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- --[[
- Program name: Lolmer's EZ-NUKE reactor control system
- Version: v0.3.18
- Programmer: Lolmer
- With great assistance from @mechaet and @thetaphi
- Last update: 2015-05-11
- Pastebin:
- GitHub:
- Description:
- This program controls a Big Reactors nuclear reactor in Minecraft with a Computercraft computer, using Computercraft's own wired modem connected to the reactors computer control port.
- This program was designed to work with the mods and versions installed on Never Stop Toasting (NST) Diet Endeavour: Never Stop Toasting: Diet official Minecraft server
- To simplify the code and guesswork, I assume the following monitor layout, where each "monitor" listed below is a collection of three wide by two high Advanced Monitors:
- 1) One Advanced Monitor for overall status display plus
- one or more Reactors plus
- none or more Turbines.
- 2) One Advanced Monitor for overall status display plus (furthest monitor from computer by cable length)
- one Advanced Monitor for each connected Reactor plus (subsequent found monitors)
- one Advanced Monitor for each connected Turbine (last group of monitors found).
- If you enable debug mode, add one additional Advanced Monitor for #1 or #2.
- Notes
- ----------------------------
- - Only one reactor and one, two, and three turbines have been tested with the above, but IN THEORY any number is supported.
- - Devices are found in the reverse order they are plugged in, so monitor_10 will be found before monitor_9.
- When using actively cooled reactors with turbines, keep the following in mind:
- - 1 mB steam carries up to 10RF of potential energy to extract in a turbine.
- - Actively cooled reactors produce steam, not power.
- - You will need about 10 mB of water for each 1 mB of steam that you want to create in a 7^3 reactor.
- - Two 15x15x14 Turbines can output 260K RF/t by just one 7^3 (four rods) reactor putting out 4k mB steam.
- Features
- ----------------------------
- - Configurable min/max energy buffer and min/max temperature via ReactorOptions file.
- - Disengages coils and minimizes flow for turbines over max energy buffer.
- - ReactorOptions is read on start and then current values are saved every program cycle.
- - Rod Control value in ReactorOptions is only useful for initial start, after that the program saves the current Rod Control average over all Fuel Rods for next boot.
- - Auto-adjusts control rods per reactor to maintain temperature.
- - Will display reactor data to all attached monitors of correct dimensions.
- - For multiple monitors, the first monitor (often last plugged in) is the overall status monitor.
- - For multiple monitors, the first monitor (often last plugged in) is the overall status monitor.
- - A new cruise mode from mechaet, ONLINE will be "blue" when active, to keep your actively cooled reactors running smoothly.
- GUI Usage
- ----------------------------
- - Right-clicking between "< * >" of the last row of a monitor alternates the device selection between Reactor, Turbine, and Status output.
- - Right-clicking "<" and ">" switches between connected devices, starting with the currently selected type, but not limited to them.
- - The other "<" and ">" buttons, when right-clicked with the mouse, will decrease and increase, respectively, the values assigned to the monitor:
- - "Rod (%)" will lower/raise the Reactor Control Rods for that Reactor
- - "mB/t" will lower/raise the Turbine Flow Rate maximum for that Turbine
- - "RPM" will lower/raise the target Turbine RPM for that Turbine
- - Right-clicking between the "<" and ">" (not on them) will disable auto-adjust of that value for attached device.
- - Right-clicking on the "Enabled" or "Disabled" text for auto-adjust will do the same.
- - Right-clicking on "ONLINE" or "OFFLINE" at the top-right will toggle the state of attached device.
- Default values
- ----------------------------
- - Rod Control: 90% (Let's start off safe and then power up as we can)
- - Minimum Energy Buffer: 15% (will power on below this value)
- - Maximum Energy Buffer: 85% (will power off above this value)
- - Minimum Passive Cooling Temperature: 950^C (will raise control rods below this value)
- - Maximum Passive Cooling Temperature: 1,400^C (will lower control rods above this value)
- - Minimum Active Cooling Temperature: 300^C (will raise the control rods below this value)
- - Maximum Active Cooling Temperature: 420^C (will lower control rods above this value)
- - Optimal Turbine RPM: 900, 1,800, or 2,700 (divisible by 900)
- - New user-controlled option for target speed of turbines, defaults to 2726RPM, which is high-optimal.
- Requirements
- ----------------------------
- - Advanced Monitor size is X: 29, Y: 12 with a 3x2 size
- - Computer or Advanced Computer
- - Modems (not wireless) connecting each of the Computer to both the Advanced Monitor and Reactor Computer Port.
- - Big Reactors ( 0.3.2A+
- - Computercraft ( 1.58, 1.63+, or 1.73+
- - Reset the computer any time number of connected devices change.
- Resources
- ----------------------------
- - This script is available from:
- -
- -
- - Start-up script is available from:
- -
- -
- - Other reactor control program which I based my program on:
- - (ScatmanJohn)
- - (version ScatmanJohn based his on)
- - A simpler Big Reactor control program is available from:
- - (IronClaymore only for passively cooled reactors)
- - Reactor Computer Port API:
- - Computercraft API:
- - Big Reactors Efficiency, Speculation and Questions!
- - Big Reactors API code:
- - Big Reactors API:
- - Big Reactor Simulator from :
- - A tutorial from FTB's rhn :
- ChangeLog
- ============================
- - 0.3.18
- Fix Issue #61 (Reactor Online/Offline input non-responsive when reactor is converted from passive to active cooled).
- Prior ChangeLogs are posted at
- ============================
- See :)
- ]]--
- -- Some global variables
- local progVer = "0.3.18"
- local progName = "EZ-NUKE"
- local sideClick, xClick, yClick = nil, 0, 0
- local loopTime = 2
- local controlRodAdjustAmount = 1 -- Default Reactor Rod Control % adjustment amount
- local flowRateAdjustAmount = 25 -- Default Turbine Flow Rate in mB adjustment amount
- local debugMode = false
- -- End multi-reactor cleanup section
- local minStoredEnergyPercent = nil -- Max energy % to store before activate
- local maxStoredEnergyPercent = nil -- Max energy % to store before shutdown
- local monitorList = {} -- Empty monitor array
- local monitorNames = {} -- Empty array of monitor names
- local reactorList = {} -- Empty reactor array
- local reactorNames = {} -- Empty array of reactor names
- local turbineList = {} -- Empty turbine array
- local turbineNames = {} -- Empty array of turbine names
- local monitorAssignments = {} -- Empty array of monitor - "what to display" assignments
- local monitorOptionFileName = "monitors.options" -- File for saving the monitor assignments
- local knowlinglyOverride = false -- Issue #39 Allow the user to override safe values, currently only enabled for actively cooled reactor min/max temperature
- local steamRequested = 0 -- Sum of Turbine Flow Rate in mB
- local steamDelivered = 0 -- Sum of Active Reactor steam output in mB
- -- Log levels
- local FATAL = 16
- local ERROR = 8
- local WARN = 4
- local INFO = 2
- local DEBUG = 1
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(2,1)
- write("Initializing program...\n")
- -- File needs to exist for append "a" later and zero it out if it already exists
- -- Always initalize this file to avoid confusion with old files and the latest run
- local logFile ="reactorcontrol.log", "w")
- if logFile then
- logFile.writeLine("Minecraft time: Day "" at "..textutils.formatTime(os.time(),true))
- logFile.close()
- else
- error("Could not open file reactorcontrol.log for writing.")
- end
- -- Helper functions
- local function termRestore()
- local ccVersion = nil
- ccVersion = os.version()
- if ccVersion == "CraftOS 1.6" or "CraftOS 1.7" then
- term.redirect(term.native())
- elseif ccVersion == "CraftOS 1.5" then
- term.restore()
- else -- Default to older term.restore
- printLog("Unsupported CraftOS found. Reported version is \""..ccVersion.."\".")
- term.restore()
- end -- if ccVersion
- end -- function termRestore()
- local function printLog(printStr, logLevel)
- logLevel = logLevel or INFO
- -- No, I'm not going to write full syslog style levels. But this makes it a little easier filtering and finding stuff in the logfile.
- -- Since you're already looking at it, you can adjust your preferred log level right here.
- if debugMode and (logLevel >= WARN) then
- -- If multiple monitors, print to all of them
- for monitorName, deviceData in pairs(monitorAssignments) do
- if deviceData.type == "Debug" then
- debugMonitor = monitorList[deviceData.index]
- if(not debugMonitor) or (not debugMonitor.getSize()) then
- term.write("printLog(): debug monitor "..monitorName.." failed")
- else
- term.redirect(debugMonitor) -- Redirect to selected monitor
- debugMonitor.setTextScale(0.5) -- Fit more logs on screen
- local color = colors.lightGray
- if (logLevel == WARN) then
- color = colors.white
- elseif (logLevel == ERROR) then
- color =
- elseif (logLevel == FATAL) then
- color =
- debugMonitor.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- debugMonitor.setTextColor(color)
- write(printStr.."\n") -- May need to use term.scroll(x) if we output too much, not sure
- debugMonitor.setBackgroundColor(
- termRestore()
- end
- end
- end -- for
- local logFile ="reactorcontrol.log", "a") -- See
- if logFile then
- logFile.writeLine(printStr)
- logFile.close()
- else
- error("Cannot open file reactorcontrol.log for appending!")
- end -- if logFile then
- end -- if debugMode then
- end -- function printLog(printStr)
- -- Trim a string
- function stringTrim(s)
- assert(s ~= nil, "String can't be nil")
- return(string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
- end
- -- Format number with [k,M,G,T,P,E] postfix or exponent, depending on how large it is
- local function formatReadableSIUnit(num)
- printLog("formatReadableSIUnit("..num..")", DEBUG)
- num = tonumber(num)
- if(num < 1000) then return tostring(num) end
- local sizes = {"", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"}
- local exponent = math.floor(math.log10(num))
- local group = math.floor(exponent / 3)
- if group > #sizes then
- return string.format("%e", num)
- else
- local divisor = math.pow(10, (group - 1) * 3)
- return string.format("%i%s", num / divisor, sizes[group])
- end
- end -- local function formatReadableSIUnit(num)
- -- pretty printLog() a table
- local function tprint (tbl, loglevel, indent)
- if not loglevel then loglevel = DEBUG end
- if not indent then indent = 0 end
- for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
- formatting = string.rep(" ", indent) .. k .. ": "
- if type(v) == "table" then
- printLog(formatting, loglevel)
- tprint(v, loglevel, indent+1)
- elseif type(v) == 'boolean' or type(v) == "function" then
- printLog(formatting .. tostring(v), loglevel)
- else
- printLog(formatting .. v, loglevel)
- end
- end
- end -- function tprint()
- config = {}
- -- Save a table into a config file
- -- path: path of the file to write
- -- tab: table to save
- = function(path, tab)
- printLog("Save function called for config for "..path.." EOL")
- assert(path ~= nil, "Path can't be nil")
- assert(type(tab) == "table", "Second parameter must be a table")
- local f =, "w")
- local i = 0
- for key, value in pairs(tab) do
- if i ~= 0 then
- f:write("\n")
- end
- f:write("["..key.."]".."\n")
- for key2, value2 in pairs(tab[key]) do
- key2 = stringTrim(key2)
- --doesn't like boolean values
- if (type(value2) ~= "boolean") then
- value2 = stringTrim(value2)
- else
- value2 = tostring(value2)
- end
- key2 = key2:gsub(";", "\\;")
- key2 = key2:gsub("=", "\\=")
- value2 = value2:gsub(";", "\\;")
- value2 = value2:gsub("=", "\\=")
- f:write(key2.."="..value2.."\n")
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- f:close()
- end = function(path, tab)
- -- Load a config file
- -- path: path of the file to read
- config.load = function(path)
- printLog("Load function called for config for "..path.." EOL")
- assert(path ~= nil, "Path can't be nil")
- local f =, "r")
- if f ~= nil then
- printLog("Successfully opened "..path.." for reading EOL")
- local tab = {}
- local line = ""
- local newLine
- local i
- local currentTag = nil
- local found = false
- local pos = 0
- while line ~= nil do
- found = false
- line = line:gsub("\\;", "#_!36!_#") -- to keep \;
- line = line:gsub("\\=", "#_!71!_#") -- to keep \=
- if line ~= "" then
- -- Delete comments
- newLine = line
- line = ""
- for i=1, string.len(newLine) do
- if string.sub(newLine, i, i) ~= ";" then
- line = line..newLine:sub(i, i)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- line = stringTrim(line)
- -- Find tag
- if line:sub(1, 1) == "[" and line:sub(line:len(), line:len()) == "]" then
- currentTag = stringTrim(line:sub(2, line:len()-1))
- tab[currentTag] = {}
- found = true
- end
- -- Find key and values
- if not found and line ~= "" then
- pos = line:find("=")
- if pos == nil then
- error("Bad INI file structure")
- end
- line = line:gsub("#_!36!_#", ";")
- line = line:gsub("#_!71!_#", "=")
- tab[currentTag][stringTrim(line:sub(1, pos-1))] = stringTrim(line:sub(pos+1, line:len()))
- found = true
- end
- end
- line = f.readLine()
- end
- f:close()
- return tab
- else
- printLog("Could NOT opened "..path.." for reading! EOL")
- return nil
- end
- end --config.load = function(path)
- -- round() function from mechaet
- local function round(num, places)
- local mult = 10^places
- local addon = nil
- if ((num * mult) < 0) then
- addon = -.5
- else
- addon = .5
- end
- local integer, decimal = math.modf(num*mult+addon)
- newNum = integer/mult
- printLog("Called round(num="..num..",places="..places..") returns \""..newNum.."\".")
- return newNum
- end -- function round(num, places)
- local function print(printParams)
- -- Default to xPos=1, yPos=1, and first monitor
- setmetatable(printParams,{__index={xPos=1, yPos=1, monitorIndex=1}})
- local printString, xPos, yPos, monitorIndex =
- printParams[1], -- Required parameter
- printParams[2] or printParams.xPos,
- printParams[3] or printParams.yPos,
- printParams[4] or printParams.monitorIndex
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in print() is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(xPos, yPos)
- monitor.write(printString)
- end -- function print(printParams)
- -- Replaces the one from FC_API ( and adding multi-monitor support
- local function printCentered(printString, yPos, monitorIndex)
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in printCentered() is NOT a valid monitor.", ERROR)
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- local monitorNameLength = 0
- -- Special changes for title bar
- if yPos == 1 then
- -- Add monitor name to first line
- monitorNameLength = monitorNames[monitorIndex]:len()
- width = width - monitorNameLength -- add a space
- -- Leave room for "offline" and "online" on the right except for overall status display
- if monitorAssignments[monitorNames[monitorIndex]].type ~= "Status" then
- width = width - 7
- end
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(monitorNameLength + math.ceil((1 + width - printString:len())/2), yPos)
- monitor.write(printString)
- end -- function printCentered(printString, yPos, monitorIndex)
- -- Print text padded from the left side
- -- Clear the left side of the screen
- local function printLeft(printString, yPos, monitorIndex)
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in printLeft() is NOT a valid monitor.", ERROR)
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- local gap = 1
- local width = monitor.getSize()
- -- Clear left-half of the monitor
- for curXPos = 1, (width / 2) do
- monitor.setCursorPos(curXPos, yPos)
- monitor.write(" ")
- end
- -- Write our string left-aligned
- monitor.setCursorPos(1+gap, yPos)
- monitor.write(printString)
- end
- -- Print text padded from the right side
- -- Clear the right side of the screen
- local function printRight(printString, yPos, monitorIndex)
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in printRight() is NOT a valid monitor.", ERROR)
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- -- Make sure printString is a string
- printString = tostring(printString)
- local gap = 1
- local width = monitor.getSize()
- -- Clear right-half of the monitor
- for curXPos = (width/2), width do
- monitor.setCursorPos(curXPos, yPos)
- monitor.write(" ")
- end
- -- Write our string right-aligned
- monitor.setCursorPos(math.floor(width) - math.ceil(printString:len()+gap), yPos)
- monitor.write(printString)
- end
- -- Replaces the one from FC_API ( and adding multi-monitor support
- local function clearMonitor(printString, monitorIndex)
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- printLog("Called as clearMonitor(printString="..printString..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in clearMonitor(printString="..printString..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid monitor.", ERROR)
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- local gap = 2
- monitor.clear()
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- printCentered(printString, 1, monitorIndex)
- monitor.setTextColor(
- print{monitorNames[monitorIndex], 1, 1, monitorIndex}
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- for i=1, width do
- monitor.setCursorPos(i, gap)
- monitor.write("-")
- end
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, gap+1)
- end -- function clearMonitor(printString, monitorIndex)
- -- Return a list of all connected (including via wired modems) devices of "deviceType"
- local function getDevices(deviceType)
- printLog("Called as getDevices(deviceType="..deviceType..")")
- local deviceName = nil
- local deviceIndex = 1
- local deviceList, deviceNames = {}, {} -- Empty array, which grows as we need
- local peripheralList = peripheral.getNames() -- Get table of connected peripherals
- deviceType = deviceType:lower() -- Make sure we're matching case here
- for peripheralIndex = 1, #peripheralList do
- -- Log every device found
- -- printLog("Found "..peripheral.getType(peripheralList[peripheralIndex]).."["..peripheralIndex.."] attached as \""..peripheralList[peripheralIndex].."\".")
- if (string.lower(peripheral.getType(peripheralList[peripheralIndex])) == deviceType) then
- -- Log devices found which match deviceType and which device index we give them
- printLog("Found "..peripheral.getType(peripheralList[peripheralIndex]).."["..peripheralIndex.."] as index \"["..deviceIndex.."]\" attached as \""..peripheralList[peripheralIndex].."\".")
- write("Found "..peripheral.getType(peripheralList[peripheralIndex]).."["..peripheralIndex.."] as index \"["..deviceIndex.."]\" attached as \""..peripheralList[peripheralIndex].."\".\n")
- deviceNames[deviceIndex] = peripheralList[peripheralIndex]
- deviceList[deviceIndex] = peripheral.wrap(peripheralList[peripheralIndex])
- deviceIndex = deviceIndex + 1
- end
- end -- for peripheralIndex = 1, #peripheralList do
- return deviceList, deviceNames
- end -- function getDevices(deviceType)
- -- Draw a line across the entire x-axis
- local function drawLine(yPos, monitorIndex)
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in drawLine() is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- for i=1, width do
- monitor.setCursorPos(i, yPos)
- monitor.write("-")
- end
- end -- function drawLine(yPos,monitorIndex)
- -- Display a solid bar of specified color
- local function drawBar(startXPos, startYPos, endXPos, endYPos, color, monitorIndex)
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in drawBar() is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- -- PaintUtils only outputs to term., not monitor.
- -- See
- term.redirect(monitor)
- paintutils.drawLine(startXPos, startYPos, endXPos, endYPos, color)
- monitor.setBackgroundColor( -- PaintUtils doesn't restore the color
- termRestore()
- end -- function drawBar(startXPos, startYPos,endXPos,endYPos,color,monitorIndex)
- -- Display single pixel color
- local function drawPixel(xPos, yPos, color, monitorIndex)
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in drawPixel() is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- -- PaintUtils only outputs to term., not monitor.
- -- See
- term.redirect(monitor)
- paintutils.drawPixel(xPos, yPos, color)
- monitor.setBackgroundColor( -- PaintUtils doesn't restore the color
- termRestore()
- end -- function drawPixel(xPos, yPos, color, monitorIndex)
- local function saveMonitorAssignments()
- local assignments = {}
- for monitor, data in pairs(monitorAssignments) do
- local name = nil
- if (data.type == "Reactor") then
- name = data.reactorName
- elseif (data.type == "Turbine") then
- name = data.turbineName
- else
- name = data.type
- end
- assignments[monitor] = name
- end
-, {Monitors = assignments})
- end
- UI = {
- monitorIndex = 1,
- reactorIndex = 1,
- turbineIndex = 1
- }
- UI.handlePossibleClick = function(self)
- local monitorData = monitorAssignments[sideClick]
- if monitorData == nil then
- printLog("UI.handlePossibleClick(): "..sideClick.." is unassigned, can't handle click", WARN)
- return
- end
- self.monitorIndex = monitorData.index
- local width, height = monitorList[self.monitorIndex].getSize()
- -- All the last line are belong to us
- if (yClick == height) then
- if (monitorData.type == "Reactor") then
- if (xClick == 1) then
- self:selectPrevReactor()
- elseif (xClick == width) then
- self:selectNextReactor()
- elseif (3 <= xClick and xClick <= width - 2) then
- self:selectTurbine()
- end
- elseif (monitorData.type == "Turbine") then
- if (xClick == 1) then
- self:selectPrevTurbine()
- elseif (xClick == width) then
- self:selectNextTurbine()
- elseif (3 <= xClick and xClick <= width - 2) then
- self:selectStatus()
- end
- elseif (monitorData.type == "Status") then
- if (xClick == 1) then
- self.turbineIndex = #turbineList
- self:selectTurbine()
- elseif (xClick == width) then
- self.reactorIndex = 1
- self:selectReactor()
- elseif (3 <= xClick and xClick <= width - 2) then
- self:selectReactor()
- end
- else
- self:selectStatus()
- end
- -- Yes, that means we're skipping Debug. I figure everyone who wants that is
- -- bound to use the console key commands anyway, and that way we don't have
- -- it interfere with regular use.
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0
- else
- if (monitorData.type == "Turbine") then
- self:handleTurbineMonitorClick(monitorData.turbineIndex, monitorData.index)
- elseif (monitorData.type == "Reactor") then
- self:handleReactorMonitorClick(monitorData.reactorIndex, monitorData.index)
- end
- end
- end -- UI.handlePossibleClick()
- UI.logChange = function(self, messageText)
- printLog("UI: "..messageText)
- termRestore()
- write(messageText.."\n")
- end
- UI.selectNextMonitor = function(self)
- self.monitorIndex = self.monitorIndex + 1
- if self.monitorIndex > #monitorList then
- self.monitorIndex = 1
- end
- local messageText = "Selected monitor "..monitorNames[self.monitorIndex]
- self:logChange(messageText)
- end -- UI.selectNextMonitor()
- UI.selectReactor = function(self)
- monitorAssignments[monitorNames[self.monitorIndex]] = {type="Reactor", index=self.monitorIndex, reactorName=reactorNames[self.reactorIndex], reactorIndex=self.reactorIndex}
- saveMonitorAssignments()
- local messageText = "Selected reactor "..reactorNames[self.reactorIndex].." for display on "..monitorNames[self.monitorIndex]
- self:logChange(messageText)
- end -- UI.selectReactor()
- UI.selectPrevReactor = function(self)
- if self.reactorIndex <= 1 then
- self.reactorIndex = #reactorList
- self:selectStatus()
- else
- self.reactorIndex = self.reactorIndex - 1
- self:selectReactor()
- end
- end -- UI.selectPrevReactor()
- UI.selectNextReactor = function(self)
- if self.reactorIndex >= #reactorList then
- self.reactorIndex = 1
- self.turbineIndex = 1
- self:selectTurbine()
- else
- self.reactorIndex = self.reactorIndex + 1
- self:selectReactor()
- end
- end -- UI.selectNextReactor()
- UI.selectTurbine = function(self)
- monitorAssignments[monitorNames[self.monitorIndex]] = {type="Turbine", index=self.monitorIndex, turbineName=turbineNames[self.turbineIndex], turbineIndex=self.turbineIndex}
- saveMonitorAssignments()
- local messageText = "Selected turbine "..turbineNames[self.turbineIndex].." for display on "..monitorNames[self.monitorIndex]
- self:logChange(messageText)
- end -- UI.selectTurbine()
- UI.selectPrevTurbine = function(self)
- if self.turbineIndex <= 1 then
- self.turbineIndex = #turbineList
- self.reactorIndex = #reactorList
- self:selectReactor()
- else
- self.turbineIndex = self.turbineIndex - 1
- self:selectTurbine()
- end
- end -- UI.selectPrevTurbine()
- UI.selectNextTurbine = function(self)
- if self.turbineIndex >= #turbineList then
- self.turbineIndex = 1
- self:selectStatus()
- else
- self.turbineIndex = self.turbineIndex + 1
- self:selectTurbine()
- end
- end -- UI.selectNextTurbine()
- UI.selectStatus = function(self)
- monitorAssignments[monitorNames[self.monitorIndex]] = {type="Status", index=self.monitorIndex}
- saveMonitorAssignments()
- local messageText = "Selected status summary for display on "..monitorNames[self.monitorIndex]
- self:logChange(messageText)
- end -- UI.selectStatus()
- UI.selectDebug = function(self)
- monitorAssignments[monitorNames[self.monitorIndex]] = {type="Debug", index=self.monitorIndex}
- saveMonitorAssignments()
- monitorList[self.monitorIndex].clear()
- local messageText = "Selected debug output for display on "..monitorNames[self.monitorIndex]
- self:logChange(messageText)
- end -- UI.selectDebug()
- -- Allow controlling Reactor Control Rod Level from GUI
- UI.handleReactorMonitorClick = function(self, reactorIndex, monitorIndex)
- -- Decrease rod button: 23X, 4Y
- -- Increase rod button: 28X, 4Y
- -- Grab current monitor
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in turbineStatus(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- -- Grab current reactor
- local reactor = nil
- reactor = reactorList[reactorIndex]
- if not reactor then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in handleReactorMonitorClick(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid Big Reactor.")
- return -- Invalid reactorIndex
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in handleReactorMonitorClick(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is a valid Big Reactor.")
- if reactor.getConnected() then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in handleReactorMonitorClick(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is connected.")
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in handleReactorMonitorClick(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT connected.")
- return -- Disconnected reactor
- end -- if reactor.getConnected() then
- end -- if not reactor then
- local reactorStatus = _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["Status"]
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- if xClick >= (width - string.len(reactorStatus) - 1) and xClick <= (width-1) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- if yClick == 1 then
- reactor.setActive(not reactor.getActive()) -- Toggle reactor status
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["autoStart"] = reactor.getActive()
-[reactorIndex]..".options", _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]])
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0 -- Reset click after we register it
- -- If someone offlines the reactor (offline after a status click was detected), then disable autoStart
- if not reactor.getActive() then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["autoStart"] = false
- end
- end -- if yClick == 1 then
- end -- if (xClick >= (width - string.len(reactorStatus) - 1) and xClick <= (width-1)) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- -- Allow disabling rod level auto-adjust and only manual rod level control
- if ((xClick > 23 and xClick < 28 and yClick == 4)
- or (xClick > 20 and xClick < 27 and yClick == 9))
- and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"] = not _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"]
-[reactorIndex]..".options", _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]])
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0 -- Reset click after we register it
- end -- if (xClick > 23) and (xClick < 28) and (yClick == 4) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- local rodPercentage = math.ceil(reactor.getControlRodLevel(0))
- local newRodPercentage = rodPercentage
- if (xClick == 23) and (yClick == 4) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- printLog("Decreasing Rod Levels in handleReactorMonitorClick(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- --Decrease rod level by amount
- newRodPercentage = rodPercentage - (5 * controlRodAdjustAmount)
- if newRodPercentage < 0 then
- newRodPercentage = 0
- end
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0
- printLog("Setting reactor["..reactorIndex.."] Rod Levels to "..newRodPercentage.."% in handleReactorMonitorClick(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(newRodPercentage)
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["baseControlRodLevel"] = newRodPercentage
- -- Save updated rod percentage
-[reactorIndex]..".options", _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]])
- rodPercentage = newRodPercentage
- elseif (xClick == 29) and (yClick == 4) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- printLog("Increasing Rod Levels in handleReactorMonitorClick(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- --Increase rod level by amount
- newRodPercentage = rodPercentage + (5 * controlRodAdjustAmount)
- if newRodPercentage > 100 then
- newRodPercentage = 100
- end
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0
- printLog("Setting reactor["..reactorIndex.."] Rod Levels to "..newRodPercentage.."% in handleReactorMonitorClick(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(newRodPercentage)
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["baseControlRodLevel"] = newRodPercentage
- -- Save updated rod percentage
-[reactorIndex]..".options", _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]])
- rodPercentage = round(newRodPercentage,0)
- else
- printLog("No change to Rod Levels requested by "..progName.." GUI in handleReactorMonitorClick(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- end -- if (xClick == 29) and (yClick == 4) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- end -- UI.handleReactorMonitorClick = function(self, reactorIndex, monitorIndex)
- -- Allow controlling Turbine Flow Rate from GUI
- UI.handleTurbineMonitorClick = function(self, turbineIndex, monitorIndex)
- -- Decrease flow rate button: 22X, 4Y
- -- Increase flow rate button: 28X, 4Y
- -- Grab current monitor
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in turbineStatus(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- -- Grab current turbine
- local turbine = nil
- turbine = turbineList[turbineIndex]
- if not turbine then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid Big Turbine.")
- return -- Invalid turbineIndex
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is a valid Big Turbine.")
- if turbine.getConnected() then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is connected.")
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT connected.")
- return -- Disconnected turbine
- end -- if turbine.getConnected() then
- end
- local turbineBaseSpeed = tonumber(_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["BaseSpeed"])
- local turbineFlowRate = tonumber(_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastFlow"])
- local turbineStatus = _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["Status"]
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- if (xClick >= (width - string.len(turbineStatus) - 1)) and (xClick <= (width-1)) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- if yClick == 1 then
- turbine.setActive(not turbine.getActive()) -- Toggle turbine status
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["autoStart"] = turbine.getActive()
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0 -- Reset click after we register it
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- end -- if yClick == 1 then
- end -- if (xClick >= (width - string.len(turbineStatus) - 1)) and (xClick <= (width-1)) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- -- Allow disabling/enabling flow rate auto-adjust
- if (xClick > 23 and xClick < 28 and yClick == 4) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] = true
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0 -- Reset click after we register it
- elseif (xClick > 20 and xClick < 27 and yClick == 10) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- if ((_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"]) or (_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] == "true")) then
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] = false
- else
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] = true
- end
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0 -- Reset click after we register it
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- end
- if (xClick == 22) and (yClick == 4) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- printLog("Decrease to Flow Rate requested by "..progName.." GUI in handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- --Decrease rod level by amount
- newTurbineFlowRate = turbineFlowRate - flowRateAdjustAmount
- if newTurbineFlowRate < 0 then
- newTurbineFlowRate = 0
- end
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0
- -- Check bounds [0,2000]
- if newTurbineFlowRate > 2000 then
- newTurbineFlowRate = 2000
- elseif newTurbineFlowRate < 0 then
- newTurbineFlowRate = 0
- end
- turbine.setFluidFlowRateMax(newTurbineFlowRate)
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastFlow"] = newTurbineFlowRate
- -- Save updated Turbine Flow Rate
- turbineFlowRate = newTurbineFlowRate
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- elseif (xClick == 29) and (yClick == 4) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- printLog("Increase to Flow Rate requested by "..progName.." GUI in handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- --Increase rod level by amount
- newTurbineFlowRate = turbineFlowRate + flowRateAdjustAmount
- if newTurbineFlowRate > 2000 then
- newTurbineFlowRate = 2000
- end
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0
- -- Check bounds [0,2000]
- if newTurbineFlowRate > 2000 then
- newTurbineFlowRate = 2000
- elseif newTurbineFlowRate < 0 then
- newTurbineFlowRate = 0
- end
- turbine.setFluidFlowRateMax(newTurbineFlowRate)
- -- Save updated Turbine Flow Rate
- turbineFlowRate = math.ceil(newTurbineFlowRate)
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastFlow"] = turbineFlowRate
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- else
- printLog("No change to Flow Rate requested by "..progName.." GUI in handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- end -- if (xClick == 29) and (yClick == 4) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- if (xClick == 22) and (yClick == 6) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- printLog("Decrease to Turbine RPM requested by "..progName.." GUI in handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- rpmRateAdjustment = 909
- newTurbineBaseSpeed = turbineBaseSpeed - rpmRateAdjustment
- if newTurbineBaseSpeed < 908 then
- newTurbineBaseSpeed = 908
- end
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["BaseSpeed"] = newTurbineBaseSpeed
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- elseif (xClick == 29) and (yClick == 6) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- printLog("Increase to Turbine RPM requested by "..progName.." GUI in handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- rpmRateAdjustment = 909
- newTurbineBaseSpeed = turbineBaseSpeed + rpmRateAdjustment
- if newTurbineBaseSpeed > 2726 then
- newTurbineBaseSpeed = 2726
- end
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = 0, 0, 0
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["BaseSpeed"] = newTurbineBaseSpeed
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- else
- printLog("No change to Turbine RPM requested by "..progName.." GUI in handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- end -- if (xClick == 29) and (yClick == 4) and (sideClick == monitorNames[monitorIndex]) then
- end -- function handleTurbineMonitorClick(turbineIndex, monitorIndex)
- -- End helper functions
- -- Then initialize the monitors
- local function findMonitors()
- -- Empty out old list of monitors
- monitorList = {}
- printLog("Finding monitors...")
- monitorList, monitorNames = getDevices("monitor")
- if #monitorList == 0 then
- printLog("No monitors found, continuing headless")
- else
- for monitorIndex = 1, #monitorList do
- local monitor, monitorX, monitorY = nil, nil, nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitorList["..monitorIndex.."] in findMonitors() is NOT a valid monitor.")
- table.remove(monitorList, monitorIndex) -- Remove invalid monitor from list
- if monitorIndex ~= #monitorList then -- If we're not at the end, clean up
- monitorIndex = monitorIndex - 1 -- We just removed an element
- end -- if monitorIndex == #monitorList then
- break -- Invalid monitorIndex
- else -- valid monitor
- monitor.setTextScale(1.0) -- Make sure scale is correct
- monitorX, monitorY = monitor.getSize()
- if (monitorX == nil) or (monitorY == nil) then -- somehow a valid monitor, but non-existent sizes? Maybe fixes Issue #3
- printLog("monitorList["..monitorIndex.."] in findMonitors() is NOT a valid sized monitor.")
- table.remove(monitorList, monitorIndex) -- Remove invalid monitor from list
- if monitorIndex ~= #monitorList then -- If we're not at the end, clean up
- monitorIndex = monitorIndex - 1 -- We just removed an element
- end -- if monitorIndex == #monitorList then
- break -- Invalid monitorIndex
- -- Check for minimum size to allow for monitor.setTextScale(0.5) to work for 3x2 debugging monitor, changes getSize()
- elseif monitorX < 29 or monitorY < 12 then
- term.redirect(monitor)
- monitor.clear()
- printLog("Removing monitor "..monitorIndex.." for being too small.")
- monitor.setCursorPos(1,2)
- write("Monitor is the wrong size!\n")
- write("Needs to be at least 3x2.")
- termRestore()
- table.remove(monitorList, monitorIndex) -- Remove invalid monitor from list
- if monitorIndex == #monitorList then -- If we're at the end already, break from loop
- break
- else
- monitorIndex = monitorIndex - 1 -- We just removed an element
- end -- if monitorIndex == #monitorList then
- end -- if monitorX < 29 or monitorY < 12 then
- end -- if not monitor then
- printLog("Monitor["..monitorIndex.."] named \""..monitorNames[monitorIndex].."\" is a valid monitor of size x:"..monitorX.." by y:"..monitorY..".")
- end -- for monitorIndex = 1, #monitorList do
- end -- if #monitorList == 0 then
- printLog("Found "..#monitorList.." monitor(s) in findMonitors().")
- end -- local function findMonitors()
- -- Initialize all Big Reactors - Reactors
- local function findReactors()
- -- Empty out old list of reactors
- newReactorList = {}
- printLog("Finding reactors...")
- newReactorList, reactorNames = getDevices("BigReactors-Reactor")
- if #newReactorList == 0 then
- printLog("No reactors found!")
- error("Can't find any reactors!")
- else -- Placeholder
- for reactorIndex = 1, #newReactorList do
- local reactor = nil
- reactor = newReactorList[reactorIndex]
- if not reactor then
- printLog("reactorList["..reactorIndex.."] in findReactors() is NOT a valid Big Reactor.")
- table.remove(newReactorList, reactorIndex) -- Remove invalid reactor from list
- if reactorIndex ~= #newReactorList then -- If we're not at the end, clean up
- reactorIndex = reactorIndex - 1 -- We just removed an element
- end -- reactorIndex ~= #newReactorList then
- return -- Invalid reactorIndex
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in findReactors() is a valid Big Reactor.")
- --initialize the default table
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]] = {}
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"] = {}
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["baseControlRodLevel"] = 80
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"] = 0
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["autoStart"] = true
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["activeCooled"] = true
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMaxTemp"] = 1400 --set for passive-cooled, the active-cooled subroutine will correct it
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMinTemp"] = 1000
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"] = false
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["controlRodAdjustAmount"] = controlRodAdjustAmount
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorName"] = reactorNames[reactorIndex]
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"] = false
- if reactor.getConnected() then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in findReactors() is connected.")
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in findReactors() is NOT connected.")
- return -- Disconnected reactor
- end
- end
- --failsafe
- local tempTable = _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]
- --check to make sure we get a valid config
- if (config.load(reactorNames[reactorIndex]..".options")) ~= nil then
- tempTable = config.load(reactorNames[reactorIndex]..".options")
- else
- --if we don't have a valid config from disk, make a valid config
-[reactorIndex]..".options", _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]])
- end
- --load values from tempTable, checking for nil values along the way
- if tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["baseControlRodLevel"] ~= nil then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["baseControlRodLevel"] = tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["baseControlRodLevel"]
- end
- if tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"] ~= nil then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"] = tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"]
- end
- if tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["autoStart"] ~= nil then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["autoStart"] = tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["autoStart"]
- end
- if tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["activeCooled"] ~= nil then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["activeCooled"] = tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["activeCooled"]
- end
- if tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMaxTemp"] ~= nil then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMaxTemp"] = tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMaxTemp"]
- end
- if tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMinTemp"] ~= nil then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMinTemp"] = tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMinTemp"]
- end
- if tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"] ~= nil then
- printLog("Got value from config file for Rod Override, the value is: "..tostring(tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"]).." EOL")
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"] = tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"]
- end
- if tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["controlRodAdjustAmount"] ~= nil then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["controlRodAdjustAmount"] = tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["controlRodAdjustAmount"]
- end
- if tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["reactorName"] ~= nil then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorName"] = tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["reactorName"]
- end
- if tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"] ~= nil then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"] = tempTable["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"]
- end
- --stricter typing, let's set these puppies up with the right type of value.
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["baseControlRodLevel"] = tonumber(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["baseControlRodLevel"])
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"] = tonumber(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"])
- if (tostring(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["autoStart"]) == "true") then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["autoStart"] = true
- else
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["autoStart"] = false
- end
- if (tostring(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["activeCooled"]) == "true") then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["activeCooled"] = true
- else
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["activeCooled"] = false
- end
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMaxTemp"] = tonumber(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMaxTemp"])
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMinTemp"] = tonumber(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMinTemp"])
- if (tostring(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"]) == "true") then
- printLog("Setting Rod Override for "..reactorNames[reactorIndex].." to true because value was "..tostring(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"]).." EOL")
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"] = true
- else
- printLog("Setting Rod Override for "..reactorNames[reactorIndex].." to false because value was "..tostring(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"]).." EOL")
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"] = false
- end
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["controlRodAdjustAmount"] = tonumber(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["controlRodAdjustAmount"])
- if (tostring(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"]) == "true") then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"] = true
- else
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"] = false
- end
- --save one more time, in case we didn't have a complete config file before
-[reactorIndex]..".options", _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]])
- end -- for reactorIndex = 1, #newReactorList do
- end -- if #newReactorList == 0 then
- -- Overwrite old reactor list with the now updated list
- reactorList = newReactorList
- printLog("Found "..#reactorList.." reactor(s) in findReactors().")
- end -- function findReactors()
- -- Initialize all Big Reactors - Turbines
- local function findTurbines()
- -- Empty out old list of turbines
- newTurbineList = {}
- printLog("Finding turbines...")
- newTurbineList, turbineNames = getDevices("BigReactors-Turbine")
- if #newTurbineList == 0 then
- printLog("No turbines found") -- Not an error
- else
- for turbineIndex = 1, #newTurbineList do
- local turbine = nil
- turbine = newTurbineList[turbineIndex]
- if not turbine then
- printLog("turbineList["..turbineIndex.."] in findTurbines() is NOT a valid Big Reactors Turbine.")
- table.remove(newTurbineList, turbineIndex) -- Remove invalid turbine from list
- if turbineIndex ~= #newTurbineList then -- If we're not at the end, clean up
- turbineIndex = turbineIndex - 1 -- We just removed an element
- end -- turbineIndex ~= #newTurbineList then
- return -- Invalid turbineIndex
- else
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]] = {}
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"] = {}
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastSpeed"] = 0
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["BaseSpeed"] = 2726
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["autoStart"] = true
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastFlow"] = 2000 --open up with all the steam wide open
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] = false
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["turbineName"] = turbineNames[turbineIndex]
- printLog("turbineList["..turbineIndex.."] in findTurbines() is a valid Big Reactors Turbine.")
- if turbine.getConnected() then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in findTurbines() is connected.")
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in findTurbines() is NOT connected.")
- return -- Disconnected turbine
- end
- end
- --failsafe
- local tempTable = _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]
- --check to make sure we get a valid config
- if (config.load(turbineNames[turbineIndex]..".options")) ~= nil then
- tempTable = config.load(turbineNames[turbineIndex]..".options")
- else
- --if we don't have a valid config from disk, make a valid config
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- end
- --load values from tempTable, checking for nil values along the way
- if tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["LastSpeed"] ~= nil then
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastSpeed"] = tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["LastSpeed"]
- end
- if tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["BaseSpeed"] ~= nil then
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["BaseSpeed"] = tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["BaseSpeed"]
- end
- if tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["autoStart"] ~= nil then
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["autoStart"] = tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["autoStart"]
- end
- if tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["LastFlow"] ~= nil then
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastFlow"] = tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["LastFlow"]
- end
- if tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] ~= nil then
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] = tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"]
- end
- if tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["turbineName"] ~= nil then
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["turbineName"] = tempTable["TurbineOptions"]["turbineName"]
- end
- --save once more just to make sure we got it
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- end -- for turbineIndex = 1, #newTurbineList do
- -- Overwrite old turbine list with the now updated list
- turbineList = newTurbineList
- end -- if #newTurbineList == 0 then
- printLog("Found "..#turbineList.." turbine(s) in findTurbines().")
- end -- function findTurbines()
- -- Assign status, reactors, turbines and debug output to the monitors that shall display them
- -- Depends on the [monitor,reactor,turbine]Lists being populated already
- local function assignMonitors()
- local monitors = {}
- monitorAssignments = {}
- printLog("Assigning monitors...")
- local m = config.load(monitorOptionFileName)
- if (m ~= nil) then
- -- first, merge the detected and the configured monitor lists
- -- this is to ensure we pick up new additions to the network
- for monitorIndex, monitorName in ipairs(monitorNames) do
- monitors[monitorName] = m.Monitors[monitorName] or ""
- end
- -- then, go through all of it again to build our runtime data structure
- for monitorName, assignedName in pairs(monitors) do
- printLog("Looking for monitor and device named "..monitorName.." and "..assignedName)
- for monitorIndex = 1, #monitorNames do
- printLog("if "..monitorName.." == "..monitorNames[monitorIndex].." then", DEBUG)
- if monitorName == monitorNames[monitorIndex] then
- printLog("Found "..monitorName.." at index "..monitorIndex, DEBUG)
- if assignedName == "Status" then
- monitorAssignments[monitorName] = {type="Status", index=monitorIndex}
- elseif assignedName == "Debug" then
- monitorAssignments[monitorName] = {type="Debug", index=monitorIndex}
- else
- local maxListLen = math.max(#reactorNames, #turbineNames)
- for i = 1, maxListLen do
- if assignedName == reactorNames[i] then
- monitorAssignments[monitorName] = {type="Reactor", index=monitorIndex, reactorName=reactorNames[i], reactorIndex=i}
- break
- elseif assignedName == turbineNames[i] then
- monitorAssignments[monitorName] = {type="Turbine", index=monitorIndex, turbineName=turbineNames[i], turbineIndex=i}
- break
- elseif i == maxListLen then
- printLog("assignMonitors(): Monitor "..monitorName.." was configured to display nonexistant device "..assignedName..". Setting inactive.", WARN)
- monitorAssignments[monitorName] = {type="Inactive", index=monitorIndex}
- end
- end
- end
- break
- elseif monitorIndex == #monitorNames then
- printLog("assignMonitors(): Monitor "..monitorName.." not found. It was configured to display device "..assignedName..". Discarding.", WARN)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- printLog("No valid monitor configuration found, generating...")
- -- create assignments that reflect the setup before 0.3.17
- local monitorIndex = 1
- monitorAssignments[monitorNames[1]] = {type="Status", index=1}
- monitorIndex = monitorIndex + 1
- for reactorIndex = 1, #reactorList do
- if monitorIndex > #monitorList then
- break
- end
- monitorAssignments[monitorNames[monitorIndex]] = {type="Reactor", index=monitorIndex, reactorName=reactorNames[reactorIndex], reactorIndex=reactorIndex}
- printLog(monitorNames[monitorIndex].." -> "..reactorNames[reactorIndex])
- monitorIndex = monitorIndex + 1
- end
- for turbineIndex = 1, #turbineList do
- if monitorIndex > #monitorList then
- break
- end
- monitorAssignments[monitorNames[monitorIndex]] = {type="Turbine", index=monitorIndex, turbineName=turbineNames[turbineIndex], turbineIndex=turbineIndex}
- printLog(monitorNames[monitorIndex].." -> "..turbineNames[turbineIndex])
- monitorIndex = monitorIndex + 1
- end
- if monitorIndex <= #monitorList then
- monitorAssignments[monitorNames[#monitorList]] = {type="Debug", index=#monitorList}
- end
- end
- tprint(monitorAssignments)
- saveMonitorAssignments()
- end -- function assignMonitors()
- local eventHandler
- -- Replacement for sleep, which passes on events instead of dropping themo
- -- Straight from
- local function wait(time)
- local timer = os.startTimer(time)
- while true do
- local event = {os.pullEvent()}
- if (event[1] == "timer" and event[2] == timer) then
- break
- else
- eventHandler(event[1], event[2], event[3], event[4])
- end
- end
- end
- -- Return current energy buffer in a specific reactor by %
- local function getReactorStoredEnergyBufferPercent(reactor)
- printLog("Called as getReactorStoredEnergyBufferPercent(reactor).")
- if not reactor then
- printLog("getReactorStoredEnergyBufferPercent() did NOT receive a valid Big Reactor Reactor.")
- return -- Invalid reactorIndex
- else
- printLog("getReactorStoredEnergyBufferPercent() did receive a valid Big Reactor Reactor.")
- end
- local energyBufferStorage = reactor.getEnergyStored()
- return round(energyBufferStorage/100000, 1) -- (buffer/10000000 RF)*100%
- end -- function getReactorStoredEnergyBufferPercent(reactor)
- -- Return current energy buffer in a specific Turbine by %
- local function getTurbineStoredEnergyBufferPercent(turbine)
- printLog("Called as getTurbineStoredEnergyBufferPercent(turbine)")
- if not turbine then
- printLog("getTurbineStoredEnergyBufferPercent() did NOT receive a valid Big Reactor Turbine.")
- return -- Invalid reactorIndex
- else
- printLog("getTurbineStoredEnergyBufferPercent() did receive a valid Big Reactor Turbine.")
- end
- local energyBufferStorage = turbine.getEnergyStored()
- return round(energyBufferStorage/10000, 1) -- (buffer/1000000 RF)*100%
- end -- function getTurbineStoredEnergyBufferPercent(turbine)
- local function reactorCruise(cruiseMaxTemp, cruiseMinTemp, reactorIndex)
- printLog("Called as reactorCruise(cruiseMaxTemp="..cruiseMaxTemp..",cruiseMinTemp="..cruiseMinTemp..",lastPolledTemp=".._G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"]..",reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..").")
- --sanitization
- local lastPolledTemp = tonumber(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"])
- cruiseMaxTemp = tonumber(cruiseMaxTemp)
- cruiseMinTemp = tonumber(cruiseMinTemp)
- if ((lastPolledTemp < cruiseMaxTemp) and (lastPolledTemp > cruiseMinTemp)) then
- local reactor = nil
- reactor = reactorList[reactorIndex]
- if not reactor then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in reactorCruise(cruiseMaxTemp="..cruiseMaxTemp..",cruiseMinTemp="..cruiseMinTemp..",lastPolledTemp="..lastPolledTemp..",reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..") is NOT a valid Big Reactor.")
- return -- Invalid reactorIndex
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in reactorCruise(cruiseMaxTemp="..cruiseMaxTemp..",cruiseMinTemp="..cruiseMinTemp..",lastPolledTemp="..lastPolledTemp..",reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..") is a valid Big Reactor.")
- if reactor.getConnected() then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in reactorCruise(cruiseMaxTemp="..cruiseMaxTemp..",cruiseMinTemp="..cruiseMinTemp..",lastPolledTemp="..lastPolledTemp..",reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..") is connected.")
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in reactorCruise(cruiseMaxTemp="..cruiseMaxTemp..",cruiseMinTemp="..cruiseMinTemp..",lastPolledTemp="..lastPolledTemp..",reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..") is NOT connected.")
- return -- Disconnected reactor
- end -- if reactor.getConnected() then
- end -- if not reactor then
- local rodPercentage = math.ceil(reactor.getControlRodLevel(0))
- local reactorTemp = math.ceil(reactor.getFuelTemperature())
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["baseControlRodLevel"] = rodPercentage
- if ((reactorTemp < cruiseMaxTemp) and (reactorTemp > cruiseMinTemp)) then
- if (reactorTemp < lastPolledTemp) then
- rodPercentage = (rodPercentage - 1)
- --Boundary check
- if rodPercentage < 0 then
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(0)
- else
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(rodPercentage)
- end
- else
- rodPercentage = (rodPercentage + 1)
- --Boundary check
- if rodPercentage > 99 then
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(99)
- else
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(rodPercentage)
- end
- end -- if (reactorTemp > lastPolledTemp) then
- else
- --disengage cruise, we've fallen out of the ideal temperature range
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"] = false
- end -- if ((reactorTemp < cruiseMaxTemp) and (reactorTemp > cruiseMinTemp)) then
- else
- --I don't know how we'd get here, but let's turn the cruise mode off
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"] = false
- end -- if ((lastPolledTemp < cruiseMaxTemp) and (lastPolledTemp > cruiseMinTemp)) then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"] = reactorTemp
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["activeCooled"] = true
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMaxTemp"] = cruiseMaxTemp
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMinTemp"] = cruiseMinTemp
-[reactorIndex]..".options", _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]])
- end -- function reactorCruise(cruiseMaxTemp, cruiseMinTemp, lastPolledTemp, reactorIndex)
- -- Modify reactor control rod levels to keep temperature with defined parameters, but
- -- wait an in-game half-hour for the temperature to stabalize before modifying again
- local function temperatureControl(reactorIndex)
- printLog("Called as temperatureControl(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..")")
- local reactor = nil
- reactor = reactorList[reactorIndex]
- if not reactor then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in temperatureControl(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..") is NOT a valid Big Reactor.")
- return -- Invalid reactorIndex
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in temperatureControl(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..") is a valid Big Reactor.")
- if reactor.getConnected() then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in temperatureControl(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..") is connected.")
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in temperatureControl(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..") is NOT connected.")
- return -- Disconnected reactor
- end -- if reactor.getConnected() then
- end
- local reactorNum = reactorIndex
- local rodPercentage = math.ceil(reactor.getControlRodLevel(0))
- local reactorTemp = math.ceil(reactor.getFuelTemperature())
- local localMinReactorTemp, localMaxReactorTemp = _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMinTemp"], _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMaxTemp"]
- --bypass if the reactor itself is set to not be auto-controlled
- if ((not _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"]) or (_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"] == "false")) then
- -- No point modifying control rod levels for temperature if the reactor is offline
- if reactor.getActive() then
- -- Actively cooled reactors should range between 0^C-300^C
- -- Actually, active-cooled reactors should range between 300 and 420C (Mechaet)
- -- Accordingly I changed the below lines
- if reactor.isActivelyCooled() and not knowlinglyOverride then
- -- below was 0
- localMinReactorTemp = 300
- -- below was 300
- localMaxReactorTemp = 420
- else
- localMinReactorTemp = _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMinTemp"]
- localMaxReactorTemp = _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorMaxTemp"]
- end
- local lastTempPoll = _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"]
- if _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"] then
- --let's bypass all this math and hit the much-more-subtle cruise feature
- --printLog("min: "..localMinReactorTemp..", max: "..localMaxReactorTemp..", lasttemp: "..lastTempPoll..", ri: "..reactorIndex.." EOL")
- reactorCruise(localMaxReactorTemp, localMinReactorTemp, reactorIndex)
- else
- local localControlRodAdjustAmount = _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["controlRodAdjustAmount"]
- -- Don't bring us to 100, that's effectively a shutdown
- if (reactorTemp > localMaxReactorTemp) and (rodPercentage ~= 99) then
- --increase the rods, but by how much?
- if (reactorTemp > lastTempPoll) then
- --we're climbing, we need to get this to decrease
- if ((reactorTemp - lastTempPoll) > 100) then
- --we're climbing really fast, arrest it
- if (rodPercentage + (10 * localControlRodAdjustAmount)) > 99 then
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(99)
- else
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(rodPercentage + (10 * localControlRodAdjustAmount))
- end
- else
- --we're not climbing by leaps and bounds, let's give it a rod adjustment based on temperature increase
- local diffAmount = reactorTemp - lastTempPoll
- diffAmount = (round(diffAmount/10, 0))/5
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["controlRodAdjustAmount"] = diffAmount
- if (rodPercentage + diffAmount) > 99 then
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(99)
- else
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(rodPercentage + diffAmount)
- end
- end --if ((reactorTemp - lastTempPoll) > 100) then
- elseif ((lastTempPoll - reactorTemp) < (reactorTemp * 0.005)) then
- --temperature has stagnated, kick it very lightly
- local controlRodAdjustment = 1
- if (rodPercentage + controlRodAdjustment) > 99 then
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(99)
- else
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(rodPercentage + controlRodAdjustment)
- end
- end --if (reactorTemp > lastTempPoll) then
- --worth noting that if we're above temp but decreasing, we do nothing. let it continue decreasing.
- elseif ((reactorTemp < localMinReactorTemp) and (rodPercentage ~=0)) or (steamRequested - steamDelivered > 0) then
- --we're too cold. time to warm up, but by how much?
- if (steamRequested > (steamDelivered*2)) then
- -- Bridge to machine room: Full steam ahead!
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(0)
- elseif (reactorTemp < lastTempPoll) then
- --we're descending, let's stop that.
- if ((lastTempPoll - reactorTemp) > 100) then
- --we're headed for a new ice age, bring the heat
- if (rodPercentage - (10 * localControlRodAdjustAmount)) < 0 then
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(0)
- else
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(rodPercentage - (10 * localControlRodAdjustAmount))
- end
- else
- --we're not descending quickly, let's bump it based on descent rate
- local diffAmount = lastTempPoll - reactorTemp
- diffAmount = (round(diffAmount/10, 0))/5
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["controlRodAdjustAmount"] = diffAmount
- if (rodPercentage - diffAmount) < 0 then
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(0)
- else
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(rodPercentage - diffAmount)
- end
- end --if ((lastTempPoll - reactorTemp) > 100) then
- elseif (reactorTemp == lastTempPoll) then
- --temperature has stagnated, kick it very lightly
- local controlRodAdjustment = 1
- if (rodPercentage - controlRodAdjustment) < 0 then
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(0)
- else
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(rodPercentage - controlRodAdjustment)
- end --if (rodPercentage - controlRodAdjustment) < 0 then
- end --if (reactorTemp < lastTempPoll) then
- --if we're below temp but increasing, do nothing and let it continue to rise.
- end --if (reactorTemp > localMaxReactorTemp) and (rodPercentage ~= 99) then
- if ((reactorTemp > localMinReactorTemp) and (reactorTemp < localMaxReactorTemp)) and not (steamRequested - steamDelivered > 0) then
- --engage cruise mode
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"] = true
- end
- end -- if reactorCruising then
- --always set this number
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["lastTempPoll"] = reactorTemp
-[reactorIndex]..".options", _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]])
- end -- if reactor.getActive() then
- else
- printLog("Bypassed temperature control due to rodOverride being "..tostring(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"]).." EOL")
- end -- if not _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"] then
- end -- function temperatureControl(reactorIndex)
- -- Load saved reactor parameters if ReactorOptions file exists
- local function loadReactorOptions()
- local reactorOptions ="ReactorOptions", "r") -- See
- if reactorOptions then
- -- The following values were added by Lolmer
- minStoredEnergyPercent = reactorOptions.readLine()
- maxStoredEnergyPercent = reactorOptions.readLine()
- --added by Mechaet
- -- If we succeeded in reading a string, convert it to a number
- if minStoredEnergyPercent ~= nil then
- minStoredEnergyPercent = tonumber(minStoredEnergyPercent)
- end
- if maxStoredEnergyPercent ~= nil then
- maxStoredEnergyPercent = tonumber(maxStoredEnergyPercent)
- end
- reactorOptions.close()
- end -- if reactorOptions then
- -- Set default values if we failed to read any of the above
- if minStoredEnergyPercent == nil then
- minStoredEnergyPercent = 15
- end
- if maxStoredEnergyPercent == nil then
- maxStoredEnergyPercent = 85
- end
- end -- function loadReactorOptions()
- -- Save our reactor parameters
- local function saveReactorOptions()
- local reactorOptions ="ReactorOptions", "w") -- See
- -- If we can save the files, save them
- if reactorOptions then
- local reactorIndex = 1
- -- The following values were added by Lolmer
- reactorOptions.writeLine(minStoredEnergyPercent)
- reactorOptions.writeLine(maxStoredEnergyPercent)
- reactorOptions.close()
- else
- printLog("Failed to open file ReactorOptions for writing!")
- end -- if reactorOptions then
- end -- function saveReactorOptions()
- local function displayReactorBars(barParams)
- -- Default to first reactor and first monitor
- setmetatable(barParams,{__index={reactorIndex=1, monitorIndex=1}})
- local reactorIndex, monitorIndex =
- barParams[1] or barParams.reactorIndex,
- barParams[2] or barParams.monitorIndex
- printLog("Called as displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- -- Grab current monitor
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- -- Grab current reactor
- local reactor = nil
- reactor = reactorList[reactorIndex]
- if not reactor then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid Big Reactor.")
- return -- Invalid reactorIndex
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is a valid Big Reactor.")
- if reactor.getConnected() then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is connected.")
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT connected.")
- return -- Disconnected reactor
- end -- if reactor.getConnected() then
- end -- if not reactor then
- -- Draw border lines
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- printLog("Size of monitor is "..width.."w x"..height.."h in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..")")
- for i=3, 5 do
- monitor.setCursorPos(22, i)
- monitor.write("|")
- end
- drawLine(6, monitorIndex)
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, height)
- monitor.write("< ")
- monitor.setCursorPos(width-1, height)
- monitor.write(" >")
- -- Draw some text
- local fuelString = "Fuel: "
- local tempString = "Temp: "
- local energyBufferString = ""
- if reactor.isActivelyCooled() then
- energyBufferString = "Steam: "
- else
- energyBufferString = "Energy: "
- end
- local padding = math.max(string.len(fuelString), string.len(tempString), string.len(energyBufferString))
- local fuelPercentage = round(reactor.getFuelAmount()/reactor.getFuelAmountMax()*100,1)
- print{fuelString,2,3,monitorIndex}
- print{fuelPercentage.." %",padding+2,3,monitorIndex}
- local reactorTemp = math.ceil(reactor.getFuelTemperature())
- print{tempString,2,5,monitorIndex}
- print{reactorTemp.." C",padding+2,5,monitorIndex}
- local rodPercentage = math.ceil(reactor.getControlRodLevel(0))
- printLog("Current Rod Percentage for reactor["..reactorIndex.."] is "..rodPercentage.."% in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- print{"Rod (%)",23,3,monitorIndex}
- print{"< >",23,4,monitorIndex}
- print{stringTrim(rodPercentage),25,4,monitorIndex}
- -- getEnergyProducedLastTick() is used for both RF/t (passively cooled) and mB/t (actively cooled)
- local energyBuffer = reactor.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- if reactor.isActivelyCooled() then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] produced "..energyBuffer.." mB last tick in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] produced "..energyBuffer.." RF last tick in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- end
- print{energyBufferString,2,4,monitorIndex}
- -- Actively cooled reactors do not produce energy, only hot fluid mB/t to be used in a turbine
- -- still uses getEnergyProducedLastTick for mB/t of hot fluid generated
- if not reactor.isActivelyCooled() then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT an actively cooled reactor.")
- -- Draw stored energy buffer bar
- drawBar(2,8,28,8,colors.gray,monitorIndex)
- local curStoredEnergyPercent = getReactorStoredEnergyBufferPercent(reactor)
- if curStoredEnergyPercent > 4 then
- drawBar(2, 8, math.floor(26*curStoredEnergyPercent/100)+2, 8, colors.yellow, monitorIndex)
- elseif curStoredEnergyPercent > 0 then
- drawPixel(2, 8, colors.yellow, monitorIndex)
- end -- if curStoredEnergyPercent > 4 then
- print{"Energy Buffer",2,7,monitorIndex}
- print{curStoredEnergyPercent, width-(string.len(curStoredEnergyPercent)+2),7,monitorIndex}
- print{"%",28,7,monitorIndex}
- print{math.ceil(energyBuffer).." RF/t",padding+2,4,monitorIndex}
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is an actively cooled reactor.")
- print{math.ceil(energyBuffer).." mB/t",padding+2,4,monitorIndex}
- end -- if not reactor.isActivelyCooled() then
- -- Print rod override status
- local reactorRodOverrideStatus = ""
- print{"Rod Auto-adjust:",2,9,monitorIndex}
- if not _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"] then
- printLog("Reactor Rod Override status is: "..tostring(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"]).." EOL")
- reactorRodOverrideStatus = "Enabled"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- else
- printLog("Reactor Rod Override status is: "..tostring(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"]).." EOL")
- reactorRodOverrideStatus = "Disabled"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- end -- if not reactorRodOverride then
- printLog("reactorRodOverrideStatus is \""..reactorRodOverrideStatus.."\" in displayReactorBars(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- print{reactorRodOverrideStatus, width - string.len(reactorRodOverrideStatus) - 1, 9, monitorIndex}
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- print{"Reactivity: "..math.ceil(reactor.getFuelReactivity()).." %", 2, 10, monitorIndex}
- print{"Fuel: "..round(reactor.getFuelConsumedLastTick(),3).." mB/t", 2, 11, monitorIndex}
- print{"Waste: "..reactor.getWasteAmount().." mB", width-(string.len(reactor.getWasteAmount())+10), 11, monitorIndex}
- monitor.setTextColor(
- printCentered(_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorName"],12,monitorIndex)
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- -- monitor switch controls
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, height)
- monitor.write("<")
- monitor.setCursorPos(width, height)
- monitor.write(">")
- end -- function displayReactorBars(barParams)
- local function reactorStatus(statusParams)
- -- Default to first reactor and first monitor
- setmetatable(statusParams,{__index={reactorIndex=1, monitorIndex=1}})
- local reactorIndex, monitorIndex =
- statusParams[1] or statusParams.reactorIndex,
- statusParams[2] or statusParams.monitorIndex
- printLog("Called as reactorStatus(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..")")
- -- Grab current monitor
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in reactorStatus(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- -- Grab current reactor
- local reactor = nil
- reactor = reactorList[reactorIndex]
- if not reactor then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in reactorStatus(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid Big Reactor.")
- return -- Invalid reactorIndex
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in reactorStatus(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is a valid Big Reactor.")
- end
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- local reactorStatus = ""
- if reactor.getConnected() then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in reactorStatus(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is connected.")
- if reactor.getActive() then
- reactorStatus = "ONLINE"
- -- Set "ONLINE" to blue if the actively cooled reactor is both in cruise mode and online
- if _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["reactorCruising"] and reactor.isActivelyCooled() then
- monitor.setTextColor(
- else
- monitor.setTextColor(
- end -- if reactorCruising and reactor.isActivelyCooled() then
- else
- reactorStatus = "OFFLINE"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- end -- if reactor.getActive() then
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in reactorStatus(reactorIndex="..reactorIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT connected.")
- reactorStatus = "DISCONNECTED"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- end -- if reactor.getConnected() then
- _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["Status"] = reactorStatus
- print{reactorStatus, width - string.len(reactorStatus) - 1, 1, monitorIndex}
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- end -- function reactorStatus(statusParams)
- -- Display all found reactors' status to selected monitor
- -- This is only called if multiple reactors and/or a reactor plus at least one turbine are found
- local function displayAllStatus(monitorIndex)
- local reactor, turbine = nil, nil
- local onlineReactor, onlineTurbine = 0, 0
- local totalReactorRF, totalReactorSteam, totalTurbineRF = 0, 0, 0
- local totalReactorFuelConsumed = 0
- local totalCoolantStored, totalSteamStored, totalEnergy, totalMaxEnergyStored = 0, 0, 0, 0 -- Total turbine and reactor energy buffer and overall capacity
- local maxSteamStored = (2000*#turbineList)+(5000*#reactorList)
- local maxCoolantStored = (2000*#turbineList)+(5000*#reactorList)
- local monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in displayAllStatus() is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- for reactorIndex = 1, #reactorList do
- reactor = reactorList[reactorIndex]
- if not reactor then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in displayAllStatus() is NOT a valid Big Reactor.")
- break -- Invalid reactorIndex
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in displayAllStatus() is a valid Big Reactor.")
- end -- if not reactor then
- if reactor.getConnected() then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in displayAllStatus() is connected.")
- if reactor.getActive() then
- onlineReactor = onlineReactor + 1
- totalReactorFuelConsumed = totalReactorFuelConsumed + reactor.getFuelConsumedLastTick()
- end -- reactor.getActive() then
- -- Actively cooled reactors do not produce or store energy
- if not reactor.isActivelyCooled() then
- totalMaxEnergyStored = totalMaxEnergyStored + 10000000 -- Reactors store 10M RF
- totalEnergy = totalEnergy + reactor.getEnergyStored()
- totalReactorRF = totalReactorRF + reactor.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- else
- totalReactorSteam = totalReactorSteam + reactor.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- totalSteamStored = totalSteamStored + reactor.getHotFluidAmount()
- totalCoolantStored = totalCoolantStored + reactor.getCoolantAmount()
- end -- if not reactor.isActivelyCooled() then
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in displayAllStatus() is NOT connected.")
- end -- if reactor.getConnected() then
- end -- for reactorIndex = 1, #reactorList do
- for turbineIndex = 1, #turbineList do
- turbine = turbineList[turbineIndex]
- if not turbine then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in displayAllStatus() is NOT a valid Turbine.")
- break -- Invalid turbineIndex
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in displayAllStatus() is a valid Turbine.")
- end -- if not turbine then
- if turbine.getConnected() then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in displayAllStatus() is connected.")
- if turbine.getActive() then
- onlineTurbine = onlineTurbine + 1
- end
- totalMaxEnergyStored = totalMaxEnergyStored + 1000000 -- Turbines store 1M RF
- totalEnergy = totalEnergy + turbine.getEnergyStored()
- totalTurbineRF = totalTurbineRF + turbine.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- totalSteamStored = totalSteamStored + turbine.getInputAmount()
- totalCoolantStored = totalCoolantStored + turbine.getOutputAmount()
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in displayAllStatus() is NOT connected.")
- end -- if turbine.getConnected() then
- end -- for turbineIndex = 1, #turbineList do
- print{"Reactors online/found: "..onlineReactor.."/"..#reactorList, 2, 3, monitorIndex}
- print{"Turbines online/found: "..onlineTurbine.."/"..#turbineList, 2, 4, monitorIndex}
- if totalReactorRF ~= 0 then
- monitor.setTextColor(
- printRight("Reactor", 9, monitorIndex)
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- printRight(math.ceil(totalReactorRF).." (RF/t)", 10, monitorIndex)
- end
- if #turbineList then
- -- Display liquids
- monitor.setTextColor(
- printLeft("Steam (mB)", 6, monitorIndex)
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- printLeft(math.ceil(totalSteamStored).."/"..maxSteamStored, 7, monitorIndex)
- printLeft(math.ceil(totalReactorSteam).." mB/t", 8, monitorIndex)
- monitor.setTextColor(
- printRight("Coolant (mB)", 6, monitorIndex)
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- printRight(math.ceil(totalCoolantStored).."/"..maxCoolantStored, 7, monitorIndex)
- monitor.setTextColor(
- printLeft("Turbine", 9, monitorIndex)
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- printLeft(math.ceil(totalTurbineRF).." RF/t", 10, monitorIndex)
- end -- if #turbineList then
- printCentered("Fuel: "..round(totalReactorFuelConsumed,3).." mB/t", 11, monitorIndex)
- printCentered("Buffer: "..formatReadableSIUnit(math.ceil(totalEnergy)).."/"..formatReadableSIUnit(totalMaxEnergyStored).." RF", 12, monitorIndex)
- -- monitor switch controls
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, height)
- monitor.write("<")
- monitor.setCursorPos(width, height)
- monitor.write(">")
- end -- function displayAllStatus()
- -- Get turbine status
- local function displayTurbineBars(turbineIndex, monitorIndex)
- printLog("Called as displayTurbineBars(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- -- Grab current monitor
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in displayTurbineBars(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- -- Grab current turbine
- local turbine = nil
- turbine = turbineList[turbineIndex]
- if not turbine then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in displayTurbineBars(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid Big Turbine.")
- return -- Invalid turbineIndex
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in displayTurbineBars(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is a valid Big Turbine.")
- if turbine.getConnected() then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in displayTurbineBars(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is connected.")
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in displayTurbineBars(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT connected.")
- return -- Disconnected turbine
- end -- if turbine.getConnected() then
- end -- if not turbine then
- --local variable to match the view on the monitor
- local turbineBaseSpeed = tonumber(_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["BaseSpeed"])
- -- Draw border lines
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- for i=3, 6 do
- monitor.setCursorPos(21, i)
- monitor.write("|")
- end
- drawLine(7,monitorIndex)
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, height)
- monitor.write("< ")
- monitor.setCursorPos(width-1, height)
- monitor.write(" >")
- local turbineFlowRate = tonumber(_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastFlow"])
- print{" mB/t",22,3,monitorIndex}
- print{"< >",22,4,monitorIndex}
- print{stringTrim(turbineFlowRate),24,4,monitorIndex}
- print{" RPM",22,5,monitorIndex}
- print{"< >",22,6,monitorIndex}
- print{stringTrim(tonumber(_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["BaseSpeed"])),24,6,monitorIndex}
- local rotorSpeedString = "Speed: "
- local energyBufferString = "Energy: "
- local steamBufferString = "Steam: "
- local padding = math.max(string.len(rotorSpeedString), string.len(energyBufferString), string.len(steamBufferString))
- local energyBuffer = turbine.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- print{energyBufferString,1,4,monitorIndex}
- print{math.ceil(energyBuffer).." RF/t",padding+1,4,monitorIndex}
- local rotorSpeed = math.ceil(turbine.getRotorSpeed())
- print{rotorSpeedString,1,5,monitorIndex}
- print{rotorSpeed.." RPM",padding+1,5,monitorIndex}
- local steamBuffer = turbine.getFluidFlowRate()
- print{steamBufferString,1,6,monitorIndex}
- print{steamBuffer.." mB/t",padding+1,6,monitorIndex}
- -- PaintUtils only outputs to term., not monitor.
- -- See
- -- Draw stored energy buffer bar
- drawBar(1,9,28,9,colors.gray,monitorIndex)
- local curStoredEnergyPercent = getTurbineStoredEnergyBufferPercent(turbine)
- if curStoredEnergyPercent > 4 then
- drawBar(1, 9, math.floor(26*curStoredEnergyPercent/100)+2, 9, colors.yellow,monitorIndex)
- elseif curStoredEnergyPercent > 0 then
- drawPixel(1, 9, colors.yellow, monitorIndex)
- end -- if curStoredEnergyPercent > 4 then
- print{"Energy Buffer",1,8,monitorIndex}
- print{curStoredEnergyPercent, width-(string.len(curStoredEnergyPercent)+2),8,monitorIndex}
- print{"%",28,8,monitorIndex}
- -- Print rod override status
- local turbineFlowRateOverrideStatus = ""
- print{"Flow Auto-adjust:",2,10,monitorIndex}
- if ((not _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"]) or (_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] == "false")) then
- turbineFlowRateOverrideStatus = "Enabled"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- else
- turbineFlowRateOverrideStatus = "Disabled"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- end -- if not reactorRodOverride then
- print{turbineFlowRateOverrideStatus, width - string.len(turbineFlowRateOverrideStatus) - 1, 10, monitorIndex}
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- -- Print coil status
- local turbineCoilStatus = ""
- print{"Turbine coils:",2,11,monitorIndex}
- if ((_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["CoilsEngaged"]) or (_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["CoilsEngaged"] == "true")) then
- turbineCoilStatus = "Engaged"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- else
- turbineCoilStatus = "Disengaged"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- end
- print{turbineCoilStatus, width - string.len(turbineCoilStatus) - 1, 11, monitorIndex}
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- monitor.setTextColor(
- printCentered(_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["turbineName"],12,monitorIndex)
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- -- monitor switch controls
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, height)
- monitor.write("<")
- monitor.setCursorPos(width, height)
- monitor.write(">")
- -- Need equation to figure out rotor efficiency and display
- end -- function displayTurbineBars(statusParams)
- -- Display turbine status
- local function turbineStatus(turbineIndex, monitorIndex)
- printLog("Called as turbineStatus(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..").")
- -- Grab current monitor
- local monitor = nil
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- if not monitor then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in turbineStatus(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid monitor.")
- return -- Invalid monitorIndex
- end
- -- Grab current turbine
- local turbine = nil
- turbine = turbineList[turbineIndex]
- if not turbine then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in turbineStatus(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT a valid Big Turbine.")
- return -- Invalid turbineIndex
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in turbineStatus(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is a valid Big Turbine.")
- end
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- local turbineStatus = ""
- if turbine.getConnected() then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in turbineStatus(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is connected.")
- if turbine.getActive() then
- turbineStatus = "ONLINE"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- else
- turbineStatus = "OFFLINE"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- end -- if turbine.getActive() then
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["Status"] = turbineStatus
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in turbineStatus(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..",monitorIndex="..monitorIndex..") is NOT connected.")
- turbineStatus = "DISCONNECTED"
- monitor.setTextColor(
- end -- if turbine.getConnected() then
- print{turbineStatus, width - string.len(turbineStatus) - 1, 1, monitorIndex}
- monitor.setTextColor(colors.white)
- end -- function function turbineStatus(turbineIndex, monitorIndex)
- -- Adjust Turbine flow rate to maintain 900 or 1,800 RPM, and disengage coils when buffer full
- local function flowRateControl(turbineIndex)
- if ((not _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"]) or (_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] == "false")) then
- printLog("Called as flowRateControl(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..").")
- -- Grab current turbine
- local turbine = nil
- turbine = turbineList[turbineIndex]
- -- assign for the duration of this run
- local lastTurbineSpeed = tonumber(_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastSpeed"])
- local turbineBaseSpeed = tonumber(_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["BaseSpeed"])
- local coilsEngaged = _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["CoilsEngaged"] or _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["CoilsEngaged"] == "true"
- if not turbine then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in flowRateControl(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..") is NOT a valid Big Turbine.")
- return -- Invalid turbineIndex
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in flowRateControl(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..") is a valid Big Turbine.")
- if turbine.getConnected() then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in flowRateControl(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..") is connected.")
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in flowRateControl(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..") is NOT connected.")
- end -- if turbine.getConnected() then
- end -- if not turbine then
- -- No point modifying control rod levels for temperature if the turbine is offline
- if turbine.getActive() then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in flowRateControl(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..") is active.")
- local flowRate = tonumber(_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastFlow"])
- local flowRateUserMax = math.ceil(turbine.getFluidFlowRateMax())
- local rotorSpeed = math.ceil(turbine.getRotorSpeed())
- local newFlowRate = -1
- local currentStoredEnergyPercent = getTurbineStoredEnergyBufferPercent(turbine)
- if (currentStoredEnergyPercent >= maxStoredEnergyPercent) then
- if (coilsEngaged) then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."]: Disengaging coils, energy buffer at "..currentStoredEnergyPercent.." (>="..maxStoredEnergyPercent..").")
- newFlowRate = 0
- coilsEngaged = false
- end
- elseif (currentStoredEnergyPercent < minStoredEnergyPercent) then
- if (not coilsEngaged) then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."]: Engaging coils, energy buffer at "..currentStoredEnergyPercent.." (<"..minStoredEnergyPercent..").")
- -- set flow rate to what's probably the max load flow for the desired RPM
- newFlowRate = 2000 / (1817 / turbineBaseSpeed)
- coilsEngaged = true
- end
- end
- -- Going to control the turbine based on target RPM since changing the target flow rate bypasses this function
- if (rotorSpeed < turbineBaseSpeed) then
- local diffSpeed = rotorSpeed - lastTurbineSpeed
- local diffBaseSpeed = turbineBaseSpeed - rotorSpeed
- if (diffSpeed > 0) then
- if (diffBaseSpeed > turbineBaseSpeed * 0.05) then
- -- let's speed this up. DOUBLE TIME!
- coilsEngaged = false
- elseif (diffSpeed > diffBaseSpeed * 0.05) then
- --we're still increasing, let's let it level off
- --also lets the first control pass go by on startup
- printLog("Leveling off...")
- end
- elseif (rotorSpeed < lastTurbineSpeed) then
- --we're decreasing where we should be increasing, do something
- if ((lastTurbineSpeed - rotorSpeed) > 100) then
- --kick it harder
- newFlowRate = 2000
- printLog("HARD KICK")
- else
- --let's adjust based on proximity
- flowAdjustment = (turbineBaseSpeed - rotorSpeed)/5
- newFlowRate = flowRate + flowAdjustment
- printLog("Light Kick: new flow rate is "..newFlowRate.." mB/t and flowAdjustment was "..flowAdjustment.." EOL")
- end
- else
- --we've stagnated, kick it.
- flowAdjustment = (turbineBaseSpeed - lastTurbineSpeed)
- newFlowRate = flowRate + flowAdjustment
- printLog("Stagnated: new flow rate is "..newFlowRate.." mB/t and flowAdjustment was "..flowAdjustment.." EOL")
- end --if (rotorSpeed > lastTurbineSpeed) then
- else
- --we're above commanded turbine speed
- if (rotorSpeed < lastTurbineSpeed) then
- --we're decreasing, let it level off
- --also bypasses first control pass on startup
- elseif (rotorSpeed > lastTurbineSpeed) then
- --we're above and ascending.
- if ((rotorSpeed - lastTurbineSpeed) > 100) then
- --halt
- newFlowRate = 0
- else
- --let's adjust based on proximity
- flowAdjustment = (rotorSpeed - turbineBaseSpeed)/5
- newFlowRate = flowRate - flowAdjustment
- printLog("Light Kick: new flow rate is "..newFlowRate.." mB/t and flowAdjustment was "..flowAdjustment.." EOL")
- end
- -- With coils disengaged, we have no chance of slowing. More importantly, this stops DOUBLE TIME.
- coilsEngaged = true
- else
- --we've stagnated, kick it.
- flowAdjustment = (lastTurbineSpeed - turbineBaseSpeed)
- newFlowRate = flowRate - flowAdjustment
- printLog("Stagnated: new flow rate is "..newFlowRate.." mB/t and flowAdjustment was "..flowAdjustment.." EOL")
- end --if (rotorSpeed < lastTurbineSpeed) then
- end --if (rotorSpeed < turbineBaseSpeed)
- --check to make sure an adjustment was made
- if (newFlowRate == -1) then
- --do nothing, we didn't ask for anything this pass
- else
- --boundary check
- if newFlowRate > 2000 then
- newFlowRate = 2000
- elseif newFlowRate < 0 then
- newFlowRate = 0
- end -- if newFlowRate > 2000 then
- --no sense running an adjustment if it's not necessary
- if ((newFlowRate < flowRate) or (newFlowRate > flowRate)) then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in flowRateControl(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..") is being commanded to "..newFlowRate.." mB/t flow")
- newFlowRate = round(newFlowRate, 0)
- turbine.setFluidFlowRateMax(newFlowRate)
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastFlow"] = newFlowRate
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- end
- end
- turbine.setInductorEngaged(coilsEngaged)
- --always set this
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["CoilsEngaged"] = coilsEngaged
- _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["LastSpeed"] = rotorSpeed
-[turbineIndex]..".options", _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]])
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in flowRateControl(turbineIndex="..turbineIndex..") is NOT active.")
- end -- if turbine.getActive() then
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] has flow override set to "..tostring(_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"])..", bypassing flow control.")
- end -- if not _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] then
- end -- function flowRateControl(turbineIndex)
- local function helpText()
- -- these keys are actually defined in eventHandler(), check there
- return [[Keyboard commands:
- m Select next monitor
- s Make selected monitor display global status
- x Make selected monitor display debug information
- d Toggle debug mode
- q Quit
- r Quit and reboot
- h Print this help
- ]]
- end -- function helpText()
- local function initializePeripherals()
- monitorAssignments = {}
- -- Get our list of connected monitors and reactors
- findMonitors()
- findReactors()
- findTurbines()
- assignMonitors()
- end
- local function updateMonitors()
- -- Display overall status on selected monitors
- for monitorName, deviceData in pairs(monitorAssignments) do
- local monitor = nil
- local monitorIndex = deviceData.index
- local monitorType = deviceData.type
- monitor = monitorList[monitorIndex]
- printLog("main(): Trying to display "..monitorType.." on "..monitorNames[monitorIndex].."["..monitorIndex.."]", DEBUG)
- if #monitorList < (#reactorList + #turbineList + 1) then
- printLog("You may want "..(#reactorList + #turbineList + 1).." monitors for your "..#reactorList.." connected reactors and "..#turbineList.." connected turbines.")
- end
- if (not monitor) or (not monitor.getSize()) then
- printLog("monitor["..monitorIndex.."] in main() is NOT a valid monitor, discarding", ERROR)
- monitorAssignments[monitorName] = nil
- -- we need to get out of the for loop now, or it will dereference (where x is the element we just killed) and crash
- break
- elseif monitorType == "Status" then
- -- General status display
- clearMonitor(progName.." "..progVer, monitorIndex) -- Clear monitor and draw borders
- printCentered(progName.." "..progVer, 1, monitorIndex)
- displayAllStatus(monitorIndex)
- elseif monitorType == "Reactor" then
- -- Reactor display
- local reactorMonitorIndex = monitorIndex
- for reactorIndex = 1, #reactorList do
- if deviceData.reactorName == reactorNames[reactorIndex] then
- printLog("Attempting to display reactor["..reactorIndex.."] on monitor["..monitorIndex.."]...", DEBUG)
- -- Only attempt to assign a monitor if we have a monitor for this reactor
- if (reactorMonitorIndex <= #monitorList) then
- printLog("Displaying reactor["..reactorIndex.."] on monitor["..reactorMonitorIndex.."].")
- clearMonitor(progName, reactorMonitorIndex) -- Clear monitor and draw borders
- printCentered(progName, 1, reactorMonitorIndex)
- -- Display reactor status, includes "Disconnected" but found reactors
- reactorStatus{reactorIndex, reactorMonitorIndex}
- -- Draw the borders and bars for the current reactor on the current monitor
- displayReactorBars{reactorIndex, reactorMonitorIndex}
- end
- end -- if deviceData.reactorName == reactorNames[reactorIndex] then
- end -- for reactorIndex = 1, #reactorList do
- elseif monitorType == "Turbine" then
- -- Turbine display
- local turbineMonitorIndex = monitorIndex
- for turbineIndex = 1, #turbineList do
- if deviceData.turbineName == turbineNames[turbineIndex] then
- printLog("Attempting to display turbine["..turbineIndex.."] on monitor["..turbineMonitorIndex.."]...", DEBUG)
- -- Only attempt to assign a monitor if we have a monitor for this turbine
- if (turbineMonitorIndex <= #monitorList) then
- printLog("Displaying turbine["..turbineIndex.."] on monitor["..turbineMonitorIndex.."].")
- clearMonitor(progName, turbineMonitorIndex) -- Clear monitor and draw borders
- printCentered(progName, 1, turbineMonitorIndex)
- -- Display turbine status, includes "Disconnected" but found turbines
- turbineStatus(turbineIndex, turbineMonitorIndex)
- -- Draw the borders and bars for the current turbine on the current monitor
- displayTurbineBars(turbineIndex, turbineMonitorIndex)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif monitorType == "Debug" then
- -- do nothing, printLog() outputs to here
- else
- clearMonitor(progName, monitorIndex)
- print{"Monitor inactive", 7, 7, monitorIndex}
- end -- if monitorType == [...]
- end
- end
- function main()
- -- Load reactor parameters and initialize systems
- loadReactorOptions()
- initializePeripherals()
- write(helpText())
- while not finished do
- updateMonitors()
- local reactor = nil
- local sd = 0
- -- Iterate through reactors
- for reactorIndex = 1, #reactorList do
- local monitor = nil
- reactor = reactorList[reactorIndex]
- if not reactor then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in main() is NOT a valid Big Reactor.")
- break -- Invalid reactorIndex
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] in main() is a valid Big Reactor.")
- end -- if not reactor then
- if reactor.getConnected() then
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] is connected.")
- -- Collect steam production data
- if reactor.isActivelyCooled() then
- sd = sd + reactor.getHotFluidProducedLastTick()
- else -- Not actively cooled
- local curStoredEnergyPercent = getReactorStoredEnergyBufferPercent(reactor)
- -- Shutdown reactor if current stored energy % is >= desired level, otherwise activate
- -- First pass will have curStoredEnergyPercent=0 until displayBars() is run once
- if curStoredEnergyPercent >= maxStoredEnergyPercent then
- reactor.setActive(false)
- -- Do not auto-start the reactor if it was manually powered off (autoStart=false)
- elseif (curStoredEnergyPercent <= minStoredEnergyPercent) and (_G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["autoStart"] == true) then
- reactor.setActive(true)
- end -- if curStoredEnergyPercent >= maxStoredEnergyPercent then
- end -- if reactor.isActivelyCooled() then
- -- Don't try to auto-adjust control rods if manual control is requested
- if not _G[reactorNames[reactorIndex]]["ReactorOptions"]["rodOverride"] then
- temperatureControl(reactorIndex)
- end -- if not reactorRodOverride then
- else
- printLog("reactor["..reactorIndex.."] is NOT connected.")
- end -- if reactor.getConnected() then
- end -- for reactorIndex = 1, #reactorList do
- -- Now that temperatureControl() had a chance to use it, reset/calculate steam data for next iteration
- printLog("Steam requested: "..steamRequested.." mB")
- printLog("Steam delivered: "..steamDelivered.." mB")
- steamDelivered = sd
- steamRequested = 0
- -- Turbine control
- for turbineIndex = 1, #turbineList do
- turbine = turbineList[turbineIndex]
- if not turbine then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in main() is NOT a valid Big Turbine.")
- break -- Invalid turbineIndex
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] in main() is a valid Big Turbine.")
- end -- if not turbine then
- if turbine.getConnected() then
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] is connected.")
- if ((not _G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"]) or (_G[turbineNames[turbineIndex]]["TurbineOptions"]["flowOverride"] == "false")) then
- flowRateControl(turbineIndex)
- end -- if not turbineFlowRateOverride[turbineIndex] then
- -- Collect steam consumption data
- if turbine.getActive() then
- steamRequested = steamRequested + turbine.getFluidFlowRateMax()
- end
- else
- printLog("turbine["..turbineIndex.."] is NOT connected.")
- end -- if turbine.getConnected() then
- end -- for reactorIndex = 1, #reactorList do
- wait(loopTime) -- Sleep. No, wait...
- saveReactorOptions()
- end -- while not finished do
- end -- main()
- -- handle all the user interaction events
- eventHandler = function(event, arg1, arg2, arg3)
- printLog(string.format("handleEvent(%s, %s, %s, %s)", tostring(event), tostring(arg1), tostring(arg2), tostring(arg3)), DEBUG)
- if event == "monitor_touch" then
- sideClick, xClick, yClick = arg1, math.floor(arg2), math.floor(arg3)
- UI:handlePossibleClick()
- elseif (event == "peripheral") or (event == "peripheral_detach") then
- printLog("Change in network detected. Reinitializing peripherals. We will be back shortly.", WARN)
- initializePeripherals()
- elseif event == "char" and not inManualMode then
- local ch = string.lower(arg1)
- -- remember to update helpText() when you edit these
- if ch == "q" then
- finished = true
- elseif ch == "d" then
- debugMode = not debugMode
- local modeText
- if debugMode then
- modeText = "on"
- else
- modeText = "off"
- end
- termRestore()
- write("debugMode "..modeText.."\n")
- elseif ch == "m" then
- UI:selectNextMonitor()
- elseif ch == "s" then
- UI:selectStatus()
- elseif ch == "x" then
- UI:selectDebug()
- elseif ch == "r" then
- finished = true
- os.reboot()
- elseif ch == "h" then
- write(helpText())
- end -- if ch == "q" then
- end -- if event == "monitor_touch" then
- updateMonitors()
- end -- function eventHandler()
- main()
- -- Clear up after an exit
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
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