
BloodRayne Pso 3 Bloody Monsters In Our Way teaser

Jan 15th, 2018
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  1. BloodRayne: Our Future Beckons (Beta script thing) (teaser)
  4. Rayne: So where are we going now?
  5. Cammy: Home.
  6. Rayne: Ah, right, derp. Of course. It's Pioneer 2.
  7. Angel: Let's go.
  8. Torri: We have been at this for awhile. No more enemies here.
  9. Cammy: Should resupply too.
  10. Rayne: Perhaps Angel should get dressed, if we're going to the city.
  11. Angel: Dun wanna!
  12. Cammy: *giggles* I'm fine with this. Let her stay nekkid, like me. Nya!
  13. Rayne: But what about the people when we get to the city?
  14. Torri: Well, it's a nice change. So there may be some nosebleeds and drooling. Let them watch.
  15. Angel: Let them watch. Oh Torri! *laughs*
  16. Torri: I couldn't help it. Heh.
  17. Rayne: And fainting.
  18. Angel: Yes! *giggles* Good times, good times.
  19. Rayne: Oh sure!
  20. Cammy: And strange ones.
  21. Rayne: Dat too.
  22. Torri: And. And so much feels.
  23. Rayne: Yeah, there was sads too at times.
  24. Cammy: Yes, lots.
  25. Angel: No worries, now though.
  26. Cammy: Nya~ Thanks to friends, family.
  27. Angel: Squee!
  28. Rayne: Squee!
  29. Torri: Daw. I mean, Squee!
  30. Cammy: Much better!
  31. Rayne: How long till we get there?
  32. Angel: At this pace on foot, oh, about four days.
  33. Rayne: Any other warps at all?
  34. Torri: Only at home. The enemies won't go near there.
  35. Rayne: Ah, so the scenic route it is, then.
  36. Angel: It's fine.
  37. Rayne: Sure is.
  38. Torri: Or we could take Bob back. Muuuuch faster! Vrooooom!
  39. Rayne: Bob?
  40. Torri: My speeder, silly.
  41. Rayne: Oh, right, of course. *tilts head*
  42. Angel: How?! How so quickly after it crashed?! I mean, would it be safe? Who even fixed it?
  43. Rayne: What did it crash into?
  44. Torri: He crashed into a monster. *grins*
  45. Rayne: Noice!
  46. Angel: Yeah, but!
  47. Torri: I had no choice! *nervous laugh* It's not my fault it got in our way! Heh.
  48. Rayne: So when did this happen?
  49. Angel: A few weeks ago. Was absolutely terrifying! She was driving so fast when, BAM! I thought we were toast for sure! *shivers*
  50. Cammy: Sure did. *nods*
  51. Angel: Would have been 256,001 Mesta to repair. :|
  52. Rayne: Pocket change, really. Just catch bugs and sharks on the island.
  53. Cammy: Gal Da Val island? I don't know. It's been so long since we've been there.
  54. Rayne: Don't forget about Mayor Spoonhands.
  55. Torri: Mayor Spoonhands? Wat.
  56. Cammy: I don't know.
  57. Angel: So, anyway, how is it working again?
  58. Cammy: *grins*
  59. Angel: Oooh!
  60. Cammy: I halped!
  61. Torri: Yeah, thanks again.
  62. Cammy: No problem. It wasn't as bad as I first thought. I used some spare parts I had.
  63. Angel: Oh nice! I just hope we don't have to. Ah.
  64. Cammy: Though, the remote control system still needs work.
  65. Torri: It'll get done when it's done. No need to rush, Cammy.
  66. Rayne: So how far away is it?
  67. Torri: Just an hours walk from here.
  68. Angel: Not bad.
  69. Torri: Right, let's go!
  70. Rayne: What are those metal markers for?
  71. Torri: Graves.
  72. Rayne: Oh, sads.
  73. Cammy: Yes.
  74. Angel: Over the years these became somewhat common.
  75. Cammy: We can only do so much.
  76. Angel: There are other strong Hunters.
  77. Cammy: But we are two of a kind.
  78. Torri: Three!
  79. Angel: Yes. Three of a kind.
  80. Cammy: We'll do our part together.
  81. Rayne: Yes, as am I when I'm on Ragol.
  82. *the group finally arrive at Torri's parked speeder*
  83. Torri: Here Bob is.
  84. Rayne: Nice ride.
  85. Torri: Thanks! Best speeder!
  86. Angel: When it works, anyway. When she doesn't crash into stuff! *sighs*
  87. Cammy: It's fine.
  88. *the group get in the speeder*
  89. Rayne: Gold dice dangling from the mirror.
  90. Torri: They look nice. Now to put the pedal to the metal. Here we go!
  91. Rayne: Noice.
  92. Angel: It seems to handle better.
  93. Cammy: Sure is, I did some mods.
  94. Angel: Oh, cool.
  95. Cammy: Nya!
  96. Rayne: The speeder is red and black, too. Best paint job.
  97. Torri: Hee! Thanks! Angel likes it too.
  98. Angel: Mhm. Comfortable.
  99. Cammy: Plenty of room to sleep in.
  100. Angel: Yes! Which we have.
  101. Torri: *giggles* We sure did. *smiles*
  102. Rayne: Oooh, do tell.
  103. Torri: It felt very nice with the three of us. *giggles*
  104. Cammy: Sure was. *smiles*
  105. Angel: Would do again. *smiles*
  106. Torri: Yas! Rayne can join in too!
  107. Rayne: We'll have to see.
  108. Torri: Ooh, we'll have to make it happen! *giggles*
  109. Angel: Oh, radar showing monsters are coming up in our path. Let's get out and fight them this time.
  110. Torri: Or, we could just splat them ALLLL! *laughing*
  111. Angel: Ha ha ha. Verrry funny. But seriously!
  112. Torri: We can splat them easy! Like before! It'll be great! Oh so great! *grins* Bob loves it too!
  113. Angel: Are you crazy Torri?!
  114. Torri: Well, maybe just a little. *smirks*
  115. Angel: Last time we were barely lucky enough to.
  116. Rayne: *snrk* I like Torri even more.
  117. Torri: Splat! Splat! Splat! Tee hee! *grins* Must splat them! They won't know who hit them!
  118. Angel: NO TORRI! NO! We should just stop the speeder and get out to fight them!
  119. Cammy: Nice view, huh?
  120. Rayne: Sure is a great view.
  121. Angel: How can you be so calm at a time like this?! Last time was almost a disaster!
  122. Torri: Can't run from Bob! Hee! Hee! This will be fun!
  123. Angel: Getting closer. Torri! You don't have to prove anything! You are valued member of team! Just stop this madness, and Bob!
  124. Torri: Nah, I'm good. Thanks though.
  125. Angel: Rayne! DO SOMETHING!
  126. Rayne: *notices Cammy's grin* Oh, I have an idea.
  127. Angel: Hope it's a good one.
  128. Torri: What is it, Rayne?
  129. Rayne: Full speed ahead!
  130. Torri: Best plan ever! Torri splat! Splat! *maniacal giggling*
  131. Angel: RAYNE! Gah! No! No! No! Why me?! Why me?! Where's the jetpacks?! I Must bail before we!
  132. Cammy: Oh, forgot about those. next time fur sure though.
  133. Angel: Aaaaaaaaah!
  134. Torri: Course set! No slowing down now, only faster! Gotta splat them good! We will be victorious! For glory! For Bob!
  135. Angel: We're still accelerating?! You kidding me?!
  136. Rayne: So how fast can this go?
  137. Torri: Crazy fast! *grins*
  138. Angel: They are getting closer and closer. No one can stop this insanity cept Torri. But she don't wanna!
  139. Torri: Nope. Gotta splat them all! I. Must. Splat. Alllll. Ha! Ha! Ha!
  140. Angel: Whelp, this is how it all ends?!
  141. Cammy: Mhm.
  142. Rayne: Sure.
  143. Angel: This is no laughing matter! Woah!
  144. Torri: Whoosh!
  145. *the speeder races around a corner*
  146. Angel: Urp. *light shade of green* I don't feel so well. TORRI! Stop this crazy thing! Please!
  147. Torri: No stop, just splat! SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! Time to end them! SPLATATATAT!
  148. Angel: This is. ...ulp. The worst thing I had to go through. No doubt. Not even back then when. Urp!
  149. Rayne: Real close now.
  150. Torri: We splat them! We'll do good!
  151. Angel: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! This is madness!
  152. Torri: No, this is Bob!
  153. Cammy: Almost, huh?
  154. Torri: Yup! Splattify them soon! For great justice!
  155. Angel: *external screaming intensifies*
  156. Torri: Zoooooom! Splat time! Here we GO!
  157. *they all watch on as Torri drives into all the monsters in her path as she laughs like a maniac*
  158. Torri: Yay! Splat them all, must splat them all! No survivors! *bites lip* Tee hee. I love this!
  159. *the monsters get splatted leaving blood on the hood and windshield as they fly off into the distance*
  160. Angel: *shaking all over* We. We survived this?! How?!
  161. Torri: Of course, but the monsters won't!
  162. Rayne: Ah, many more where they came from.
  163. Torri: SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT for our fuuuuuture~
  164. Angel: Plz no more! We hit several already! Don't know how much more the speeder or myself can take!
  165. Torri: We're fine, Angel. You can trust me! *giggles*
  166. Cammy: Like I said, I did some mods.
  167. Angel: This speeder may not be a wreak, but my nerves sure are! *still shaking all over*
  168. Cammy: Nya~ *smooches Angel* This is the crazy fastest way to deal with the monsters in our path.
  169. Rayne: More incoming.
  170. Angel: I'm gonna faint now. Please wake me up when we get. Oh no! More curves at high speed! Urp. Guess I'll stay up. Become a Hunter. Save the world. Blah, blah, blah. Why did I agree to this madness all those years ago?
  171. Cammy: Because you know you love it.
  172. Angel: Well, more so you.
  173. Torri: Daw.
  174. Cammy: Yay!
  175. Rayne: Mhm. The speeder has a fair amount of blood on it.
  176. Cammy: Yeah, getting harder to see out.
  177. Torri: Oh, right. *activates windshield wipers* Better now?
  178. Rayne: Yeah. Oh hey, you may miss one.
  179. Torri: NEVER! I don't miss! Torri splat this one too! I. Must. Not. Miss. Any. Not a single one! *laughing*
  180. Rayne: Sure.
  181. *monster rams into the speeder leaving more blood on the windshield as it flies off*
  182. Rayne: was this the last one?
  183. Cammy: I think so.
  184. Torri: Aw, was only getting warmed up. *pouts*
  185. Angel: Well, now it's over. No more enemies showing up on. *looks on radar* You've got to be kidding me! WHY?!
  186. Torri: OoOooOh, something bigger for me to splat!
  187. Rayne: Oh go for it.
  188. Angel: Stop encouraging her! Gah! Can't we just use blasters on it?
  189. Cammy: I didn't add weapons to Bob yet.
  190. Torri: Bob best speeder. Bob needs no weapons. I prove it! SPLAT TIME! Again. Hee! Hee!
  191. Rayne: Boss the boss?
  192. Torri: Splat the boss!
  193. Angel: Ulp. Here we go again! *sighs* Halp!
  194. Torri: So, how many points did we get by splatting them so far? *bites lip*
  195. Angel: Oh sweet mercy!
  196. Rayne: I lost track.
  197. Torri: Oh well. And no mercy for the monsters we splat! Tee hee! You know you enjoy this too, Angel!
  198. Angel: You sure you don't have a bloodlust when driving?!
  199. Torri: No. What makes you think this? Oh, well, maybe just a little tiny bit. ...Yas! *grins widely and laughs*
  200. Rayne: Mhm. *nods then smiles*
  201. Cammy: Well, here it comes! Flying right at us!
  202. Rayne: Oh, not quite the dark dragon we faced before.
  203. Torri: I would not be able to splat that one with Bob.
  204. Angel: Oh, so something you wouldn't try to hit in this. I'm shocked!
  205. Torri: Nope, would not think of it, till we add more armor! Then could splat those large dragons with ease!
  206. Angel: You're insane!
  207. Torri: It's fun! *giggles*
  208. Rayne: And they say I'm insane.
  209. Angel: Oh this is how it's gonna be?
  210. Torri: Seems us insane girls have all the fun! *grins*
  211. Rayne: Oh sure. *grins*
  212. Angel: Sss! stop! You're rubbing off on Torri even more then me!
  213. Cammy: Seems it can't be helped.
  214. Rayne: Oh, it's gathering energy. Watch out!
  215. *beam attack from the Del Nano Dragon fires*
  216. Torri: Can do! *drives to right barely dodging attack*
  217. Cammy: Oh wow! Too close for my taste. To! Torri! What are you doing?! Get back in here! It's not safe!
  218. Torri: *pokes her head out of the side window* It ruined part of Bob's paint job! I'M FURIOUS! Gonna splat you dragon, ok?! CHARGE!
  219. Rayne: Whoosh?
  220. Torri: Whoosh splat!
  221. Angel: These versions are stronger then I remember.
  222. *Del Nano Dragon keeps flying backwards to match the speeder*
  223. Torri: I'm gonna splatter your brains and blood and everything else for ruining Bob's paint job, you stupid little dragon! There won't be anything left of you! YOU HEAR ME?!
  224. Rayne: Ah, think she's a little pissed.
  225. Angel: Pissed or insane?
  226. Rayne: There's a difference?
  227. Cammy: *snrk*
  228. Torri: Gonna splat! splat! splatify you, you Bad Dragon! *accelerates faster at it* Get ready for pain! *giggles*
  229. Angel: The dragon can't get away! It's gonna hit us!
  230. Torri: Exactly my plan! Splat the dragon! Splat the dragon! Oh glooooory~
  231. *the Del Nano Dragon gains speed and circles for another energy blast*
  232. Rayne: Another energy blast incoming!
  233. Torri: Well then. time for Overdrive! *pushes button*
  234. Angel: Overdrive? *something feels off* Woah! What was this feeling?!
  235. Torri: Booster rockets.
  236. Angel: Those are new. Wait, WHAT?!
  237. *energy blast misses speeder*
  238. Torri: You're mine, dragon scum! Splat the dragon, splat the dragon scum! Heh heh! I'll win! I'll win! *grins*
  239. *Torri aims for the dragon at high speed, it hits, and more blood on windshield and hood*
  240. Rayne: It's dead now. Wait no!
  241. Torri: Well, when I'm done with it, it will be. One way or another! Hmmp!
  242. Cammy: Nya!
  243. Torri: *shouting* Hear that dragon?! You'll be dead to me! *giggling with glee*
  244. *dragon recovers and flies faster to the speeder*
  245. Torri: One more splat ought to do it. Get ready, for here I come! Rawr! *grinning wider*
  246. Rayne: Great!
  247. Torri: *switches off rockets* Now to end you! One splatted dragon, coming up! Oh I'm looking forward to this! Oh! Ho! Ho!
  248. Angel: I sure hope so!
  249. *Torri rams the dragon one final time, more blood on the speeder*
  250. Cammy: You got it! Again.
  251. Torri: Yay! Gonna check. *she turns the speeder around and backtracks*
  252. Cammy: Where is it?
  253. Angel: Hmm. Let's see. *squint* Oh there it is. *points*
  254. Rayne: I think it's dead now, this time. Good job, Torri.
  255. Torri: Yeah! I did good! I wanna check this one. Make sure I splatted it enough.
  256. Angel: Oh good, we're gonna stop?
  257. Torri: For now, yup.
  258. *they go back a ways to check on the dragon, Torri parks the speeder and they get out*
  259. Angel: We stopped! Oh sweet ground at last! Yay! *huff huff*
  260. Cammy: *chuckles* There, there, Angel. *holds Angel*
  261. Rayne: There's the dragon, Torri. Oh, but wait. Somethings not right about it. It's not quite dead yet.
  262. *Del Nano Dragon on the ground moving, but wings and legs shatterd and howling in pain*
  263. Torri: Wha! What?! Still living even after I splatted you?! THE RAGE! IT BURNS! Kill the dragon! KIlL tHe dRaGoN!
  264. *dragon still moving, while howling in much pain as it eyes Torri then growls*
  265. Torri: Why won't you die, stupid dragon?! Ah! I'll finish this myself! *giggles* But first, excuse me. Gotta prepare.
  266. Cammy: Torri, where are you going?
  267. Torri: Getting something. It'll be quick.
  268. Cammy: Um. Should we?
  269. Rayne: Nah, let Torri do this.
  270. Angel: Sure. *still shaking all over as Cammy holds her*
  271. Rayne: Oh hi, Torri. Oh, yum!
  272. Cammy: Wait, now Torri's nekkid!
  273. Angel: Mmm. But why? What does she have in mind?
  274. Torri: Hai. Yes, Cammy. You and Angel are, so me too! Now Rayne just needs to join us! *giggles*
  275. Rayne: Maybe later. Ah, and Torri's defense skyrocketed, too. Nice!
  276. Torri: I want to do this for you, Rayne! Oooh, I have better defence like this? Guess I'll stay nekkid too! *giggles* Gotta finish what I started. *grins*
  277. Cammy: Meow! But why now?
  278. Torri: I want to make a big mess. I hope Rayne will enjoy this! *grins*
  279. *dragon still trying to put up a fight with Torri and growls*
  280. Torri: *waves spear* Didn't die when I splatted you, so now we must do this the hard way! This will be great! *laughs*
  281. Angel: She's still a bit crazy. Oh yum!
  282. *dragon tries to swipe Torri with it's claw but misses*
  283. Torri: Tee hee hee! You missed me! But I won't miss you at all! *maniacal laughter* Time to end this once and for all!
  284. Rayne: Yes. *smiles*
  285. Torri: This is for not getting splatted! *casts Gizonde on the dragon and it growls in pain*
  286. Angel: Not bad though.
  287. Cammy: Great too, in fact.
  288. Torri: This is for Bob's paint job you ruined! *shoots with Geist Raygun then kicks dragon on the head*
  289. *dragon tries to bite at Torri, but misses*
  290. Torri: And this is for not leaving us alone when you had the chance! *thrusts the spear into the dragon's heart, both while roaring at the same time* *huff huff huff* Yeah. You're finished now. *she rips out the spear and blood sprays all over her* Victory! Oop. *some of the dragon's blood sprays in her mouth, and she swallows it* Ha! Ha! That was a little intense! Mmm.
  291. Angel: *mouth open as if to say something, but speechless*
  292. Rayne: Torri's bloodlust confirmed, of sorts. Not bad at all. This show did please me! *smiles*
  293. Cammy: I thought she wasn't part vampire, though.
  294. Torri: Oh, I'm not. I just wanted to do this after seeing the archives years ago.
  295. Rayne: You mean when Angel and I!
  296. Angel: I remember it well, still, after all these years. Thanks for everything, again. *looking at Rayne*
  297. Torri: Yes, that looked so cool to do! Plus, the dragon wouldn't splat with Bob. The nerve of it!
  298. Cammy: So, how did the blood taste, Torri?
  299. Torri: Honestly not bad at all. It was yummy, in fact! Would do again! *smiles* I should. I must! *grins*
  300. Rayne: Hmmm. I wonder. Well, regardless, you are covered from head to toe in blood. Gotta clean you up. *smiles*
  301. Torri: Yes! She's really gonna do this! *wide smile, while some blood dripping into her mouth* Hee! *swallows*
  302. Angel: I'll help too!
  303. Torri: Yas! Even better!
  304. Cammy: Get to it. Don't want blood covering the interior of Bob, after all. *laughing*
  305. Torri: Indeed not! Lick. Me. Aaaaaaaall. Over! :3
  307. *snip*
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