
US Top Secret Msgs leaked by Cyb3r h4ck3r

Nov 19th, 2014
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  2. ##########################################################################################
  3. # TEAM IHC-Indian hackers colony #
  4. ##########################################################################################
  6. Greeting to : W4rl0rd , D3vi7 , H4ck3r S0m , Ay4n1337 , H4ck3r H4r0 , N![N]J4 AND all Indian Hackers......
  7. ############
  11. Don't Mess With US...
  13. Enjoy Hackers !
  16. private capture started on Wed Feb 16 17:57:19 2000
  17. Capture stopped on Wed Feb 16 20:43:41 2000
  19. stellema: I'm back-let me know when I'm needed
  20. LauraM: Hi welcome Janet.
  21. LauraM: hi welcome back.
  22. stellema: sorry-got booted off
  23. LauraM: I'll need to give you the license number. I'll e-mail you later.
  24. LauraM: but for now, your 20 minutes will do.
  25. stellema: ahhhh...that explains it!
  26. LauraM: thanks for coming.
  27. stellema: no problem...I wish I could have done more with this stuff...did NREL ever do anything?
  28. LauraM: they are thinking about doing something this summer
  30. LauraM: Hi Cate, welcome!
  31. LauraM: I'm afraid we are at the tail end ...
  32. LauraM: How are you doing?
  33. LauraM: So Jill says you are starting your 2 session class at end of Feb.
  35. LauraM: welcome Meg!
  36. LauraM: Folks are discussing 1 thing they have tried that worked really well for them in EL/BUT staff development
  37. LauraM: Luci is Luci sweder in case you were wondering.
  38. Meg: Yup - guessed that, thanks
  39. Meg: I talked to Laura earlier today about the possibility of her attending our April Roundtable. Right now folks are discussing what works best in EL for them - sound familiar
  40. Meg: thanks
  41. Meg: sorry - I have to run. crying baby and frustrated Daddy. yikes!
  42. Meg: are you archiving this anywhere
  43. Meg: I'd love to read more later
  44. Meg: thanks!!
  45. LauraM: ok. goo dto see you bye.
  47. LauraM: welcome back.
  48. LauraM: Are you Christine Voigtlander or Christine Tomasina or ??
  49. christine: Thanks. I am just trying to get the flow of conversation. I will pipe in when ready.
  50. christine: Tomasino
  51. LauraM: great, welcome to the discussion, take your time.
  52. LauraM: BTW we have added lots of materials for LInC - some to address comments you made in your feedback.
  53. LauraM: All those discussion notes e-mail I sent to Luci are now on web pages.
  54. christine: Thanks..I like so much of the materials
  56. LauraM: Hi anonymous, welcome!
  57. LauraM: Do you want to try changing your nickname?
  58. LauraM: I can help.
  59. Anonymous: I think that I must be anonymous. Luci How do I do that, I forgot
  60. LauraM: Glad to have you.
  61. LauraM: Are you using chatnet or mschat?
  62. Anonymous: Mschat
  63. LauraM: ok, just a second, I'll go over to my PC and check.
  64. LauraM: Got your e-mail about a summer class. That sounds like a great idea and I agree that Mary Warren would be a wonderful faciltator.
  65. LauraM: Ok under VIEW, select OPTIONS and you can change your nickname
  67. LauraM: Hi Annette, Welcome!!
  68. LauraM: Are you using ChatNet or MSchat
  69. LauraM: You're doing great Annette!
  70. LauraM: From the VIEW menu, choose OPTIONS and then you can change your nickname to annette and press the OK button.
  71. LauraM: Success!!
  72. LauraM: good job
  73. LauraM: Yes - you've got it - we are sharing best strategies for teaching engaged learning and tech integration.
  74. LauraM: sure
  76. Eileen: I am still working on getting them to do the evaluation. will mention it again in chat on thurs
  77. LauraM: ok. Thanks eileen.
  79. SharonI: Laura, I may be the only one from Holland tonight. Chad has other committments and Lynn may still be stuck in a district curriculum council meeting
  80. LauraM: That's fine. We are glad to have one of you here. I knew this would be tough for you since it is same day as your class.
  81. LauraM: welcome back ...
  82. SharonI: Sorry, I was disconnected from my provider.
  83. LauraM: no problem.
  84. SharonI: I assume we are talking about an online class currently being offered.
  85. LauraM: yes, one was last year. The other is in progress and started in November
  86. SharonI: I'm back.
  87. LauraM: thanks for your persistence.
  88. LauraM: Sharon - 7 of your participants dropped?
  89. SharonI: Yes and I think it's partly because they thought this class would be a breeze. Lynn, Chad and I know now we need to be more detailed in our class expectations.
  90. LauraM: ok - this is not unusual first time through
  91. LauraM: spelling out the expectations is important.
  92. LauraM: a solid team of 5 is still an accomplishment though.
  93. SharonI: The university Grand Valley State University has offered tech classes in the that have been rather basic.
  94. SharonI: After our class tonite I feel we have a solid group and am hopeful they will be inspired to produce some good projects.
  95. SharonI: GVSU is the university through which we are offering the Holland class.
  96. LauraM: sounds good. Are you able to put Jill, Pat and I on your e-mail distribution list?
  97. SharonI: Yes, Chad is doing most of the initial communicating.
  98. LauraM: ok great - could you add me as well?
  99. SharonI: Will do.
  100. LauraM: thanks.
  101. SharonIv: This could be a long session. Got bumped out again.
  102. SharonIv: One more time!
  103. SharonIv: We'll put you on our communication list for Holland.
  104. LauraM: Have you/chad/lynn been able to schedule a weekly time to touch base with Pat and Jill?
  105. LauraM: Have you/chad/lynn been able to schedule a weekly time to touch base with Pat and Jill?
  106. SharonI: Not yet but we are working on it.
  107. LauraM: ok sounds good.
  109. Sherri: is Christine the same one from our leardship summ institute?
  110. LauraM: No - she facilitated a class last winter at the same time as your class. She was a facilitator for SharonI.
  111. Sherri: ok
  112. Sherri: I have to go soon
  113. Sherri: Is there a problem with that?
  114. LauraM: thanks Sherri - glad you could come.
  115. LauraM: have a good night.
  116. Sherri: ok
  117. Sherri: you too
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