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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --- A menu for awful :: MOD (add shape arg, item shape, icon margins)
- --
- -- @author Damien Leone <>
- -- @author Julien Danjou <>
- -- @author dodo
- -- @copyright 2008, 2011 Damien Leone, Julien Danjou, dodo
- -- @module
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local wibox = require("wibox")
- local gears = require("gears")
- local button = require("awful.button")
- local gstring = require("gears.string")
- local gtable = require("gears.table")
- local spawn = require("awful.spawn")
- local tags = require("awful.tag")
- local keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber")
- local client_iterate = require("awful.client").iterate
- local beautiful = require("beautiful")
- local dpi = require("beautiful").xresources.apply_dpi
- local object = require("gears.object")
- local surface = require("gears.surface")
- local protected_call = require("gears.protected_call")
- local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
- local setmetatable = setmetatable
- local tonumber = tonumber
- local string = string
- local ipairs = ipairs
- local pairs = pairs
- local print = print
- local table = table
- local type = type
- local math = math
- local capi = {
- screen = screen,
- mouse = mouse,
- client = client }
- local screen = require("awful.screen")
- local menu = { mt = {} }
- local table_update = function (t, set)
- for k, v in pairs(set) do
- t[k] = v
- end
- return t
- end
- --- The icon used for sub-menus.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_submenu_icon
- --- The menu text font.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_font
- -- @param string
- -- @see string
- --- The item height.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_height
- -- @tparam[opt=16] number menu_height
- --- The default menu width.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_width
- -- @tparam[opt=100] number menu_width
- --- The menu item border color.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_border_color
- -- @tparam[opt=0] number menu_border_color
- --- The menu item border width.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_border_width
- -- @tparam[opt=0] number menu_border_width
- --- The default focused item foreground (text) color.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_fg_focus
- -- @param color
- -- @see gears.color
- --- The default focused item background color.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_bg_focus
- -- @param color
- -- @see gears.color
- --- The default foreground (text) color.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_fg_normal
- -- @param color
- -- @see gears.color
- --- The default background color.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_bg_normal
- -- @param color
- -- @see gears.color
- --- The default sub-menu indicator if no menu_submenu_icon is provided.
- -- @beautiful beautiful.menu_submenu
- -- @tparam[opt="▶"] string menu_submenu The sub-menu text.
- -- @see beautiful.menu_submenu_icon
- --- Key bindings for menu navigation.
- -- Keys are: up, down, exec, enter, back, close. Value are table with a list of valid
- -- keys for the action, i.e. menu_keys.up = { "j", "k" } will bind 'j' and 'k'
- -- key to up action. This is common to all created menu.
- -- @class table
- -- @name menu_keys
- menu.menu_keys = { up = { "Up", "k" },
- down = { "Down", "j" },
- back = { "Left", "h" },
- exec = { "Return" },
- enter = { "Right", "l" },
- close = { "Escape" } }
- local function load_theme(a, b)
- a = a or {}
- b = b or {}
- local ret = {}
- local fallback = beautiful.get()
- if a.reset then b = fallback end
- if a == "reset" then a = fallback end
- ret.border = a.border_color or b.menu_border_color or b.border_normal or
- fallback.menu_border_color or fallback.border_normal
- ret.border_width= a.border_width or b.menu_border_width or b.border_width or
- fallback.menu_border_width or fallback.border_width or dpi(0)
- ret.fg_focus = a.fg_focus or b.menu_fg_focus or b.fg_focus or
- fallback.menu_fg_focus or fallback.fg_focus
- ret.bg_focus = a.bg_focus or b.menu_bg_focus or b.bg_focus or
- fallback.menu_bg_focus or fallback.bg_focus
- ret.fg_normal = a.fg_normal or b.menu_fg_normal or b.fg_normal or
- fallback.menu_fg_normal or fallback.fg_normal
- ret.bg_normal = a.bg_normal or b.menu_bg_normal or b.bg_normal or
- fallback.menu_bg_normal or fallback.bg_normal
- ret.submenu_icon= a.submenu_icon or b.menu_submenu_icon or b.submenu_icon or
- fallback.menu_submenu_icon or fallback.submenu_icon
- ret.submenu = a.submenu or b.menu_submenu or b.submenu or
- fallback.menu_submenu or fallback.submenu or "▶"
- ret.height = a.height or b.menu_height or b.height or
- fallback.menu_height or dpi(16)
- ret.width = a.width or b.menu_width or b.width or
- fallback.menu_width or dpi(100)
- ret.shape = a.shape or b.menu_shape or b.shape or -- mod
- fallback.menu_shape or gears.shape.rectangular
- ret.font = a.font or b.font or fallback.menu_font or fallback.font
- for _, prop in ipairs({"width", "height", "menu_width"}) do
- if type(ret[prop]) ~= "number" then ret[prop] = tonumber(ret[prop]) end
- end
- return ret
- end
- local function item_position(_menu, child)
- local a, b = "height", "width"
- local dir = _menu.layout.dir or "y"
- if dir == "x" then a, b = b, a end
- local in_dir, other = 0, _menu[b]
- local num = gtable.hasitem(_menu.child, child)
- if num then
- for i = 0, num - 1 do
- local item = _menu.items[i]
- if item then
- other = math.max(other, item[b])
- in_dir = in_dir + item[a]
- end
- end
- end
- local w, h = other, in_dir
- if dir == "x" then w, h = h, w end
- return w, h
- end
- local function set_coords(_menu, s, m_coords)
- local s_geometry = s.workarea
- local screen_w = s_geometry.x + s_geometry.width
- local screen_h = s_geometry.y + s_geometry.height
- _menu.width = _menu.wibox.width
- _menu.height = _menu.wibox.height
- _menu.x = _menu.wibox.x
- _menu.y = _menu.wibox.y
- if _menu.parent then
- local w, h = item_position(_menu.parent, _menu)
- w = w + _menu.parent.theme.border_width
- _menu.y = _menu.parent.y + h + _menu.height > screen_h and
- screen_h - _menu.height or _menu.parent.y + h
- _menu.x = _menu.parent.x + w + _menu.width > screen_w and
- _menu.parent.x - _menu.width or _menu.parent.x + w
- else
- if m_coords == nil then
- m_coords = capi.mouse.coords()
- m_coords.x = m_coords.x + 1
- m_coords.y = m_coords.y + 1
- end
- _menu.y = m_coords.y < s_geometry.y and s_geometry.y or m_coords.y
- _menu.x = m_coords.x < s_geometry.x and s_geometry.x or m_coords.x
- _menu.y = _menu.y + _menu.height > screen_h and
- screen_h - _menu.height or _menu.y
- _menu.x = _menu.x + _menu.width > screen_w and
- screen_w - _menu.width or _menu.x
- end
- _menu.wibox.x = _menu.x
- _menu.wibox.y = _menu.y
- end
- local function set_size(_menu)
- local in_dir, other, a, b = 0, 0, "height", "width"
- local dir = _menu.layout.dir or "y"
- if dir == "x" then a, b = b, a end
- for _, item in ipairs(_menu.items) do
- other = math.max(other, item[b])
- in_dir = in_dir + item[a]
- end
- _menu[a], _menu[b] = in_dir, other
- if in_dir > 0 and other > 0 then
- _menu.wibox[a] = in_dir
- _menu.wibox[b] = other
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- local function check_access_key(_menu, key)
- for i, item in ipairs(_menu.items) do
- if item.akey == key then
- _menu:item_enter(i)
- _menu:exec(i, { exec = true })
- return
- end
- end
- if _menu.parent then
- check_access_key(_menu.parent, key)
- end
- end
- local function grabber(_menu, _, key, event)
- if event ~= "press" then return end
- local sel = _menu.sel or 0
- if gtable.hasitem(menu.menu_keys.up, key) then
- local sel_new = sel-1 < 1 and #_menu.items or sel-1
- _menu:item_enter(sel_new)
- elseif gtable.hasitem(menu.menu_keys.down, key) then
- local sel_new = sel+1 > #_menu.items and 1 or sel+1
- _menu:item_enter(sel_new)
- elseif sel > 0 and gtable.hasitem(menu.menu_keys.enter, key) then
- _menu:exec(sel)
- elseif sel > 0 and gtable.hasitem(menu.menu_keys.exec, key) then
- _menu:exec(sel, { exec = true })
- elseif gtable.hasitem(menu.menu_keys.back, key) then
- _menu:hide()
- elseif gtable.hasitem(menu.menu_keys.close, key) then
- menu.get_root(_menu):hide()
- else
- check_access_key(_menu, key)
- end
- end
- function menu:exec(num, opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- local item = self.items[num]
- if not item then return end
- local cmd = item.cmd
- if type(cmd) == "table" then
- local action = cmd.cmd
- if #cmd == 0 then
- if opts.exec and action and type(action) == "function" then
- action()
- end
- return
- end
- if not self.child[num] then
- self.child[num] =, self)
- end
- local can_invoke_action = opts.exec and
- action and type(action) == "function" and
- (not opts.mouse or (opts.mouse and (self.auto_expand or
- (self.active_child == self.child[num] and
- self.active_child.wibox.visible))))
- if can_invoke_action then
- local visible = action(self.child[num], item)
- if not visible then
- menu.get_root(self):hide()
- return
- else
- self.child[num]:update()
- end
- end
- if self.active_child and self.active_child ~= self.child[num] then
- self.active_child:hide()
- end
- self.active_child = self.child[num]
- if not self.active_child.wibox.visible then
- self.active_child:show()
- end
- elseif type(cmd) == "string" then
- menu.get_root(self):hide()
- spawn(cmd)
- elseif type(cmd) == "function" then
- local visible, action = cmd(item, self)
- if not visible then
- menu.get_root(self):hide()
- else
- self:update()
- if self.items[num] then
- self:item_enter(num, opts)
- end
- end
- if action and type(action) == "function" then
- action()
- end
- end
- end
- function menu:item_enter(num, opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- local item = self.items[num]
- if num == nil or self.sel == num or not item then
- return
- elseif self.sel then
- self:item_leave(self.sel)
- end
- --print("sel", num, menu.sel, item.theme.bg_focus)
- item._background:set_fg(item.theme.fg_focus)
- item._background:set_bg(item.theme.bg_focus)
- self.sel = num
- if self.auto_expand and opts.hover then
- if self.active_child then
- self.active_child:hide()
- self.active_child = nil
- end
- if type(item.cmd) == "table" then
- self:exec(num, opts)
- end
- end
- end
- function menu:item_leave(num)
- --print("leave", num)
- local item = self.items[num]
- if item then
- item._background:set_fg(item.theme.fg_normal)
- item._background:set_bg(item.theme.bg_normal)
- end
- end
- --- Show a menu.
- -- @param args The arguments
- -- @param args.coords Menu position defaulting to mouse.coords()
- function menu:show(args)
- args = args or {}
- local coords = args.coords or nil
- local s = capi.screen[screen.focused()]
- if not set_size(self) then return end
- set_coords(self, s, coords)
- self.wibox.visible = true
- end
- --- Hide a menu popup.
- function menu:hide()
- -- Remove items from screen
- for i = 1, #self.items do
- self:item_leave(i)
- end
- if self.active_child then
- self.active_child:hide()
- self.active_child = nil
- end
- self.sel = nil
- keygrabber.stop(self._keygrabber)
- self.wibox.visible = false
- end
- --- Toggle menu visibility.
- -- @param args The arguments
- -- @param args.coords Menu position {x,y}
- function menu:toggle(args)
- if self.wibox.visible then
- self:hide()
- else
- self:show(args)
- end
- end
- --- Update menu content
- function menu:update()
- if self.wibox.visible then
- self:show({ coords = { x = self.x, y = self.y } })
- end
- end
- --- Get the elder parent so for example when you kill
- -- it, it will destroy the whole family.
- function menu:get_root()
- return self.parent and menu.get_root(self.parent) or self
- end
- --- Add a new menu entry.
- -- args.* params needed for the menu entry constructor.
- -- @param args The item params
- -- @param (Default: The menu entry constructor.
- -- @param[opt] args.theme The menu entry theme.
- -- @param[opt] index The index where the new entry will inserted.
- function menu:add(args, index)
- if not args then return end
- local theme = load_theme(args.theme or {}, self.theme)
- args.theme = theme
- = or menu.entry
- local item = protected_call(, self, args)
- if (not item) or (not item.widget) then
- print("Error while checking menu entry: no property widget found.")
- return
- end
- item.parent = self
- item.theme = item.theme or theme
- item.width = item.width or theme.width
- item.height = item.height or theme.height
- wibox.widget.base.check_widget(item.widget)
- item._background = wibox.container.background()
- item._background:set_shape(gears.shape.rounded_rect) --mod
- item._background:set_shape_border_width(3) --mod
- item._background:set_shape_border_color(item.theme.bg_normal) --mod
- item._background:set_widget(item.widget)
- item._background:set_fg(item.theme.fg_normal)
- item._background:set_bg(item.theme.bg_normal)
- -- Create bindings
- item._background:buttons(gtable.join(
- button({}, 3, function () self:hide() end),
- button({}, 1, function ()
- local num = gtable.hasitem(self.items, item)
- self:item_enter(num, { mouse = true })
- self:exec(num, { exec = true, mouse = true })
- end )))
- item._mouse = function ()
- local num = gtable.hasitem(self.items, item)
- self:item_enter(num, { hover = true, mouse = true })
- end
- item.widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", item._mouse)
- if index then
- self.layout:reset()
- table.insert(self.items, index, item)
- for _, i in ipairs(self.items) do
- self.layout:add(i._background)
- end
- else
- table.insert(self.items, item)
- self.layout:add(item._background)
- end
- if self.wibox then
- set_size(self)
- end
- return item
- end
- --- Delete menu entry at given position
- -- @param num The position in the table of the menu entry to be deleted; can be also the menu entry itself
- function menu:delete(num)
- if type(num) == "table" then
- num = gtable.hasitem(self.items, num)
- end
- local item = self.items[num]
- if not item then return end
- item.widget:disconnect_signal("mouse::enter", item._mouse)
- item.widget:set_visible(false)
- table.remove(self.items, num)
- if self.sel == num then
- self:item_leave(self.sel)
- self.sel = nil
- end
- self.layout:reset()
- for _, i in ipairs(self.items) do
- self.layout:add(i._background)
- end
- if self.child[num] then
- self.child[num]:hide()
- if self.active_child == self.child[num] then
- self.active_child = nil
- end
- table.remove(self.child, num)
- end
- if self.wibox then
- set_size(self)
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --- Build a popup menu with running clients and show it.
- -- @tparam[opt] table args Menu table, see `new()` for more information.
- -- @tparam[opt] table item_args Table that will be merged into each item, see
- -- `new()` for more information.
- -- @tparam[opt] func filter A function taking a client as an argument and
- -- returning `true` or `false` to indicate whether the client should be
- -- included in the menu.
- -- @return The menu.
- function menu.clients(args, item_args, filter)
- local cls_t = {}
- for c in client_iterate(filter or function() return true end) do
- cls_t[#cls_t + 1] = {
- or "",
- function ()
- if not c.valid then return end
- if not c:isvisible() then
- tags.viewmore(c:tags(), c.screen)
- end
- c:emit_signal("request::activate", "menu.clients", {raise=true})
- end,
- c.icon }
- if item_args then
- if type(item_args) == "function" then
- gtable.merge(cls_t[#cls_t], item_args(c))
- else
- gtable.merge(cls_t[#cls_t], item_args)
- end
- end
- end
- args = args or {}
- args.items = args.items or {}
- gtable.merge(args.items, cls_t)
- local m =
- m:show(args)
- return m
- end
- local clients_menu = nil
- --- Use menu.clients to build and open the client menu if it isn't already open.
- -- Close the client menu if it is already open.
- -- See `` for more information.
- -- @tparam[opt] table args Menu table, see `new()` for more information.
- -- @tparam[opt] table item_args Table that will be merged into each item, see
- -- `new()` for more information.
- -- @tparam[opt] func filter A function taking a client as an argument and
- -- returning `true` or `false` to indicate whether the client should be
- -- included in the menu.
- -- @return The menu.
- function menu.client_list(args, item_args, filter)
- if clients_menu and clients_menu.wibox.visible then
- clients_menu:hide()
- clients_menu = nil
- else
- clients_menu = menu.clients(args, item_args, filter)
- end
- return clients_menu
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --- Default constructor
- -- @param parent The parent menu (TODO: This is apparently unused)
- -- @param args the item params
- -- @return table with 'widget', 'cmd', 'akey' and all the properties the user wants to change
- function menu.entry(parent, args) -- luacheck: no unused args
- args = args or {}
- args.text = args[1] or args.text or ""
- args.cmd = args[2] or args.cmd
- args.icon = args[3] or args.icon
- local ret = {}
- -- Create the item label widget
- local label = wibox.widget.textbox()
- local key = ''
- label:set_font(args.theme.font)
- label:set_markup(string.gsub(
- gstring.xml_escape(args.text), "&(%w)",
- function (l)
- key = string.lower(l)
- return "<u>" .. l .. "</u>"
- end, 1))
- -- Set icon if needed
- local icon, iconbox
- local margin = wibox.container.margin()
- margin:set_widget(label)
- if args.icon then
- icon = surface.load(args.icon)
- end
- if icon then
- local iw = icon:get_width()
- local ih = icon:get_height()
- if iw > args.theme.width or ih > args.theme.height then
- local w, h
- if ((args.theme.height / ih) * iw) > args.theme.width then
- w, h = args.theme.height, (args.theme.height / iw) * ih
- else
- w, h = (args.theme.height / ih) * iw, args.theme.height
- end
- -- We need to scale the image to size w x h
- local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, w, h)
- local cr = cairo.Context(img)
- cr:scale(w / iw, h / ih)
- cr:set_source_surface(icon, 0, 0)
- cr:paint()
- icon = img
- end
- iconbox = wibox.widget.imagebox()
- if iconbox:set_image(icon) then
- margin:set_left(dpi(2))
- else
- iconbox = nil
- end
- end
- if not iconbox then
- margin:set_left(args.theme.height + dpi(2))
- end
- -- Create the submenu icon widget
- local submenu
- if type(args.cmd) == "table" then
- if args.theme.submenu_icon then
- submenu = wibox.widget.imagebox()
- submenu:set_image(args.theme.submenu_icon)
- else
- submenu = wibox.widget.textbox()
- submenu:set_font(args.theme.font)
- submenu:set_text(args.theme.submenu)
- end
- end
- -- Add widgets to the wibox
- local left = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()
- if iconbox then
- local margin_iconbox = wibox.widget { --mod
- iconbox,
- margins = dpi(5),
- widget = wibox.container.margin,
- }
- left:add(margin_iconbox)
- end
- -- This contains the label
- left:add(margin)
- local layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal()
- layout:set_left(left)
- if submenu then
- layout:set_right(submenu)
- end
- return table_update(ret, {
- label = label,
- sep = submenu,
- icon = iconbox,
- widget = layout,
- cmd = args.cmd,
- akey = key,
- })
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --- Create a menu popup.
- -- @param args Table containing the menu informations.
- --
- -- * Key items: Table containing the displayed items. Each element is a table by default (when element 'new' is
- -- containing: item name, triggered action (submenu table or function), item icon (optional).
- -- * Keys theme.[fg|bg]_[focus|normal], theme.border_color, theme.border_width, theme.submenu_icon, theme.height
- -- and theme.width override the default display for your menu and/or of your menu entry, each of them are optional.
- -- * Key auto_expand controls the submenu auto expand behaviour by setting it to true (default) or false.
- --
- -- @param parent Specify the parent menu if we want to open a submenu, this value should never be set by the user.
- -- @usage -- The following function builds and shows a menu of clients that match
- -- -- a particular rule.
- -- -- Bound to a key, it can be used to select from dozens of terminals open on
- -- -- several tags.
- -- -- When using @{rules.match_any} instead of @{rules.match},
- -- -- a menu of clients with different classes could be build.
- --
- -- function terminal_menu ()
- -- terms = {}
- -- for i, c in pairs(client.get()) do
- -- if awful.rules.match(c, {class = "URxvt"}) then
- -- terms[i] =
- -- {,
- -- function()
- -- c.first_tag:view_only()
- -- client.focus = c
- -- end,
- -- c.icon
- -- }
- -- end
- -- end
- --
- -- end
- function, parent)
- args = args or {}
- args.layout = args.layout or wibox.layout.flex.vertical
- local _menu = table_update(object(), {
- item_enter = menu.item_enter,
- item_leave = menu.item_leave,
- get_root = menu.get_root,
- delete = menu.delete,
- update = menu.update,
- toggle = menu.toggle,
- hide = menu.hide,
- show =,
- exec = menu.exec,
- add = menu.add,
- child = {},
- items = {},
- parent = parent,
- layout = args.layout(),
- theme = load_theme(args.theme or {}, parent and parent.theme) })
- if parent then
- _menu.auto_expand = parent.auto_expand
- elseif args.auto_expand ~= nil then
- _menu.auto_expand = args.auto_expand
- else
- _menu.auto_expand = true
- end
- -- Create items
- for _, v in ipairs(args) do _menu:add(v) end
- if args.items then
- for _, v in pairs(args.items) do _menu:add(v) end
- end
- _menu._keygrabber = function (...)
- grabber(_menu, ...)
- end
- _menu.wibox = wibox({
- ontop = true,
- fg = _menu.theme.fg_normal,
- bg = _menu.theme.bg_normal,
- border_color = _menu.theme.border,
- border_width = _menu.theme.border_width,
- shape = _menu.theme.shape, -- mod
- type = "popup_menu" })
- _menu.wibox.visible = false
- _menu.wibox:set_widget(_menu.layout)
- set_size(_menu)
- _menu.x = _menu.wibox.x
- _menu.y = _menu.wibox.y
- return _menu
- end
- function
- return
- end
- return setmetatable(menu,
- -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
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