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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # If you would like to run it on merlin, please use python2.4 instead.
- #
- # Author: Izidor Matušov <>
- # Date: 09.02.2013
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- from math import pi
- from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
- from time import time
- try:
- import gtk
- except ImportError:
- print("PyGTK is available to python2.4 on Merlin, run it like this:\n")
- print("python2.4 %s" % (" ".join(sys.argv)))
- sys.exit(0)
- import gobject
- class Canvas(gtk.DrawingArea):
- """ Canvas board for Connect-k """
- __gsignals__ = {
- 'quit' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [bool]),
- 'first' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [int, int]),
- 'stones' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [int, int, int, int]),
- }
- def __init__(self, is_first):
- super(Canvas, self).__init__()
- self.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK)
- self.connect('expose-event', self.on_draw)
- self._click_handler = self.connect('button-press-event', self.on_click)
- # Board
- self.board = [[None for i in range(BOARD_SIZE)] for i in range(BOARD_SIZE)]
- # Which things to highlight?
- self.solution = None
- # Moves to send
- self.stones = []
- # Was the first move already played?
- self.first_move = is_first
- # Player's & enemy's symbol
- if is_first:
- self.player, self.enemy = 0, 1
- else:
- self.player, self.enemy = 1, 0
- def on_draw(self, drawing_area, event):
- """ Draw the canvas:
- * background -- white space
- * highlighted solution
- * grid
- * stones
- """
- alloc = self.get_allocation()
- width, height = alloc[2], alloc[3]
- size_x, size_y = width // BOARD_SIZE, height // BOARD_SIZE
- cr_ctxt = self.window.cairo_create() # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
- cairo = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cr_ctxt)
- # Background
- cairo.set_source_rgb(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
- cairo.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)
- cairo.fill()
- # Highlight the win
- if self.solution is not None:
- x, y, t = self.solution
- player = self.board[y][x]
- cairo.set_source_rgb(1, 0.8, 1)
- while 0 <= y < BOARD_SIZE and 0 <= x < BOARD_SIZE and self.board[y][x] == player:
- cairo.rectangle(x * size_x, y * size_y,
- size_x, size_y)
- if t == 'h':
- x, y = x + 1, y
- elif t == 'v':
- x, y = x, y + 1
- elif t == 'd1':
- x, y = x + 1, y + 1
- elif t == 'd2':
- x, y = x - 1, y + 1
- cairo.fill()
- # Grid
- cairo.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
- cairo.set_line_width(1)
- # Horizontal
- for i in range(BOARD_SIZE):
- y = i * size_y
- cairo.move_to(0, y)
- cairo.line_to(width, y)
- # Vertical
- for i in range(BOARD_SIZE):
- x = i * size_x
- cairo.move_to(x, 0)
- cairo.line_to(x, height)
- cairo.stroke()
- # Points
- for y in range(BOARD_SIZE):
- for x in range(BOARD_SIZE):
- owner = self.board[y][x]
- base_x, base_y = x * size_x, y * size_y
- if owner is None:
- continue
- if owner == 0:
- cairo.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
- else:
- cairo.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1)
- cairo.set_line_width(2)
- radius = min(size_x, size_y) // 2 - 5
- cairo.arc(base_x + size_x // 2, base_y + size_y // 2, radius, 0, 2 * pi)
- cairo.fill()
- return False
- def on_click(self, widget, event, data=None):
- """ Handle click event """
- alloc = self.get_allocation()
- width, height = alloc[2], alloc[3]
- size_x, size_y = width // BOARD_SIZE, height // BOARD_SIZE
- # if the last row/column is not a square, handle it correctly
- x = min(int(event.x // size_x), BOARD_SIZE - 1)
- y = min(int(event.y // size_y), BOARD_SIZE - 1)
- if self.board[y][x] is None:
- self.board[y][x] = self.player
- # Protocol uses 0-based coords
- self.stones.append(x + 1)
- self.stones.append(y + 1)
- # Check solution only after complete move
- if len(self.stones) >= 4:
- self.solution = self.check_board()
- self.queue_draw()
- if self.first_move and len(self.stones) >= 2:
- self.first_move = False
- self.emit('first', *self.stones)
- self.stones = []
- elif len(self.stones) >= 4:
- # Don't allow further input when one of players won
- if self.solution is not None:
- self.disconnect(self._click_handler)
- x, y, _ = self.solution
- assert self.board[y][x] is not None
- self.emit('quit', self.player == self.board[y][x])
- return True
- self.emit('stones', *self.stones)
- self.stones = []
- return True
- def enemy_move(self, moves):
- """ Mark moves of the enemy """
- for x, y in moves:
- assert 1 <= x <= BOARD_SIZE and 1 <= y <= BOARD_SIZE
- # Convert to 0-based coords
- x, y = x - 1, y - 1
- assert self.board[y][x] is None
- self.board[y][x] = self.enemy
- self.solution = self.check_board()
- if self.solution is not None:
- self.disconnect(self._click_handler)
- x, y, _ = self.solution
- assert self.board[y][x] is not None
- self.emit('quit', self.player == self.board[y][x])
- self.queue_draw()
- def check_board(self):
- """ Check board if somebody wins
- Return (x, y, type) where type can be:
- * h -- horizontal
- * v -- vertical
- * d1 -- left diagonal
- * d2 -- right diagonal
- """
- for y in range(BOARD_SIZE):
- for x in range(BOARD_SIZE):
- player = self.board[y][x]
- if player is None:
- continue
- for i in range(1, CONNECT_N):
- dx = x + i
- if dx >= BOARD_SIZE:
- break
- if self.board[y][dx] != player:
- break
- else:
- return (x, y, 'h')
- for i in range(1, CONNECT_N):
- dy = y + i
- if dy >= BOARD_SIZE:
- break
- if self.board[dy][x] != player:
- break
- else:
- return (x, y, 'v')
- for i in range(1, CONNECT_N):
- dx, dy = x + i, y + i
- if dx >= BOARD_SIZE or dy >= BOARD_SIZE:
- break
- if self.board[dy][dx] != player:
- break
- else:
- return (x, y, 'd1')
- for i in range(1, CONNECT_N):
- dx, dy = x - i, y + i
- if 0 > dx or dy >= BOARD_SIZE:
- break
- if self.board[dy][dx] != player:
- break
- else:
- return (x, y, 'd2')
- class Prolog(object):
- """ Object for communication with prolog code """
- def __init__(self):
- self.proc = Popen([self._find_binary()], bufsize=1, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
- self.last_duration = None
- def _find_binary(self):
- """ Run make and return executable in format of xlogin00 """
- os.system("make")
- for fpath in os.listdir('.'):
- if os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) and \
- re.match(r'x[a-z]{5}[0-9]{2}', fpath):
- return "./" + fpath
- def _cmd(self, cmd):
- """ Pass a command to prolog binary
- Track the time needed to respond.
- """
- print("<-- " + cmd[:-1])
- start = time()
- self.proc.stdin.write(cmd.encode())
- self.proc.stdin.flush()
- out = self.proc.stdout.readline()
- self.last_duration = time() - start
- response = out.decode()
- print("--> " + response[:-1])
- print("")
- return response
- def start(self):
- """ Send START command """
- move = self._cmd("START;\n")
- x, y = move.strip(';\n').split(':')[1].split(',')
- return (int(x), int(y))
- def _parse_stones(self, response):
- """ Parse response STONES:x1,y1;x2,y2; """
- raw_moves = response.strip(';\n').split(':')[1].split(';')
- moves = [(int(x) for x in move.split(',')) for move in raw_moves]
- assert len(moves) == 2
- return moves
- def first(self, x, y):
- """ Send FIRST command """
- cmd = "FIRST:%d,%d;\n" % (x, y)
- return self._parse_stones(self._cmd(cmd))
- def stones(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
- """ Send STONES command """
- cmd = "STONES:%d,%d;%d,%d;\n" % (x1, y1, x2, y2)
- return self._parse_stones(self._cmd(cmd))
- def quit(self):
- """ Send QUIT command """
- self._cmd("QUIT;\n")
- self.proc.communicate()
- def enter(self):
- self._cmd("\n")
- self.proc.communicate()
- class App(object):
- """ Class for connecting Canvas, gtk and prolog """
- def __init__(self, is_first):
- window = gtk.Window()
- window.set_title('FLP :: Connect6')
- window.set_resizable(False)
- window.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
- main_vbox = gtk.VBox()
- = gtk.Label()
-, 0.5)
- main_vbox.pack_start(, False, False, 10)
- self.button = gtk.Button("Enter")
- self.button.connect('clicked',
- main_vbox.pack_start(self.button, False, False, 10)
- self.canvas = Canvas(is_first)
- self.canvas.set_size_request(608, 608)
- self.canvas.connect('first', self.on_first)
- self.canvas.connect('stones', self.on_stones)
- self.canvas.connect('quit', self.on_quit)
- main_vbox.pack_start(self.canvas, True, True, 0)
- window.add(main_vbox)
- window.show_all()
- self.prolog = Prolog()
- self.is_first = is_first
- self.winner = None
- if self.is_first:
- self.update_info()
- else:
- self.on_start()
- def update_info(self):
- """ Update markup of the info bar """
- if self.winner is None:
- if self.is_first:
- starter = "You have"
- else:
- starter = "Prolog has"
- text = "%s black stones " % (starter)
- if self.prolog.last_duration is None:
- response = 0
- else:
- response = self.prolog.last_duration
- if response >= 1:
- markup_start, markup_end = "<span foreground='red'>", "</span>"
- else:
- markup_start, markup_end = "",""
- text += "Response time: %s%.3fs%s" % (markup_start,
- response, markup_end)
- elif self.winner:
-"<b>You have won!</b>")
-, 0.5)
- else:
-"<b>Prolog has won!</b>")
-, 0.5)
- def on_start(self):
- """ Let prolog start """
- move = self.prolog.start()
- self.canvas.enemy_move([move])
- self.update_info()
- def on_first(self, widget, x, y):
- """ The first stone was placed """
- moves = self.prolog.first(x, y)
- self.canvas.enemy_move(moves)
- self.update_info()
- def on_stones(self, widget, x1, y1, x2, y2):
- """ Two stones were placed """
- moves = self.prolog.stones(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- self.canvas.enemy_move(moves)
- self.update_info()
- def on_quit(self, widget, is_winner):
- """ Finish prolog """
- self.winner = is_winner
- self.prolog.quit()
- self.update_info()
- def click(self, n):
- self.prolog.enter()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- is_first = False
- if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
- if "--help" in sys.argv[1:]:
- print("""Human interface for Connect6
- FLP, Logic project
- Created by Izidor Matusov <>
- {without arguments}\tyou are the second (white) player
- <me|first|start|begin>\tstart as the first (black) player
- --help\tprint this help message""")
- sys.exit(0)
- for expr in ["me", "first", "start", "begin"]:
- if expr in sys.argv[1:]:
- is_first = True
- break
- App(is_first)
- gtk.main()
- # vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
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