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- from itertools import combinations
- from random import shuffle
- import operator
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS ~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Create a class Card
- class Card:
- def __init__(self, symbol, value):
- self.symbol = symbol
- self.value = value
- # 1. Create the cards
- def createCards():
- symbols = ["heart", "diamond", "spade", "club"]
- values = list(range(1, 14))
- cards = list()
- for symbol in symbols:
- for value in values:
- card = Card(symbol, value)
- cards.append(card)
- shuffle(cards)
- shuffle(cards)
- return cards
- # 2. Print a list (values)
- def valuePrint(cards):
- for card in cards:
- print(card.value)
- # 3. Print all the stats of a card
- def allPrint(cards):
- string = ""
- for card in cards:
- string += card.symbol + " " + str(card.value) + ", "
- print(string)
- # 4. Sort by value
- def sortByValue(cards):
- return sorted(cards, key=lambda card: card.value, reverse=True)
- # 5. Count the unique values
- def uniqueValues(cards):
- sorted_cards = sortByValue(cards)
- uniqueCounter = 1
- uniqueList = [sorted_cards[0]]
- for i in range(1, len(sorted_cards)):
- if sorted_cards[i].value != sorted_cards[i-1].value:
- uniqueCounter += 1
- uniqueList.append(sorted_cards[i])
- # print("Unique values:", uniqueCounter)
- return uniqueCounter #, uniqueList
- # 6. Values
- def values(cards):
- valuesList = []
- for card in cards:
- valuesList.append(card.value)
- return valuesList
- # 7. Symbols
- def symbols(cards):
- symbolsList = []
- for card in cards:
- symbolsList.append(card.symbol)
- return symbolsList
- # 8. Print all the stats of a card combination
- def combinationPrint(combinationString, cards):
- string = combinationString
- for card in cards:
- string += card.symbol + " " + str(card.value) + ", "
- print(string)
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KENTA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (6) ~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # Kenta (Input = 5 cards)
- def isKenta(cards):
- # Bad Cases
- if len(cards) != 5:
- print("No kenta with less or more than 5 cards")
- return False, []
- if uniqueValues(cards) != 5:
- return False, []
- else:
- # Nice and valid cases
- pentada = cards
- valuesPentada = values(pentada)
- unique = uniqueValues(pentada)
- if valuesPentada == [13, 12, 11, 10, 1]:
- return True, pentada
- else:
- if valuesPentada[0] - valuesPentada[4] == 4:
- return True, pentada
- return False, []
- # Input = 7 cards
- def containsKenta(cards):
- pentades = list(combinations(cards, 5))
- for pentada in pentades:
- pentada = list(pentada)
- flag, kenta = isKenta(pentada)
- if flag == True:
- #print("!!!! There is a kenta !!!!")
- return flag, kenta
- return False, []
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STRAIGHT FLUSH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (2) ~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # Straight Flush (Input = 5 cards)
- def isStraightFlush(cards):
- pentada = cards
- flag, kenta = isKenta(pentada)
- if flag == True:
- # Now, I know if this pentada is a kenta and I check the symbols
- pentadaSymbols = symbols(pentada)
- flag2 = True
- for i in range(len(pentadaSymbols)-1):
- if pentadaSymbols[i] != pentadaSymbols[i+1]:
- flag2 = False
- return False, []
- if flag2 == True:
- return True, pentada
- return False, []
- # Input = 7 cards
- def containsStraightFlush(cards):
- pentades = list(combinations(cards, 5))
- for pentada in pentades:
- pentada = list(pentada)
- flag, straight = isStraightFlush(pentada)
- if flag == True:
- #print("!!!! There is a straight flush !!!!")
- return True, pentada
- return False, []
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLUSH ROYAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (1) ~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # Flush Royal
- def isFlushRoyal(pentada):
- flag, straight = isStraightFlush(pentada)
- if flag == True:
- # It will be flush royal, if the values are [13, 12, 11, 10, 1]
- if values(straight) == [13, 12, 11, 10, 1]:
- print("YEAH")
- return True, straight
- return False, []
- def containsFlushRoyal(cards):
- pentades = list(combinations(cards, 5))
- for pentada in pentades:
- pentada = list(pentada)
- flag, flush = isFlushRoyal(pentada)
- if flag == True:
- #print("!!!! There is a flush royal !!!!")
- return True, pentada
- return False, []
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FLUSH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (5) ~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # Full house (input = 5 cards)
- def isFlush(pentada):
- if len(pentada) != 5:
- print("Error while using function '", isFlush.__name__, "'")
- return "-1000", "-1000"
- else:
- pentadaSymbols = symbols(pentada)
- flag2 = True
- for i in range(len(pentadaSymbols) - 1):
- if pentadaSymbols[i] != pentadaSymbols[i + 1]:
- flag2 = False
- return False, []
- if flag2 == True:
- return True, pentada
- # Input = 7 cards
- def containsFlush(cards):
- pentades = list(combinations(cards, 5))
- for pentada in pentades:
- pentada = list(pentada)
- flag, flush = isFlush(pentada)
- if flag == True:
- #print("!!!! There is a flush !!!!")
- return True, pentada
- return False, []
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (3) ~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # Kare (Input = 4 cards)
- def isKare(tetrada):
- if len(tetrada) != 4:
- print("Error while using function '", isKare.__name__, "'")
- return "-1000", "-1000"
- else:
- valuesTetrada = values(tetrada)
- flag = True
- for i in range(len(valuesTetrada)-1):
- if valuesTetrada[i] != valuesTetrada[i+1]:
- flag = False
- return False, []
- if flag == True:
- return True, tetrada
- # Input = 7 cards
- def containsKare(cards):
- tetrades = list(combinations(cards, 4))
- for tetrada in tetrades:
- tetrada = list(tetrada)
- flag, kare = isKare(tetrada)
- if flag == True:
- # print("!!!! There is a kare !!!!")
- return True, kare
- return False, []
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FULL HOUSE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (4) ~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # Full House (Input = 5 cards)
- def isFullHouse(pentada):
- if len(pentada) != 5:
- print("Error while using function '", isFullHouse.__name__, "'")
- return "-1000", "-1000"
- v = values(pentada)
- # I want 3 values equal and 2 values equal (remember that this list is sorted)
- # Sth in this form: [12, 12, 12, 5, 5] or [12, 12, 5, 5, 5]
- if (v[0] == v[1]) and (v[3] == v[4]) and ((v[2] == v[1]) or (v[2] == v[3])):
- return True, pentada
- return False, []
- # Input = 7 cards
- def containsFullHouse(cards):
- pentades = list(combinations(cards, 5))
- for pentada in pentades:
- pentada = list(pentada)
- flag, full = isFullHouse(pentada)
- if flag == True:
- # print("!!!! There is a flush !!!!")
- return True, pentada
- return False, []
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRIFYLLIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (7) ~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # Trifyllia (Input = 3 cards)
- def isTrifyllia(triada):
- if len(triada) != 3:
- print("Error while using function '" + isTrifyllia.__name__ + "'")
- return "-1000", "-1000"
- v = values(triada)
- if v[0] == v[1] and v[1] == v[2]:
- return True, triada
- return False, []
- # Input = 7 cards
- def containsTrifyllia(cards):
- triades = list(combinations(cards, 3))
- for triada in triades:
- triada = list(triada)
- flag, trifyllia = isTrifyllia(triada)
- if flag == True:
- # print("!!!! There is a trifyllia !!!!")
- return True, triada
- return False, []
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TWO PAIRS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (8) ~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # Two pairs (Input - 4 cards)
- def isPairs(tetrada):
- if len(tetrada) != 4:
- print("Error while using function '" + isPairs().__name__ + "'")
- return "-1000", "-1000"
- v = values(tetrada)
- if v[0] == v[1] and v[2] == v[3] and v[1] != v[2]:
- return True, tetrada
- return False, []
- # Input = 7 cards
- def containsPairs(cards):
- tetrades = list(combinations(cards, 4))
- for tetrada in tetrades:
- tetrada = list(tetrada)
- flag, pairs = isPairs(tetrada)
- if flag == True:
- # print("!!!! There are 2 pairs !!!!")
- return True, tetrada
- return False, []
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFYLLIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (9) ~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
- # Difyllia (Input = 2 cards)
- def isDifyllia(diada):
- if len(diada) != 2:
- print("Error while using function '" + isTrifyllia.__name__ + "'")
- return "-1000", "-1000"
- v = values(diada)
- if v[0] == v[1]:
- return True, diada
- return False, []
- # Input = 7 cards
- def containsDifyllia(cards):
- diades = list(combinations(cards, 2))
- for diada in diades:
- diada = list(diada)
- flag, difyllia = isDifyllia(diada)
- if flag == True:
- # print("!!!! There is a difyllia !!!!")
- return True, diada
- return False, []
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Testing functions
- def testing(sorted_first7):
- print()
- print("**********************************************************************")
- allPrint(sorted_first7)
- print("**********************************************************************")
- testing(sorted_first7)
- # 1. Testing Flush Royal
- flag, royal = containsFlushRoyal(sorted_first7)
- print("1. Contains Flush Royal?", flag)
- combinationPrint("Flush royal is:", royal)
- print()
- # 2. Testing Straight Flush
- flag, straight = containsStraightFlush(sorted_first7)
- print("2. Contains Straight Flush?", flag)
- combinationPrint("Straight Flush is:", straight)
- print()
- # 3. Testing Kare
- flag, kare = containsKare(sorted_first7)
- print("3. Contains Kare?", flag)
- combinationPrint("Flush is:", kare)
- print()
- # 4. Testing Full House
- flag, full = containsFullHouse(sorted_first7)
- print("4. Contains Full House?", flag)
- combinationPrint("Full House is:", full)
- print()
- # 5. Testing Flush
- flag, flush = containsFlush(sorted_first7)
- print("5. Contains Flush?", flag)
- combinationPrint("Flush is:", flush)
- print()
- # 6. Testing Kenta
- flag, kenta = containsKenta(sorted_first7)
- print("6. Contains Kenta?", flag)
- combinationPrint("Kenta is:", kenta)
- print()
- # 7. Testing Trifyllia
- flag, trifyllia = containsTrifyllia(sorted_first7)
- print("7. Contains Trifyllia?", flag)
- combinationPrint("Trifyliia is:", trifyllia)
- print()
- # 8. Testing Pairs
- flag, pairs = containsPairs(sorted_first7)
- print("8. Contains pairs?", flag)
- combinationPrint("Pairs are:", pairs)
- print()
- # 9. Testing Trifyllia
- flag, difyllia = containsDifyllia(sorted_first7)
- print("9. Contains Difyllia?", flag)
- combinationPrint("Difyliia is:", difyllia)
- print()
- def determine(sorted_first7):
- allPrint(sorted_first7)
- index = 0
- # Begin the process of searching
- # 1. Flush Royal
- flag, winner_comb = containsFlushRoyal(sorted_first7)
- if flag == True:
- print(" FLUSH ROYAL")
- return index
- index += 1
- # 2. Straight Flush
- flag, winner_comb = containsStraightFlush(sorted_first7)
- if flag == True:
- print(" STRAIGHT FLUSH")
- return index
- index += 1
- # 3. Kare
- flag, winner_comb = containsKare(sorted_first7)
- if flag == True:
- print(" Kare")
- return index
- index += 1
- # 4. Full House
- flag, winner_comb = containsFullHouse(sorted_first7)
- if flag == True:
- print(" FULL HOUSE")
- return index
- index += 1
- # 5. Flush
- flag, winner_comb = containsFlush(sorted_first7)
- if flag == True:
- print(" FLUSH")
- return index
- index += 1
- # 6. Kenta
- flag, winner_comb = containsKenta(sorted_first7)
- if flag == True:
- print(" KENTA")
- return index
- index += 1
- flag, winner_comb = containsTrifyllia(sorted_first7)
- if flag == True:
- print(" Trifyllia")
- return index
- index += 1
- # 8. 2 Pairs
- flag, winner_comb = containsPairs(sorted_first7)
- if flag == True:
- print(" 2 Pairs")
- return index
- index += 1
- # 9. Difyllia
- flag, winner_comb = containsDifyllia(sorted_first7)
- if flag == True:
- print(" Difyllia")
- return index
- index += 1
- # 10. High Card
- print(" High Card")
- return index
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MAIN FUNCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Create data for storing each winner combination
- # Flush royal(1) goes in index 0, straight flush(2) in 2, ...., difyllia(9) goes in 8, high card(10) goes in 9
- named_combinations = [" Flush Royal ", "Straight Flush", " Kare ", " Full House ", " Flush ", " Kenta ", " Trifyllia ", " 2 Pairs ", " Difyllia ", " High Card "]
- winner_combinations = [0 for i in range(10)]
- N = 10**5
- for round in range(1, N+1):
- print("~~~~~~~~ Round " + str(round) + " ~~~~~~~~")
- cards = createCards()
- first7 = cards[0:7]
- sorted_first7 = sortByValue(first7)
- index = determine(sorted_first7)
- winner_combinations[index] += 1
- print()
- # Print Stats
- print()
- print("~~~~~~~~ Winner Combinations List ~~~~~~~~")
- print(winner_combinations)
- print()
- for i in range(len(winner_combinations)):
- named = named_combinations[i]
- times_won = winner_combinations[i]
- percentage100 = 100 * (times_won / N)
- print(named + ": " + str(times_won) + " wins = " + str(percentage100) + "%")
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