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- import common._
- package object scalashop {
- /** The value of every pixel is represented as a 32 bit integer. */
- type RGBA = Int
- /** Returns the red component. */
- def red(c: RGBA): Int = (0xff000000 & c) >>> 24
- /** Returns the green component. */
- def green(c: RGBA): Int = (0x00ff0000 & c) >>> 16
- /** Returns the blue component. */
- def blue(c: RGBA): Int = (0x0000ff00 & c) >>> 8
- /** Returns the alpha component. */
- def alpha(c: RGBA): Int = (0x000000ff & c) >>> 0
- /** Used to create an RGBA value from separate components. */
- def rgba(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Int): RGBA = {
- (r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | (a << 0)
- }
- /** Restricts the integer into the specified range. */
- def clamp(v: Int, min: Int, max: Int): Int = {
- if (v < min) min
- else if (v > max) max
- else v
- }
- /** Image is a two-dimensional matrix of pixel values. */
- class Img(val width: Int, val height: Int, private val data: Array[RGBA]) {
- def this(w: Int, h: Int) = this(w, h, new Array(w * h))
- def apply(x: Int, y: Int): RGBA = data(y * width + x)
- def update(x: Int, y: Int, c: RGBA): Unit = data(y * width + x) = c
- }
- /** Computes the blurred RGBA value of a single pixel of the input image. */
- def boxBlurKernel(src: Img, x: Int, y: Int, radius: Int): RGBA = {
- /* credits to
- var (r, g, b, a) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
- val xMin = clamp(x - radius, 0, src.width - 1)
- val xMax = clamp(x + radius, 0, src.width - 1)
- val yMin = clamp(y - radius, 0, src.height - 1)
- val yMax = clamp(y + radius, 0, src.height - 1)
- var (i, j, n) = (xMin, yMin, 0.0)
- while (i <= xMax) {
- while (j <= yMax) {
- val p = src.apply(i, j)
- r = r + red(p)
- g = g + green(p)
- b = b + blue(p)
- a = a + alpha(p)
- n += 1
- j += 1
- }
- j = yMin
- i += 1
- }
- rgba((r / n).toInt, (g / n).toInt, (b / n).toInt, (a / n).toInt)
- */
- /* Credits goes to but speed efficiency is an issue as nested ranges inside for comprehension desugars to nested while loops. For more visit:
- */
- val pixels = {
- for (
- i <- -radius to radius;
- j <- -radius to radius
- ) yield (clamp(x + i, 0, src.width - 1), clamp(y + j, 0, src.height - 1))
- }{
- case (x, y) =>
- val pixel = src(x, y)
- (red(pixel), green(pixel), blue(pixel), alpha(pixel))
- })
- rgba(
- / pixels.length,
- / pixels.length,
- / pixels.length,
- / pixels.length)
- }
- }
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