
| Dropdown - Battle Royal | Controls

Jun 30th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Hello Dropdown Players!
  3. I am very sorry about the inconvenience about having to go to a different page to see the controls. I just couldn't fit all of them in with the Roblox maximum word capacity.
  5. PC:
  6. Move Forward W or ↑
  7. Move Backward S or ↓
  8. Move (Strafe) Left A or ←
  9. Move (Strafe) Right D or →
  10. Look Up Move mouse forward
  11. Look Down Move mouse backward
  12. Turn Left Move mouse left
  13. Turn Right Move mouse right
  14. Jump Spacebar
  15. Run Shift
  16. Shoot Click left mouse button
  17. Shoot Full Auto Hold left mouse button
  18. Aim Hold right mouse button
  19. Select Weapon 1 – 9
  20. Skydive Spacebar
  21. Take Item E
  22. Open Door E
  23. Toggle Minimap M
  24. Show/Hide Leaderboard Tab
  25. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. Toggle Build Mode Q
  27. Select Building Tile 1 – 9
  28. Place Building Tile Click left mouse button
  29. Rotate Building Tile R
  30. Previous/Next Building Tile Click right mouse button
  31. Wall Tile Z
  32. Floor Tile X
  33. Ramp Tile C
  34. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. Accelerate / Forward W or ↑
  36. Brake / Reverse S or ↓
  37. Turn Left A or ←
  38. Turn Right D or →
  39. E-Brake / Drift Spacebar
  40. Enter / Exit / Flip E
  41. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. Mobile:
  44. Move Forward Move thumbstick forward
  45. Move Backward Move thumbstick back
  46. Move (Strafe) Left Move thumbstick left
  47. Move (Strafe) Right Move thumbstick right
  48. Look Up Drag up on main screen area
  49. Look Down Drag down on main screen area
  50. Turn Left Drag left on main screen area
  51. Turn Right Drag right on main screen area
  52. Jump Tap on-screen jump button
  53. Run Push thumbstick fully in desired direction
  54. Shoot Tap on-screen fire button or main screen area
  55. Shoot Full Auto Double-tap main screen area
  56. Aim Tap on-screen aim button
  57. Select Weapon Tap on-screen weapon button
  58. Skydive Tap main screen area
  59. Take Item Tap on item
  60. Open Door Tap on-screen door button
  61. Toggle Minimap Tap on-screen minimap display
  62. Show/Hide Leaderboard Tap on-screen player count display
  63. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. Toggle Build Mode Tap on-screen toggle button
  65. Select Building Tile Tap on-screen tile button
  66. Place Building Tile Tap main screen area
  67. Rotate Building Tile Tap on-screen rotate button
  68. Previous/Next Building Tile Tap on-screen previous/next arrow buttons
  69. Wall Tile Tap on-screen tile button
  70. Floor Tile Tap on-screen tile button
  71. Ramp Tile Tap on-screen tile button
  72. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. Accelerate / Forward Jump button (changes visually)
  74. Brake / Reverse Smaller button to left of accelerate button
  75. Turn Left/Right Move thumbstick
  76. E-Brake / Drift Occurs at maximum turn
  77. Enter / Flip Button prompt above vehicle
  78. Exit Smaller button above accelerate button
  79. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. Console:
  81. Move Forward Move left analog stick forward
  82. Move Backward Move left analog stick back
  83. Move (Strafe) Left Move left analog stick left
  84. Move (Strafe) Right Move left analog stick right
  85. Look Up Move right analog stick forward
  86. Look Down Move right analog stick back
  87. Turn Left Move right analog stick left
  88. Turn Right Move right analog stick right
  89. Jump
  90. A
  91. Run Push left analog stick fully in desired direction
  92. Shoot Right trigger
  93. Shoot Full Auto Hold right trigger
  94. Aim Left trigger
  95. Select Weapon Left or right bumper
  96. Skydive
  97. A
  98. Take Item
  99. X
  100. Open Door
  101. X
  102. Toggle Minimap Press up on DPad
  103. Show/Hide Leaderboard Press down on DPad
  104. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. Toggle Build Mode
  106. B
  107. Place Building Tile Right trigger
  108. Rotate Building Tile Click right analog stick
  109. Previous/Next Building Tile Left or right bumper
  110. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. Accelerate / Forward Right trigger
  112. Brake / Reverse Left trigger
  113. Turn Left/Right Move left analog stick left/right
  114. E-Brake / Drift
  115. X
  116. Enter / Exit / Flip
  117. Y
  118. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. These are all the controls make sure to have fun!
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