
What you see, what I see.

May 28th, 2011
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  1. What you see:
  6. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
  7. <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-GB">
  8. <head>
  9.     <title>Gaming Cell
  10.     </title>
  11.     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />
  12.     <meta name="description" content="Free online flash arcade!" />
  13.     <meta name="keywords" content="games,free,online,flash,arcade,gaming,cell" />
  14.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/screen.css" media="screen" />
  15. </head>
  16. <body><div id="wrap">
  17. <div id="header">
  18.     <img src="/logo.gif" alt="Gaming Cell" style="padding-left: 10px;" height="50" border="0" />
  19.     <ul>
  20.         <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
  21.         <li><a href="/?id=contact">Contact</a></li>
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  24.         <li><a href="/?id=changelog">Changelog</a></li>
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  27. </div><div class="colmask leftmenu">
  28.     <div class="colleft">
  29.         <div class="col1">
  30.             <!-- Column 1 start -->
  31.             <h2>Featured Game</h2>
  32. <div id="featured">
  33.     <a href="./games/action/faultline.php"><img alt="Featured Game" src="featured.jpg" border="0"></a>
  34.         <br />
  35.     Click the image to play!
  36. </div>
  37. <p>
  38.     The featured game is Fault Line! Bring the connectors together to get through the level as fast as possible.
  39. </p>
  40.             <!-- Column 1 end -->
  41.         </div>
  43.         <div class="col2">
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  46.             <h2 style="border-bottom: 1px #000 solid">Categories</h2>
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  48.             <ul>
  49.                 <li><a href="/game.php">All Games</a></li>
  50.                 <li><a href="/game.php?id=action">Action Games</a></li>
  51.                 <li><a href="/game.php?id=shooting">Shooting Games</a></li>
  52.                 <li><a href="/game.php?id=racing">Racing Games</a></li>
  53.                 <li><a href="/game.php?id=strategy">Strategy/Skill Games</a></li>
  54.                 <li><a href="/game.php?id=rpg">Adventure/RPG Games</a></li>
  55.                 <li><a href="/game.php?id=other">Other Games</a></li>
  56.             </ul>
  57.             <iframe src=";width=292&amp;colorscheme=dark&amp;show_faces=false&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;height=62" border="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:292px; height:62px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
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  78. <div id="footer">
  79.     <p>PLEASE <u><a href="/?id=contact">REPORT</a></u> ANY MISSING/BROKEN GAMES!</p>
  80.     <p>Copyright &copy; Gaming Cell, a <a href="">NeverPool</a> website.</p>
  81. </div>
  82. </div>
  83. <img src="/GClogo.jpg" border="0" height="1px" width="1px">
  84. </body>
  85. </html>
  88. What I see:
  89. <?php
  90. include ('common.php');
  91. ShowHead();
  92. TopNav();
  93. $id = $_GET['id'];
  94. if ($id == 'links')
  95. {
  96. include './pages/underscore/links.php';
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  98. else if ($id == 'privacy')
  99. {
  100. include './pages/underscore/privacy.php';
  101. }
  102. else if ($id == 'contact')
  103. {
  104. include './pages/underscore/contact.php';
  105. }
  106. else if ($id == 'changelog')
  107. {
  108. include './pages/underscore/change.php';
  109. }
  110. else if ($id == '404')
  111. {
  112. include './pages/underscore/404.php';
  113. }
  114. else if ($id == 'todo')
  115. {
  116. include './pages/underscore/todo.php';
  117. }
  118. else
  119. {
  120. ?>
  121. <div class="colmask leftmenu">
  122.     <div class="colleft">
  123.         <div class="col1">
  124.             <!-- Column 1 start -->
  125.             <h2>Featured Game</h2>
  126. <div id="featured">
  127.     <a href="./games/action/faultline.php"><img alt="Featured Game" src="featured.jpg" border="0"></a>
  128.         <br />
  129.     Click the image to play!
  130. </div>
  131. <p>
  132.     The featured game is Fault Line! Bring the connectors together to get through the level as fast as possible.
  133. </p>
  134.             <!-- Column 1 end -->
  135.         </div>
  137. <?php
  138. }
  139.  ShowLeft();
  140.     echo '</div>
  141. </div>';
  142.  ShowFoot(); ?>
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