
VillagerModifications config

Nov 26th, 2024
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  1. #######################################################################################################
  2. # Version: 1.5.0                                                                                      #
  3. # By: Xyaafol                                                                                         #
  4. # Commands:                                                                                           #
  5. # /vmreload - Reloads the plugin with settings changed in this file. Requires OP.                     #
  6. # /vmbook - Gives the player a book example of the book used for the book restriction. Requires OP.   #
  7. # /vmwhitelist - Toggles on whitelisting mode to stop changes on server shopkeepers                   #
  8. # /vmremove - Toggles on the whitelist removing mode.                                                 #
  9. # /vmoff - Toggles off both the whitelist and whitelist removing modes.                               #
  10. # /vmtime - Gives the current time restrictions set for villagers - for testing only                  #
  11. # /vmeta - Outputs the meta values of the item held to the MetaOutput file.                           #
  12. #######################################################################################################
  14. # Custom Currency: Set here a material and item meta if you would like to use a custom currency for some of the villager trades.
  15. #Simply use the /vmeta command in game whilst holding any item in order to output the ItemMeta settings to a MetaOutput file
  16. #and copy the exact output over to this section, replacing the ItemMeta section below. Ensure that the Material is also set correctly.
  17. #Once set, use in trades lower in the config by using the material name 'CUSTOM'. An example is shown in the SilkTouch trade.
  21. # begin: Time in ticks that villagers can be traded from (day starts at 1000 ticks). Set to 2000 by default.
  22. # end: time in ticks that villagers can be traded until (night starts at 13000 ticks). Set to 8999 by default.
  23. # alert: sends a message to the player if enabled to tell them that the villager is ony available during work hours.
  25. Work:
  26.   begin: 2000
  27.   end: 8999
  30. # alert: Sends an alert to the players when they interact with an unavailable villager.
  31. # on: 0 for off, 1 for on.
  32. # message: The alert that will be sent to the player if alert is on.
  34. AlertOn: 0
  35. AlertMessage: "This villager is outside of their work times"
  39. # allVillagers: sets an override for all villagers
  40. # restricted: Value of 0 by default means that only villagers with trades containing restricted books are bound by Work begin and Work end.
  41. #Set to 1 for all villagers to be restricted.
  42. # disablexp: Value of 0 by default, change to 1 to disable player gaining xp from all trades.
  43. # levelmax: Value of 0 by default, change to 1 in order to give all villagers max xp when first interacting with them. Players will then only have to trade once each time to level them up
  44. #Use in the case that you want all villager trades to be alot more accessable to the players.
  45. # HotV(Hero of the Village): Value of 5 by default, Controls the maximimum level of hero of the village buff possible - will reduce any levels of the effect down to this if the player has a level higher than the value.
  46. #Players can get up to HotV level 5 in the game naturally, giving a 55% discount. Set to 0 to completely disable the effect.
  48. # changeProfessions: Set to true by default - change this to false in order to stop villagers changing their professions once one has been chosen.
  49. #Will stop the game from letting villagers change to the no profession state again - ensuring they cannot choose another.
  50. #Can be reversed by setting back to true.
  52. allVillagers:
  53.   restricted: 0
  54.   disablexp: 0
  55.   levelmax: 0
  56.   HotV: 3
  57.   changeProfessions: true
  60. # TradesOff: Set this to 1 in order to disable all villager trades. Good for completely removing the trading aspect of the game.
  61. #Do not set this value to anything other than 0 or 1. This will stop the plugin from changing trades at all.
  63. TradesOff: 0
  67. # CustomItem: Add the bukkit name of any item here that villagers sell to alter its trade.
  68. #Copy the example of clock at the bottom of the config in order to edit the changes to the trade.
  70. CustomItem:
  71.  - "CLOCK"
  72.   - "COAL_ORE"
  76. # enchantments: Enter any enchantments here and then their corresponding restrictions below
  77. #Please ensure that all enchantments are spelt correctly and have the level following a colon after them
  78. #Use underscores for all spaces in enchantment names
  79. #Enchantments with no level normally attached to them should be written as 'silk_touch:1"
  81. enchantments:
  82.  - "mending:1"
  83.   - "silk_touch:1"
  84.   - "efficiency:5"
  85.   - "efficiency:4"
  86.   - "fortune:3"
  87.   - "unbreaking:3"
  90. # Book-Title: Controls the title of the book in the 'book' control for trades
  91. # Book-Lore: Controls the lore of the book in the 'book' control for trades.
  93. Book:
  94.   Title: "Β§aVillager Trade Book"
  95.   Lore: "Trade Value:1"
  98. # mending: Copy this block of code and change the enchantment name to any that you would like to control.
  99. #Use the same name as under enchantments but with the colon replaced with an underscore.
  101. # restricted: Controls if villagers with this enchanted book follow the begin and end times above.
  102. #Value of 0 by default for work time restrictions active on mending. Set to 0 for time restrictions off.
  104. # change: Controls if villagers with this enchanted book have the trade containing said book changed to the following material, cost, book, and uses set below.
  105. #Value of 0 by default, set to 1 to activate changed trades.
  107. # xpvalue: Controls the amount of experience the villager gains for their profession level when this trade is used.
  108. #Value of 2 by default, would require 10 trades to reach the second villager level. Use the xp scale to keep the trade xp working at all levels.
  109. #Recommended to keep at 1 or 2 any more will make it very easy to level up using the trade.
  111. # xpscale: Toggles the setting to allow or stop the scaling of xp in relation to the villager level. If disabled trades will reward alot less villager xp after one each level up.
  112. #Value of 1 by default, recommended to keep at 1 unless you know more about villager trade levels.
  114. # material: Controls the item that is used in place of emeralds in the trade. Must be all caps and offical bukkit names.
  117. # cost: Number of the material item needed for the trade.
  118. #Value of 64 by default. Obeys default material stack count.
  120. # book: Changes book needed for the trade to a custom book. Set to 0 for normal book trade.
  121. #Value of 0 by default. Used for making mending trades only possible with create or kit rewards. Use /vmbook to recieve a copy for setup.
  123. # uses:Number of times the trade can be used before the villager restocks.
  124. #Anywhere from 0 for cant trade at all to 9999 for infinite trades. Default 1.
  125. #Villagers will still restock up to 2 times per day.
  128. mending_1:
  129.   restricted: 0
  130.   change: 1
  131.   xpvalue: 2
  132.   xpscale: 1
  133.   material: NETHERITE_INGOT
  134.   cost: 16
  135.   book: 0
  136.   uses: 1
  139. # silk_touch: All configs under this heading effect villagers with silk touch trades.
  141. silk_touch_1:
  142.   restricted: 0
  143.   change: 0
  144.   xpvalue: 2
  145.   xpscale: 1
  146.   material: CUSTOM
  147.   cost: 34
  148.   book: 0
  149.   uses: 1
  152. # fortune_3: All configs under this heading effect villagers with fortune 3 trades.
  154. fortune_3:
  155.   restricted: 0
  156.   change: 0
  157.   xpvalue: 2
  158.   xpscale: 1
  159.   material: EMERALD
  160.   cost: 64
  161.   book: 0
  162.   uses: 1
  165. # unbreaking_3: All configs under this heading effect villagers with unbreaking 3 trades.
  167. unbreaking_3:
  168.   restricted: 0
  169.   change: 0
  170.   xpvalue: 2
  171.   xpscale: 1
  172.   material: EMERALD
  173.   cost: 64
  174.   book: 0
  175.   uses: 1
  178. # efficiency_5: All configs under this heading effect villagers with efficiency 5 trades.
  180. efficiency_5:
  181.   restricted: 0
  182.   change: 0
  183.   xpvalue: 2
  184.   xpscale: 1
  185.   material: EMERALD
  186.   cost: 64
  187.   book: 0
  188.   uses: 1
  191. # efficiency_4: All configs under this heading effect villagers with efficiency 4 trades.
  193. efficiency_4:
  194.   restricted: 0
  195.   change: 0
  196.   xpvalue: 2
  197.   xpscale: 1
  198.   material: EMERALD
  199.   cost: 64
  200.   book: 0
  201.   uses: 1
  204. #Example for custom item restriction. Does not have the option for 'book' as most trades are just emeralds.
  206. CLOCK:
  207.   restricted: 0
  208.   change: 0
  209.   xpvalue: 2
  210.   xpscale: 1
  211.   material: EMERALD
  212.   cost: 64
  213.   uses: 1
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