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- -- ccInventory by Teki
- -- TODO :
- -- handle peripheral types : inventory OK, monitor partially, modem
- -- HANDLE PERIPHERAL STATES (online / offline / disabled)
- -- monitors :
- -- assign a window (list ?) and draw widget
- -- on click switch window ?
- -- move selected responsibility to item ?
- -- move events handling responsibility to item ?
- -- enhance peripheral drawing (item responsibility ?)
- -- save crafts
- -- trigger crafts
- -- enhance tabs handling (widget full responsibility)
- -- Monitor
- term.current().clear()
- local sizeX,sizeY = term.current().getSize()
- local monitor = window.create(term.current(), 1, 1, sizeX, sizeY, true)
- sizeX,sizeY = monitor.getSize()
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,sizeY)
- monitor.write("Loading...")
- -- Properties
- local eventFired = false
- local getItemDetailInterval = 1000
- local itemDb = {}
- local nodes = {}
- local items = {}
- local crafts = {
- -- Make classes
- -- Craft made of a name, Input(s) and Output(s)
- {
- name = "Craft 1",
- -- Input made of Machine(s)
- inputs = {
- -- Machine made of and MachineSlot(s)
- machines = {
- {
- name = "", -- peripheral side
- -- MachineSlot made of a key, an ItemList and a ListType
- slots = {-- list of slots used 0 for all
- key = "all",
- list = {}, -- list of items = name +? nbt / count
- listType = "whitelist", -- whitelist / blacklist / disabled
- }
- }
- },
- },
- -- Output made of Machine(s)
- outputs = {
- machines = {
- {
- side = "", -- peripheral side
- slots = {0}, -- list of slots used 0 for all
- }
- },
- }
- }
- }
- -- Widgets
- local itemsListWidget
- local peripheralsListWidget
- local craftsListWidget
- local tabsWidget
- local sortWidget
- -- Settings
- local sortByName = false
- local sortAscending = false
- -- Methods
- local function roundTo(num, n)
- local mult = 10^(n or 0)
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
- end
- local function drawBar(startX, endX, posY, colorFull, colorEmpty, maxSize, currentSize, label, window)
- label = label .. " " .. currentSize .. "/" .. maxSize
- while ((endX - startX + 1) - #label)/2 >= 1 do
- label = " " .. label .. " "
- end
- local length = (endX - startX + 1)*(currentSize/maxSize)
- for i = startX, endX do
- window.setCursorPos(i, posY)
- if i - startX + 1 <= length then
- window.setBackgroundColor(colorFull)
- window.setTextColor(colorEmpty)
- else
- window.setBackgroundColor(colorEmpty)
- window.setTextColor(colorFull)
- end
- if #label < i - startX + 1 then
- window.write(" ")
- else
- window.write(label:sub(i - startX + 1, i))
- end
- end
- end
- local function indexOf(array, needle)
- for index, value in ipairs(array) do
- if value == needle then
- return index
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- -- Logging
- local debug = true
- -- reset file
- local logsFile ="inventory.log", "w")
- if debug then
- logsFile.write("")
- logsFile.close()
- end
- -- Loging method
- local function log(message)
- if debug then
- local logsFile ="inventory.log", "a")
- logsFile.write(message.."\n")
- logsFile.close()
- end
- end
- -- Sorting Items methods
- local function growingQuantity(a, b)
- if a.inventory ~= nil and b.inventory ~= nil then
- return a.inventory.capacity < b.inventory.capacity
- elseif a.count ~= nil and b.count ~= nil then
- return a.count < b.count
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local function shrinkingQuantity(a, b)
- if a.inventory ~= nil and b.inventory ~= nil then
- return a.inventory.capacity >= b.inventory.capacity
- elseif a.count ~= nil and b.count ~= nil then
- return a.count >= b.count
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local function growingName(a, b)
- if a.displayName ~= nil and b.displayName ~= nil then
- return a.displayName < b.displayName
- else
- return <
- end
- end
- local function shrinkingName(a, b)
- if a.displayName ~= nil and b.displayName ~= nil then
- return a.displayName > b.displayName
- else
- return >
- end
- end
- local function getSortingMethod()
- if sortByName and sortAscending then
- return growingName
- elseif sortByName and not sortAscending then
- return shrinkingName
- elseif not sortByName and sortAscending then
- return growingQuantity
- elseif not sortByName and not sortAscending then
- return shrinkingQuantity
- end
- end
- -- Peripherals Data
- local function peripheralCall(side, functionName, ...)
- local status, retval = pcall(, side, functionName, ...)
- if status then
- return retval
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- local nodeTypes = {
- "command",
- "computer",
- "drive",
- "modem",
- "monitor",
- "printer",
- "speaker",
- -- Generic Peripherals
- "energy_storage",
- "fluid_storage",
- "inventory"
- }
- -- Node Object Start
- local Node = {}
- Node.__index = Node
- function
- local newNode = {}
- setmetatable(newNode, Node)
- newNode.side = side
- = side
- newNode.peripheral = peripheral.wrap(side)
- newNode.types = {}
- local types = table.pack(peripheral.getType(side))
- for k,type in pairs(types) do
- if indexOf(nodeTypes, type) then
- table.insert(newNode.types, type)
- end
- end
- return newNode
- end
- -- Node Object end
- -- Screen Object Start
- local Screen = {}
- setmetatable(Screen, Node)
- Screen.__index = Screen
- function
- local newScreen =
- setmetatable(newScreen, Screen)
- newScreen.ouput = "None"
- return newScreen
- end
- function Screen:drawNetworkName()
- pcall(function()
- local screen = self.peripheral
- screen.setBackgroundColor(
- screen.setTextColor(colors.white)
- local screenSizeX,screenSizeY = screen.getSize()
- screen.clear()
- screen.setCursorPos(1, screenSizeY)
- screen.write(self.side)
- end)
- end
- function Screen:refreshMonitor()
- pcall(function()
- -- Monitor sizes for textScale = 1:
- -- 1x1 monitor : 7 x 5
- -- 2x2 monitor : 18 x 12 (+7+4 x +5+2)
- -- 3x3 monitor : 29 x 19 (+7+4 x +5+2)
- -- 4x4 monitor : 39 x 26 (+7+3 x +5+2)
- -- 5x5 monitor : 50 x 33 (+7+4 x +5+2)
- -- Monitor sizes for textScale = 0.5:
- -- 1x1 monitor : 15 x 10
- -- 2x2 monitor : 36 x 24 (+15+6 x +10+4)
- -- 3x3 monitor : 57 x 38 (+15+6 x +10+4)
- -- 4x4 monitor : 79 x 52 (+15+7 x +10+4)
- -- 5x5 monitor : 100 x 67 (+15+6 x +10+5)
- -- add widget setup :
- -- -- width
- -- -- height
- -- -- data type selector : item / node
- -- -- data selector : list / entity
- -- widget size should be selectable (multiples of split screens ? 15 / 2 = 7 + 1 + 7 = widget + border + widget)
- -- widgets types : item data / items list / node data (slots / tanks / RF)
- local screen = self.peripheral
- screen.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- screen.setTextColor(
- screen.setTextScale(0.5)
- local screenSizeX,screenSizeY = screen.getSize()
- screen.clear()
- if self.output == "Items" then
- screen.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- screen.write("Items")
- elseif self.output == "Nodes" then
- screen.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- screen.write("Nodes")
- else
- screen.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- screen.write("None")
- screen.setCursorPos(1,2)
- screen.write("x:" .. screenSizeX)
- screen.setCursorPos(1,3)
- screen.write("y:" .. screenSizeY)
- screen.setCursorPos(1,4)
- screen.write("scale:" .. screen.getTextScale())
- screen.setCursorPos(1,5)
- screen.write("Items:" .. #items)
- screen.setCursorPos(1,6)
- screen.write("Nodes:" .. #nodes)
- end
- end)
- end
- -- Screen Object End
- -- Inventory Object Start
- local Inventory = {}
- setmetatable(Inventory, Node)
- Inventory.__index = Inventory
- function
- local newInventory =
- setmetatable(newInventory, Inventory)
- newInventory.inventoryType = "Output"
- newInventory.inventory = {
- capacity = 0,
- stored = 0,
- items = {},
- epoch = 0
- }
- return newInventory
- end
- function Inventory:refreshInventory()
- local inventory = {
- capacity = self.inventory.capacity,
- stored = 0,
- items = {},
- epoch = 0
- }
- local itemList
- parallel.waitForAll(
- function()
- inventory.capacity = peripheralCall(self.side, "size") or 0
- end,
- function()
- itemList = peripheralCall(self.side, "list") or {}
- end
- )
- local functionsTable = {}
- for i = 1, self.inventory.capacity do
- if itemList[i] == nil then
- inventory.items[i] = nil
- elseif self.inventory.items[i] == nil or self.inventory.items[i].epoch == nil or self.inventory.items[i].epoch < os.epoch("utc") - getItemDetailInterval then
- functionsTable[#functionsTable + 1] = function()
- if itemDb[itemList[i].name] == nil then
- local tmp = peripheralCall(self.side, "getItemDetail", i)
- if tmp ~= nil then
- itemDb[itemList[i].name] = tmp
- end
- end
- inventory.items[i] = {}
- for k,v in pairs(itemDb[itemList[i].name]) do
- inventory.items[i][k] = v
- end
- inventory.items[i].count = itemList[i].count
- inventory.items[i].epoch = os.epoch("utc")
- end
- else
- inventory.items[i] = self.inventory.items[i]
- end
- end
- parallel.waitForAll(unpack(functionsTable))
- for i = 1, inventory.capacity do
- if inventory.items[i] ~= nil then
- inventory.stored = inventory.stored + 1
- end
- end
- self.inventory = inventory
- end
- function Inventory:pushItem(toName, fromSlot)
- return peripheralCall(self.side, "pushItems", toName, fromSlot)
- end
- -- Inventory Object End
- -- TurtleInventory Object Start
- local TurtleInventory = {}
- setmetatable(TurtleInventory, Inventory)
- TurtleInventory.__index = TurtleInventory
- function
- local newInventory =
- setmetatable(newInventory, TurtleInventory)
- newInventory.peripheral = turtle
- newInventory.types = {"inventory"}
- newInventory.inventoryType = "None"
- newInventory.inventory = {
- capacity = 16,
- stored = 0,
- items = {}
- }
- return newInventory
- end
- function TurtleInventory:refreshInventory()
- local inventory = {
- capacity = 16,
- stored = 0,
- items = {}
- }
- local functionsTable = {}
- for i = 1, self.inventory.capacity do
- if self.inventory[i] == nil or self.inventory[i].epoch < os.epoch("utc") - getItemDetailInterval then
- functionsTable[#functionsTable + 1] = function()
- local tmp = self.peripheral.getItemDetail(i, true)
- if tmp ~= nil then
- inventory.items[i] = tmp
- inventory.items[i].epoch = os.epoch("utc")
- else
- inventory.items[i] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- parallel.waitForAll(unpack(functionsTable))
- for i = 1, self.inventory.capacity do
- if inventory.items[i] ~= nil then
- inventory.stored = inventory.stored + 1
- end
- end
- self.inventory = inventory
- end
- function TurtleInventory:pushItem(toName, fromSlot)
- return peripheralCall(toName, "pullItems", self.side, fromSlot)
- end
- -- TurtleInventory Object End
- -- Craft Object Start
- local Craft = {}
- Craft.__index = Craft
- function
- local newCraft = {}
- setmetatable(newCraft, Craft)
- -- Craft made of a name, Input(s) and Output(s)
- = name
- newCraft.inputs = {}
- newCraft.outputs = {}
- return newCraft
- end
- function Craft:pushItem(toName, fromSlot)
- return peripheralCall(self.side, "pushItems", toName, fromSlot)
- end
- -- Craft Object End
- -- wrap turtle inventory
- if (turtle) then
- local sides = peripheral.getNames()
- local localName = nil;
- for i in pairs(sides) do
- if (peripheral.getType(sides[i]) == "modem") and not peripheralCall(sides[i], "isWireless")then
- localName = peripheralCall(sides[i], "getNameLocal")
- break
- end
- end
- nodes[#nodes + 1] =
- end
- local function isRemote(name)
- return string.match(name, '(.*_)')
- end
- local function findPeripherals()
- local sides = peripheral.getNames()
- for k in pairs(nodes) do
- local peripheralFound = false
- for k2 in pairs(sides) do
- if nodes[k] ~= nil and nodes[k].side == sides[k2] then
- table.remove(sides, k2)
- peripheralFound = true
- end
- end
- if not peripheralFound and string.sub(nodes[k].side, 1, string.len("turtle")) ~= "turtle" then
- -- table.remove(nodes, k)
- end
- end
- local index = #nodes + 1
- for i in pairs(sides) do
- local matches = isRemote(sides[i])
- if matches then
- local types = table.pack(peripheral.getType(sides[i]))
- local filteredTypes = {}
- for k,type in pairs(types) do
- if indexOf(nodeTypes, type) then
- table.insert(filteredTypes, type)
- end
- end
- if indexOf(filteredTypes, "inventory") then
- nodes[index] =[i])
- elseif indexOf(filteredTypes, "monitor") then
- nodes[index] =[i])
- else
- nodes[index] =[i])
- end
- index = index + 1
- end
- end
- end
- local function refreshInventories()
- -- for i in ipairs(wrapped) do
- local functionsTable = {}
- for i = 1, #nodes do
- if indexOf(nodes[i].types, "inventory") then
- functionsTable[#functionsTable + 1] = function() nodes[i]:refreshInventory() end
- end
- end
- if #functionsTable > 0 then
- parallel.waitForAll(unpack(functionsTable))
- end
- end
- local function refreshScreens()
- -- for i in ipairs(wrapped) do
- local functionsTable = {}
- for i = 1, #nodes do
- if indexOf(nodes[i].types, "monitor") then
- functionsTable[#functionsTable + 1] = function() nodes[i]:refreshMonitor() end
- end
- end
- if #functionsTable > 0 then
- parallel.waitForAll(unpack(functionsTable))
- end
- end
- -- Items Data
- local function updateItems()
- for i = 1,#items do
- items[i].tempCount = 0
- end
- local itemsListHasChanged = false
- for i = 1, #nodes do
- local node = nodes[i]
- if node ~= nil and node.inventory ~= nil and node.inventoryType ~= nil then -- and wrapped[i].inventoryType == "Output" then
- local inventory = node.inventory
- for ii = 1, inventory.capacity do
- if inventory.items[ii] ~= nil and inventory.items[ii].name ~= nil then
- local currentIndex = 0
- for iii = 1,#items do
- if items[iii].name == inventory.items[ii].name and items[iii].nbt == inventory.items[ii].nbt then
- currentIndex = iii
- end
- end
- if currentIndex == 0 then
- items[#items + 1] = inventory.items[ii]
- items[#items].tempCount = inventory.items[ii].count
- itemsListHasChanged = true
- else
- if items[currentIndex].displayName == nil and inventory.items[ii].displayName ~= nil then
- items[currentIndex].displayName = inventory.items[ii].displayName
- itemsListHasChanged = true
- end
- if items[currentIndex].epoch == nil or items[currentIndex].epoch < os.epoch("utc") - getItemDetailInterval then
- for k,v in pairs(inventory.items[ii]) do
- if k ~= "count" then
- items[currentIndex][k] = v
- end
- end
- end
- items[currentIndex].tempCount = items[currentIndex].tempCount + inventory.items[ii].count
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for k,item in pairs(items) do
- if item.tempCount ~= item.count then
- item.count = item.tempCount
- itemsListHasChanged = true
- end
- item.tempCount = nil
- if item.count == 0 then
- -- TODO : keep data not delete (property hidden = true/false ?)
- table.remove(items, k)
- itemsListHasChanged = true
- end
- end
- if itemsListHasChanged then
- table.sort(items, getSortingMethod())
- end
- end
- -- Draw
- -- Widget Object Start
- local Widget = {}
- Widget.__index = Widget
- function, x, y, label)
- local newWidget = {}
- setmetatable(newWidget, Widget)
- newWidget.window = window
- newWidget.x = x
- newWidget.y = y
- newWidget.width, newWidget.height = window.getSize()
- newWidget.label = label
- newWidget.content = nil
- = {}
- return newWidget
- end
- function Widget:draw()
- if self.content ~= nil then
- for y = self.y, self.height do
- self.window.setCursorPos(self.x, y)
- self.window.write(self.label)
- -- for x = self.x, self.height do
- -- if self.content[y] ~= nil then
- -- self.window.blit(self.content[y][1], self.content[y][2], self.content[y][3])
- -- end
- -- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Widget:handleEvents(event, side, xPos, yPos)
- if xPos ~= nil and yPos ~= nil then
- local offsetX, offsetY = self.window.getPosition()
- xPos = xPos - offsetX + 1
- yPos = yPos - offsetY + 1
- end
- -- start from the end of the table
- -- pass an object by reference to keep data ?
- -- if a callback returns stop propagating event ?
- for k,v in pairs( do
- if v.type == event and (xPos == nil or (xPos > 0 and xPos <= self.width)) and (yPos == nil or (yPos > 0 and yPos <= self.height)) then
- v.callback(self, side, xPos, yPos)
- end
- end
- end
- -- return Widget
- -- Widget Object End
- -- ListWidget Object Start
- local ListWidget = {}
- setmetatable(ListWidget, Widget)
- ListWidget.__index = ListWidget
- function, x, y, label, list)
- local newWidget =, x, y, label)
- setmetatable(newWidget, ListWidget)
- newWidget.list = list
- newWidget.scrolled = 0
- newWidget.totalLines = 0
- newWidget.currentLine = 1
- newWidget.selected = 0
- newWidget.selectedLines = 0
- newWidget.dragged = false
- = {
- {
- -- Scroll buttons
- type = "mouse_click",
- callback = function (self, side, xPos, yPos)
- if (xPos == self.width) then
- if (yPos == 1) then
- if self.scrolled > 0 then
- self.scrolled = self.scrolled - 1
- end
- elseif (yPos == self.height) then
- if self.totalLines > self.scrolled + self.height then
- self.scrolled = self.scrolled + 1
- end
- else
- self.scrolled = math.floor((yPos-2) * ((self.totalLines - self.height) / (self.height-3)))
- end
- end
- end
- },
- {
- -- Scroll wheel
- type = "mouse_scroll",
- callback = function (self, direction, xPos, yPos)
- if (self.scrolled + direction < 0) then
- self.scrolled = 0
- elseif self.scrolled + direction <= self.totalLines - self.height then
- self.scrolled = self.scrolled + direction
- end
- end
- },
- {
- -- Drag buttons + selection mecanism
- type = "mouse_click",
- callback = function (self, side, xPos, yPos)
- if xPos > 0 and yPos > 0 and xPos <= self.width and yPos <= self.height then
- -- clicked on selected or selectedLines
- if (yPos + self.scrolled >= self.selected and yPos + self.scrolled <= self.selected + self.selectedLines) then
- -- clicked on selected
- if (yPos + self.scrolled == self.selected) then
- -- clicked on up arrow of the last line
- if self.selected > 1 and xPos == 1 then
- local temp = self.list[self.selected - 1]
- self.list[self.selected - 1] = self.list[self.selected]
- self.list[self.selected] = temp
- self.selected = self.selected - 1
- -- clicked on down arrow of any line
- elseif (self.selected == 1 and xPos == 1) or (self.selected > 1 and self.selected < #self.list and xPos == 2) then
- local temp = self.list[self.selected + 1]
- self.list[self.selected + 1] = self.list[self.selected]
- self.list[self.selected] = temp
- self.selected = self.selected + 1
- end
- else
- -- trigger click on item selected content ?
- end
- -- clicked in list but not on selected => new selected
- elseif (yPos + self.scrolled <= self.totalLines and xPos < self.width) then
- if self.selected ~= 0 then
- -- clicked after selected
- if yPos + self.scrolled > self.selected + self.selectedLines then
- self.dragged = true
- self.selected = yPos + self.scrolled - self.selectedLines
- -- clicked before selected
- else
- self.dragged = true
- self.selected = yPos + self.scrolled
- end
- else
- self.dragged = true
- self.selected = yPos + self.scrolled
- if self.scrolled + sizeY <= self.selected + self.selectedLines then
- self.scrolled = self.selected + 1 - self.height
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- },
- {
- type = "mouse_up",
- callback = function (self, side, xPos, yPos)
- -- if not dragged clear selected
- if not self.dragged then
- if xPos < self.width and yPos >= 1 and (yPos + self.scrolled == self.selected) then
- if self.scrolled > #self.list - self.height then
- self.scrolled = #self.list - self.height
- end
- if self.scrolled < 0 then
- self.scrolled = 0
- end
- self.selected = 0
- end
- else
- self.dragged = false
- end
- end
- },
- {
- type = "mouse_drag",
- callback = function (self, side, xPos, yPos)
- if (yPos + self.scrolled < self.selected and yPos + self.scrolled >= 1) then
- local temp = self.list[self.selected - 1]
- self.list[self.selected - 1] = self.list[self.selected]
- self.list[self.selected] = temp
- self.selected = self.selected - 1
- self.dragged = true
- if (self.scrolled > 0 and yPos == 1) then
- self.scrolled = self.scrolled - 1
- end
- elseif (yPos + self.scrolled > self.selected and self.selected < #self.list) then
- local temp = self.list[self.selected + 1]
- self.list[self.selected + 1] = self.list[self.selected]
- self.list[self.selected] = temp
- self.selected = self.selected + 1
- self.dragged = true
- if (self.scrolled + sizeY-1 < self.selected + self.selectedLines and yPos == self.height) then
- self.scrolled = self.scrolled + 1
- end
- end
- end
- },
- {
- type = "peripheral",
- callback = function (self, side, xPos, yPos)
- self:listUpdated(side)
- end
- },
- {
- type = "peripheral_detach",
- callback = function (self, side, xPos, yPos)
- self:listUpdated(side)
- end
- }
- }
- return newWidget
- end
- function ListWidget:draw()
- self:drawList()
- if (self.totalLines > self.height) then
- self:drawScrollBar()
- -- Check if last line was empty
- if (self.currentLine - 1 < self.height) then
- self.scrolled = self.scrolled - (self.height - self.currentLine) - 1
- end
- end
- end
- function ListWidget:drawList()
- self.totalLines = 0
- self.currentLine = 1
- self.selectedLines = 0
- for i = 1, #self.list do
- if self.list[i] ~= nil then
- if i > self.scrolled - self.selectedLines and self.currentLine <= self.height then
- local linesAdded = self:drawItem(self.list[i], self.currentLine, i == self.selected, i == 1, i == #self.list)
- self.currentLine = self.currentLine + linesAdded
- if i == self.selected then
- self.selectedLines = linesAdded - 1
- end
- self.totalLines = self.totalLines + linesAdded
- elseif i == self.selected then
- self.currentLine = i - self.scrolled
- local linesAdded = self:drawItem(self.list[i], self.currentLine, i == self.selected, i == 1, i == #self.list)
- self.selectedLines = linesAdded - 1
- self.currentLine = self.currentLine + linesAdded
- if self.currentLine < 1 then
- self.currentLine = 1
- end
- self.totalLines = self.totalLines + linesAdded
- else
- self.totalLines = self.totalLines + 1
- end
- end
- end
- if self.totalLines < self.height then
- for i = self.totalLines + 1, self.height do
- self.window.setCursorPos(1, i)
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- self.window.clearLine()
- end
- end
- end
- function ListWidget:drawScrollBar()
- local unit = self.totalLines / self.height
- local scrollBarHeight = math.ceil(self.height / unit)
- if scrollBarHeight > self.height then scrollBarHeight = self.height end
- for i = 1, self.height do
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- -- if (i) >= math.ceil(self.scrolled / unit) and (i) <= math.floor((self.scrolled / unit) + scrollBarHeight) then
- if math.floor(i * unit) >= self.scrolled and math.ceil(i * unit) <= self.scrolled + self.height then
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- end
- self.window.setCursorPos(sizeX, i)
- if i == 1 then
- self.window.write("\30")
- elseif i == self.height then
- self.window.write("\31")
- else
- self.window.write(" ")
- end
- end
- end
- function ListWidget:drawItemFirstLine(Y, isSelected, first, last)
- self.window.setCursorPos(1, Y)
- if isSelected then
- -- affiche les fleches pour monter/descendre
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- self.window.clearLine()
- if first then
- self.window.write("\31")
- self.window.setCursorPos(2, Y)
- elseif last then
- self.window.write("\30")
- self.window.setCursorPos(2, Y)
- else
- self.window.write("\30\31")
- self.window.setCursorPos(3, Y)
- end
- self.window.setTextColor(
- else
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- self.window.setTextColor(
- self.window.clearLine()
- end
- end
- function ListWidget:listUpdated(side)
- end
- -- return ListWidget
- -- ListWidget Object End
- -- ItemsListWidget Object Start
- local itemsWindow = window.create(monitor, 1, 2, sizeX, sizeY-1)
- itemsListWidget =, 1, 1, "Items", items)
- function itemsListWidget:drawItem(item, Y, isSelected, first, last)
- local linesDrawn = 0
- self:drawItemFirstLine(Y, isSelected, first, last)
- if item.displayName ~= nil then
- self.window.write(item.displayName)
- else
- self.window.write(
- end
- self.window.setCursorPos(sizeX - #("" .. item.count), Y)
- self.window.write(item.count)
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- if isSelected then
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- for k,v in pairs(item) do
- if type(v) ~= type(table) then
- -- if k ~= "epoch" then
- self.window.setCursorPos(2, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write(k .. " " .. v)
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- -- end
- else
- -- count entries in table (tags may be empty)
- local entriesCount = 0;
- for kk in pairs(v) do
- entriesCount = entriesCount + 1
- end
- if entriesCount > 0 then
- self.window.setCursorPos(2, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write(k .. ":")
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- for kk in pairs(v) do
- self.window.setCursorPos(3, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write(kk)
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return linesDrawn
- end
- -- ItemsListWidget Object end
- -- PeripheralsListWidget Object Start
- local peripheralsWindow = window.create(monitor, 1, 2, sizeX, sizeY-1)
- peripheralsListWidget =, 1, 1, "Peripherals", nodes)
- function peripheralsListWidget:drawItem(item, Y, isSelected, first, last)
- local linesDrawn = 0
- self:drawItemFirstLine(Y, isSelected, first, last)
- if ~= nil then
- self.window.write(
- else
- self.window.write(item.side)
- end
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- if isSelected then
- if indexOf(item.types, "inventory") then
- local inventoryLinesDrawn = self:drawInventory(item, Y)
- Y = Y + inventoryLinesDrawn
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + inventoryLinesDrawn
- end
- if indexOf(item.types, "monitor") then
- local monitorLinesDrawn = self:drawMonitor(item, Y)
- Y = Y + monitorLinesDrawn
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + monitorLinesDrawn
- end
- -- draw types
- if #item.types > 0 then
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.white)
- self.window.setCursorPos(1, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write("Types :")
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- for k, type in pairs(item.types) do
- self.window.setCursorPos(1, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write(" " .. type)
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- end
- end
- end
- return linesDrawn
- end
- function peripheralsListWidget:drawInventory(item, Y)
- local linesDrawn = 0
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- self.window.setTextColor(
- self.window.setCursorPos(1, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write("Type : Input Output None Configure")
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.white)
- if item.inventoryType == "Input" then
- self.window.setCursorPos(8, Y)
- self.window.write("Input")
- elseif item.inventoryType == "Output" then
- self.window.setCursorPos(14, Y)
- self.window.write("Output")
- else
- self.window.setCursorPos(21, Y)
- self.window.write("None")
- end
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- drawBar(1, self.width-1, Y, colors.lightGray, colors.gray, item.inventory.capacity, item.inventory.stored, "Inventory", self.window)
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- for i = 1,item.inventory.capacity do
- if item.inventory.items[i] ~= nil then
- self.window.setCursorPos(1, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- if item.inventory.items[i].displayName ~= nil then
- self.window.write(i .. " " .. item.inventory.items[i].displayName .. " " .. item.inventory.items[i].count)
- else
- self.window.write(i .. " " .. item.inventory.items[i].name .. " " .. item.inventory.items[i].count)
- end
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- end
- end
- return linesDrawn
- end
- function peripheralsListWidget:drawMonitor(item, Y)
- local linesDrawn = 0
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- self.window.setTextColor(
- self.window.setCursorPos(1, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write("Print : Items Nodes None")
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.white)
- if item.output == "Items" then
- self.window.setCursorPos(9, Y)
- self.window.write("Items")
- elseif item.output == "Nodes" then
- self.window.setCursorPos(15, Y)
- self.window.write("Nodes")
- else
- self.window.setCursorPos(21, Y)
- self.window.write("None")
- end
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- return linesDrawn
- end
- function peripheralsListWidget:listUpdated(side)
- if self.list[self.selected] ~= nil and self.list[self.selected].side == side then
- self.selected = 0
- end
- end
- table.insert(, {
- type = "mouse_click",
- callback = function (self, side, xPos, yPos)
- -- Peripherals settings
- if self.selected ~= 0 and yPos + self.scrolled == self.selected + 1 then
- local item = nodes[self.selected]
- if indexOf(item.types, "inventory") then
- if xPos >= 8 and xPos <= 12 then
- item.inventoryType = "Input"
- elseif xPos >= 14 and xPos <= 19 then
- item.inventoryType = "Output"
- elseif xPos >= 21 and xPos <= 24 then
- item.inventoryType = "None"
- end
- end
- if indexOf(item.types, "monitor") then
- if xPos >= 9 and xPos <= 13 then
- item.output = "Items"
- elseif xPos >= 15 and xPos <= 19 then
- item.output = "Nodes"
- elseif xPos >= 21 and xPos <= 24 then
- item.output = "None"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- })
- -- PeripheralsListWidget Object end
- -- CraftsListWidget Object Start
- local craftsWindow = window.create(monitor, 1, 2, sizeX, sizeY-1)
- craftsListWidget =, 1, 1, "Crafts", crafts)
- craftsListWidget.mode = "list"
- function craftsListWidget:drawItem(item, Y, isSelected, first, last)
- local linesDrawn = 0
- self:drawItemFirstLine(Y, isSelected, first, last)
- self.window.write(
- self.window.setCursorPos(sizeX - #("Config"), Y)
- self.window.write("Config")
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- if isSelected then
- -- Inputs
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- self.window.setCursorPos(2, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write("Inputs :")
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- if #item.inputs > 0 then
- for k,v in pairs(item.inputs) do
- self.window.setCursorPos(3, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write(k .. " " .. v)
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- end
- end
- -- Outputs
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- self.window.setCursorPos(2, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write("Outputs :")
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- if #item.outputs > 0 then
- for k,v in pairs(item.outputs) do
- self.window.setCursorPos(3, Y)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write(k .. " " .. v)
- Y = Y + 1
- linesDrawn = linesDrawn + 1
- end
- end
- end
- return linesDrawn
- end
- function craftsListWidget:draw()
- if craftsListWidget.mode == "list" then
- self:drawList()
- self.totalLines = self.totalLines + 1
- self.window.setBackgroundColour(colors.gray)
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- self.window.setCursorPos(self.width / 2, self.currentLine)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write("+")
- self.currentLine = self.currentLine + 1
- if (self.totalLines > self.height) then
- self:drawScrollBar()
- -- Check if last line was empty
- if (self.currentLine - 1 < self.height) then
- self.scrolled = self.scrolled - (self.height - self.currentLine) - 1
- end
- end
- else
- -- Start Method display Craft Setup
- self.totalLines = 0
- self.currentLine = 1
- self.selectedLines = 0
- if self.list[self.selected] ~= nil then
- if self.selected > self.scrolled - self.selectedLines and self.currentLine <= self.height then
- local linesAdded = self:drawItem(self.list[self.selected], self.currentLine, self.selected == self.selected, self.selected == 1, self.selected == #self.list)
- self.currentLine = self.currentLine + linesAdded
- if self.selected == self.selected then
- self.selectedLines = linesAdded - 1
- end
- self.totalLines = self.totalLines + linesAdded
- elseif self.selected == self.selected then
- self.currentLine = self.selected - self.scrolled
- local linesAdded = self:drawItem(self.list[self.selected], self.currentLine, self.selected == self.selected, self.selected == 1, self.selected == #self.list)
- self.selectedLines = linesAdded - 1
- self.currentLine = self.currentLine + linesAdded
- if self.currentLine < 1 then
- self.currentLine = 1
- end
- self.totalLines = self.totalLines + linesAdded
- else
- self.totalLines = self.totalLines + 1
- end
- end
- if self.totalLines < self.height then
- for i = self.totalLines + 1, self.height do
- self.window.setCursorPos(1, i)
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- self.window.clearLine()
- end
- end
- -- End Method
- end
- end
- table.insert(, {
- type = "mouse_click",
- callback = function (self, side, xPos, yPos)
- if craftsListWidget.mode == "list" then
- -- Craft settings
- local item = nil
- if self.selected ~= 0 and yPos + self.scrolled == self.selected + 1 then
- item = crafts[self.selected]
- elseif yPos + self.scrolled == self.totalLines then
- -- New craft !
- crafts[#crafts + 1] ="Craft #" .. #crafts + 1)
- item = crafts[#crafts]
- end
- if item ~= nil then
- -- Print craft configuration
- -- new widget ? configuration widget ? pre made inputs ?
- end
- else
- -- chaining events to another widget -- abstraction needed ? (généraliser à tous les widgets se relayer l'abonnement aux events ?)
- -- TODO : créer un widget CraftSetupWidget permettant de créer un Craft et de revenir à la craftListWidget
- -- Créer un ClickableWidget : créé à partir de coordonnées relatives à l'item affiché contenant un label et un callback !!!
- end
- end
- })
- -- CraftsListWidget Object end
- -- TabsWidget Object start
- tabsWidget =, 1, 1, "Tabs")
- tabsWidget.currentTab = itemsListWidget
- tabsWidget.tabsList = {itemsListWidget, peripheralsListWidget, craftsListWidget}
- function tabsWidget:draw()
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.white)
- self.window.setCursorPos(6, 1)
- self.window.clearLine()
- self.window.write(" ")
- local X = 1
- for key, tab in pairs(tabsWidget.tabsList) do
- if tabsWidget.currentTab == tab then
- self.window.setBackgroundColour(colors.gray)
- else
- self.window.setBackgroundColour(
- end
- self.window.setCursorPos(X, 1)
- self.window.write(tab.label)
- X = X + #tab.label + 1
- end
- end
- table.insert(, {
- type = "mouse_click",
- callback = function (self, side, xPos, yPos)
- -- Tabs
- if (yPos == 1) then
- local X = 1
- for key, tab in pairs(tabsWidget.tabsList) do
- if xPos >= X and xPos <= X + #tab.label then
- tabsWidget.currentTab = tab
- break
- else
- X = X + #tab.label + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- })
- -- TabsWidget Object end
- -- SortWidget Object start
- sortWidget =, 1, 1, "SortingButtons")
- sortWidget.needRedraw = true
- function sortWidget:draw()
- if self.needRedraw then
- table.sort(tabsWidget.currentTab.list, getSortingMethod())
- self.needRedraw = false
- end
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(
- self.window.setTextColor(colors.white)
- self.window.setCursorPos(sizeX-1, 1)
- if sortByName == true then
- self.window.write("N")
- else
- self.window.write("C")
- end
- self.window.setCursorPos(sizeX, 1)
- if sortAscending == true then
- self.window.write("\30")
- else
- self.window.write("\31")
- end
- self.window.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- end
- table.insert(, {
- type = "mouse_click",
- callback = function (self, side, xPos, yPos)
- -- Sorting
- if (xPos == sizeX-1 and yPos == 1) then
- sortByName = not sortByName
- self.needRedraw = true
- elseif (xPos == sizeX and yPos == 1) then
- sortAscending = not sortAscending
- self.needRedraw = true
- end
- end
- })
- -- SortWidget Object end
- local function drawAll()
- local elapsed = os.clock()
- while not eventFired do
- updateItems()
- monitor.setVisible(false)
- -- monitor.clear()
- tabsWidget:draw()
- sortWidget:draw()
- tabsWidget.currentTab:draw()
- -- Debug List Count
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- monitor.setCursorPos(sizeX - 8 + 1 - 4, 1)
- monitor.write(" ")
- monitor.setCursorPos(sizeX - 8 + 1 - 4, 1)
- monitor.write(tabsWidget.currentTab.totalLines)
- -- End Debug
- -- Debug Elapsed Time
- monitor.setBackgroundColor(
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- local elapsedTime = (os.clock() - elapsed)
- local elapsedTimeString = "" .. roundTo((os.clock() - elapsed) / 0.05, 1)
- monitor.setCursorPos(sizeX - 3 + 1 - 4, 1)
- monitor.write(" ")
- monitor.setCursorPos(sizeX - 3 + 1 - #elapsedTimeString, 1)
- monitor.write(elapsedTimeString)
- elapsed = os.clock()
- -- End Debug
- monitor.setVisible(true)
- -- sleep(0)
- if tonumber(elapsedTime) >= 0.01 then
- os.queueEvent("")
- coroutine.yield()
- else
- sleep(0)
- end
- end
- end
- local function catchEvents()
- -- local event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent(eventType)
- while not eventFired do
- local event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent()
- while event ~= "monitor_touch" and event ~= "mouse_click" and event ~= "mouse_up" and event ~= "mouse_drag"
- and event ~= "mouse_scroll" and event ~= "peripheral" and event ~= "peripheral_detach" do
- event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent()
- end
- if tabsWidget ~= nil then
- tabsWidget:handleEvents(event, side, xPos, yPos)
- tabsWidget.currentTab:handleEvents(event, side, xPos, yPos)
- end
- if sortWidget ~= nil then
- sortWidget:handleEvents(event, side, xPos, yPos)
- end
- if event == "monitor_touch" then
- for key, node in pairs(nodes) do
- if node.side == side then
- node:drawNetworkName()
- end
- end
- end
- if event == "peripheral" or event == "peripheral_detach" then
- findPeripherals()
- refreshScreens()
- eventFired = true
- end
- end
- end
- local function updateLoop()
- while not eventFired do
- refreshInventories()
- refreshScreens()
- sleep(0)
- end
- end
- local function transferLoop()
- while not eventFired do
- local movingItemsFunctionsTable = {}
- for indexMaster = 1, #nodes do
- if nodes[indexMaster] ~= nil and nodes[indexMaster].inventory ~= nil and nodes[indexMaster].inventoryType ~= nil and nodes[indexMaster].inventoryType == "Input" then
- for indexSlotMaster = 1, nodes[indexMaster].inventory.capacity do
- if nodes[indexMaster].inventory.items[indexSlotMaster] ~= nil and nodes[indexMaster].inventory.items[indexSlotMaster].count > 0 then
- local targetFound = false
- for indexSlave = 1, #nodes do
- if not targetFound and nodes[indexSlave] ~= nil and nodes[indexSlave].inventory ~= nil and nodes[indexSlave].inventoryType ~= nil and nodes[indexSlave].inventoryType == "Output" then
- for indexSlotSlave = 1, nodes[indexSlave].inventory.capacity do
- if not targetFound and nodes[indexSlave].inventory.items[indexSlotSlave] ~= nil and nodes[indexSlave].inventory.items[indexSlotSlave].count > 0 and nodes[indexSlave].inventory.items[indexSlotSlave].name == nodes[indexMaster].inventory.items[indexSlotMaster].name then
- movingItemsFunctionsTable[#movingItemsFunctionsTable + 1] = function()
- local ret = nodes[indexMaster]:pushItem(nodes[indexSlave].side, indexSlotMaster)
- if ret ~= nil and ret > 0 then
- nodes[indexMaster].inventory.items[indexSlotMaster].count = nodes[indexMaster].inventory.items[indexSlotMaster].count - ret
- -- else
- -- handle error (slot is full ? peripheral is off ?)
- end
- end
- targetFound = true
- break
- end
- end
- elseif targetFound then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if #movingItemsFunctionsTable > 0 then
- parallel.waitForAll(unpack(movingItemsFunctionsTable))
- end
- sleep(0)
- end
- end
- -- Loop
- local function main()
- findPeripherals()
- refreshScreens()
- while true do
- refreshInventories()
- parallel.waitForAll(catchEvents, drawAll, updateLoop, transferLoop)
- eventFired = false
- -- sleep(0)
- end
- end
- local status, retval = pcall(main)
- monitor.clear()
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, sizeY);
- if not status then
- printError(retval)
- else
- print(retval)
- end
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