 32);
- tpTiles[a][b][c].y := Random(my div 32);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- with chrMain do
- begin
- m.x := mapMain.x div 2;
- m.y := mapMain.y div 2;
- end;
- GetBitmapSize(tiles, mx, my);
- SetArrayLength(npcMain, RandomRange(ss, se));
- for a := 0 to High(npcMain) do
- with npcMain[a] do
- begin
- s.x := Random(mx div 128) * 3;
- s.y := Random(my div 32);
- m.x := Random(mapMain.x);
- m.y := Random(mapMain.y);
- sTalk := tsaRandTalk[Random(High(tsaRandTalk))];
- mapMain.att[m.y][m.x] := 1;
- end;
- SetArrayLength(moMoves, RandomRange(155,255));
- for a := 0 to High(moMoves) do
- with moMoves[a] do
- begin
- for b := 0 to RandomRange(3, 6) do
- name := name + Chr(RandomRange(32, 127));
- power := (RandomRange(50, 150) + RandomRange(50, 150)) div 2;
- acc := RandomRange(40, 100);
- end;
- SetArrayLength(stSRLMon, RandomRange(155, 255));
- for a := 0 to High(stSRLMon) do
- with stSRLMon[a] do
- begin
- for b := 0 to RandomRange(3, 6) do
- name := name + Chr(RandomRange(32, 127));
- base.hp := RandomRange(75, 150);
- base.att := RandomRange(75, 150);
- base.def := RandomRange(75, 150);
- base.spd := RandomRange(75, 150);
- xp := RandomRange(50, 250);
- SetArrayLength(posMoves, 100);
- for b := 0 to High(posMoves) do
- with posMoves[b] do
- begin
- tMo := Random(High(moMoves) + 1);
- level := b;
- end;
- end;
- if High(bcParty) <= 2 then
- SetArrayLength(bcParty, 4);
- for a := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- with bcParty[a] do
- begin
- if lvl = 0 then
- begin
- id := Random(High(stSRLMon));
- ind.hp := 200;
- ind.att := 200;
- ind.def := 200;
- ind.spd := 500;
- lvl := 5;
- moves := [stSRLMon[id].posMoves[0].tmo, stSRLMon[id].posMoves[1].tmo, stSRLMon[id].posMoves[2].tmo, stSRLMon[id].posMoves[3].tmo, stSRLMon[id].posMoves[4].tmo];
- end;
- end;
- GenerateStats(bcParty, True);
- SetArrayLength(tiItems, RandomRange(10, 20));
- for a := 0 to High(tiItems) do
- with tiItems[a] do
- begin
- power := Random(90) + 10;
- for b := 0 to RandomRange(3, 6) do
- name := name + Chr(RandomRange(32, 127));
- if Random(10) <= 3 then
- owned := Random(5);
- end;
- encCount := Random(100);
- end;
- // OffScreen - Takes characters movement and will return true is char will end up offscreen
- function OffScreen: Boolean;
- begin
- with chrMain do
- case s.x of
- 3: Result := m.y >= mapMain.y - 1;
- 9: Result := m.x >= mapMain.x - 1;
- 0: Result := m.y <= 0;
- 6: Result := m.x <= 0;
- end;
- end;
- // Collision - Sees if the characters movement will cause a collision with an attribute such as blocked tile
- function Collision(attribute: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- with chrMain do
- case s.x of
- 3: if m.y < mapMain.y then
- Result := mapMain.att[m.y + 1][m.x] = attribute;
- 9: if m.x < mapMain.x then
- Result := mapMain.att[m.y][m.x + 1] = attribute;
- 0: if m.y > 0 then
- Result := mapMain.att[m.y - 1][m.x] = attribute;
- 6: if m.x > 0 then
- Result := mapMain.att[m.y][m.x - 1] = attribute;
- end;
- end;
- // TalkCollision - Returns a TPoint of an npc the character is facing used to find which NPC it is by comparing positions
- function TalkCollision: TPoint;
- begin
- Result.x := 0;
- Result.y := 0;
- case chrMain.s.x of
- 0: Dec(Result.y);
- 6: Dec(Result.x);
- 3: Inc(Result.y);
- 9: Inc(Result.x);
- end;
- IncEx(Result.x, chrMain.m.x);
- IncEx(Result.y, chrMain.m.y);
- end;
- procedure PrepareBattle; forward;
- // HandleMove - Timer procedure that handles the smooth movement of the character
- procedure HandleMove(sender: TObject);
- begin
- with chrMain do
- begin
- if tmrEngine.Interval = 1000 / FPS then
- begin
- if Collision(1) or OffScreen then
- begin
- tmrEngine.OnTimer := @Engine;
- d.y := 0;
- d.x := 0;
- GenerateMap;
- Exit;
- end
- else if Collision(2) then
- Dec(encCount);
- tmrEngine.Interval := (1000 / FPS) * 4;
- end
- else if d.y < 0 then
- Dec(d.y)
- else if d.x < 0 then
- Dec(d.x)
- else if d.y > 0 then
- Inc(d.y)
- else if d.x > 0 then
- Inc(d.x);
- Inc(s.x);
- if (not (InRange(d.y, -2, 2))) or (not (InRange(d.x, -2, 2))) then
- begin
- DecEx(s.x, 3);
- if d.y < 0 then
- Dec(m.y)
- else if d.y > 0 then
- Inc(m.y)
- else if d.x < 0 then
- Dec(m.x)
- else
- Inc(m.x);
- d.y := 0;
- d.x := 0;
- tmrEngine.OnTimer := @Engine;
- tmrEngine.Interval := 1000 / FPS;
- Writeln('P:' + IntToStr(chrMain.m.x) + ',' + IntToStr(chrMain.m.y) + ' - E:' + IntToStr(encCount));
- end;
- end;
- GenerateMap;
- if (encCount <= 0) and (chrMain.d.x = 0) and (chrMain.d.y = 0) then
- PrepareBattle;
- end;
- function GetKeyDown: char; forward;
- // HandleTalk - Procedure to see if facing a NPC and if so to launch the chat
- procedure HandleTalk(sender: TObject);
- var
- s: Integer;
- p: TPoint;
- begin
- with imgMain do
- if Tag = 0 then
- begin
- if not Collision(1) then
- begin
- tmrEngine.OnTimer := @Engine;
- Exit;
- end
- else
- begin
- p := TalkCollision;
- for s := 0 to High(npcMain) do
- if (p.x = npcMain[s].m.x) and (p.y = npcMain[s].m.y) then
- begin
- lblTalk.Caption := npcMain[s].sTalk;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- if lblTalk.Caption = '' then
- begin
- tmrEngine.OnTimer := @Engine;
- Exit;
- end;
- Tag := 1;
- Canvas.RoundRect(1, 415, 479, 479, 20, 20);
- lblTalk.Visible := True;
- end
- else if GetKeyDown = 'e' then
- begin
- tmrEngine.OnTimer := @Engine;
- lblTalk.Caption := '';
- lblTalk.Visible := False;
- GenerateMap;
- Tag := 0;
- end;
- end;
- // GetKeyDown - Returns a general range character that is down
- function GetKeyDown: char;
- var
- i: Integer;
- s: string;
- begin
- for i := 32 to 127 do
- if IsKeyDown(Chr(i)) then
- if IsKeyDown(Chr(i)) then
- s := s + Chr(i);
- if Length(s) > 0 then
- Result := s[Length(s)]
- else
- Result := Chr(1);
- end;
- // GenerateStats - Takes in a party (own or enemies) and then makes their stats through a formula and will max out hp if maxHp is true
- procedure GenerateStats(bcChars: array of TBattleChar; maxHp: Boolean);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(bcChars) do
- with bcChars[i] do
- begin
- cur.hp := Trunc(((((2 * stSRLMon[id].base.hp) + ind.hp) * lvl) / 100) + lvl + 10);
- cur.att := Trunc(((((2 * stSRLMon[id].base.att) + ind.att) * lvl) / 100) + 5);
- cur.def := Trunc(((((2 * stSRLMon[id].base.def) + ind.def) * lvl) / 100) + 5);
- cur.spd := Trunc(((((2 * stSRLMon[id].base.spd) + ind.spd) * lvl) / 100) + 5);
- if maxHp then
- bHp := cur.hp;
- atb := Random(1001);
- end;
- end;
- // HandleXP - Will award xp to the party based on a formula and how much damage was done to the enemies
- function HandleXp: Integer;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(bcEnemies) do
- with bcEnemies[i] do
- IncEx(bcEnemies[0].xp, Trunc((((stSRLMon[id].xp * lvl) div 12) div cur.hp) * (cur.hp - bHp)));
- bcEnemies[0].xp := bcEnemies[0].xp div (High(bcParty) + 1);
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- with bcParty[i] do
- begin
- IncEx(xp, bcEnemies[0].xp);
- if xp >= Trunc(Pow(3 * lvl, 3) / 4) then
- begin
- DecEx(xp,Trunc(Pow(3 * lvl, 3) / 4));
- Inc(lvl);
- end;
- end;
- Result := bcEnemies[0].xp;
- end;
- // SetupBattleLabels - Puts in the appropriate information to the labels on the battle screen
- procedure SetupBattleLabels;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- lblParty.Caption := '';
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- with bcParty[i] do
- lblParty.Caption := lblParty.Caption + stSRLMon[id].Name + ': L: ' + IntToStr(lvl) + '; HP ' + IntToStr(bHp) + '/' + IntToStr(cur.hp) + '; A: ' + IntToStr(cur.att) + '; D: ' + IntToStr(cur.def) + '; S: ' + IntToStr(cur.spd) + '; ATB: ' + IntToStr(atb) + '; XP: ' + IntToStr(xp) + '/' + IntToStr(Trunc(Pow(3 * lvl, 3) / 4)) + #13;
- lblEnemies.Caption := '';
- for i := 0 to High(bcEnemies) do
- with bcEnemies[i] do
- lblEnemies.Caption := lblEnemies.Caption + stSRLMon[id].Name + ': L: ' + IntToStr(lvl) + '; HP ' + IntToStr(bHp) + '/' + IntToStr(cur.hp) + '; A: ' + IntToStr(cur.att) + '; D: ' + IntToStr(cur.def) + '; S: ' + IntToStr(cur.spd) + '; ATB: ' + IntToStr(atb) + #13;
- end;
- procedure BattleEngine(Sender: TObject); forward;
- // PrepareBattle - Sets up all the necessary stuff for the battle
- procedure PrepareBattle;
- var
- i, a, r: Integer;
- pM: TIntegerArray;
- begin
- battling := True;
- SetArrayLength(bcEnemies, 0);
- SetArrayLength(bcEnemies, High(bcParty) + Random(3) - 1);
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- IncEx(a, bcParty[i].lvl);
- a := a div (High(bcParty) + 1);
- for i := 0 to High(bcEnemies) do
- with bcEnemies[i] do
- begin
- id := Random(High(stSRLMon) + 1);
- lvl := a + Random(3) - 1;
- ind.hp := RandomRange(75, 125);
- ind.att := RandomRange(75, 125);
- ind.def := RandomRange(75, 125);
- ind.spd := RandomRange(75, 125);
- for a := High(stSRLMon[id].posMoves) downto 0 do
- if stSRLMon[id].posMoves[a].level <= lvl then
- begin
- SetArrayLength(pM, High(pM) + 2);
- pM[High(pM)] := a;
- end;
- if High(pM) > 9 then
- SetArrayLength(pM, 10);
- for a := 0 to 5 do
- begin
- if High(pM) = -1 then
- Break;
- r := Random(High(pM) + 1);
- SetArrayLength(moves, High(moves) + 2);
- moves[High(moves)] := pM[r];
- Swap(pM[r], pM[High(pM)]);
- SetArrayLength(pM, High(pM));
- end;
- end;
- GenerateStats(bcParty, False);
- GenerateStats(bcEnemies, True);
- lblParty.Visible := True;
- lblEnemies.Visible := True;
- imgMain.Canvas.Rectangle(0, 0, 480, 480);
- SetupBattleLabels;
- tmrEngine.Interval := 64;
- tmrEngine.OnTimer := @BattleEngine;
- end;
- // ApplyDamage - plugs numbers to decide on how much damage will be dealt and random miss chance
- procedure ApplyDamage(var bcFrom, bcUpon: TBattleChar; tmoId: Integer);
- var
- damage: Integer;
- begin
- with bcFrom do
- damage := ((((((((2 * lvl) div 5) + 2) * cur.att * moMoves[moves[tmoId]].Power) div bcUpon.cur.def) div 50) + 2) * RandomRange(217, 255)) div 255;
- if Random(100) + 1 > moMoves[bcFrom.moves[tmoId]].Acc then
- damage := 0;
- DecEx(bcUpon.bHp, damage);
- DecEx(bcFrom.atb, 1000);
- if bcUpon.bHp <= 0 then
- bcUpon.bHp := 0;
- end;
- // HandleEnd - Gives out xp and tells the user whether won or lost and sets a new encounter number
- procedure HandleEnd(victory: Boolean);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- battling := False;
- if victory then
- lblMoves.Caption := 'Well done, you won!'
- else
- lblMoves.Caption := 'Oh no, defeated!';
- lblMoves.Caption := lblMoves.Caption + ' SRLMon gained ' + IntToStr(HandleXP) + ' xp';
- lblMoves.Visible := True;
- if not victory then
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- with bcParty[i] do
- begin
- lblMoves.Caption:= lblMoves.Caption + ', but lost ' + IntToStr(Trunc((Pow(3 * lvl, 3) div 4) div 10)) + ' xp';
- DecEx(bcParty[i].xp, Trunc((Pow(3 * lvl, 3) div 4) div 10));
- end;
- encCount := (Random(100) + Random(100) + Random(100)) div 3;
- end;
- // BattleAI - basic AI that will decide on which move to use depending on current HP - near dead enemies fight better
- procedure BattleAI(var bcEnemy: TBattleChar);
- var
- hpPcnt, i: Integer;
- m: TPoint;
- begin
- with bcEnemy do
- begin
- hpPcnt := Trunc((bHp div cur.hp) * 100);
- if hpPcnt >= 70 then
- begin
- m.x := Random(High(moves) + 1);
- for i := High(bcParty) downto 0 do
- if bcParty[i].bHp > 0 then
- begin
- m.y := Random(i + 1);
- Break;
- end;
- end
- else if hpPcnt >= 40 then
- begin
- if RBool then
- begin
- m.x := Random(High(moves) + 1);
- m.y := 99;
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- if (bcParty[i].bHp < m.y) and (bcParty[i].bHp > 0) then
- m.y := i;
- end
- else
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(moves) do
- if moMoves[moves[i]].Power > moMoves[moves[m.x]].Power then
- m.x := i;
- for i := High(bcParty) downto 0 do
- if bcParty[i].bHp > 0 then
- begin
- m.y := Random(i + 1);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(moves) do
- if moMoves[moves[i]].Power > moMoves[moves[m.x]].Power then
- m.x := i;
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- if (bcParty[i].bHp < bcParty[m.y].bHp) and (bcParty[i].bHp > 0) then
- m.y := i;
- end;
- end;
- ApplyDamage(bcEnemy, bcParty[m.y], m.x);
- if bcParty[m.y].bHp <= 0 then
- begin
- bcParty[m.y].cur.spd := 0;
- bcParty[m.y].atb := 0;
- for i := High(bcParty) downto 0 do
- if (bcParty[i].bHp > 0) and (m.y < i) then
- Swap(bcParty[i], bcParty[m.y]);
- end;
- if bcParty[0].bHp <= 0 then
- HandleEnd(False);
- end;
- // ToggleInput - Easy way to display or hide move and target selection
- procedure ToggleInput(show: Boolean);
- begin
- lblMoves.Visible := show;
- lblTargets.Visible := show;
- shpMove.Visible := show;
- shpTarget.Visible := show;
- end;
- // HandleTurn - Selects which party member is attacking, applies the damage then checks for enemies death and will see if victory has been obtained
- procedure HandleTurn(mo, ta: Integer);
- var
- i, p: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- if bcParty[i].atb > 1000 then
- begin
- p := i;
- Break;
- end;
- ApplyDamage(bcParty[p], bcEnemies[ta], mo);
- if bcEnemies[ta].bHp <= 0 then
- begin
- bcEnemies[ta].cur.spd := 0;
- bcEnemies[ta].atb := 0;
- for i := High(bcEnemies) downto 0 do
- if (bcEnemies[i].bHp > 0) and (ta < i) then
- Swap(bcEnemies[i], bcEnemies[ta]);
- end;
- ToggleInput(False);
- if bcEnemies[0].bHp = 0 then
- HandleEnd(True);
- lblMoves.Tag := 0;
- lblTargets.Tag := 0;
- selTarg := False;
- tmrEngine.Enabled := True;
- frmMain.OnKeyPress := nil;
- end;
- // HandleTurnItem - Handles the dispense of items
- procedure HandleTurnItem(item, ally: Integer);
- var
- i, p: Integer;
- its: TIntegerArray;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(tiItems) do
- with tiItems[i] do
- if owned > 0 then
- begin
- SetArrayLength(its, GetArrayLength(its) + 1);
- its[High(its)] := i;
- end;
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- if bcParty[i].atb > 1000 then
- begin
- p := i;
- Break;
- end;
- with bcParty[ally] do
- begin
- IncEx(bHp, tiItems[its[item]].power);
- if bHp > cur.hp then
- bHp := cur.hp;
- end;
- bcParty[p].atb := 500;
- Dec(tiItems[its[item]].owned);
- ToggleInput(False);
- lblMoves.Tag := 0;
- lblTargets.Tag := 0;
- encCount := 0;
- selTarg := False;
- tmrEngine.Enabled := True;
- frmMain.OnKeyPress := nil;
- end;
- procedure HandleItem(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); forward;
- // PrepareItems - Displays available items when launched
- procedure PrepareItems;
- var
- a: Integer;
- begin
- lblTargets.Caption := '';
- for a := 0 to High(tiItems) do
- with tiItems[a] do
- if owned > 0 then
- lblTargets.Caption := lblTargets.Caption + name + ': Power :' + IntToStr(power) + '; Quantity :' + IntToStr(owned) + #13;
- end;
- // PrepareItemTargets - Sets up allies as the targets for an item
- procedure PrepareItemTargets;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- lblTargets.Caption := '';
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- with bcParty[i] do
- if bHp > 0 then
- lblTargets.Caption := lblTargets.Caption + stSRLMon[id].Name + ': HP ' + IntToStr(bHp) + '/' + IntToStr(cur.hp) + #13;
- end;
- // HandleInput - OnKey event that does what's needed depending on the key
- procedure HandleInput(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if not battling then
- Exit;
- if not selTarg then
- begin
- with lblMoves do
- begin
- i := Tag;
- case Key of
- 'w': Tag := Tag - 1;
- 's': Tag := Tag + 1;
- 'q': selTarg := True;
- end;
- if (Tag = Round(Height div 13.0) - 1) and selTarg then
- begin
- PrepareItems;
- frmMain.OnKeyPress := @HandleItem;
- selTarg := False;
- end;
- if i = Tag then
- Exit;
- if Tag < 0 then
- Tag := Round(Height div 13.0) - 1
- else if Tag > Round(Height div 13.0) - 1 then
- Tag := 0;
- shpMove.Top := 198 + (Tag * 13);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- with lblTargets do
- begin
- i := Tag;
- case Key of
- 'w': Tag := Tag - 1;
- 's': Tag := Tag + 1;
- 'e': selTarg := False;
- 'q': HandleTurn(lblMoves.Tag, Tag);
- end;
- if i = Tag then
- Exit;
- if Tag < 0 then
- Tag := Round(Height div 13.0) - 1
- else if Tag > Round(Height div 13.0) - 1 then
- Tag := 0;
- shpTarget.Top := 198 + (Tag * 13);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // HandleItem - Does what's needed dependant on input for using an item
- procedure HandleItem(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if not selTarg then
- begin
- with lblTargets do
- begin
- i := Tag;
- case Key of
- 'w': Tag := Tag - 1;
- 's': Tag := Tag + 1;
- 'e': begin
- frmMain.OnKeyPress := @HandleInput;
- lblTargets.Caption := '';
- for i := 0 to High(bcEnemies) do
- with bcEnemies[i] do
- if bHp > 0 then
- lblTargets.Caption := lblTargets.Caption + stSRLMon[id].Name + ': HP: ' + IntToStr(bHp) + '/' + IntToStr(cur.hp) + ';' + #13;
- end;
- 'q': begin
- PrepareItemTargets;
- selTarg := True;
- encCount := Tag;
- Tag := 0;
- end;
- end;
- if i = Tag then
- Exit;
- if Tag < 0 then
- Tag := Round(Height div 13.0) - 1
- else if Tag > Round(Height div 13.0) - 1 then
- Tag := 0;
- shpTarget.Top := 198 + (Tag * 13);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- with lblTargets do
- begin
- i := Tag;
- case Key of
- 'w': Tag := Tag - 1;
- 's': Tag := Tag + 1;
- 'e': selTarg := False;
- 'q': HandleTurnItem(encCount, Tag);
- end;
- if i = Tag then
- Exit;
- if Tag < 0 then
- Tag := Round(Height div 13.0) - 1
- else if Tag > Round(Height div 13.0) - 1 then
- Tag := 0;
- shpTarget.Top := 198 + (Tag * 13);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // PrepareInput - Changes from battle engine to a key based input for move and target selection
- procedure PrepareInput(bcAlly: TBattleChar);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- lblMoves.Caption := '';
- for i := 0 to High(bcAlly.moves) do
- with moMoves[bcAlly.moves[i]] do
- lblMoves.Caption := lblMoves.Caption + Name + ': P: ' + IntToStr(Power) + '; A: ' + IntToStr(Acc) + ';' + #13;
- lblMoves.Caption := lblMoves.Caption + 'Items';
- lblTargets.Caption := '';
- for i := 0 to High(bcEnemies) do
- with bcEnemies[i] do
- if bHp > 0 then
- lblTargets.Caption := lblTargets.Caption + stSRLMon[id].Name + ': HP: ' + IntToStr(bHp) + '/' + IntToStr(cur.hp) + ';' + #13;
- ToggleInput(True);
- shpMove.Top := 198;
- shpTarget.Top := 198;
- tmrEngine.Enabled := False;
- frmMain.OnKeyPress := @HandleInput;
- end;
- procedure BattleEngine(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- if not battling then
- begin
- if GetKeyDown = 'e' then
- begin
- tmrEngine.OnTimer := @Engine;
- lblParty.Visible := False;
- lblEnemies.Visible := False;
- lblMoves.Visible := False;
- GenerateMap;
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- SetupBattleLabels;
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- begin
- if bcParty[i].atb > 1000 then
- begin
- PrepareInput(bcParty[i]);
- Continue;
- end;
- IncEx(bcParty[i].atb, bcParty[i].cur.spd);
- end;
- for i := 0 to High(bcEnemies) do
- begin
- if bcEnemies[i].atb > 1000 then
- begin
- BattleAI(bcEnemies[i]);
- Continue;
- end;
- IncEx(bcEnemies[i].atb, bcEnemies[i].cur.spd);
- end;
- end;
- procedure HandleMenu(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); forward;
- // PrepareMenu - Paints the menu and sets all the labels to display etc.
- procedure PrepareMenu;
- begin
- tmrEngine.Enabled := False;
- frmMain.OnKeyPress := @HandleMenu;
- imgMain.Canvas.RoundRect(40, 40, 440, 440, 50, 50);
- imgMain.Canvas.RoundRect(190, 50, 430, 430, 25, 25);
- lblMenu.Caption := 'Stats' + #13 + 'Items' + #13 + 'Help';
- lblMenu.Tag := 0;
- lblInfo.Tag := -1;
- lblMenu.Visible := True;
- lblInfo.Visible := True;
- shpMenu.Visible := True;
- end;
- // UpdateMenu - shows info depending on what selected from menu
- procedure UpdateMenu;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- lblInfo.Caption := '';
- case lblMenu.Tag of
- 0: begin
- for i := 0 to High(bcParty) do
- with bcParty[i] do
- lblInfo.Caption := lblInfo.Caption + stSRLMon[id].Name +': ' + IntToStr(bHp) + '/' + IntToStr(cur.hp) + #13 + 'Att: ' + IntToStr(cur.att) + '; Def: ' + IntToStr(cur.def) + '; Spd: ' + IntToStr(cur.spd) + #13 + 'Lvl: ' + IntToSTr(lvl) + 'xp: ' + IntToStr(xp) + '/' + IntToStr(Trunc(Pow(3 * lvl, 3) div 4)) + #13 + #13;
- end;
- 1: begin
- for i := 0 to High(tiItems) do
- with tiItems[i] do
- if owned > 0 then
- lblInfo.Caption := lblInfo.Caption + name + ': Power :' + IntToStr(power) + '; Quantity :' + IntToStr(owned) + #13;
- end;
- 2: lblInfo.Caption := 'Keys' + #13 + '"wasd" to move' + #13 + '"q" for action' + #13 + '"e" for cancel' + #13 + '"r" for menu';
- end;
- end;
- // ExitMenu - Sets everything to hide and redraws the map
- procedure ExitMenu;
- begin
- lblMenu.Caption := '';
- lblInfo.Caption := '';
- lblMenu.Tag := 0;
- lblMenu.Visible := False;
- lblInfo.Visible := False;
- shpMenu.Visible := False;
- tmrEngine.Enabled := True;
- frmMain.OnKeyPress := nil;
- GenerateMap;
- end;
- // HandleMenu - Key based input that alters information shown/exits the menu
- procedure HandleMenu(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- with lblMenu do
- begin
- i := Tag;
- case Key of
- 'w': Tag := Tag - 1;
- 's': Tag := Tag + 1;
- 'q': UpdateMenu;
- 'e': ExitMenu;
- end;
- if Tag > (Height div 13) - 1 then
- Tag := 0
- else if Tag < 0 then
- Tag := (Height div 13) - 1;
- if i <> Tag then
- shpMenu.Top := 69 + (Tag * 13);
- end;
- end;
- // Engine - Main movement engine that detects user input and deals with appropriately
- procedure Engine(sender: TObject);
- begin
- with chrMain do
- begin
- case GetKeyDown of
- 'w': begin
- d.y := -1;
- s.x := 0;
- end;
- 'a': begin
- d.x := -1;
- s.x := 6;
- end;
- 's': begin
- d.y := 1;
- s.x := 3;
- end;
- 'd': begin
- d.x := 1;
- s.x := 9;
- end;
- 'q': tmrEngine.OnTimer := @HandleTalk;
- 'b': begin
- tmrEngine.OnTimer := @BattleEngine;
- PrepareBattle;
- end;
- 'r': PrepareMenu;
- end;
- if (d.y <> 0) or (d.x <> 0) then
- tmrEngine.OnTimer := @HandleMove;
- end;
- end;
- // ExplodeInt - Like other languages explodes except breaks it down into Integers
- function ExplodeInt(str, del: string): TIntegerArray;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- repeat
- i := Pos(del, str);
- SetArrayLength(Result, High(Result) + 2);
- if i <= 0 then
- Break;
- Result[High(Result)] := StrToIntDef(Copy(str, 1, i - 1), 0);
- Delete(str, 1, i);
- until false;
- Result[High(Result)] := StrToIntDef(Copy(str, 1, Length(str)), 0);
- end;
- // OpenMap - Loads the selected map into mapMain then draws the map
- procedure OpenMap;
- var
- titMap, titAtt: TIntegerArray;
- a, b, c: Integer;
- begin
- if not dlgOpen.Execute then
- begin
- if (mapMain.x = 1) and (mapMain.y = 1) then
- TerminateScript;
- Exit;
- end;
- with mapMain do
- begin
- x := StrToIntDef(ReadINI('Layout', 'Width', dlgOpen.FileName), 15);
- y := StrToIntDef(ReadINI('Layout', 'Height', dlgOpen.FileName), 15);
- z := StrToIntDef(ReadINI('Layout', 'Depth', dlgOpen.FileName), 15);
- p := z - 2;
- if p < 0 then
- p := 0;
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles, 0);
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles, z);
- SetArrayLength(att, 0);
- SetArrayLength(att, y);
- for a := 0 to z - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a], 0);
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a], y);
- for b := 0 to y - 1 do
- begin
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a][b], 0);
- SetArrayLength(tpTiles[a][b], x);
- titMap := ExplodeInt(ReadINI('Layer' + IntToStr(a), 'Row' + IntToStr(b), dlgOpen.FileName), ',');
- if a = 0 then
- begin
- SetArrayLength(att[b], 0);
- SetArrayLength(att[b], x);
- SetArrayLength(titAtt, 0);
- titAtt := ExplodeInt(ReadINI('Attrib', 'Row' + IntToStr(b), dlgOpen.FileName), ',');
- end;
- for c := 0 to x - 1 do
- begin
- try
- if a = 0 then
- att[b][c] := titAtt[c];
- except
- Writeln('Attributes section of map may be corrupt - redownload if problem occurs');
- Debug('Att[' + IntToStr(b) + '][' + IntToStr(c) +'] - H(titAtt[' + IntToStr(High(titAtt)) + ']);');
- end;
- try
- tpTiles[a][b][c].x := titMap[c * 2];
- tpTiles[a][b][c].y := titMap[c * 2 + 1];
- except
- Writeln('Tile section of map may be corrupt - redownload if problem occurs');
- end;
- end;
- SetArrayLength(titMap, 0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- chrMain.m.x := 2;
- chrMain.m.y := 2;
- GenerateMap;
- end;
- // SetupForm - Sets up all the form objects
- procedure SetupForm;
- var
- sW, sH: Integer;
- begin
- GetClientDimensions(sW, sH);
- frmMain := CreateForm;
- dlgOpen := TOpenDialog.Create(frmMain);
- dlgOpen.Filter := 'maps| *.ini';
- with frmMain do
- begin
- Caption := 'ScaRPG by mixster';
- ClientWidth := 500;
- ClientHeight := 500;
- Left := (sW - Width) div 2;
- Top := (sH - Height) div 2;
- end;
- imgMain := TImage.Create(frmMain);
- with imgMain do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Width := 480;
- Height := 480;
- Left := 10;
- Top := 10;
- GenerateMap;
- end;
- lblTalk := TLabel.Create(frmMain);
- with lblTalk do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Left := 18;
- Top := 432;
- Visible := False;
- Transparent := True;
- end;
- lblParty := TLabel.Create(frmMain);
- with lblParty do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Left := 18;
- Top := 380;
- Visible := False;
- Transparent := True;
- end;
- lblEnemies := TLabel.Create(frmMain);
- with lblEnemies do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Left := 18;
- Top := 18;
- Visible := False;
- Transparent := True;
- end;
- shpMove := TShape.Create(frmMain);
- with shpMove do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Width := 222;
- Height := 14;
- Left := 17;
- Top := 198;
- Visible := False;
- Shape := stRoundRect;
- end;
- shpTarget := TShape.Create(frmMain);
- with shpTarget do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Width := 222;
- Height := 14;
- Left := 239;
- Top := 198;
- Visible := False;
- Shape := stRoundRect;
- end;
- lblMoves := TLabel.Create(frmMain);
- with lblMoves do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Left := 18;
- Top := 199;
- Visible := False;
- Transparent := True;
- end;
- lblTargets := TLabel.Create(frmMain);
- with lblTargets do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Left := 240;
- Top := 199;
- Visible := False;
- Transparent := True;
- end;
- shpMenu := TShape.Create(frmMain);
- with shpMenu do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Left := 69;
- Top := 69;
- Width := 111;
- Height := 14;
- Visible := False;
- Shape := stRoundRect;
- end;
- lblMenu := TLabel.Create(frmMain);
- with lblMenu do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Left := 70;
- Top := 70;
- Visible := False;
- Transparent := True;
- end;
- lblInfo := TLabel.Create(frmMain);
- with lblInfo do
- begin
- Parent := frmMain;
- Left := 205;
- Top := 70;
- Visible := False;
- Transparent := True;
- end;
- tmrEngine := TTimer.Create(frmMain);
- with tmrEngine do
- begin
- Interval := 1000 div FPS;
- OnTimer := @Engine;
- end;
- OpenMap;
- frmMain.ShowModal;
- end;
- var
- v: TVariantArray;
- begin
- tiles := LoadBitmap(ScriptPath + 'Tiles.bmp');
- sprites := LoadBitmap(ScriptPath + 'Sprites.bmp');
- RandomizeMap(1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
- encCount := 15;
- ThreadSafeCall('SetupForm', v);
- FreeForm(frmMain);
- FreeBitmap(sprites);
- FreeBitmap(tiles);
- end.
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