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- <?php
- session_start();
- error_reporting(0);
- include "config/koneksi.php";
- include "config/library.php";
- if (empty($_SESSION[username]) AND empty($_SESSION[password])) {
- header('location:home.php?module=warning');
- }
- else {
- $module=$_GET[module];
- $act=$_GET[act];
- if ($module=='keranjang' AND $act=='tambah'){
- $sid = $_SESSION[email];
- $sql2 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT stok FROM produk WHERE id_produk='$_GET[id]'");
- $r=mysqli_fetch_array($sql2);
- $stok=$r[stok];
- if ($stok == 0){
- echo "stok habis";
- }
- else{
- // check if the product is already
- // in cart table for this session
- $sql = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT id_produk FROM orders_temp
- WHERE id_produk='$_GET[id]' AND id_session='$sid'");
- $ketemu=mysqli_num_rows($sql);
- if ($ketemu==0){
- // put the product in cart table
- mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO orders_temp (id_produk, jumlah, id_session, tgl_order_temp, jam_order_temp, stok_temp)
- VALUES ('$_GET[id]', 1, '$sid', '$tgl_sekarang', '$jam_sekarang', '$stok')");
- } else {
- // update product quantity in cart table
- mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE orders_temp
- SET jumlah = jumlah + 1
- WHERE id_session ='$sid' AND id_produk='$_GET[id]'");
- }
- deleteAbandonedCart();
- header('Location:home.php?module=keranjangbelanja');
- }
- }
- elseif ($module=='keranjang' AND $act=='hapus'){
- mysqli_query($con,"DELETE FROM orders_temp WHERE id_orders_temp='$_GET[id]'");
- header('Location:home.php?module=keranjangbelanja');
- }
- elseif ($module=='keranjang' AND $act=='update'){
- $id = $_POST[id];
- $jml_data = count($id);
- $jumlah = $_POST[jml]; // quantity
- for ($i=1; $i <= $jml_data; $i++){
- $sql2 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT stok_temp FROM orders_temp WHERE id_orders_temp='".$id[$i]."'");
- while($r=mysqli_fetch_array($sql2)){
- if ($jumlah[$i] > $r[stok_temp]){
- echo "<script>window.alert('Jumlah yang dibeli melebihi stok yang ada');
- window.location=('home.php?module=keranjangbelanja')</script>";
- }
- elseif($jumlah[$i] == 0){
- echo "<script>window.alert('Anda tidak boleh menginputkan angka 0 atau mengkosongkannya!');
- window.location=('home.php?module=keranjangbelanja')</script>";
- }
- else{
- mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE orders_temp SET jumlah = '".$jumlah[$i]."'
- WHERE id_orders_temp = '".$id[$i]."'");
- header('Location:home.php?module=keranjangbelanja');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Delete all cart entries older than one day
- */
- function deleteAbandonedCart(){
- $kemarin = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0, date('m'), date('d') - 1, date('Y')));
- mysqli_query($con,"DELETE FROM orders_temp
- WHERE tgl_order_temp < '$kemarin'");
- }
- ?>
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