
master turtle

Apr 5th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. network={}
  2. rednet.open("right")
  3. MAX_DIG_SLICE = 4
  4. num_turtles=0
  6. function tablefind(tab,el)
  7. for index, value in pairs(tab) do
  8. if value == el then
  9. return index
  10. end
  11. end
  12. end
  14. function addTurtle()
  15. turtle.suckUp()
  16. turtle.place()
  17. local new_turtle=peripheral.wrap("front")
  18. new_turtle.turnOn()
  19. local id,message = rednet.receive() --confirmation message upon successful startup
  20. if message == "added" then
  21. table.insert( network, id )
  22. print("added ".. id)
  23. os.sleep(1)
  24. rednet.broadcast(tostring(id) .. " moveTo 143 70 555")
  25. os.sleep(10)
  26. return id
  27. end
  29. end
  31. function removeTurtle(id)
  32. turtle.dig()
  33. table.remove(network, tablefind(network, id))
  34. end
  36. function max(t, fn)
  37. if #t == 0 then return nil, nil end
  38. local key, value = 1, t[1]
  39. for i = 2, #t do
  40. if fn(value, t[i]) then
  41. key, value = i, t[i]
  42. end
  43. end
  44. return key
  45. end
  47. function getNumTurtles(dimension)
  48. local n = math.ceil(dimension / MAX_DIG_SLICE)
  49. print(n)
  50. if n > 27 then
  52. getNumTurtles(dimension)
  53. else
  54. return n
  55. end
  56. end
  58. function assignDig(n, x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2, max_dim_index)
  59. while n>0 do
  60. print(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)
  61. local new_turtle_ID = addTurtle()
  62. n=n-1
  63. local new_turtle_ID=network[table.getn(network)]
  64. if max_dim_index == 1 then
  65. if x1+MAX_DIG_SLICE<x2 then
  66. rednet.broadcast(new_turtle_ID .. " mine " .. tostring(x1).." ".. tostring(y1).." ".. tostring(z1).." ".. tostring(x1+MAX_DIG_SLICE-1).." ".. tostring(y2).." ".. tostring(z2))
  67. x1=x1+MAX_DIG_SLICE
  68. else
  69. rednet.broadcast(new_turtle_ID .. " mine " .. tostring(x1).." ".. tostring(y1).." ".. tostring(z1).." ".. tostring(x2).." ".. tostring(y2).." ".. tostring(z2))
  70. end
  71. elseif max_dim_index == 2 then
  72. if y1-MAX_DIG_SLICE>y2 then
  73. rednet.broadcast(new_turtle_ID .. " mine " .. tostring(x1).." ".. tostring(y1).." ".. tostring(z1).." ".. tostring(x2).." ".. tostring(y1-MAX_DIG_SLICE+1).." ".. tostring(z2))
  74. y1=y1-MAX_DIG_SLICE
  75. else
  76. rednet.broadcast(new_turtle_ID .. " mine " .. tostring(x1).." ".. tostring(y1).." ".. tostring(z1).." ".. tostring(x2).." ".. tostring(y2).." ".. tostring(z2))
  77. end
  78. elseif max_dim_index == 3 then
  79. if z1+MAX_DIG_SLICE<z2 then
  80. rednet.broadcast(new_turtle_ID .. " mine " .. tostring(x1).." ".. tostring(y1).." ".. tostring(z1).." ".. tostring(x2).." ".. tostring(y2).." ".. tostring(z1+MAX_DIG_SLICE-1))
  81. z1=z1+MAX_DIG_SLICE
  82. else
  83. rednet.broadcast(new_turtle_ID .. " mine " .. tostring(x1).." ".. tostring(y1).." ".. tostring(z1).." ".. tostring(x2).." ".. tostring(y2).." ".. tostring(z2))
  84. end
  85. end
  86. end
  87. end
  89. function quarry(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)
  90. rednet.broadcast("quarry called")
  91. local dims = {(math.abs(x1-x2)+1),(math.abs(y1-y2)+1),(math.abs(z1-z2)+1)}
  92. print(dims[1],dims[2],dims[3])
  93. local quarry_volume =dims[1]*dims[2]*dims[3]
  94. print(quarry_volume)
  95. local max_dim_index= max(dims, function(a,b) return a < b end)
  96. print(max_dim_index)
  97. local num_turtles=getNumTurtles(dims[max_dim_index])
  98. local topx,topy,topz,bottomx,bottomy,bottomz = math.min(x1,x2),math.max(y1,y2),math.min(z1,z2),math.max(x1,x2),math.min(y1,y2),math.max(z1,z2)
  99. rednet.broadcast("assigning ".. num_turtles.."turtles")
  100. print(topx,topy,topz)
  101. print(bottomx,bottomy,bottomz)
  102. assignDig(num_turtles , topx,topy,topz,bottomx,bottomy,bottomz, max_dim_index)
  103. end
  105. --[[mainloop for master]]
  106. while true do
  107. local id,message = rednet.receive()
  108. command = {}
  109. for word in message:gmatch("%w+") do table.insert(command, word) end
  110. if command[1]=="master" then
  111. table.remove(command,1)
  112. if command[1]=="exit" then
  113. break
  114. elseif command[1]=="add" then
  115. addTurtle()
  116. elseif command[1]=="remove" then
  117. removeTurtle(id)
  118. elseif command[1]=="quarry" then
  119. rednet.broadcast("quarry requested")
  120. quarry(tonumber(command[2]),tonumber(command[3]),tonumber(command[4]),tonumber(command[5]),tonumber(command[6]),tonumber(command[7]))
  121. end
  122. end
  123. end
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