

Mar 30th, 2015
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  1. # Single target scan:
  2. nmap [target]
  3. # Scan from a list of targets:
  4. nmap -iL [list.txt]
  5. # iPv6:
  6. nmap -6 [target]
  7. # OS detection:
  8. nmap -O --osscan_guess [target]
  9. # Save output to text file:
  10. nmap -oN [output.txt] [target]
  11. # Save output to xml file:
  12. nmap -oX [output.xml] [target]
  13. # Scan a specific port:
  14. nmap -source-port [port] [target]
  15. # Do an aggressive scan:
  16. nmap -A [target]
  17. # Speedup your scan:
  18. # -n => disable ReverseDNS
  19. # --min-rate=X => min 300 packets / sec
  20. nmap -T5 --min-parallelism=50 -n --min-rate=300 [target]
  21. # Traceroute:
  22. nmap -traceroute [target]
  23. # Ping scan only: -sP
  24. # Don't ping: -PN <- Use full if a host don't reply to a ping.
  25. # TCP SYN ping: -PS
  26. # TCP ACK ping: -PA
  27. # UDP ping: -PU
  28. # ARP ping: -PR
  29. # Example: Ping scan all machines on a class C network
  30. nmap -sP
  31. # Force TCP scan: -sT
  32. # Force UDP scan: -sU
  33. # Use some script:
  34. nmap --script default,safe
  35. # Loads the script in the default category, the banner script, and all .nse files in the directory /home/user/customscripts.
  36. nmap --script default,banner,/home/user/customscripts
  37. # Loads all scripts whose name starts with http-, such as http-auth and http-open-proxy.
  38. nmap --script 'http-*'
  39. # Loads every script except for those in the intrusive category.
  40. nmap --script "not intrusive"
  41. # Loads those scripts that are in both the default and safe categories.
  42. nmap --script "default and safe"
  43. # Loads scripts in the default, safe, or intrusive categories, except for those whose names start with http-.
  44. nmap --script "(default or safe or intrusive) and not http-*"
  45. # Scan for the heartbleed
  46. # -pT:443 => Scan only port 443 with TCP (T:)
  47. nmap -T5 --min-parallelism=50 -n --script "ssl-heartbleed" -pT:443
  48. # Show all informations (debug mode)
  49. nmap -d ...
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