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- ..................................Hi. I'm the news guy. Time for some news.
- .....Testing.....
- ....Testing.
- ....Testing.
- ....Testing.
- ....Testing.
- Test 1...
- Test 2...
- Test 3...
- ....................Test complete. I hope Pete Buttigieg gets aids.
- Ambassador Bill Taylor Believes Ukraine President’s Denials of Quid Pro Quo, Blackmail
- Bill Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat to Ukraine, arrives at a closed session before the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight committees October 22, 2019 at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC. Taylor was on Capitol Hill to testify to the committees for the ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Donald …
- U.S. diplomat Bill Taylor admitted in the impeachment inquiry that “he has no reason to doubt” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s repeated denials that there was pressure, conditions, or blackmail.
- Democrats ‘trying to overthrow the last election’ Because They Know They Won’t Win the Next One
- …16-y/o Suspect Used .45 Caliber Handgun
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- Kamala Harris: I Dare ‘Pathetic’ Lawmakers to View Autopsy Photos of School Shooting Victims
- Kamala: I Dare ‘Pathetic’ Lawmakers to View Autopsy Photos of Shooting Victims
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- Reports: Numerous Persons Shot at California High School
- 6 People Shot at California School…
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- Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren Use California School Shooting to Push Gun Control
- Biden, Warren Use School Shooting to Push Gun Control…
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- …Celebs: ‘Americans Are a Violent People’
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- Watergate Prosecutor Fumbles in Debate with Joel Pollak: ‘Impeachment Does Not Center on Legal-Illegal’
- Watergate Prosecutor Fumbles in Debate with Breitbart’s Joel Pollak
- Wut? ‘Impeachment Does Not Center on Legal-Illegal’
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- Democrats Scramble, Switch Impeachment Narrative to ‘Attempted’ Crimes After Lackluster Hearing
- Dems Scramble, Switch Impeachment Narrative to ‘Attempted’ Crimes After Lackluster Hearing
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- Bill Clinton to Trump: Ignore Impeachment, Pass Gun Control Now
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- Donald Trump Asks Supreme Court to Block Subpoena for His Taxes
- Trump Asks SCOTUS to Block Subpoena for Taxes
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- CBP: Migrant Wave Drops to 42,000 in October
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- Watch: Bernie, AOC Introduce Green New Affordable Housing Deal
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- Lloyd Blankfein Mocks Elizabeth Warren: ‘Maybe Tribalism Is Just In Her DNA’
- Lloyd Blankfein Mocks Fauxcahontas: ‘Maybe Tribalism Is Just In Her DNA’
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- Kamala Harris Continues to Flounder in the Polls
- Kamala Harris Continues to Flounder in the Polls
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- WATCH: Brits Bash Each Other with Exercise Equipment in Wild Gym Fight
- WATCH: Brits Bash Each Other with Exercise Equipment in Wild Gym Fight
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- Navy Veteran Gifted New Smile
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- VIDEO: Customers at California Popeyes Brawl in Drive-Thru
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- Deceased Vietnam Veteran Receives Purple Heart 50 Years Later
- Deceased Vietnam Veteran Receives Purple Heart 50 Years Later
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- Cigarette Smoking Among U.S. Adults Drops to All-Time Low
- Cigarette Smoking Among U.S. Adults Drops to All-Time Low
- Democrat Dud: First Public Impeachment Hearing Falls Short with ‘Complicated,’ Unclear Allegations
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- Denver Fines Business Owner for Refusing to Remove Homeless People’s Feces
- Former Teacher Indicted for Alleged Sex Acts with 13-Year-Old Student
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- ABC’s Chief Political Analyst Makes Sexist Crack at GOP Congresswoman
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- Fashion Notes: 👠Melania Sports Signature Icy Blue in Altuzarra Coat
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- Ernst Proposes to ‘Modernize’ Family Leave
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- Atheist Group Demands High School Football Coach Stop Praying with His Team
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- Muslim Woman Allegedly Told to Remove Hijab Before NBA Game
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- Students Walk Out to Protest Chick-fil-A at Football Games
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- AOC: Impeachment ‘About Preventing a Potentially Disastrous Outcome from Occurring Next Year’
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- McConnell: If House Impeaches, ‘We’ll Have to Have a Trial’
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- Lindsey Graham: I Will Call Adam Schiff to Testify in the Senate
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- Sessions Shames Dems for ‘Show Trial’
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- Trump Shares Favorite Moment of Testimony
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- Fashion Notes:👠Melania Embodies American Sportswear with European Attitude
- 9 Times GOP Lawmakers Dunked on Adam Schiff During Impeachment Hearing…
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- ..Schiff Closes Hearing Denying Knowledge of ‘Whistleblower’…
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- …Trump: ‘I Want to Find Out Who Is the Whistleblower’
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- Witnessess Fail to Respond to Ratcliffe Question ‘Where Is the Impeachable Offense?’
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- FNC’s Chris Wallace: Taylor Testimony ‘Very Damaging to the President’
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- …FBI Now in Mexico to Probe Cartel Murders of Mormon Family near Border
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- EXCLUSIVE: Border County’s Facilities Overwhelmed with Dead Migrants…
- Donald Trump Asks Supreme Court to Block Subpoena for His Taxes
- Donald Trump Asks Supreme Court to Block Subpoena for His Taxes
- Boring YouTuber Tim Pool Smears Afro-Latino Nick Fuentes as a Far-Right White Nationalist!
- Roy Batty
- Gothenburg: Large Gang Attacks and Robs 18-Year-Old Swede, Slice Off Part of His Ear with Knife
- Charles Martel
- Someone needs to do something about these roving bands of blond-haired Norsemen.
- Colorful Purse-Snatcher Pushes White Woman Down Escalator at Houston Mall
- Charles Martel
- Mulatto Pleads Guilty to Killing His Mudshark, Dismembering Her Body and Stuffing It Into a Locker
- Charles Martel
- Mississippi: Death Penalty Sought for Dark-Skinned Gent Who Shot and Killed Two White Cops
- Charles Martel
- LA: White Woman Left Traumatized After Homeless Coon Dumps Bucket of Hot Diarrhea Over Her Head!
- Charles Martel
- 75-Year-Old Nogger Arrested for Home Shooting That Left White Female and Black Male Dead
- Charles Martel
- Suspook Charged with Murder After Indiana Wigger Dies from Multiple Gunshot Wounds
- Charles Martel
- Oz: Moslem Who Raped Drunk Woman in Laneway is Granted Bail Because He Can’t Speak English
- Well penis.
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- NOV 15
- Sunny
- 62°34°
- 0%
- N 8 mph 62%
- NOV 16
- Partly Cloudy
- 66°42°
- 10%
- SE 5 mph 58%
- NOV 17
- Partly Cloudy
- 69°44°
- 10%
- SW 6 mph 66%
- NOV 18
- Sunny
- 70°48°
- 10%
- WSW 6 mph 67%
- NOV 19
- Mostly Sunny
- 76°54°
- 10%
- SSW 7 mph 61%
- NOV 20
- Mostly Cloudy
- 77°62°
- 20%
- S 15 mph 72%
- NOV 21
- PM Thunderstorms
- 76°57°
- 40%
- S 11 mph 77%
- NOV 22
- Isolated Thunderstorms
- 66°53°
- 30%
- NNE 11 mph 70%
- NOV 23
- PM Showers
- 64°43°
- 30%
- NNW 11 mph 73%
- NOV 24
- Partly Cloudy
- 59°41°
- 20%
- N 11 mph 62%
- NOV 25
- AM Showers
- 61°43°
- 30%
- NNW 8 mph 58%
- NOV 26
- Mostly Cloudy
- 61°46°
- 20%
- SSE 8 mph 63%
- NOV 27
- Showers
- 65°49°
- 40%
- SSE 10 mph 67%
- NOV 28
- Scattered Thunderstorms
- 63°48°
- 40%
- S 11 mph 71%
- NOV 29
- Partly Cloudy
- 63°45°
- 20%
- WNW 11 mph 64%
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- Current threat: The screaming black marshmallow man. ☻
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- Cartoonjunkie
- Cartoonjunkie is a cucky artist on Deviantart who used to be a huge whiteknight for Jewtubists MarkiplierVerified.png and JackSepticeyeVerified.png. She's also the "original" creator/leader of the worldwide fanship Septiplier due to her art getting popular on the shitty website. Ever since then she has become widely known by tartlets as "the mother of Septiplier" and has been protecting the ship ever since just to please her two gayly men, until today that is.
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- The Roman Baths complex is a site of historical interest in the English city of Bath, Somerset. It is a well-preserved site dating from Roman Britain once used for public bathing. The Roman baths themselves are below the modern street level. There are four main features: the Sacred Spring, the Roman Temple, the Roman Bath House, and the museum which holds finds from the Roman town. The buildings above street level date from the 19th century. The Baths are a major tourist attraction and, together with the Grand Pump Room, received more than 1.3 million visitors in 2018. Visitors can tour the baths and museum but cannot enter the water.
- This picture shows the Great Bath of the Roman Baths complex, with Bath Abbey visible in the background. The entire structure above the level of the pillar bases is of later construction.
- Photograph credit: David Iliff
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- Bye, guys. I'm gonna go stab that squirrel that keeps climbing in my garage at night.
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