
Jaune's Harem Part 5: Glynda Unrevised

Oct 9th, 2013
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  1. As Pyrrha and Ruby walk down that hall to their corresponding rooms they overhear a group of students passing by...
  3. "Hey, have you guys heard about that one guy yet?"
  4. "Who the Arc guy?"
  5. "The guy that's been going around and *whisper**whisper*"
  6. "That's the one. I heard he actually got caught."
  7. "No Way!"
  8. "Yup, and by Glynda herself!"
  9. "Caught red-handed doing something like that, and by the headmasters assistant no less."
  10. "I feel sorry for him... I actually kind of wanted to meet him..."
  11. "Yeah. I heard he's an animal in bed."
  12. "H-hey! I didn't mean anything like that! How lewd!"
  13. "Sure, suuure! That's why you're blushing so hard then, riiiight?"
  14. "Hey ladies, who need that freak when I'm right here, huh?"
  15. "Oh please, we know what the guys in the locker room call you."
  16. "Limp dick Cardin, ahahahah!"
  18. As their voices trail off, Pyrrha and Ruby can't help but feel immense concern for you. The two immediately turn on their heels and rush to the main office.
  23. Glynda sits behind a her desk with her legs and arms crossed as Ruby and Pyrrha scramble into the room.
  25. "Ah, Ruby Rose and Pyrrha Nikos. Good thing you're here, I was just about to call for you two. I know you must be very excited, but please have a seat with the others."
  27. Looking around, the two of them notice Weiss, Yang, and Blake sitting in the waiting chairs to the side of the room. Weiss and Yang look annoyed, but Blake just looks....
  28. "Uhh, Yang... is she okay?"
  29. "I think so. She's just been sitting there with the biggest blushing smile on her face all day."
  30. "Jeez, what did Jaune do to her?"
  31. Glynda steps into the conversation
  32. "Apparently she imprinted on him. If you haven't already guessed, your friend there is a fauness, the second to enter Beacon as far as I know, and it's still her mating season. Jaune's been on a bit of a rampage with the women of this school, and every horny fauness on campus could smell the pheromones sweating off of him."
  34. All the girls look at Blake with a bit of shock, but turn to Glynda, even more shocked that she knows about everything that's been happening.
  36. "Oh don't look so surprised. You may not have security camera's in your domiciles, but catching him the way we did, and the massive Aura fluctuations we've been experiencing every time he... is engaged, made it easy to piece together what's been happening the past few days."
  38. Pyrrha turns to face her with a determined look.
  39. "So what now, Ma'am?"
  41. With a stern glare, Glynda uses her Holopad to bring up an array of statistics and graphs.
  42. "Do you girls know what these are?"
  44. "They look like Aura statistics." Says Weiss chiming in.
  45. "Very good. Interesting Aura that one. Jaune, I mean. Unlike anything I've seen since... From the data my team an I have gathered on Jaune Arc, it seems this young man has developed an extremely rare ability."
  47. The holoprojections flicker and bring up Aura statistics on Jaune and every girls he's encountered since "Case-0"
  48. Pyrrha's name and student picture appears on the holoprojection, and Glynda gives her one of her trademark "resolve-shattering glares"
  49. Pyrrha returns the look with one of her own, one so sharp it could clip right through your soul.
  51. "So, just what is this "rare ability?"
  52. "He doesn't know it yet, but he can siphon off other people's auras, strengthening his own."
  54. "What?!"
  55. "No Way..."
  56. "Is that even possible?"
  58. The whole group seems surprised, save Blake who is still in her trance-like bliss.
  60. "It's very possible. The way it works is that, during your various engagements, he subconsciously matches his aura frequency to his partners. The more compatible the two aura's become, the easier it is for him to steal the aura of his partners. The whole process is so powerful that in its wake large tremors begin. The more energy he takes, the weaker his partner becomes until their aura's can recharge, and the stronger, physically and mentally, he becomes. From the data we've collected on him so far we can conclude two things; The first is that right now, his aura is powerful enough to match even that of the precursors or old. He doesn't know it yet, but his aura is so powerful that if he matched it with another person properly, he could send them into a fit of everlasting orgasm, no matter their species or gender. The effects of this are already evident in Blake Belladonna there."
  62. Everyone's face turns deeply serious.
  64. "There's no way..."
  65. "Well what's the second conclusion...?" Pyrrha asks.
  67. "Obviously we need to keep him under control. Right now his aura is lying dormant while he awaits his punishment in detention, but we need to get him to release all of that energy somehow. To do this, we need the people who's aura's are the most compatible with his own.
  69. To do that... we need you five..."
  71. Everyone looks at each other, still bewildered by all the information that has suddenly been dropped onto them. All of a sudden, it was up to them to prevent Jaune from turning into the "God-of-Sex".
  73. "...But Pyrrha Nikos, especially."
  75. All eyes turn to Pyrrha.
  77. "What do you mean? Why me?"
  78. "Of all of you, Your aura is the MOST compatible with Jaune's. The basis of the plan is that we trick his aura into changing its form rapidly by having the 5 of you taking turns with him. Once we do that, we'll need to streamline his aura energy into a single focal point, and because your aura is the most compatible of us, we need you to be that focal point. You need to be the "anchor", just as if we were in a relay race."
  80. "I'm all for it, I need to by him back for cumming in my hair." Spouts Yang.
  81. "If it's to save Jaune and the world, I'll do it." Says Ruby enthusiastically.
  82. "I'll do it with him... one more time, if I absolutely HAVE too. Not like I want to do it." Tsundere's Weiss.
  83. "...O-ok-k-kay...." Stutters Blake.
  85. "What happens to Jaune once we've finished...?" Pyrrha asks considerately.
  87. Glynda stands there, regretful to have to reveal the truth of the situation.
  89. "Once done, his aura will be completely diminished. He'll be back in his original weak state, and will be kept in chastity to prevent him becoming a threat once again."
  91. "...... I won't do it..."
  92. "What?"
  93. "I said I won't do!"
  94. "What in the hell do you mean, Miss Nikos? Jaune is a threat to all of us! You're the key to the whole plan and we can't accomplish this without you!"
  95. "I don't care! Jaune is... I... He's my friend! I'm not going to strip him down like that! I'm not going to help you turn him into an empty husk of a person! I know you sugar-coated your explanation! I know that if we do this, his Aura could possibly NEVER rebound!"
  96. "So you know then..."
  98. "And what's all this "you all" bullshit!? I was the one who made him a man! I never wanted to share him! I deserve to be with him more than any of you. Screw your stupid plan! I'm not doing this."
  100. Pyrrha angrily storms out of the room with tears in her eyes as girls and guards alike step out of her way.
  102. "Umm, Miss Glynda? What should we do now?"
  103. Glynda composes herself before answering Ruby.
  104. "Now, we continue with the plan."
  105. "But don't we need her? Is it going to work without her?"
  106. "Failsafes, dear child. There's always a failsafe. There's always a substitute."
  107. "Who..."
  112. You sit alone in the quiet, dingy classroom. You've been here for almost an hour with nothing to do but sit and wait for someone to sentence you.
  113. *sigh* 'I hope Blake is alright. Maybe I took it too far with her. Maybe I've gone too far with everyone. Being a harem king isn't exactly normal, but I can't say it isn't fun..."
  115. You hear a click that echos loudly throughout the room. Glynda steps through the doorway, and there seem to be a number of people standing outside, but you can't make them out. What's more interesting is Glynda. Is she here to punish you personally?
  117. 'Oh man, I am in so much trouble. I can't imagine the things a true Huntress could do to annihilate me.'
  119. "Jaune Arc. What shall I do with you...?"
  120. "... You could let me go... maybe...?"
  121. Glynda puts down a large sports bag, and you grit your teeth in fear as it makes a large metallic clang upon falling on the ground in front of you.
  122. "Aha... Not a chance. I won't bother reading you your charges, you already know what it is you've done. You might be better off assuming the worst is about to happen to you."
  124. She walks past you, stands in front of you, and bends over, her legs spread shoulder width apart. Her amazingly robust bottom pronounces itself to you, and the sight sends pangs of lust down you. Your better instincts prevent you from reacting to her, but you find yourself wondering why she did that at all.
  126. After retrieving something from the bag, she stands herself up, performs an "about-face" and hides the item behind her back. It's now that you have a chance to notice the blouse she's wearing. It's a very revealing thin-plain white open-bust cut blouse. It seems as though it was open-cut a little more open than the designer had intended. Not only can you see her glorious cleavage, but you think you're able to make out part of her areolas.
  128. Coyly, she bends forward, in front of you and her large bust hangs out in front of you, unencumbered by a bra of any kind.
  129. "What do you think I'm going to do to you?"
  131. 'Wait wait wait, what in the hell is going on?! Is she trying to seduce me? ....I don't like this... I'm not in control here. I have a bad feeling about this. If this is the game this old woman wants to play, then fine. Time for a game changer.'
  133. With a slight smirk you say
  134. "Nothing exactly comes to mind, but something tells me I'm in quite a bit of trouble."
  135. "Mmmmhmph." Glynda stands and walks herself behind you chair. She places her hands on your shoulders, forces you into a more relaxed position, and rests her breasts on the back of your neck.
  136. "You have no idea what kind of trouble you are in, boy. I've seen what you've been doing and it seems like you've been having fun, yes? It took my teams a while to track you down, but now that I have you..."
  137. She begins to gently run her fingers through your hair, and you begin to let yourself get comfortable. As you do, she leans over to your ear and whispers
  138. "...All to myself... I think I'll just go ahead and have some fun of my own..."
  139. You feel a silver tongue begin to lick your ear.
  140. "Oh... now how did you know my soft spot?"
  141. "I told you, didn't I? I've been watching you... Now, this--"
  142. Before you can break out of your sudden arousal, you feel her lock a brace around your neck. Sharp needles shoot into you, and you can feel something being injected into your neck.
  143. "Is your punishment."
  144. Glynda backs away as you struggle to break free of the device.
  145. "W-what the hell?! What on Earth is this?! What did you do?"
  146. "Ahahaha, you should see the look on your face, you cocky little brat. Notice anything funny going on?"
  148. You'd think that the sudden shock fear would make you flaccid instantly, but upon further inspection, your getting harder by the second. Your pants are beginning to get too constricting, but you dare not let it out in front of this witch. Suddenly, your muscles begin to fail, and you fall to your knees. You can no longer control your dick as it grows so stone hard that it bursts through your pants. Glynda seems to be enjoying the show and she hungrily licks her lips.
  150. "What... did you do to me...!"
  151. "A little something call paralysis. Oh and a bit of a performance enhancer as well. The point is to make it so that you can't move, but you're up enough so that I can do anything I want with you as long as I want too."
  153. As the fear and shock set in, you begin to realize what's going on. You are being raped. The sheer embarrassment is more than enough to drastically diminish your ego.
  154. "What are you going to do!?"
  156. "AHahahahaha... Oh Jaune. I am going to... punish you."
  157. "Why are you doing this to me?"
  159. Glynda slides off one of her high-heels, revealing a slender stocking-clad foot that she places curtly on your erect penis. She begins to slide it up your shaft, and locks the head between her big and middle toe. The feeling gets you more aroused it normally would. It's evident that the stimulant is taking effect on you.
  160. 'Not to worry. If I just think of things that turn me off, I'll be fine.... Got it! Lie Ren and Cardin running train on an Ursa. Lie Ren and Cardin running train on an Ursa.'
  162. "Trying to resist? It's no use, boy. I'm on official business, so I've got all day to play with you."
  164. She moves her foot to stand up straight, and with a flick of her wand four bright-purple lights bind themselves to you wrists and ankles and begin to levitate you upright in front of her. The blood coursing through you member pulsates strongly now that your change in position is increasing the blood flow. A set of five soft, slender, fingers finds their way down your chest, past your abdomen, up your shaft, and begins teasing your head directly. Being constricted like so is making you intensely anxious. You open your eyes to look at her, and as you stare down past her cleavage, you see that she has unbuttoned a single button of her shirt right where the apex of her breasts would be.
  166. She pulls you by the dick, towards her, and guides you into the heavenly soft nape of her chest. This is the first time you been between a woman's breasts, and it feel radically different the being in a woman's mouth, vagina, or anus. You are unsure whether the drug is really effective or is Glynda's breasts have been blessed by some sort of magic, because the feeling is incredible.
  168. So incredible, in fact, that you can't resist thrusting yourself into her, in spite of the paralysis weakening your body.
  170. "Resisting the paralysis just to get off? How weak you are Jaune Arc. Very well, you may indulge yourself."
  172. 'How can I be letting her get the better of me? Why does this feel so GOOD?!'
  174. You struggle to break your restraints, but it seems fruitless. You are still bound, and you are still haplessly forcing yourself into her. You slip in between her large breasts so easily, it would seem that she'd oiled herself up before hand. She PLANNED this! And the sensation of your head rubbing against the inside of her shirt isn't helping. Something so subtle is getting to you so easily.
  176. Before long, you can feel a climax approaching. Weakened, vulnerable, and ashamed, you are seconds away from plastering Glynda's bust, glazing them in your thick white aura. It takes as much strength of will as you have to bring yourself to a halt.
  178. "Oh my, you're a bit stronger than I thought to be able to stop yourself when wrapped up in my bosom. However, we can't have you holding out on me... C'mon Jaune, spread it all over me..."
  180. She stands up, brings her hands to her chest and begins sliding her breasts up and down your shaft. In only a few strokes the sensation becomes too much. You can no longer hold back. The stars align, the flood gates open, and buckets of white fluid flow out of you.
  184. Try as you might, you can't hold back, and as your aura begins to to glow, then flicker, then fade, you feel a lot of your power flowing out of you as well.
  186. Glynda, with that same wide, satisfied-looking grin on her face, unbuttons her blouse and removes it. The flow of your climax was powerful enough to reach her face, her hair, and even her back. As if simply to tease you, she uses her index finger to scoop up a drop, sensually sucks on it, and swallows it with a gulp. The sight cause you to shoot another shot onto her neck.
  188. "Very good, Jaune. I am impressed. My last toy was not nearly as entertaining. Still though, it's just not fair for you to be getting all the pleasure out of this."
  190. She waves her wand, and you fall into a nearby chair with your hands held behind you. It's no use anymore, your body is weak and that last climax was so powerful you nearly blacked out. The only part of your body that is still lively is you penis. It just wont quit, and you can't take anymore.
  192. Glynda lifts up her skirt and tears a hole in her stocking, revealing that she has been pantyless this whole time. Past your tired eyelids, you can see her stride sexily towards you, stop above you, and guide you just outside her wet slit.
  194. "Wait... Hold on a second."
  195. "I'm sorry, I can't. You're still far to powerful to be left alone."
  196. "You're doing this... to weaken me?"
  197. "Aha, oh dear, it seems I let a bit of information slip out. Do forgive me, it's for the safety of everyone.
  199. With gusto, she fall down onto you.
  200. "AH!... Wow... it feels even bigger inside."
  201. She bounce on you a few times before finding a decent rhythm, taking short breaks in between fits to slowly grind your penis against the walls of her uterus in a way that bends your member. You don't know how you could possibly climax again, but you feel it is inevitable. As she continues to rail on you, her breasts slapping your face with each thrust, you can feel it coming. Closer and closer until out of the blue Glynda just jumps off of you.
  203. The sudden jarring recoil is painful, but you've already crossed the point of no return. Glynda gets on her knees in front of you, and watches as you climax, hands free. Streams of your fluids fly across the room, most of them falling onto her upper body, but the lack of contact makes it hurt, while at the same time if feels incredibly good.
  205. Through all the pain, you can see your aura activating again, but strangely this time it seems to fly off of you in sporadic white wisps. With no where to go, they dissipate, and fade away as the ground beneath you quakes ferociously.
  207. You left out a shout, and faint, defeated.
  209. "I'm sorry, Jaune, but you should prepare yourself. This was only the beginning...."
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