
[!] GOD Intellect (Explained for "The-Online")

Oct 29th, 2016
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  2. Don't act tuff in a chat with me in it. I don't play that. Anyone that's got that arrogant, I'm better than you attitude can keep it to themselves. That will hurt you in the long-run. Grow up and stop acting like 8 year old's boasting bout how you know so much about a computer, creating arguments just because you have nothing better to do because you don't got 1 reality check on life. Step outside, that's reality. You say something wrong online to the right person, your reality very well could become non-existent. (You can think about that for a sec) Words exist, as do you. (for now)
  4. Don't underestimate those you don't know. Knowledge is a funny tool, you just gotta know how to use it. Yea'll so focused on what each other knows, you don't understand what you know in reflect to the other person's knowledge. It's not a 1-way street, yet all you ignorant imbeciles drive on that GOD-Intellect; which, will get you killed and/or left behind.
  6. Stop being such assholes to each other and help one another, shit makes no sense.
  7. How are you supposed to learn new things from people you just meet if you don't respect them?
  8. You never do know who/what someone knows till it's too late. I hope you have a change of heart and start giving respect to people you don't know. For all you know, I could help you with something... Don't be so close-minded and arrogant; because:
  9. "If you can do it, I can do it; and when I can do it, so can anyone".
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  11. On another note... it only takes 1 target, 1 exploit, 1 method, 1 payload... but there's not only 1 way to doWork(); Once what was a comfort zone, will become uncomfortable. Start being respectful to those who are respectful to you online; and when they aren't, ... well that decision is in the eyes of the beholder.
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