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- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- use ieee.numeric_std.all;
- entity instruction_memory is
- generic (
- IM_Register_Count : integer := 1024 -- Number of instructions in memory
- );
- port (
- address_input : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
- instruction_output : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
- );
- end entity instruction_memory;
- architecture Behavioral of instruction_memory is
- type register_file is array (0 to IM_Register_Count-1) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
- constant instructions : register_file := (
- -- Example instructions:
- 0 => "110100101"&"00"&"0000000000000010"&"00000", -- D2800040 -- MOVZ X0, #2
- 1 => "110100101"&"00"&"0000000000000101"&"00001", -- D28000A1 -- MOVZ X1, #5
- 2 => "110100101"&"00"&"0000000000000001"&"00010", -- D2800022 -- MOVZ X2, #1
- 3 => "1001000100"&"000000000001"&"00000"&"11110", -- 9100041E -- ADDI X30, X0, #1 = 3
- 4 => "10001011000"&"00001"&"000000"&"00000"&"11101", -- 8B01001D -- ADD X29, X0, X1 = 7
- 5 => "10001011000"&"00001"&"000000"&"00000"&"11100", -- CB01001C -- SUB X29, X0, X1 = -3
- 6 => "11010011011"&"00000"&"000001"&"00010"&"11011", -- D360045B -- LSL X27, X2, #1 = 2
- 7 => "10001010000"&"00010"&"000000"&"00000"&"11010", -- 8A02001A -- AND X26, X0, X2 = 0
- 8 => "10101010000"&"00010"&"000000"&"00000"&"11001", -- AA020019 -- OR X25, X0, X2 = 3
- 9 => "11111000000"&"000000000"&"01"&"11111"&"00001", -- F80007E1 -- STUR X1, [XZR, #0] = 5
- 10 => "11111000000"&"000000100"&"01"&"11111"&"00001", -- F80047E1 -- STUR X1, [XZR, #4] = 5
- 11 => "11111000010"&"000000100"&"01"&"11111"&"11000", -- F84047F8 -- LDUR X24, [XZR, #4] = 5
- others=>x"00000000"
- );
- begin
- process(address_input)
- variable register_index : integer range 0 to IM_Register_Count-1;
- begin
- -- Convert address input to desired instruction index
- if to_integer(unsigned(address_input)) > 0 or to_integer(unsigned(address_input)) < 0 then
- register_index := (to_integer(unsigned(address_input)) + 1) / 4; -- Divide by 4 to get instruction index
- else
- register_index := 0;
- end if;
- -- Output Instruction
- if register_index >= IM_Register_Count then -- Check for out-of-bounds address
- instruction_output <= (others => '0'); -- Default to all zeros
- else
- instruction_output <= instructions(register_index);
- end if;
- end process;
- end Behavioral;
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