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- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "jni.h"
- #include "jdbcapi.h"
- struct jdbc_api_impl
- {
- JDBC_API base;
- JNIEnv *env;
- jclass cls;
- JavaVMOption options[ 1 ];
- JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
- JavaVM *jvm;
- jmethodID mid_get_connection;
- jmethodID mid_execute;
- jmethodID mid_prepare_stmt;
- jmethodID mid_execute_query;
- jmethodID mid_set_column;
- jmethodID mid_read_value;
- jmethodID mid_log_off;
- };
- typedef struct jdbc_api_impl JDBC_API_IMPL;
- static double read_value ( JDBC_API *obj, int index_stmt)
- {
- JDBC_API_IMPL * api_impl = (JDBC_API_IMPL*) obj;
- jint status;
- jint res;
- jdouble value;
- res = ( *api_impl->jvm )->AttachCurrentThread(
- api_impl->jvm,
- (void**) &api_impl->env,
- NULL );
- if ( res < 0 )
- {
- perror( "Attach the ENV failed\n" );
- return -1;
- }
- value = ( *api_impl->env )->CallStaticDoubleMethod(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- api_impl->mid_read_value,
- index_stmt
- );
- ( *api_impl->jvm )->DetachCurrentThread( api_impl->jvm );
- return value;
- }
- static bool get_connection (
- JDBC_API * obj,
- const char* ul,
- const char* userid,
- const char* pwd )
- {
- JDBC_API_IMPL * api_impl = (JDBC_API_IMPL*) obj;
- jboolean jflag;
- jint status;
- jint res;
- res = ( *api_impl->jvm )->AttachCurrentThread(
- api_impl->jvm,
- (void**) &api_impl->env,
- NULL );
- if ( res < 0 )
- {
- perror( "Attach the ENV failed\n" );
- return -1;
- }
- jstring url = ( *api_impl->env )->NewStringUTF( api_impl->env, ul );
- jstring user = ( *api_impl->env )->NewStringUTF( api_impl->env, userid );
- jstring passwd = ( *api_impl->env )->NewStringUTF( api_impl->env, pwd );
- jflag = ( *api_impl->env )->CallStaticBooleanMethod(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- api_impl->mid_get_connection,
- url,
- user,
- passwd );
- ( *api_impl->env )->ReleaseStringUTFChars( api_impl->env, url, 0 );
- ( *api_impl->env )->ReleaseStringUTFChars( api_impl->env, user, 0 );
- ( *api_impl->env )->ReleaseStringUTFChars( api_impl->env, passwd, 0 );
- ( *api_impl->jvm )->DetachCurrentThread( api_impl->jvm );
- return jflag;
- }
- static int prepare_stmt ( JDBC_API * obj, const char *sql )
- {
- JDBC_API_IMPL * api_impl = (JDBC_API_IMPL*) obj;
- jboolean jflag;
- jint res;
- jint index;
- jint status;
- res = ( *api_impl->jvm )->AttachCurrentThread(
- api_impl->jvm,
- (void**) &api_impl->env,
- NULL );
- if ( res < 0 )
- {
- perror( "Attach the ENV failed\n" );
- return false;
- }
- jstring query = ( *api_impl->env )->NewStringUTF( api_impl->env, sql );
- index = ( *api_impl->env )->CallStaticIntMethod(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- api_impl->mid_prepare_stmt,
- query );
- ( *api_impl->env )->ReleaseStringUTFChars( api_impl->env, query, 0 );
- ( *api_impl->jvm )->DetachCurrentThread( api_impl->jvm );
- return index;
- }
- static void set_column ( JDBC_API * obj, int id, const char *col_name )
- {
- JDBC_API_IMPL * api_impl = (JDBC_API_IMPL*) obj;
- jint res;
- jint status;
- #if 0
- status = ( *api_impl->jvm )->GetEnv(
- api_impl->jvm,
- (void**) &api_impl->env,
- api_impl->vm_args.version );
- if ( status != JNI_OK )
- {
- res = ( *api_impl->jvm )->AttachCurrentThread(
- api_impl->jvm,
- (void**) &api_impl->env,
- NULL );
- if ( res < 0 )
- {
- perror( "Attach the ENV failed\n" );
- return;
- }
- //const char* col_name = (char *) POINT_COLUMN( point_array[ j ] );
- jstring colname = ( *api_impl->env )->NewStringUTF(
- api_impl->env,
- col_name );
- printf( "set_column :%s\n", col_name );
- ( *api_impl->env )->CallStaticVoidMethod(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- api_impl->mid_set_column,
- id,
- colname );
- ( *api_impl->env )->ReleaseStringUTFChars( api_impl->env, colname, 0 );
- ( *api_impl->jvm )->DetachCurrentThread( api_impl->jvm );
- }
- else
- {
- #endif
- res = ( *api_impl->jvm )->AttachCurrentThread(
- api_impl->jvm,
- (void**) &api_impl->env,
- NULL );
- if ( res < 0 )
- {
- perror( "Attach the ENV failed\n" );
- return;
- }
- jstring colname = ( *api_impl->env )->NewStringUTF(
- api_impl->env,
- col_name );
- printf( "set_column :%s\n", col_name );
- ( *api_impl->env )->CallStaticVoidMethod(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- api_impl->mid_set_column,
- id,
- colname );
- ( *api_impl->env )->ReleaseStringUTFChars( api_impl->env, colname, 0 );
- ( *api_impl->jvm )->DetachCurrentThread( api_impl->jvm );
- //}
- }
- static bool execute_query ( JDBC_API * obj ,int index_stmt)
- {
- JDBC_API_IMPL * api_impl = (JDBC_API_IMPL*) obj;
- jboolean jflag;
- jint res;
- jint status;
- res = ( *api_impl->jvm )->AttachCurrentThread(
- api_impl->jvm,
- (void**) &api_impl->env,
- NULL );
- if ( res < 0 )
- {
- perror( "Attach the ENV failed\n" );
- return false;
- }
- jflag = ( *api_impl->env )->CallStaticBooleanMethod(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- api_impl->mid_execute_query ,
- index_stmt);
- ( *api_impl->jvm )->DetachCurrentThread( api_impl->jvm );
- return jflag;
- }
- static bool execute (JDBC_API* obj, const char* sql)
- {
- JDBC_API_IMPL * api_impl = (JDBC_API_IMPL*) obj;
- jboolean jflag;
- jint res;
- jint status;
- res = ( *api_impl->jvm )->AttachCurrentThread(
- api_impl->jvm,
- (void**) &api_impl->env,
- NULL );
- if ( res < 0 )
- {
- perror( "Attach the ENV failed\n" );
- return false;
- }
- jstring query = ( *api_impl->env )->NewStringUTF( api_impl->env, sql );
- jflag = ( *api_impl->env )->CallStaticBooleanMethod(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- api_impl->mid_execute,
- query);
- ( *api_impl->env )->ReleaseStringUTFChars( api_impl->env, query, 0 );
- ( *api_impl->jvm )->DetachCurrentThread( api_impl->jvm );
- return jflag;
- }
- static void logoff ( JDBC_API * obj )
- {
- JDBC_API_IMPL * api_impl = (JDBC_API_IMPL*) obj;
- jint res;
- jint status;
- res = ( *api_impl->jvm )->AttachCurrentThread(
- api_impl->jvm,
- (void**) &api_impl->env,
- NULL );
- if ( res < 0 )
- {
- perror( "Attach the ENV failed\n" );
- return;
- }
- ( *api_impl->env )->CallStaticVoidMethod(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- api_impl->mid_log_off );
- ( *api_impl->jvm )->DetachCurrentThread( api_impl->jvm );
- }
- JDBC_API* jdbcapi_create ()
- {
- long status;
- JDBC_API_IMPL * api_impl = malloc( sizeof(JDBC_API_IMPL) );
- api_impl->options[ 0 ].optionString = "-Djava.class.path=.:/home/pakkio/spazio251.working/spazio/java/spfab/externalLibraries/com/h2database/h2/1.3.163/h2-1.3.163.jar";
- memset( &api_impl->vm_args, 0, sizeof( api_impl->vm_args ) );
- api_impl->vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6;
- api_impl->vm_args.nOptions = 1;
- api_impl->vm_args.options = api_impl->options;
- status = JNI_CreateJavaVM(
- &api_impl->jvm,
- (void**) &api_impl->env,
- &api_impl->vm_args );
- if ( status != JNI_OK )
- {
- perror( "JVM Created failed!\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- printf( "JVM Created success!\n" );
- api_impl->cls = ( *api_impl->env )->FindClass(
- api_impl->env,
- "DevJDBC" );
- if ( api_impl->cls != 0 )
- {
- api_impl->mid_get_connection =
- ( *api_impl->env )->GetStaticMethodID(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- "getConnection",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z" );
- api_impl->mid_prepare_stmt = ( *api_impl->env )->GetStaticMethodID(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- "prepareStmt",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)I" );
- api_impl->mid_set_column = ( *api_impl->env )->GetStaticMethodID(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- "setColname",
- "(ILjava/lang/String;)V" );
- api_impl->mid_execute = ( *api_impl->env )->GetStaticMethodID(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- "execute",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z" );
- api_impl->mid_execute_query = ( *api_impl->env )->GetStaticMethodID(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- "executeQuery",
- "(I)Z" );
- api_impl->mid_read_value = ( *api_impl->env )->GetStaticMethodID(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- "readValue",
- "(I)D" );
- api_impl->mid_log_off = ( *api_impl->env )->GetStaticMethodID(
- api_impl->env,
- api_impl->cls,
- "logoff",
- "()V" );
- api_impl->base.get_connection = get_connection;
- api_impl->base.prepare_stmt = prepare_stmt;
- api_impl->base.set_column = set_column;
- api_impl->base.execute = execute;
- api_impl->base.execute_query = execute_query;
- api_impl->base.read_value = read_value;
- api_impl->base.logoff = logoff;
- }
- else
- {
- perror( "can not find the JDBC class\n" );
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return (JDBC_API *) api_impl;
- }
- void jdbcapi_destroy ( JDBC_API * api_obj )
- {
- //JDBC_API_IMPL* api_impl = (JDBC_API_IMPL *) api_obj;
- printf( "DevJDBC:%s\n", __func__ );
- if ( api_obj != NULL )
- {
- free( api_obj );
- }
- }
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