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- import datetime
- import random
- def getBirthdays(numberOfBirthdays):
- birthdays = []
- for i in range(numberOfBirthdays):
- startOfYear =, 1, 1)
- randomNumberOfDays = datetime.timedelta(random.randint(0, 364))
- birthday = startOfYear + randomNumberOfDays
- birthdays.append(birthday)
- return birthdays
- def getMatch(birthdays):
- if len(birthdays) == len(set(birthdays)):
- return None
- for a, birthdayA in enumerate(birthdays):
- for b, birthdayB in enumerate(birthdays[a + 1:]):
- if birthdayA == birthdayB:
- return birthdayA
- print('''Birthday Paradox,
- The birthday paradox shows us that in a group of N people, the odds
- that two of them have matching birthdays is surprisingly large.
- This program does a Monte Carlo simulation (that is, repeated random
- simulations) to explore this concept.
- (It's not actually a paradox, it's just a surprising result.)
- ''')
- MONTHS = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
- 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')
- while True:
- print('How many birthdays shall I generate? (Max 100)')
- response = input("> ")
- if response.isdecimal() and (0 < int(response) <= 100):
- numBDays = int(response)
- break
- print()
- print(f'Here are {numBDays} birthdays:')
- birthdays = getBirthdays(numBDays)
- for i, birthday in enumerate(birthdays):
- if i != 0:
- print(', ', end='')
- monthName = MONTHS[birthday.month - 1]
- dateText = '{} {}'.format(monthName,
- print(dateText, end='')
- print()
- print()
- match = getMatch(birthdays)
- print('In this simulation, ', end='')
- if match is not None:
- monthName = MONTHS[match.month - 1]
- dateText = f'{monthName} {}'
- print('multiple people have a birthday on', dateText)
- else:
- print('there are no matching birthdays.')
- print()
- print('Generating', numBDays, 'random birthdays 100,000 times...')
- input('Press Enter to begin...')
- print('Let\'s run another 100,000 simulations.')
- simMatch = 0 # How many simulations had matching birthdays in them.
- for i in range(100000):
- if i % 10000 == 0:
- print(i, 'simulations run...')
- birthdays = getBirthdays(numBDays)
- if getMatch(birthdays) is not None:
- simMatch += 1
- print('100,000 simulations run.')
- probability = round(simMatch / 100000 * 100, 2)
- print(f'Out of 100,000 simulations of {numBDays} people, there was a')
- print(f'matching birthday in that group {simMatch} times. This means')
- print(f'that {numBDays} people have a {probability}% chance of')
- print('having a matching birthday in their group.')
- print('That\'s probably more than you would think!')
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